VOD at https://mines.expert/BossmanJack/Kick/Road to 6k Followers!! !discord !chanced 2023-10-12 15_36 [406e7-road-to-6k-followers-discord-chanced].mp4 [00:00:00.000 -> 00:00:02.580]: (upbeat music) [00:00:02.580 -> 00:00:06.360]: Oh, oh wow, that hurt me. [00:00:06.360 -> 00:00:12.720]: Yeah, sit the rock down. [00:00:12.720 -> 00:00:18.520]: Got him, nicely blood, let's go, let's go. [00:00:18.520 -> 00:00:23.800]: Oh, we just got shit on, bro. [00:00:23.800 -> 00:00:25.360]: Bro, we just got shit on. [00:00:25.360 -> 00:00:26.680]: How do I type? [00:00:26.680 -> 00:00:27.520]: Can you hear me? [00:00:27.520 -> 00:00:28.960]: How do I use my mic, bro? [00:00:28.960 -> 00:00:29.880]: We just got shit on. [00:00:29.880 -> 00:00:32.120]: The whole team was right there, bro. [00:00:32.120 -> 00:00:33.240]: Their whole team was there. [00:00:33.240 -> 00:00:35.720]: That's where they got, they're gonna play in a B. [00:00:35.720 -> 00:00:37.640]: Yeah, the B's fucked. [00:00:37.640 -> 00:00:38.600]: They're gonna be late. [00:00:38.600 -> 00:00:40.440]: Did they already play in a B or what? [00:00:40.440 -> 00:00:43.120]: Are you, don't worry? [00:00:43.120 -> 00:00:44.680]: You can hear me talking? [00:00:44.680 -> 00:00:45.760]: Oh, it's the stream, of course. [00:00:45.760 -> 00:00:46.600]: Okay, okay. [00:00:46.600 -> 00:00:49.600]: All right, that's a bit. [00:00:49.600 -> 00:00:52.040]: Let's go B again. [00:00:52.040 -> 00:00:54.360]: Actually, yeah, let's go B again. [00:00:54.360 -> 00:00:55.200]: Yeah, they're right there. [00:00:55.200 -> 00:00:56.560]: Get 'em, get 'em, get 'em, boys. [00:00:56.560 -> 00:00:59.400]: Beautiful, beautiful, nice kill. [00:00:59.400 -> 00:01:00.400]: Let's fucking go. [00:01:00.400 -> 00:01:04.360]: Oh, you get shit on, boy. [00:01:04.360 -> 00:01:06.080]: That was clean, this guy's pretty good. [00:01:06.080 -> 00:01:09.040]: Let's go. [00:01:09.040 -> 00:01:13.080]: So, is it tell you up top of how many people are left? [00:01:13.080 -> 00:01:14.400]: Yeah, that was a good comeback right there. [00:01:14.400 -> 00:01:17.520]: And their whole team was at B, bro, they just smashed. [00:01:17.520 -> 00:01:18.880]: All right, I got one kill. [00:01:18.880 -> 00:01:19.840]: Let's go, let's go, let's go. [00:01:19.840 -> 00:01:20.840]: Let's get this money. [00:01:20.840 -> 00:01:24.240]: Yo, which I buy, oh, it's round two, guys. [00:01:24.240 -> 00:01:27.480]: I'm gonna turn the music off too, my bad, guys. [00:01:27.480 -> 00:01:29.480]: Yeah, I need to play with no music, dudes. [00:01:29.480 -> 00:01:31.040]: All right, well, what should I buy, guys? [00:01:31.040 -> 00:01:32.600]: Music-wise, or music-wise? [00:01:32.600 -> 00:01:34.320]: What the hell am I, shit? [00:01:34.320 -> 00:01:36.200]: Should I buy a vest, Calvarn helmet? [00:01:36.200 -> 00:01:37.920]: How much points do I have? [00:01:37.920 -> 00:01:39.840]: How many points do I have, bro? [00:01:39.840 -> 00:01:42.600]: Dude, what do I buy, bro? [00:01:42.600 -> 00:01:43.640]: Somebody help me out. [00:01:43.640 -> 00:01:48.260]: Buy a BLP, a BLP. [00:01:48.260 -> 00:01:51.400]: Where the fuck is that, bro? [00:01:51.400 -> 00:01:54.000]: What the fuck's a BLP, bro, I don't see that shit? [00:01:54.000 -> 00:01:58.180]: Coacher, coach your culture. What the hell am I that high bro? [00:01:58.180 -> 00:02:04.560]: Dude, what the fuck it's too late now. I'm saving my money. All right. Let's go the blood actually. No, it's go be. Let's go be [00:02:04.560 -> 00:02:07.520]: Go be [00:02:07.760 -> 00:02:09.760]: Money [00:02:09.760 -> 00:02:20.860]: Here you got fucking 8k. Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. He's one. He's one. Okay, okay [00:02:20.860 -> 00:02:33.620]: Caught I tagged him a few times, bro. I tagged him a few times. I got you back. I got your back [00:02:33.800 -> 00:02:35.800]: Nice [00:02:35.800 -> 00:02:38.560]: Nice [00:02:38.560 -> 00:02:40.560]: So fucking go. Oh [00:02:40.560 -> 00:02:46.400]: I'm taking this gun. How do I pick this? How do I pick up the gun, bro? It just disappeared. I swear to God. Oh, my God [00:02:46.400 -> 00:02:49.000]: I got it. Oh, my dude. It's like guys. Oh [00:02:49.000 -> 00:02:52.760]: There [00:02:52.760 -> 00:02:55.960]: Oh, I was a fucking bomb [00:02:55.960 -> 00:03:02.500]: What bro? Oh, it's about the gun. Oh, you're dude. He's got a mad delay, bro. Well, you have a mad delay on stream [00:03:03.180 -> 00:03:11.500]: Do they probably gonna be right here again? Oh shit. Oh, no, did I get this gun? [00:03:11.500 -> 00:03:16.900]: Okay, all right, but [00:03:16.900 -> 00:03:23.900]: What is this pretty weird I'm saying? I mean, let's get a helmet in this flashbang [00:03:23.900 -> 00:03:29.360]: All right, we're going [00:03:30.900 -> 00:03:32.900]: How do I use my fucking mic and it's [00:03:32.900 -> 00:03:39.900]: Dude, my ping is 131. What the hell is that? Oh, that's my damage. Where do I check my ping at guys? [00:03:39.900 -> 00:03:52.580]: These not Mike no, I don't like this weapon dude. Oh, I picked this back down. There we go. Oh [00:03:52.580 -> 00:03:56.100]: I'm a throw grenade. Watch out [00:03:56.100 -> 00:03:58.100]: Oh [00:03:58.100 -> 00:04:00.100]: I [00:04:00.100 -> 00:04:18.220]: Got you guys got him nice nice [00:04:25.700 -> 00:04:34.940]: Dude what the fuck here we go? Where these little bitches at? [00:04:34.940 -> 00:04:40.180]: Where the bitches at they're in here. They're in here. I bet you. Oh wait. Do I see somebody? I did [00:04:40.180 -> 00:04:43.520]: There he goes [00:04:43.520 -> 00:04:46.220]: Fun go [00:04:51.300 -> 00:04:53.300]: Oh, thank you sugar. I appreciate that [00:04:53.300 -> 00:04:56.540]: What oh [00:04:56.540 -> 00:05:02.540]: You fucking son of a bitch dude. No fucking way bro. I didn't know I was the last person fucking alive. I [00:05:02.540 -> 00:05:05.660]: Had no idea [00:05:05.660 -> 00:05:10.900]: All right, let's get some good shit here. I didn't buy nothing. Let's get a let's get an update. Let's get fucking out [00:05:10.900 -> 00:05:16.300]: Hey, buddy, I'm about to kick some ass with this fucking up dude. Oh [00:05:17.180 -> 00:05:22.560]: Yes, go be I'm gonna be boy. Hey, it's default Mike y'all can hear me now [00:05:22.560 -> 00:05:26.020]: Nope that didn't work either [00:05:26.020 -> 00:05:38.940]: Keep talking my weapons [00:05:44.220 -> 00:05:50.900]: Oh my god, I'll put the hit him. I was about to shoot him. I was about to shoot his ass fucking camping ass bitch [00:05:50.900 -> 00:05:59.700]: I did hold it bro. