VOD at https://mines.expert/BossmanJack/Kick/Road to 7k Followers!! !discord 2023-10-23 09_13 [03378700-road-to-7k-followers-discord].mp4 [00:00:00.000 -> 00:00:10.000]: [MUSIC] [00:00:10.000 -> 00:00:20.000]: [MUSIC] [00:00:20.000 -> 00:00:30.000]: [MUSIC] [00:00:30.000 -> 00:00:40.000]: [MUSIC] [00:00:40.000 -> 00:00:50.000]: [MUSIC] [00:00:50.000 -> 00:01:00.000]: [MUSIC] [00:01:00.000 -> 00:01:10.000]: [MUSIC] [00:01:10.000 -> 00:01:20.000]: [MUSIC] [00:01:20.000 -> 00:01:35.000]: [MUSIC] [00:01:35.000 -> 00:01:36.000]: >> Can you guys see this? [00:01:36.000 -> 00:01:37.000]: Can you guys see what type? [00:01:37.000 -> 00:01:42.000]: [LAUGH] [00:01:42.000 -> 00:01:44.000]: God damn that pussy noise. [00:01:44.000 -> 00:01:47.000]: God damn, God damn that pussy noise, right? [00:01:47.000 -> 00:01:50.000]: [LAUGH] All right, guys, let's be luck. [00:01:50.000 -> 00:01:54.000]: I thought that would make y'all laugh, but no one started laughing, so. [00:01:54.000 -> 00:01:57.000]: Flash one wave, damn that pussy noise. [00:01:57.000 -> 00:02:00.000]: What's up, Krampol, how you doing boss? [00:02:00.000 -> 00:02:04.000]: Right in on my depot here, another 40 man, let's be luck. [00:02:04.000 -> 00:02:06.000]: You couldn't see it. [00:02:06.000 -> 00:02:10.000]: You don't see that? [00:02:10.000 -> 00:02:12.000]: You know how to not see that. [00:02:12.000 -> 00:02:17.000]: It's right in front of your face. [00:02:17.000 -> 00:02:29.000]: This is a joke in the thief by a wolf mother. [00:02:29.000 -> 00:02:38.000]: I'm so open bro, I just lost 40 in like two seconds. [00:02:38.000 -> 00:02:49.000]: Hopefully bro, I'm going to have to train a god above. [00:02:49.000 -> 00:02:50.000]: I sure can. [00:02:50.000 -> 00:02:53.000]: That's a great song. [00:02:53.000 -> 00:02:55.000]: This is a good song dude. [00:02:55.000 -> 00:02:58.000]: When I was in rehab last summer, the whole time I was like, [00:02:58.000 -> 00:03:01.000]: \I cannot wait to have the most epic stream when I get home.\"" [00:03:01.000 -> 00:03:04.000]: And this is why I'm going to start my stream with this song right here. [00:03:04.000 -> 00:03:05.000]: And I believe I did. [00:03:05.000 -> 00:03:09.000]: It wasn't an epic stream, but I tried to make it epic. [00:03:09.000 -> 00:03:12.000]: This is how I started right here. Can I imagine? [00:03:12.000 -> 00:03:13.000]: Boss Man Jack. [00:03:13.000 -> 00:03:15.000]: First time back in four weeks. [00:03:15.000 -> 00:03:19.000]: Well, Chuck, what do you think's going to happen tonight? [00:03:19.000 -> 00:03:22.000]: Well, I mean, we're talking about Boss Man Jack here. [00:03:22.000 -> 00:03:26.000]: I mean, you know, they call him the Master Kino, but shit. [00:03:26.000 -> 00:03:29.000]: As far as I'm concerned, he lost 50K on that bitch. [00:03:29.000 -> 00:03:33.000]: Well, John, yeah, but he also made 50K on Kino. [00:03:33.000 -> 00:03:35.000]: Yeah, he also lost it on it. [00:03:35.000 -> 00:03:38.000]: Yeah, well, let's see you make 50K on Kino, bitch. [00:03:38.000 -> 00:03:40.000]: You know what I'm saying? Let's see you do it. [00:03:40.000 -> 00:03:42.000]: Let's see you run up to 50K. [00:03:42.000 -> 00:03:43.000]: Let's see it. [00:03:43.000 -> 00:03:46.000]: You're pussyass would stop at 3K and go buy a fucking Honda. [00:03:46.000 -> 00:03:53.000]: That's a good song, though. It really is. [00:03:53.000 -> 00:03:58.000]: I'm the magic human. [00:03:58.000 -> 00:04:00.000]: Let's make sure I'm on the moon. [00:04:00.000 -> 00:04:14.000]: I want your way, hit me open road, there's magic, got your fingers. [00:04:14.000 -> 00:04:22.000]: Father's baby, they're burning, there's a demand in contact in your head, the song determines. [00:04:22.000 -> 00:04:37.000]: They're burning, there's magic, got your fingers, there's magic, got your fingers. [00:04:37.000 -> 00:05:03.000]: I'm in a machinery making modern music, you can still be open-hearted. [00:05:03.000 -> 00:05:31.000]: I just ban some rat in my chat, I love y'all seen that in Discord. [00:05:31.000 -> 00:05:48.000]: I got to go with life. [00:05:48.000 -> 00:06:09.000]: I'm in a machine making modern music. [00:06:09.000 -> 00:06:24.000]: I'm in a machine making modern music, I'm in a machine making modern