VOD at https://mines.expert/BossmanJack/Kick/get rich or die trying 2023-12-06 13_27 [04765858-get-rich-or-die-trying].mp4 [00:00:00.000 -> 00:00:25.440]: I'm alive guys. Anybody out there? Anybody hear me? All right. Fun go. Fun guys. [00:00:25.440 -> 00:00:52.440]: All right. Here we go. New $15. Wow. What's up ref, right? How can I help you? Why [00:00:52.440 -> 00:01:05.160]: do I worry about my money? Oh, it's my first hand. Good. Got an ace. I got an ace. Got an [00:01:05.160 -> 00:01:12.840]: ace. First ace. First ace. Give me the 10. Oh, what the fuck. Hopefully she doesn't have [00:01:12.840 -> 00:01:22.360]: a dude. She fucking has it, dude. Oh my God, man. [00:01:22.360 -> 00:01:26.760]: What the fuck is really, bitch? What the fuck? [00:01:26.760 -> 00:01:43.480]: Damn, Corey. You're fucking crazy, bro. [00:01:43.480 -> 00:01:49.880]: I got an ace again. I got an ace again. Let's go. [00:01:50.680 -> 00:01:55.960]: Where's the queen? Let's go give me a 10, baby. Please? Yeah! Blackjack! [00:01:55.960 -> 00:02:02.680]: Let's fucking go, guys. Let's fucking go. Blackjack Aruski. [00:02:02.680 -> 00:02:08.520]: Let's go and go. What about Allison? It's got a Blackjack. Let's go. [00:02:11.320 -> 00:02:23.960]: Very nice. Very nice. [00:02:23.960 -> 00:02:28.520]: Good, baby. [00:02:34.680 -> 00:02:40.840]: Got a 7. [00:02:40.840 -> 00:02:46.040]: Yes! Dude, I might double that. I think I'm gonna double that, dude. I might have to double that, dude. I'm gonna double that. [00:02:46.040 -> 00:02:52.120]: Wish me luck, guys. I'm doublein that. Come on, baby. Give me a 10. Give me 10 or nace. 10 or nace. [00:02:52.120 -> 00:02:56.200]: 10 or nace, baby. 10 or nace, guys. [00:02:56.200 -> 00:03:01.160]: No! Don't pull anything, lady. Don't pull anything. [00:03:02.280 -> 00:03:07.080]: No, he just took a 10 from her and that's okay. 13.0 10, lady. 14.0 10, lady. [00:03:07.080 -> 00:03:10.200]: Yeah! Let's fucking go. [00:03:10.200 -> 00:03:16.600]: Let's fucking go. 115 bucks. [00:03:20.600 -> 00:03:27.400]: He was 35 with five on a pair. He's teaching money, baby. [00:03:27.400 -> 00:03:37.960]: Got a six, man. Do you know what you want? There's a nine. That's what you want. [00:03:37.960 -> 00:03:44.600]: Come on. Oh, 16 versus nine, guys. I think I got to hit that dude, to be honest with you. [00:03:45.960 -> 00:03:51.560]: I got to hit that dude. What do you think? I'm gonna hit it dude. Please lordy. Please. Four or five. [00:03:51.560 -> 00:04:00.520]: Three four five. Oh, what a hit guys. What a hit. Holy shit. What a hit dude. [00:04:00.520 -> 00:04:11.080]: Holy shit dude. Cool 10. Yeah. Yes. She did. I'm just fucking go. Holy crap. I'm a fat. [00:04:12.040 -> 00:04:14.280]: It's our with 55 just like two minutes ago dude. [00:04:14.280 -> 00:04:20.920]: Let's get a pair dude. Split them bitches. Let's go. [00:04:20.920 -> 00:04:35.640]: Pair of aces. Please pair of aces or blackjack. Pair of aces or blackjack baby. [00:04:35.640 -> 00:04:40.280]: Where'd I get? Where'd I get? Oh fucking three. [00:04:40.280 -> 00:04:46.440]: I'm gonna double that dude. I'm gonna double that. I'm getting greedy. Let's go baby. [00:04:46.440 -> 00:04:51.160]: Let's get a fucking, let's get a six or seven. Six or seven baby double. [00:04:51.160 -> 00:04:56.360]: Oh no! I thought that was a fucking 21. I'm an idiot. Come on. [00:04:56.360 -> 00:05:02.920]: Come on pull 10 pull 10 lady. No. Oh my god. There it all goes. It's all gone. [00:05:03.640 -> 00:05:12.120]: Well, it's about to be. Oh my fucking god. What the fuck was that? God damn it dude. Of course man. [00:05:12.120 -> 00:05:16.600]: Oh fucking course dude. [00:05:31.400 -> 00:05:42.920]: Oh my god. I just lost it all. I'm actually can't stand that. Watch me win. I hope so. [00:05:42.920 -> 00:05:48.920]: I know that sounds crazy not not to hit that but there's so many low cards on the table. [00:05:48.920 -> 00:05:54.840]: I feel like I'll see you gonna pull 10 sound. I know there's like six decks or some shit though. [00:05:57.800 -> 00:06:03.480]: I would have gotten a 21. I would have gotten a 21 if I hit that. What the fuck did you see that? [00:06:03.480 -> 00:06:08.360]: Oh my god just lost it all. I just lost it all. It's all fucking gone dude. [00:06:08.360 -> 00:06:13.320]: Wow. Well I'll see y'all tomorrow man. I'm fucking super depressed right now dude. [00:06:13.320 -> 00:06:19.320]: I just lost like four bands tonight dude. Fucking crazy. You'll have a good day man. [00:06:19.320 -> 00:06:26.520]: Yo sport track we don't need that dude you're a grown-ass man. Why are you putting emojis in [00:06:26.520 -> 00:06:28.920]: my chat. [00:06:28.920 -> 00:06:36.200]: God damn man my fucking life is terrible dude. Oh well. [00:06:36.200 -> 00:06:37.700]: (beep)