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. No dude. Don't work. Yo, there we go [00:05:59.700 -> 00:06:03.060]: Yo, what up place the blood kicks a mask, bro. Oh, you're dead [00:06:03.060 -> 00:06:06.140]: No shit. No shit. No shit till it till it [00:06:06.140 -> 00:06:12.860]: Dude, I just lost my off and I just lost my opp bro. I just lost my opp dude [00:06:12.860 -> 00:06:19.340]: Yo grab that deagle. None of my you guys saw it. He can't even hear me Kenny. He can't even hear me Kenny [00:06:19.340 -> 00:06:36.460]: And please see us like a joint. Oh shit, dude. We'll have to play soon, dude. What's up Koopa? Koopa troop. Oh [00:06:36.460 -> 00:06:40.360]: Nice try my G. Nice try my G [00:06:42.460 -> 00:06:44.700]: How much points I got bro, how am I how do I check that? [00:06:44.700 -> 00:06:51.600]: We're gonna check how many points I have guys. Oh, I still have some points here. I'm gonna buy the SG some headshots [00:06:51.600 -> 00:06:57.000]: Wait, I've enough for a grenade [00:06:57.000 -> 00:06:59.580]: It's a hundred on the left. Oh, okay [00:06:59.580 -> 00:07:06.140]: All right. Yeah, okay. Oh shit. I'm going a did nobody went a let's go. Hey, let's go ahead two of us go [00:07:06.140 -> 00:07:07.140]: Yeah, let's go [00:07:07.140 -> 00:07:13.260]: Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, there's a guy a fuck. I'm high. Let me see you soon. They're definitely coming a - bro [00:07:13.260 -> 00:07:16.020]: They're coming a that's for show [00:07:16.020 -> 00:07:19.260]: Yeah [00:07:19.260 -> 00:07:32.900]: I hit him I tagged him [00:07:33.900 -> 00:07:34.900]: oh [00:07:34.900 -> 00:07:47.340]: Fuck off, bro. No shot, bro. Did I hit him once God damn? Oh, man, we're getting fucked up now [00:07:47.340 -> 00:07:50.860]: Oh, nice dude. Nice of blood got him. Oh [00:07:50.860 -> 00:07:57.060]: Yeah, peen him [00:07:58.540 -> 00:08:03.140]: Let's go this shit boy this shit my boy. I [00:08:03.140 -> 00:08:06.980]: Don't know if you're hearing nothing. I don't think you can't if he's alive, right? [00:08:06.980 -> 00:08:09.900]: This game is piece of shit [00:08:09.900 -> 00:08:14.400]: What do you mean? I need a drink but my mouth is dry as fuck from that weed bro. Oh [00:08:14.400 -> 00:08:24.900]: Yo, nice [00:08:26.980 -> 00:08:29.580]: Oh my god nice try bro. Goddamn [00:08:29.580 -> 00:08:32.900]: He got all of them at one [00:08:32.900 -> 00:08:35.620]: Sheesh [00:08:35.620 -> 00:08:40.700]: Oh, I got enough for shit, dude. I'm gonna grab this little this little sum of sheen gun [00:08:40.700 -> 00:08:44.100]: I got a little sum of sheen gun piece of shit boys. Look at this little shit. I got a [00:08:44.100 -> 00:08:46.980]: little mini-usey fucking [00:08:46.980 -> 00:08:52.220]: Like a bit. Yeah, I swear to god dude. She'll fuck out, bro [00:08:53.220 -> 00:08:58.420]: Yeah, I was kidding with me kick your bitch ass. I'm gonna kick you know, I don't get no no stop stop stop [00:08:58.420 -> 00:09:01.100]: Come be with me little blood. Come on. I need someone to be with me [00:09:01.100 -> 00:09:04.340]: They're coming be they're coming be someone come be [00:09:04.340 -> 00:09:08.540]: I'm telling you brother come and be I can hear I [00:09:08.540 -> 00:09:12.860]: Think maybe not alright [00:09:12.860 -> 00:09:18.540]: Maybe not bro. Maybe maybe I'm hot dude. Oh shit dude. I was fucking looking up at the top of the screen, bro [00:09:19.180 -> 00:09:23.940]: That's some bullshit dude. That's some bullshit, bro. What the fuck man [00:09:23.940 -> 00:09:30.180]: Did you guys fucking see that I was looking up dude not even at the fucking thing. I'm just hi [00:09:30.180 -> 00:09:32.900]: Yeah, it is we turn Asian. Yes, sir [00:09:32.900 -> 00:09:40.880]: Yes, sir, I'm enjoying it - I'm not doing very well at all. I'm bottom-fragging. Oh, I'm two and five broke. Goddamn [00:09:40.880 -> 00:09:46.260]: I'm two and five. Holy shit. I'm sorry. I'm gonna stop like I'm gonna get my head in the game [00:09:46.660 -> 00:09:49.780]: It's gotta be patient. I'm impulsive. I'm too pushy with it [00:09:49.780 -> 00:09:56.740]: How do I have you out of the blood? There he is. Let's go. You got a knife or no now. I already sold him all to gamble. I [00:09:56.740 -> 00:10:00.620]: Just give them up. I can't my boy. Oh [00:10:00.620 -> 00:10:08.260]: Shit live live live live with it. Oh shit dude. No way bro. Oh my god. No way [00:10:08.260 -> 00:10:10.900]: brah [00:10:10.900 -> 00:10:12.900]: brah [00:10:13.000 -> 00:10:16.440]: Bruh, it looked like you're shooting right at him though. Do y'all don't get it, man. I don't know [00:10:16.440 -> 00:10:27.320]: Oh, I see it. I see it. I see it. Hey guys listen. We don't win this round. I'm leaving fucking win something [00:10:27.320 -> 00:10:29.560]: I'm just kidding [00:10:29.560 -> 00:10:33.320]: I'll blow where you going. Oh shit. I did not do it. I swear in my life. I did not mean to do that [00:10:33.320 -> 00:10:35.480]: I put it on my mom's great. I put out my mom's life, bro [00:10:35.480 -> 00:10:40.480]: I have to hold a mouse button down the fuck is that the guy that makes me last round? [00:10:40.480 -> 00:10:44.220]: It's even then but I just I actually didn't even do that my bad bro. It's me [00:10:44.220 -> 00:10:48.060]: I hit you now you're 100% you lot you're lying [00:10:48.060 -> 00:10:53.480]: He's right here right here. They're coming you know this is gonna be all right. I'm a flash. I'm a flash [00:10:53.480 -> 00:11:01.060]: Yes, sir. Oh shit. They're getting me brother get me. They're getting me. Oh [00:11:01.060 -> 00:11:04.160]: Nice the blood nice nice nice nice nice [00:11:04.160 -> 00:11:09.120]: Oh, I got him. Let's fucking go. Let's fucking go [00:11:10.120 -> 00:11:14.900]: You go first. I'm low in health bro. Really low. You go first. I'm low in health like super low [00:11:14.900 -> 00:11:17.000]: They shoot me one bullet. I'm dead. Oh [00:11:17.000 -> 00:11:26.540]: Bro easy shmoney, baby easy shmoney easy shmoney [00:11:26.540 -> 00:11:31.760]: All right, let's get some fucking let's get some shit going here [00:11:31.760 -> 00:11:36.940]: Give me all sorts of grenades, dude. Fuck it. I'm gonna start. I'm just coming. I'm making a comeback [00:11:36.940 -> 00:11:39.540]: I'm four. Oh, it's two and five. I'm four and five now [00:11:39.540 -> 00:11:42.280]: Okay, okay. Okay. Me too [00:11:42.280 -> 00:11:44.280]: Um, I was two and five, right? [00:11:44.280 -> 00:11:50.940]: Now I'm gonna build I'm else. Oh dude. Come on bro. Bro. You can suck on my fucking ball sack buddy boy [00:11:50.940 -> 00:11:54.560]: You got problem motherfucker. Come here bitch. Give me a little bitch boy [00:11:54.560 -> 00:12:00.940]: Don't shoot me bro. Let's play this win this fucking game. Please don't be a dick head. You knife me on purpose [00:12:04.380 -> 00:12:09.460]: God is bitch ass goddess bitch ass. Let me get a little peak here. I don't see anybody. I don't see anybody [00:12:09.460 -> 00:12:12.900]: I got him [00:12:12.900 -> 00:12:14.900]: Yeah, buddy [00:12:14.900 -> 00:12:18.180]: No, you fucking camping second shit. Oh [00:12:18.180 -> 00:12:29.500]: Shit, you're reloading bro. No way to it's a 1v2 buddy boy. This is a fucking knife me. He's just got the bomb in sight [00:12:29.500 -> 00:12:32.940]: Come on man [00:12:32.940 -> 00:12:38.060]: Dude, he's got this shit. He's got this shit [00:12:38.060 -> 00:12:43.760]: You got this bro, come on. Can you hear us or no? I [00:12:43.760 -> 00:12:50.500]: Think so. Oh shit. Okay. I don't know. I don't think so. No, I don't think so, bro. Oh [00:12:50.500 -> 00:12:53.420]: Nice dude. What? [00:12:53.420 -> 00:12:58.100]: Hell yeah, one more and we got this dub making a comeback. Oh [00:12:58.100 -> 00:13:00.360]: Yo [00:13:00.360 -> 00:13:03.280]: What a beast this shit good shit [00:13:03.280 -> 00:13:06.840]: That's what I'm talking about bleep [00:13:06.840 -> 00:13:14.560]: I'm gonna get the opt in I used to be my specialty. I'll tell you what I'm gonna mid. I'm going mid. I'm going mid with the hopinator [00:13:14.560 -> 00:13:17.480]: Someone smoke that bitch or something [00:13:17.480 -> 00:13:21.640]: All right, bet [00:13:21.640 -> 00:13:24.480]: You go this way or my high. Yo quit knife and people dude [00:13:25.240 -> 00:13:30.520]: Good knife thing, but nay. Yeah, you did