music. [00:06:24.000 -> 00:06:51.000]: I'm in a machine making modern music, I'm in a machine making modern music, I'm in a machine [00:06:51.000 -> 00:07:16.000]: making modern music, I'm in a machine making modern music, I'm in a machine making modern [00:07:16.000 -> 00:07:31.000]: music, I'm in a machine making modern music, I'm in a machine making modern music, I'm in [00:07:31.000 -> 00:07:52.360]: a machine making modern music, I'm in a machine making modern music, I'm in a machine making [00:07:52.360 -> 00:08:13.360]: modern music, I'm in a machine making modern music, I'm in a machine making modern music, [00:08:13.360 -> 00:08:35.480]: I'm in a machine making modern music, I'm in a machine making modern music, I'm in a machine [00:08:35.480 -> 00:09:02.080]: making modern music, I'm in a machine making modern music, I'm in a machine making modern [00:09:02.080 -> 00:09:09.080]: Yeah me too it's been a while too actually. We're gonna climb fat to this song, I can feel it. It is a good song. [00:09:09.080 -> 00:09:22.080]: A lot of people know this song. Oh and you're a miserable guru, you're miserable. You're miserable. You're miserable. You're mad at life. You want to take it out on me. I've done nothing wrong to you. I've never done anything wrong to you guru. [00:09:22.080 -> 00:09:44.080]: Hold on, let me ban him real quick. I want to ask him one thing. Guru, what have I done wrong to you for you to be so hateful towards me? You're miserable. Just admit it. What have I done wrong to you? I want to know. What have I done wrong to you? Start using your keywords. It's not hard to type. I know you can type fast. Come on, man. Yes, Ghost. Yes. [00:09:44.080 -> 00:10:01.080]: Alright, I did fuck your mom, but that was only like three times, man. First time she came on to me, bro. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I grabbed your mom's sweet cheeks and shoved my pizza in her vagina. I'm sorry. Fuck you. Pussy. [00:10:07.080 -> 00:10:36.080]: He sent me ten dollars, like ten times. Wow, send me a hundred bucks. A lot of rats send me money for whatever reason. Fuck over yourself. I have proof of your rat. I do have proof of your rat, actually. If I can find the screenshot of it. Fuck that. It's too much energy and time. Get lost and don't come back. Hey, he's a fucking pussy, bro. He's with a chungus pussy and shit. A streamer that everyone thinks it's chill. [00:10:36.080 -> 00:10:43.080]: He's a fucking douchebag. Once again, never have I done anything wrong to these people. [00:10:43.080 -> 00:10:49.080]: Alright, here we go, guys. Wish me a fucking lot. So I'll say a quick prayer. Please, Lord. [00:10:49.080 -> 00:10:56.080]: Give me some wins here. I could really use it. And maybe I can bless my community if I can climb. [00:10:56.080 -> 00:11:00.080]: And we'll see what happens. Amen. [00:11:00.080 -> 00:11:08.080]: Come on. Why does it feel slower than normal? There we go. Come on. [00:11:08.080 -> 00:11:14.080]: No fucking way, dude. Oh, we're halfway down. Lovely. [00:11:14.080 -> 00:11:18.080]: It's just not, it's just not hitting tonight at all. It doesn't hit at all, dude. [00:11:18.080 -> 00:11:27.080]: It's just not fucking hitting. Yo, Penny's gonna hit fat, watch this. Maybe not. [00:11:27.080 -> 00:11:34.080]: Bro, I have not won one time. There we fucking go. [00:11:34.080 -> 00:11:51.080]: Come on. Yeah! Oh, I need that. Come on. [00:11:51.080 -> 00:11:56.080]: Bro. Bro, no way. [00:11:56.080 -> 00:12:04.080]: There we go. There we fucking go, bitch. [00:12:04.080 -> 00:12:10.080]: Come on, man, please. [00:12:10.080 -> 00:12:21.080]: Bro, this is such bullshit, man. There's actually no fucking way, man. [00:12:21.080 -> 00:12:26.080]: Wow, dude. It's all I gotta say, man, is wow. [00:12:26.080 -> 00:12:33.080]: That's actually so fucking sad. Wow, dude. [00:12:33.080 -> 00:12:40.080]: Wow. Can you believe that? Wow. [00:12:40.080 -> 00:12:45.080]: Come on, that's not sus, you guys. [00:12:45.080 -> 00:12:49.080]: No plus twos all night, not a single plus two. [00:12:49.080 -> 00:12:52.080]: It would be one win minus five by four losses, man. [00:12:52.080 -> 00:12:55.080]: Well, my life is actually fucking garbage, dude. [00:12:55.080 -> 00:12:57.660]: (upbeat music)