it to me too, bro. We can kick his bitch ass and still win this game. You better stop bro. Oh [00:13:30.520 -> 00:13:40.460]: They're coming mid. They're coming mid. They're coming mid. What did I even shoot dude? [00:13:40.460 -> 00:13:47.800]: Did I get him? No, I did not. No, there's no way I got him. Oh dude. He was just right there. I didn't kill him [00:13:47.800 -> 00:13:49.800]: Maybe someone else did. I'm not sure [00:13:49.800 -> 00:13:54.480]: I'm gonna be I'm gonna be there's no one at B. Bro. There's no one with me. Let's go beat. I'm gonna be [00:13:54.480 -> 00:13:56.480]: Oh [00:13:56.480 -> 00:14:00.360]: Good shit good shit [00:14:00.360 -> 00:14:05.900]: Oh nice, there's no one can be here what? Oh [00:14:05.900 -> 00:14:12.520]: Shit, okay, okay. All right [00:14:12.520 -> 00:14:19.360]: Like a lot it's not a bad thing being called boss. Let me go [00:14:20.040 -> 00:14:26.400]: Already got one. Yeah, I got one. Thank you though. There's not a bad thing being called the boss. You don't say her boss [00:14:26.400 -> 00:14:34.560]: Oh, let's go look at that [00:14:34.560 -> 00:14:41.060]: Beautiful, how many wins does it take to win and match them these they might know in the chat [00:14:47.040 -> 00:14:53.080]: 13 wins like for one side. Holy shit. Oh, we got this all day. We're doubling their wins [00:14:53.080 -> 00:15:00.020]: They're gonna start surrender. I think they have one less player than us. No, they don't they just okay. There's lacking the lacking bro. I [00:15:00.020 -> 00:15:06.280]: Don't know how far up they can even get where's yeah, can you keep going here? I'm not sure oh [00:15:06.280 -> 00:15:13.400]: They flashed it they flashed it. I'm gonna snipe the shell right here. Come on you little bitch [00:15:13.840 -> 00:15:21.720]: Okay, I'm gonna come back this way then there's two people pushing the B so [00:15:21.720 -> 00:15:33.580]: Oh the alley oh wow really oh, I'm gonna fuck him up next round dude. Oh, she'm high. Hold on. All right. Here we go. Oh shit shit shit [00:15:41.280 -> 00:15:43.480]: It's got him bitch sit the rock down. Oh [00:15:43.480 -> 00:15:49.000]: Shit, dude. I'm not dude. I think I actually increased the sensitivity on my mouse now. No cap [00:15:49.000 -> 00:15:53.880]: All right, the blood where's the blood out here? He is you got this the blood [00:15:53.880 -> 00:15:57.320]: Let's go [00:15:57.320 -> 00:15:59.520]: You got the bomb there [00:15:59.520 -> 00:16:05.440]: Yeah, I got yeah, let me go get a drink break. I'm just get some water. There's a perfect time to get some [00:16:05.800 -> 00:16:07.800]: I'm just gonna fill up some [00:16:07.800 -> 00:16:23.480]: Oh shit, all right, here we go. Oh [00:16:23.480 -> 00:16:27.840]: I got enough for the op dude work. Yeah, we're chilling. We're big chilling [00:16:27.840 -> 00:16:31.880]: Big boy chilling. All right wish me a lot guys [00:16:34.560 -> 00:16:37.240]: I don't know why I say that yeah [00:16:37.240 -> 00:16:45.280]: All right, let's get a blood get a poppin get a poppin [00:16:45.280 -> 00:16:49.360]: Yeah, oh shit shit shit [00:16:49.360 -> 00:16:51.360]: I [00:17:14.440 -> 00:17:20.040]: Guys gonna make me peek him first. Yeah, I will fuck you up dog. You're such a pussy dude. What's this? [00:17:20.040 -> 00:17:31.880]: Like that how you like them apples buddy boy turn another one. No [00:17:31.880 -> 00:17:35.520]: Yeah, buddy. Oh shit [00:17:35.520 -> 00:17:40.060]: Why'd they get behind me wait a second? Where's my team at? [00:17:41.000 -> 00:17:45.960]: Bro, all the blood's dead - fuck. Oh nice dude. Let's go nice [00:17:45.960 -> 00:17:50.840]: All right, then yeah apparently dude [00:17:50.840 -> 00:17:56.680]: You got this. Yeah, we're chilling dude 73. You know six more wins. I think [00:17:56.680 -> 00:18:04.080]: Got this. Oh shit. Damn dude. Damn damn. All right. All right. We got this. We got this [00:18:04.080 -> 00:18:08.840]: We got this. How am I doing now? I'm dude. I came back. I was like two and five bro [00:18:08.840 -> 00:18:10.840]: I'm like eight and nine or nine and eight now [00:18:10.840 -> 00:18:17.840]: Two and five oh yeah, all right damn. I don't got shit, but I fucking oh [00:18:17.840 -> 00:18:23.000]: What the hell dude? Yo, can somebody buy me like a cheap ass weapon, please. I have no money [00:18:23.000 -> 00:18:26.680]: All the blood you got me something oh [00:18:26.680 -> 00:18:31.720]: You got you get me on the hop. Oh shit. Oh, all right [00:18:31.720 -> 00:18:37.880]: Thank you sir, we're gonna be late up here. Hold on me. Oh, you got flash. You got flash. You got flash [00:18:37.880 -> 00:19:06.880]: Perfect. Oh, yeah. I can hear one of them. I can hear one of them. Yeah, there's somebody there. There's somebody there. There's somebody there. Watch out. Watch out. Do you know that to the right there to the right? I saw the grenade come in to the right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Up there to the right. Well, this weekend right here. We're at B. We're chilling. They got push us. I think maybe a green you should go mid maybe or one of us should go mid. I'll go mid. I'll go mid. I'll go mid. Yeah, you got it. You got it. All right. [00:19:06.880 -> 00:19:29.800]: Green's going mid. Oh another flash and B. They're definitely coming B boys. Hey, I'm gonna come in and push this. Let's go. Let's go blood. Let's go blood. Come on. I didn't, I didn't find them. Oh shit. I heard him flash a few years. They were definitely throwing needs earlier. Okay, okay, okay. [00:19:29.800 -> 00:19:52.800]: There it is. There it is. Oh, thank you. Powerful. Oh, I thought the stairs were right there. They're definitely gonna hear us come and [00:19:52.800 -> 00:20:20.120]: bro. Is that you? Is that you? Oh shit. Okay. Bro, I don't know where the fuck he's at. Oh, let's go. Bro, I was scared to [00:20:20.120 -> 00:20:27.240]: chat and know where the fuck he was. I don't know where he was bro. Let's get it. Dude, where's my [00:20:27.240 -> 00:20:32.000]: ping at? Where'd I check my ping? Oh, the second half we're killing it. We need five more wins. Five [00:20:32.000 -> 00:20:37.480]: more wins chat. That's easy. Oh, we're gonna be Oh hell yeah. Terrorist go. Let's go. I'm gonna be [00:20:37.480 -> 00:20:45.920]: rocking the AK. Did my mouse just really die, bro? What the hell? What the hell just happened? That [00:20:45.920 -> 00:20:52.200]: was weird. My mouse stopped working bro. That was weird. Oh, I got the fucking bomb. All right. [00:20:52.200 -> 00:21:03.240]: Let's go. Let's go. Ethan. I think my city is what's turned up a little bit. That's too [00:21:03.240 -> 00:21:07.680]: low. Yes. Yes. I don't know. What was I doing earlier? It was definitely this sensitive [00:21:07.680 -> 00:21:14.160]: area. Oh shit, dude. I thought it was a chicken. I'm high as hell right now. All right. I'm [00:21:14.160 -> 00:21:24.920]: going mad. I'm going mad. I'm playing. I'm playing. All right. How do I play again? What's [00:21:24.920 -> 00:21:52.120]: the button? Oh shit. Nice. Nice. Nice. Oh, he's getting torn up. He's getting torn [00:21:52.120 -> 00:22:04.860]: up. Nice. Nice. Nice. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Yeah. I like this. I'm enjoying [00:22:04.860 -> 00:22:08.520]: this, dude. Actually. Oh, I'm going to wait for the AK, bro. I'm just going to wait for [00:22:08.520 -> 00:22:15.180]: the AK. Get a little McTana's sheep. A little McTana attack. I got the bomb, though. Bloody [00:22:15.180 -> 00:22:21.980]: at the bottom. No, no, no. Let's go. Yeah, everyone. Everyone be. Everyone be. Let's go. [00:22:21.980 -> 00:22:32.180]: Let's go. Rush that shit. Come on green. Push, push, push. Flash, flash, flash, flash, flash. I got a holy shit. [00:22:32.180 -> 00:22:40.860]: I accidentally attacked my teammate as well. Sorry. Holy shit. Holy shit. No, what the fuck? Fuck that. That's a bullshit. [00:22:40.860 -> 00:22:46.060]: Bro, that's some bullshit. No, bro, that's some bullshit. I accidentally attacked my teammate [00:22:46.060 -> 00:22:51.720]: too in the fucking midst of that. My bad gee. All right, we got this guys. Got this. Oh, [00:22:51.720 -> 00:22:58.660]: hell yeah. Oh, yeah, gee. What kind of what you got? Oh, same weapon, bro. We got, yeah, [00:22:58.660 -> 00:23:03.660]: we got this. Let's get it. Let's get it. And you move faster with a knife out, right? [00:23:03.660 -> 00:23:07.820]: I'm pretty sure. I'm all certain. Let's get this money. They're probably gonna go [00:23:07.820 -> 00:23:15.580]: be again. Oh, dude needs a weapon. Shit. Oh, mid mid mid mid. There's one mid. What's [00:23:15.580 -> 00:23:24.860]: out? Oh, shit. I'm just gonna stay here, actually. Oh, motherfucker, dude. Hit me [00:23:24.860 -> 00:23:29.420]: right in the head. Hit me right in the fucking head right there. Goddamn. I got [00:23:29.420 -> 00:23:39.740]: probably no armor at all. All my city's down though. All right, there we go. I swear. [00:23:39.740 -> 00:23:45.660]: Nice and grenade, you move fast. Okay. Oh, it's, oh, it was a grenade as well. Oh, that's good to know. [00:23:45.660 -> 00:23:52.860]: All right, I'm gonna, I'm, I'm peeking the apartment. Oh, they are right here. [00:23:58.460 -> 00:24:02.620]: Oh, there's two of them, bro. That was bad, ain't that bad, ain't that bad, ain't, that ain't [00:24:02.620 -> 00:24:06.380]: on my park. I didn't get back in those. I needed to smoke some more weed. When I was high shit, [00:24:06.380 -> 00:24:09.900]: I was killing shit. I got smoked some more ganj. [00:24:09.900 -> 00:24:11.020]: Yeah, come big, come big, come big. [00:24:11.020 -> 00:24:17.420]: I have planned bad this one. [00:24:17.420 -> 00:24:33.900]: Nice. Can't even have a boss in there stacking in twos and threes. [00:24:33.900 -> 00:24:37.180]: Oh, I did. We're gonna fucking win this game, bro. We only need four more wins. [00:24:37.180 -> 00:24:42.780]: There's an easy dub right here. You know what I'm saying? The blood is out there. We good with good money [00:24:42.780 -> 00:24:49.020]: You got him you got on the blood you got on the blood you got him you got him. Yeah, but oh [00:24:49.020 -> 00:24:52.620]: Damn dog. We got this [00:24:52.620 -> 00:25:00.020]: You got it. He's got it. Oh, we did okay. Okay. Oh shit. You're dead, bro [00:25:02.180 -> 00:25:08.560]: Uh, okay, okay? All right, we're ten it we need three more dubs guys. That's it [00:25:08.560 -> 00:25:13.540]: Don't need a panic. We got this easy money a K 47 inbound [00:25:13.540 -> 00:25:16.900]: Fuck you [00:25:16.900 -> 00:25:23.920]: Fucking a K a K time. Isn't it one shot to the head dude. That's all I need one shot. I'm going a I'm going a [00:25:23.920 -> 00:25:28.480]: This is this way this way [00:25:28.480 -> 00:25:30.480]: , oh [00:25:30.480 -> 00:25:37.760]: Shammed it my bad my bad [00:25:37.760 -> 00:25:43.280]: We got this bro, okay high behind this thing or no, I'm gonna have to get shot. I'm not to get shot [00:25:43.280 -> 00:25:46.960]: I don't know the mat row is this not open up. You can't open this [00:25:46.960 -> 00:25:52.560]: Where do I fucking hell? Okay dudes. I do dipped out dude. Yeah, we're good to go [00:25:55.880 -> 00:25:57.880]: Okay, tap fire. Okay. I'll try that. Oh [00:25:57.880 -> 00:26:04.760]: There be for sure. Oh, I got the damn bomb. That's right. Let's go boys. Oh shit [00:26:04.760 -> 00:26:09.200]: Yeah, there's one minute. There's one mid like middle of mid [00:26:09.200 -> 00:26:17.520]: Are you got them? Oh good shit good shit good shit good shit boss. I'm going to plant this shit a oh [00:26:17.520 -> 00:26:22.160]: She's right fucking here dude. Hold up [00:26:23.720 -> 00:26:29.920]: Dude, oh, but to say if they're doing dead row. I'm gonna say what the fuck was that dude. All right, how do I plan? [00:26:29.920 -> 00:26:31.920]: What what what key is the plan? [00:26:31.920 -> 00:26:41.640]: Oh, you gotta fucking oh five okay, okay, I see now. I think it's pressing the shoot button. No, it's just a shoot button I believe [00:26:41.640 -> 00:26:50.160]: What I do he's gotta be low. He's gotta be low. He's gotta be low [00:26:50.600 -> 00:26:52.600]: I [00:26:52.600 -> 00:26:56.640]: You got this bro. Oh, yeah, see that. He's a fuse in it, bro [00:26:56.640 -> 00:27:03.120]: He's got it. He's got it. He knows what he's doing. Oh shit. Maybe not fuck. Yeah, but sorry [00:27:03.120 -> 00:27:07.380]: It's all right. That's fucking I mean, that's fucking two of them chill bro chill [00:27:07.380 -> 00:27:14.040]: All right, I'm gonna crop the galile bro cuz I don't want to use a shit gun. Okay, I can't let him come back [00:27:14.040 -> 00:27:16.940]: three more wins boys [00:27:16.940 -> 00:27:18.940]: , oh [00:27:18.940 -> 00:27:31.720]: Yeah, we're going a we're pushing a hard I thought you could go through a door up here somewhere this one [00:27:31.720 -> 00:27:40.180]: They passed no right here right here. Okay. I see you now. Okay. Yeah, I didn't mean it. Okay. Let's go [00:27:44.540 -> 00:27:46.540]: We're gonna push push push push push [00:27:46.540 -> 00:27:52.580]: Keep pushing [00:27:52.580 -> 00:28:03.700]: Oh my fucking god, bro. God damn you got him you get him. Oh [00:28:03.700 -> 00:28:09.000]: You guys should have kept pushing God. Oh, it's all right though. Oh, that's all right [00:28:12.980 -> 00:28:15.620]: Damn this dude's all the blood's alive one, you know that [00:28:15.620 -> 00:28:18.900]: No, he's not. I'm high [00:28:18.900 -> 00:28:25.500]: No, it's just this guy. Okay, one of two looks like okay. I see it now top. Okay. I see it. I see it now [00:28:25.500 -> 00:28:32.700]: Easy money dude easy money. You got this. Can you hear me if he's dead? Oh [00:28:41.540 -> 00:28:42.800]: Man [00:28:42.800 -> 00:28:47.220]: Look, that's all right. All right. Yeah shit. I got cocky. The dude was right UK nuts [00:28:47.220 -> 00:28:49.980]: So they're stuck in two and three. Let's get this money [00:28:49.980 -> 00:28:53.660]: Dude, I don't have enough for shit, bro [00:28:53.660 -> 00:29:05.140]: Your kids giving me the bomb, let's go be let's go be [00:29:05.140 -> 00:29:07.900]: I'm feeling gonna be this time. It's good [00:29:08.660 -> 00:29:14.540]: You gotta you guys got flash grenades or anything smokes. Oh, shit. They're definitely here. They're definitely here. You see them with blood [00:29:14.540 -> 00:29:25.080]: Nice good shit in the blood nice nice nice [00:29:25.080 -> 00:29:27.940]: Flash that flash that flash that flash that [00:29:27.940 -> 00:29:31.140]: All right, let's go. Let's go [00:29:31.140 -> 00:29:33.140]: I [00:29:33.140 -> 00:29:36.420]: Am I am I am [00:29:36.420 -> 00:29:46.860]: Is there an element up here? Oh, yeah, they're coming to hell they're coming alley. I think [00:29:46.860 -> 00:29:51.940]: Nice this shit [00:29:58.580 -> 00:30:01.900]: Nice, let's go 7 11 7 11 [00:30:01.900 -> 00:30:09.560]: I'm on bottom fret and I'm starting to I'm starting to slack off again, bro. Hold up get my head in the game dog [00:30:09.560 -> 00:30:12.300]: and the game baby [00:30:12.300 -> 00:30:14.620]: Yes, I guess we need to drink though [00:30:14.620 -> 00:30:20.300]: I'm gonna be I'm gonna be [00:30:20.300 -> 00:30:26.860]: I'm gonna flash that bitch [00:30:26.860 -> 00:30:28.860]: I [00:30:28.860 -> 00:30:30.860]: , oh [00:30:31.860 -> 00:30:33.860]: Oh [00:30:33.860 -> 00:30:38.900]: Yeah, sit the rock down bitch [00:30:38.900 -> 00:30:43.220]: Do they all can't beat this dirt? Well, maybe it's just a pack of three. Let's see [00:30:43.220 -> 00:30:49.020]: Okay, yeah, we're good. We're good plant that bitch. Yep. Yep. I don't have a do it. No, I don't got it. Yeah. Hell yeah [00:30:49.020 -> 00:30:52.540]: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. All right. Yeah, there's no one watching this way. I'll watch this way. I'll watch this way [00:30:52.540 -> 00:31:00.060]: Yeah, buddy, thank you Dave [00:31:00.060 -> 00:31:02.060]: I [00:31:02.060 -> 00:31:19.900]: Does it tell them what they don't it doesn't tell you what site is planted that doesn't [00:31:19.900 -> 00:31:28.160]: I don't know where's that this guy's just fucking hiding. Oh [00:31:29.380 -> 00:31:32.900]: Wow, there he is Jesus fuck there he is [00:31:32.900 -> 00:31:43.240]: Camping as is yeah, he's just sitting there. I wouldn't expecting them to be in that such a weird spot [00:31:43.240 -> 00:31:53.320]: It was in a weird spot dude, you gotta admit where we're going mr [00:31:53.320 -> 00:31:56.720]: Whatever name is bro. I don't know how to read that [00:31:57.580 -> 00:32:01.480]: Let's see it's a it's definitely a commie commie hunt [00:32:01.480 -> 00:32:07.260]: I think he pronounced that guys [00:32:07.260 -> 00:32:10.220]: commie hnct [00:32:10.220 -> 00:32:14.060]: That's oh, I didn't kill him I didn't kill him [00:32:14.060 -> 00:32:19.100]: One's meant one's made yeah one's men orange [00:32:19.100 -> 00:32:25.260]: Oh [00:32:25.260 -> 00:32:27.460]: I heard I heard that dude I heard that dude [00:32:27.460 -> 00:32:37.780]: Oh shit, I didn't do there that way holy fuck man [00:32:37.780 -> 00:32:48.660]: What's up, what's up my bad my bad [00:32:53.260 -> 00:32:58.060]: Oh, yeah, they're definitely oh, where they at though? Oh behind behind behind behind [00:32:58.060 -> 00:33:02.820]: Get him get him you got this you got this dog [00:33:02.820 -> 00:33:12.180]: Is it one me one yes one me one. Oh, yeah, he's got this hell. Yeah, yeah, yeah easy money [00:33:12.180 -> 00:33:16.380]: What's the score now? What's the score? Oh, yeah? Oh, this is our winning game [00:33:18.140 -> 00:33:23.480]: Oh hell yeah, easy shmon baby easy shmon for meth easy shmonie easy shmonie [00:33:23.480 -> 00:33:29.780]: Oh [00:33:29.780 -> 00:33:35.860]: He's defusing that bitch - bro. Yeah, sit the rock down bitch. Shut the fuck down [00:33:35.860 -> 00:33:43.460]: We got our winners. We got our winners. I didn't do shit entry fragger. Let's go most first kills. Okay. Let's go most first kills [00:33:43.460 -> 00:33:49.140]: Let's get it. Then shit boys. Do I just leave the game there? How's it work? Is it keep going or what does it do? [00:33:49.140 -> 00:33:51.820]: the blood [00:33:51.820 -> 00:33:53.820]: Oh, I think he left. Oh [00:33:53.820 -> 00:33:58.300]: Here we go. Oh, here we go. I'm just gonna. Oh, well. Yeah, I'm gonna get off now. I'm gonna get off now. Hold on [00:33:58.300 -> 00:34:00.940]: X is the main menu. There we go [00:34:00.940 -> 00:34:05.980]: Shit, I don't know if I'm done up. I can never get into it. Should I play another game guys? [00:34:05.980 -> 00:34:11.660]: I'm gonna get a drink real quick out. I'll be right back [00:34:11.660 -> 00:34:16.940]: It's much more we - oh, yeah, I'm just gonna grab a drink [00:34:16.940 -> 00:34:18.940]: I [00:34:18.940 -> 00:34:27.000]: Stop kidding middle men need riddlein hit me with the full tenon chin and I'm a kid of ten keep the ball light straight through the salt right? [00:34:27.000 -> 00:34:29.000]: I [00:34:29.000 -> 00:34:40.200]: I'm gonna go to the side that's open raw open all y'all coming peace and it's open more till the roof of this bumper eyes clap by the end of the night spas like shots by [00:34:40.200 -> 00:34:45.980]: I spoke to shot me the pen lines runny I'll plot the ten times man's dying money money [00:34:45.980 -> 00:34:50.720]: With the script with a straight face with more rhymes in his lines in the database [00:34:50.720 -> 00:34:56.000]: Place some rappers in the danger middle reckless with this foot the thoughts are the like breakfast [00:34:56.000 -> 00:35:01.320]: You could mark it off fast wreck on the checklist where gold fronts can't afford no necklace [00:35:01.320 -> 00:35:05.720]: Shit that can't go to help build them daycares somebody say yeah [00:35:06.920 -> 00:35:36.720]: I'm launching out some Kool-Aid. [00:35:36.720 -> 00:35:37.720]: I'm doing nothing. [00:35:37.720 -> 00:35:38.720]: I just started playing. [00:35:38.720 -> 00:35:40.720]: How you doing bro? [00:35:40.720 -> 00:35:41.720]: Good. [00:35:41.720 -> 00:35:42.720]: How was good? [00:35:42.720 -> 00:35:43.720]: You want to watch another one? [00:35:43.720 -> 00:35:46.720]: You guys want to play one more or what? [00:35:46.720 -> 00:35:53.720]: What blood is in here? [00:35:53.720 -> 00:35:54.720]: Ghost? [00:35:54.720 -> 00:35:55.720]: Are we playing? [00:35:55.720 -> 00:35:56.720]: Do you want to play ghost? [00:35:56.720 -> 00:35:57.720]: Do you want someone out? [00:35:57.720 -> 00:35:58.720]: Or whatever? [00:35:58.720 -> 00:35:59.720]: I might only do one more. [00:35:59.720 -> 00:36:01.720]: I'm not sure yet. [00:36:01.720 -> 00:36:04.720]: No, I have no skins. [00:36:04.720 -> 00:36:05.720]: I have nothing. [00:36:05.720 -> 00:36:07.720]: I've not played like three games. [00:36:07.720 -> 00:36:09.720]: Whatever, I'm on this one. [00:36:09.720 -> 00:36:11.720]: You're all good. [00:36:11.720 -> 00:36:20.720]: I'm on four players. [00:36:20.720 -> 00:36:21.720]: How are they? [00:36:21.720 -> 00:36:22.720]: Where are they at? [00:36:22.720 -> 00:36:23.720]: Where are they at, bro? [00:36:23.720 -> 00:36:25.720]: I don't know where they're at. [00:36:25.720 -> 00:36:26.720]: I don't know where they're at. [00:36:26.720 -> 00:36:38.720]: Yeah, this is CSGO 2. [00:36:38.720 -> 00:36:40.720]: I believe, right? [00:36:40.720 -> 00:36:41.720]: Yeah. [00:36:41.720 -> 00:36:44.720]: Yeah, I've never... [00:36:44.720 -> 00:36:46.720]: I don't know where the crates are, bro. [00:36:46.720 -> 00:36:48.720]: I can't seem to find the crates. [00:36:48.720 -> 00:36:51.720]: He's getting the money. [00:36:51.720 -> 00:36:59.720]: Is it really going to be the blood of that you, bro? [00:36:59.720 -> 00:37:08.720]: Ready to bench up, baby. [00:37:08.720 -> 00:37:11.720]: Yeah, it's new. [00:37:11.720 -> 00:37:13.720]: Oh, I think you've failed to accept it, bro. [00:37:13.720 -> 00:37:15.720]: It actually says you did that. [00:37:15.720 -> 00:37:16.720]: What the hell the blood? [00:37:16.720 -> 00:37:18.720]: What the hell, boss? [00:37:18.720 -> 00:37:20.720]: Is he AFK? [00:37:20.720 -> 00:37:24.720]: Can you hear me? [00:37:24.720 -> 00:37:33.720]: Is chain and stake the same thing? [00:37:33.720 -> 00:37:36.720]: No, they're different casinos, but same games and stuff. [00:37:36.720 -> 00:37:38.720]: I mean, yeah. [00:37:38.720 -> 00:37:40.720]: What do you mean by that exactly? [00:37:40.720 -> 00:37:41.720]: The same thing. [00:37:41.720 -> 00:37:42.720]: I like the same. [00:37:42.720 -> 00:37:47.720]: What do you mean? [00:37:47.720 -> 00:37:58.000]: Oh, you can hear me. All right, where's my lighter bro? Here's one [00:37:58.000 -> 00:38:06.040]: Have to get back cheers everybody. Oh, dude. Hold on. Oh shit balls [00:38:06.040 -> 00:38:13.600]: Hold on guys [00:38:13.600 -> 00:38:15.600]: I [00:38:15.600 -> 00:38:23.800]: Cheers Cooper cheers, my boy [00:38:23.800 -> 00:38:38.160]: Not hitting that guy need to get something to tear down a little bit. Let me just match right here. I might do it [00:38:38.160 -> 00:38:41.000]: Yeah, I'll do it [00:38:41.000 -> 00:38:43.000]: Excuse me guys [00:38:43.000 -> 00:38:51.800]: I'm gonna miss ma'am. I'm never being good at this man. Nothing at the best [00:38:51.800 -> 00:38:59.040]: I can play this man. I can definitely play this map all day [00:38:59.040 -> 00:39:17.920]: Why are you not picking that now [00:39:17.920 -> 00:39:43.480]: I think we can see kill feed plots. Yeah, sure [00:39:44.640 -> 00:39:51.160]: Where do you want to be put it? I have no idea where I should put it bro in between the bottom and the top maybe [00:39:51.160 -> 00:39:56.060]: Hold on trying to get my OBS open here we go here right here [00:39:56.060 -> 00:40:02.720]: I've texted you at this court. Can you play this me? Oh, yeah, dude. I'm so sorry, bro [00:40:02.720 -> 00:40:07.440]: I'll text you back. Yeah, I'll text you back after this mess. All right. I'm in the game now, so [00:40:07.440 -> 00:40:13.580]: Yeah, we're what's what blood? What are you doing, bro? Come on gee the blood [00:40:14.420 -> 00:40:16.420]: Bro [00:40:16.420 -> 00:40:20.860]: Let me turn on me to go [00:40:20.860 -> 00:40:31.660]: They might not be up here. I'm not sure [00:40:31.660 -> 00:40:34.700]: We're late we're late [00:40:34.700 -> 00:40:37.660]: No, no, I never have [00:40:37.660 -> 00:40:40.540]: I haven't tried those [00:40:41.020 -> 00:40:46.080]: There's probably this coincidence, bro. You said you get lucky somewhere. I guess right you look anywhere [00:40:46.080 -> 00:40:56.580]: Okay, no one here be I don't think [00:40:56.580 -> 00:41:00.980]: Okay, all right coming [00:41:00.980 -> 00:41:02.980]: I [00:41:02.980 -> 00:41:14.580]: I'm gonna last one live, okay [00:41:14.580 -> 00:41:21.460]: Fuck dude, I'm not good with pistols, bro [00:41:21.460 -> 00:41:28.020]: Not very easy to use like far range I feel like [00:41:28.020 -> 00:41:30.020]: I [00:41:30.020 -> 00:41:34.580]: Get the scout ski. I'm going man. I'm going mid here. Someone take the bomb, dude [00:41:34.580 -> 00:41:37.500]: How'd I drop the bomb? How'd I drop the bomb? [00:41:37.500 -> 00:41:40.580]: What button is it a button? [00:41:40.580 -> 00:41:43.300]: There we go. There you go, buddy [00:41:43.300 -> 00:41:45.300]: Have fun [00:41:45.300 -> 00:41:50.900]: He's used to a roast guy we do shit [00:41:52.980 -> 00:41:58.360]: Oh, it's okay, bro. It's not gonna be a snobby though. Don't it? Nice shot bro. Nice shot [00:41:58.360 -> 00:42:07.100]: All right, let's get this money. Oh, they're behind. They kill them and they're in our spawn. They're in our spawn. Oh [00:42:22.300 -> 00:42:28.400]: Fucking god, man. Damn it, dude. I'm gonna buy regular gun after this. I'm doing my ass cake. I'm zero and two, bro [00:42:28.400 -> 00:42:38.180]: I'm gonna meet this fucking weirdo kid. How'd I meet this kid the blood? How'd I do that? [00:42:38.180 -> 00:42:41.740]: He's giving me the weirdest five bro. I'm not kidding. I [00:42:41.740 -> 00:42:48.580]: Can't understand what he's saying is like is my playing with people in the bloods fucking [00:42:49.580 -> 00:42:52.580]: He's like the bloods the bloods times on people. I don't know [00:42:52.580 -> 00:42:56.000]: Whenever he's like six hours ahead wherever he where ever he lives [00:42:56.000 -> 00:43:00.180]: Talking dumb ass [00:43:00.180 -> 00:43:03.720]: See I told you he just he just flew he's through a flashbang [00:43:03.720 -> 00:43:05.720]: It's too complete [00:43:05.720 -> 00:43:29.180]: I don't know why is he I'll give a fuck. I gotta care less what he's saying. He's fucking weird. How do I fucking mute him? [00:43:30.180 -> 00:43:32.180]: Watch out [00:43:32.180 -> 00:43:39.680]: What I'm off right now I'm off man, I'm off man [00:43:39.680 -> 00:43:45.780]: Yeah, it's only a little kid I just you know [00:43:45.780 -> 00:43:50.660]: Like a straight-up like what do you call it sport, you know, I don't know what you call bro [00:43:50.660 -> 00:43:53.820]: That's the way you want to know [00:43:54.000 -> 00:43:56.000]: With [00:43:56.000 -> 00:44:00.940]: Nice shot, dude [00:44:00.940 -> 00:44:03.300]: Nice shot [00:44:03.300 -> 00:44:06.540]: Nice try, dude [00:44:06.540 -> 00:44:09.460]: We almost had them [00:44:09.460 -> 00:44:12.000]: They all say [00:44:12.000 -> 00:44:21.220]: I'll tab and right click. Okay. Oh, thank you sir. How'd I do it? How do I meet him? Oh [00:44:22.180 -> 00:44:25.000]: Shit, hold on. There's a gelata. Yes, it's a lot on one [00:44:25.000 -> 00:44:30.460]: Oh shit, what'd you just do that for the blood? Oh [00:44:30.460 -> 00:44:33.980]: Did you do that? Oh [00:44:33.980 -> 00:44:36.820]: I see [00:44:44.700 -> 00:44:49.680]: What's funny the game will it was so funny, bro. Oh shit. Where they at? Oh my god, dude [00:44:49.680 -> 00:44:53.440]: I had no ideas up there. Am I a five health? Holy shit [00:44:53.440 -> 00:44:57.700]: I'm a camp on them. I'm gonna fuck. Oh [00:44:57.700 -> 00:45:04.260]: Now we're really fucked bro. What are you doing boss? [00:45:04.260 -> 00:45:10.940]: You good bro, what are you good, bro? What's your fucking? There you go. He's moving now [00:45:13.340 -> 00:45:16.120]: Dude, let me just don't give away my position. I got this. Oh [00:45:16.120 -> 00:45:24.200]: My god, dude, I can't play right now, dude. I cannot play right now, bro. I can't play right now, bro [00:45:24.200 -> 00:45:26.520]: Holy fuck how do I just lose that? I? [00:45:26.520 -> 00:45:29.820]: Had to help to be fair, but still bro. Oh [00:45:29.820 -> 00:45:35.700]: I got the AK now no excuses. I'm running B and running B bitches. I'm running B little bitches [00:45:40.420 -> 00:45:46.100]: Too much trigger. I don't like that one. Hold on. Yeah holding it down. You mean like like yeah, you're right [00:45:46.100 -> 00:45:49.020]: That's when you start doing more I said 72. I know [00:45:49.020 -> 00:46:00.360]: All right, I don't like this map. No, I just never ever enjoy playing this man. I've never just enjoyed playing this [00:46:00.360 -> 00:46:04.780]: Yeah, it's awful dude it is [00:46:09.580 -> 00:46:11.580]: You're definitely here be bro [00:46:11.580 -> 00:46:19.540]: Yeah, my city's too hard. Oh, that's better. That's better. That's way better [00:46:19.540 -> 00:46:26.700]: All right, we're good [00:46:26.700 -> 00:46:28.700]: Oh [00:46:28.700 -> 00:46:45.940]: Where were they at oh she saw me [00:46:45.940 -> 00:46:50.980]: Yeah, he's right here. All right. All right there. Yeah [00:46:50.980 -> 00:46:56.300]: God let's go [00:46:56.300 -> 00:47:08.860]: . Yeah, it's okay, bro. It's okay. I'm one and four. Holy fuck [00:47:08.860 -> 00:47:14.420]: Bring it back. Bring it back. Bring it back. Bring it back. Go on man. I'm going men. I'm going mid [00:47:14.420 -> 00:47:22.500]: All right flash that bitch again over the roof. No, I don't know how to do exactly [00:47:22.500 -> 00:47:24.500]: Oh [00:47:24.500 -> 00:47:32.940]: Sit down. Yeah buddy one taps one taps one taps [00:47:32.940 -> 00:47:37.380]: Hold on [00:47:37.380 -> 00:47:41.820]: Hold it right there. Oh nice shot bro nice shot nice shot nice shot [00:47:41.820 -> 00:47:45.060]: Let's go. Let's go. Oh shit [00:47:47.580 -> 00:47:53.340]: No, fuck dude. God damn it almost had him. I think I tagged him a couple times. I'm not too sure [00:47:53.340 -> 00:48:00.420]: We still got this we're gonna make a comeback, bro. You know I hate this map [00:48:00.420 -> 00:48:03.780]: It's not that bad. I mean it's not the terror. That's it's pretty bad [00:48:03.780 -> 00:48:07.500]: Was this one called [00:48:07.500 -> 00:48:14.340]: Raises mirage. Oh shit. I remember another desert one on CS go one. That was really good. I can't remember exactly which one it was [00:48:14.340 -> 00:48:19.100]: It was a good man. All right, here we go guys. It's by fucking a K [00:48:19.100 -> 00:48:25.100]: I might try saying for the out bro to be honest. That's where I shine was. That's like anyways [00:48:25.100 -> 00:48:35.260]: Yeah, how do I meet this kick in? Oh, I got him [00:48:38.380 -> 00:48:47.520]: Speaking from this you gamble dust not dust - I'm thinking of another one. There's two of them. Oh, shit. They're right here. Oh [00:48:47.520 -> 00:48:54.700]: That was way off my bad [00:48:54.700 -> 00:48:58.980]: My bad gee my bad gee my bad gee my bad gee. I didn't mean to do that [00:48:58.980 -> 00:49:03.820]: There's one that oh what bro? What I mean, it's slow down. It's so dumb [00:49:03.820 -> 00:49:07.740]: Slow down slow down especially when they shit dude [00:49:07.740 -> 00:49:09.740]: I [00:49:09.740 -> 00:49:16.480]: Alright, I think I muted a kid. This is good [00:49:16.480 -> 00:49:23.920]: Still have enough for a fucking uh, oh [00:49:23.920 -> 00:49:30.300]: Yeah, I'll trade an a K for not you don't have enough nobody broke it. He broke his house [00:49:31.820 -> 00:49:40.680]: Oh, you pull a press tab hold tab then right click then his name and then the little sound button thing the volume button looking thing [00:49:40.680 -> 00:49:42.680]: I [00:49:42.680 -> 00:49:44.680]: I [00:49:44.680 -> 00:50:10.080]: Mean you that nice class. Yeah, I mean you do that. I didn't mean to do that [00:50:10.800 -> 00:50:15.600]: Sorry, let's go here. Hey, let's go here. Let's go here. Let's go here. Let's go here. Let's go here [00:50:15.600 -> 00:50:17.600]: Oh, she you guys went the other way. Oh [00:50:17.600 -> 00:50:21.200]: Yeah, definitely one of me at least once [00:50:21.200 -> 00:50:40.240]: Oh shit shit shit shit. Oh, I survived that. Oh my god. They're fucking everywhere. They're fucking everywhere bro [00:50:41.120 -> 00:50:43.120]: They're everywhere [00:50:43.120 -> 00:50:47.120]: Yeah, I fucking know bro. I hate this map dude [00:50:47.120 -> 00:50:52.000]: This map sucks [00:50:52.000 -> 00:50:55.280]: It's not sucks man. It's a bad map [00:50:55.280 -> 00:51:01.680]: Is it my mouse just really died bro. Why does he keep doing that bro? Here we go [00:51:01.680 -> 00:51:04.800]: Go on man. I'm going mint [00:51:04.800 -> 00:51:06.800]: I [00:51:06.800 -> 00:51:18.880]: Dude, why is my fucking mouse on the fucking screen? Do you guys see that? [00:51:18.880 -> 00:51:24.080]: Why is my mouse on the screen like that guys? What do you think it's trying to click on? [00:51:24.080 -> 00:51:28.880]: Okay, I don't know bro. There's a way to do it though [00:51:31.520 -> 00:51:39.760]: Here, here, I got it. How did he guess? That's fun. Dude, what are you voting no for? You fucking dumb asses [00:51:39.760 -> 00:51:46.640]: Like we can't wait without him [00:51:46.640 -> 00:51:54.720]: What that's not a hit him bro. There's no way bro. Damn dog. We're getting fucking our asses whipped [00:51:58.000 -> 00:52:02.480]: It's just surrender, bro, to be honest. How do you do that shit? Actually, no, I won't fucking keep going. Fuck it [00:52:02.480 -> 00:52:07.520]: All right, here we go [00:52:07.520 -> 00:52:10.520]: There's that thing is gonna ever go away [00:52:10.520 -> 00:52:15.820]: What are you typing? I see him playing with a bunch of people from his country. How am I I'm gonna play with? [00:52:15.820 -> 00:52:20.240]: I don't play with my ping me over to be honest. Probably I get another Laura. Hey, come be come be guys [00:52:20.240 -> 00:52:23.520]: I got the bomb on be guys. I got the bomb on be R.P. I got the bomb on be [00:52:23.520 -> 00:52:50.180]: No, no, I do not. Nope. Oh, dude. Come on, bro. There's like three of you with me. Come on boys. [00:52:50.180 -> 00:52:57.900]: Watch my goddamn corners. Jesus fuck. Dude, how do we, I don't even want to play this anymore. [00:52:57.900 -> 00:53:03.840]: This is like not even fun, bro. This map is dog shit. [00:53:03.840 -> 00:53:30.800]: Oh shit, we in this bitch. [00:53:30.800 -> 00:53:45.360]: I'm gonna be at the bomb, I'm gonna be at the bomb. [00:53:45.360 -> 00:53:54.480]: I'm gonna be the boss, there we go. [00:53:54.480 -> 00:54:20.240]: This is another kid that I've done not meet him. [00:54:20.240 -> 00:54:29.360]: I thought I could have been outside that pillar. [00:54:29.360 -> 00:54:35.800]: Alright. [00:54:35.800 -> 00:54:46.600]: Bro, you didn't meet him, oh they're on their on their on their site. [00:54:46.600 -> 00:54:47.600]: What? [00:54:47.600 -> 00:54:50.200]: Who saw that? [00:54:50.200 -> 00:54:51.200]: What the fuck? [00:54:51.200 -> 00:54:57.360]: I think it's the ping bro, there's no way that didn't kill him. [00:54:57.360 -> 00:55:02.000]: What's the other one, what's the other one? [00:55:02.000 -> 00:55:03.560]: The top fagger and who's the next one? [00:55:03.560 -> 00:55:13.120]: The second guy in second or their formula? [00:55:13.120 -> 00:55:20.000]: The guy's throwing a gun and my sensitivity keeps getting fucked with. [00:55:20.000 -> 00:55:21.000]: Not kidding. [00:55:21.000 -> 00:55:37.500]: You've got no scove you at the day really, that's exactly cool, that's a cool fact. [00:55:37.500 -> 00:55:55.840]: Whoa, what the fuck man, what? [00:55:55.840 -> 00:55:59.040]: I think it's dumb that you slow it down entirely when you get shot, but I think it makes sense [00:55:59.040 -> 00:56:04.220]: as it's a game mechanic, but I'm fucking, I'm asked this game bro, I'm three and eleven [00:56:04.220 -> 00:56:05.220]: boys. [00:56:05.220 -> 00:56:08.220]: I was three and eleven. [00:56:08.220 -> 00:56:11.540]: What the fuck is going on? [00:56:11.540 -> 00:56:12.540]: Not this bad. [00:56:12.540 -> 00:56:15.300]: I think I got in a drink bro. [00:56:15.300 -> 00:56:18.700]: I need to smoke some guns, that's what I need to do. [00:56:18.700 -> 00:56:27.100]: Smoke some weed, smoke some weed, smoke it a gun, yeah, smoke it a gun's pack. [00:56:27.100 -> 00:56:43.300]: Defend client clogged, that'll be honest. [00:56:43.300 -> 00:57:00.300]: Okay, yeah. [00:57:00.300 -> 00:57:05.740]: Wow. [00:57:05.740 -> 00:57:18.540]: We're in it's nine versus three, bro, this is so bad. [00:57:18.540 -> 00:57:24.340]: Garbage, garbage, garbage, I gotta play this to me like the easement, I just said. [00:57:24.340 -> 00:57:41.180]: Show me out for a little bit. [00:57:41.180 -> 00:57:42.180]: Bro chill man. [00:57:42.180 -> 00:57:43.180]: Act like I have the sound facts, man. [00:57:43.180 -> 00:57:44.180]: You got two. [00:57:44.180 -> 00:57:45.180]: It's such a disadvantage. [00:57:45.180 -> 00:57:59.320]: Oh nice shot. [00:57:59.320 -> 00:58:02.180]: This map is awful dude. [00:58:02.180 -> 00:58:07.140]: Oh yeah, this map is so bad. [00:58:07.140 -> 00:58:11.760]: Okay, so you gotta sit still entirely when you're shooting it, if you do want to do it. [00:58:11.760 -> 00:58:14.620]: Okay, okay, I'll try to do that. [00:58:14.620 -> 00:58:21.560]: Oh, my back hurts bro, this piece of shit chair I'm sitting in bro, it's terrible. [00:58:21.560 -> 00:58:24.740]: Not good for my back, I can tell you that much. [00:58:24.740 -> 00:58:31.540]: Come on man, I'm gonna miss. [00:58:31.540 -> 00:58:42.260]: Bro, chill the fuck out you fucking reed dude. [00:58:42.260 -> 00:58:58.740]: Do you hella fucked I get up to say. [00:58:58.740 -> 00:59:00.300]: There's no fucking way you can't. [00:59:00.300 -> 00:59:06.020]: You can't climb up that. [00:59:06.020 -> 00:59:12.900]: Did you guys even join this? [00:59:12.900 -> 00:59:13.900]: Can I count that? [00:59:13.900 -> 00:59:14.900]: I feel like this isn't enjoyable. [00:59:14.900 -> 00:59:22.580]: I know I was playing better on the last map. [00:59:22.580 -> 00:59:36.100]: Bro, stop it. [00:59:36.100 -> 00:59:40.020]: Oh, fuck. [00:59:40.020 -> 00:59:43.100]: Oh my God, bro. [00:59:43.100 -> 00:59:46.700]: There's just no fucking way as soon as I keep switching my weapons, bro. [00:59:46.700 -> 00:59:47.700]: Holy fuck. [00:59:47.700 -> 00:59:50.140]: I just want this to be over, dude. [00:59:50.140 -> 00:59:53.220]: You jump in the peak of your jump press crouch. [00:59:53.220 -> 00:59:55.220]: You'll be a bit more height. [00:59:55.220 -> 00:59:56.220]: Oh, really? [00:59:56.220 -> 00:59:57.220]: Oh. [00:59:57.220 -> 00:59:58.220]: What do you mean I'm invested? [00:59:58.220 -> 00:59:59.220]: What do you mean? [00:59:59.220 -> 01:00:00.220]: What do you mean, Dave? [01:00:00.220 -> 01:00:01.220]: What are you talking about? [01:00:01.220 -> 01:00:03.200]: I have no clue what you're telling me you're on about, bro. [01:00:03.200 -> 01:00:04.200]: That's a selling a dick. [01:00:04.200 -> 01:00:06.940]: I have no idea what you mean. [01:00:06.940 -> 01:00:20.940]: You got a bunch of kids I'm playing with. [01:00:20.940 -> 01:00:29.060]: Okay. [01:00:29.060 -> 01:00:34.380]: Sit the fuck down. [01:00:34.380 -> 01:00:45.660]: There's definitely up in here but there's definitely up here. [01:00:45.660 -> 01:00:46.820]: Oh I actually hit him. [01:00:46.820 -> 01:00:48.280]: I see the blood I think. [01:00:48.280 -> 01:00:49.280]: I'm not too sure though. [01:00:49.280 -> 01:00:50.780]: I think I hit that motherfucker. [01:00:50.780 -> 01:00:55.500]: Why didn't I hit an 8K bro since when? [01:00:55.500 -> 01:01:02.500]: Yeah bombs up here, bombs up for you. [01:01:02.500 -> 01:01:07.180]: Oh shit they shot. [01:01:07.180 -> 01:01:15.380]: Oh what are they doing? [01:01:15.380 -> 01:01:35.300]: They're team killing? [01:01:35.300 -> 01:01:37.500]: Okay where are they fucking at? [01:01:37.500 -> 01:01:41.340]: Where are they at? [01:01:41.340 -> 01:01:42.500]: Where could they even be? [01:01:42.500 -> 01:01:46.900]: They check everywhere. [01:01:46.900 -> 01:01:52.580]: In the spawn do I check the spawn? [01:01:52.580 -> 01:01:53.580]: Yeah. [01:01:53.580 -> 01:01:54.580]: Where the hell could they be bro? [01:01:54.580 -> 01:02:01.860]: Does anyone know where they could be at? [01:02:01.860 -> 01:02:05.820]: They play in the bung? [01:02:05.820 -> 01:02:06.820]: What?! [01:02:06.820 -> 01:02:07.820]: I'm high as shit dude. [01:02:07.820 -> 01:02:08.820]: They play in on A or what dude? [01:02:08.820 -> 01:02:09.820]: This man fucking... [01:02:09.820 -> 01:02:12.180]: Oh I think I see him up here. [01:02:12.180 -> 01:02:13.180]: Is it B? [01:02:13.180 -> 01:02:14.180]: Oh it's... [01:02:14.180 -> 01:02:15.180]: Okay okay. [01:02:15.180 -> 01:02:16.180]: It's fuse that bitch. [01:02:16.180 -> 01:02:17.180]: It's fuse it. [01:02:17.180 -> 01:02:18.180]: Nice, let's go. [01:02:18.180 -> 01:02:19.180]: There's shit. [01:02:19.180 -> 01:02:34.180]: I didn't know what the fuck it was. [01:02:34.180 -> 01:02:44.180]: I didn't know what the fuck it was. [01:02:44.180 -> 01:02:51.180]: I need two more wins. [01:02:51.180 -> 01:02:57.180]: Oh, oh. [01:02:57.180 -> 01:02:58.180]: Invested. [01:02:58.180 -> 01:02:59.180]: I don't know what that means. [01:02:59.180 -> 01:03:03.180]: I still don't know what you mean. [01:03:03.180 -> 01:03:05.180]: Okay, they went beat I think. [01:03:05.180 -> 01:03:07.180]: I'm not too sure though. [01:03:07.180 -> 01:03:09.180]: Oh, that was a... [01:03:09.180 -> 01:03:11.180]: Whoa! [01:03:11.180 -> 01:03:14.180]: Fuck. [01:03:14.180 -> 01:03:17.180]: Ugh. [01:03:17.180 -> 01:03:19.180]: This isn't enjoyable anymore. [01:03:19.180 -> 01:03:22.180]: They're about to win this one anyways. [01:03:22.180 -> 01:03:24.180]: I'm about to go get a drink, guys. [01:03:24.180 -> 01:03:26.180]: Get something else to drink, hold on. [01:03:26.180 -> 01:03:28.180]: [sighs] [01:03:28.180 -> 01:03:55.180]: Oh, man, that's how the terrorists win. [01:03:55.180 -> 01:03:57.180]: [beeping] [01:03:57.180 -> 01:04:15.180]: Let's go. [01:04:15.180 -> 01:04:22.180]: Oh, it's very much, you guys. [01:04:22.180 -> 01:04:26.180]: Mm, you're the dank, man. [01:04:26.180 -> 01:04:28.180]: Mini milk. [01:04:28.180 -> 01:04:31.180]: Mini milk, chocolate, peanut butter. [01:04:31.180 -> 01:04:32.180]: But, gosh. [01:04:32.180 -> 01:04:33.180]: It's fucking good. [01:04:33.180 -> 01:04:35.180]: I don't know what you call them. [01:04:35.180 -> 01:04:37.180]: Little chocolate things. [01:04:37.180 -> 01:04:49.180]: Yeah, way back in the day. [01:04:49.180 -> 01:04:51.180]: A few years ago. [01:04:51.180 -> 01:04:58.180]: Oh, man. [01:04:58.180 -> 01:05:02.180]: I got the guy playing the bump. [01:05:02.180 -> 01:05:04.180]: I don't have any of those though. [01:05:04.180 -> 01:05:05.180]: They're good though. [01:05:05.180 -> 01:05:12.180]: Don't shock a peanut butter thing. [01:05:12.180 -> 01:05:20.180]: Oh, okay, sugar, okay. [01:05:20.180 -> 01:05:36.180]: That's fine. [01:05:36.180 -> 01:05:37.180]: What's up, Dnix? [01:05:37.180 -> 01:05:40.180]: How you doing, boss? [01:05:40.180 -> 01:05:42.180]: I heard him till the left. [01:05:42.180 -> 01:05:45.180]: Oh, no, I didn't. [01:05:45.180 -> 01:05:47.180]: I was doing my thing. [01:05:47.180 -> 01:05:50.180]: Oh, good. [01:05:50.180 -> 01:05:52.180]: It's finally over. [01:05:52.180 -> 01:05:55.180]: The paint, the sulfur. [01:05:55.180 -> 01:06:00.180]: It's finally over. [01:06:00.180 -> 01:06:03.180]: Oh, it's been on a dent show. [01:06:03.180 -> 01:06:07.180]: Or, uh... [01:06:07.180 -> 01:06:08.180]: I don't know, man. [01:06:08.180 -> 01:06:10.180]: What do you like? Do you like hacksaw pragmatic? [01:06:10.180 -> 01:06:13.180]: If you're going pragmatic, do you try that princess? [01:06:13.180 -> 01:06:16.180]: I spun him there on my first spin, on the other day. [01:06:16.180 -> 01:06:18.180]: It's new slot. [01:06:18.180 -> 01:06:20.180]: Hang around. [01:06:20.180 -> 01:06:24.180]: We'll play one more on the blood or not. [01:06:24.180 -> 01:06:26.180]: We'll have a type in the lobby. [01:06:26.180 -> 01:06:29.180]: Is he even in here anymore? [01:06:29.180 -> 01:06:40.180]: Alright, Danny, that sounds good, bro. Thank you. [01:06:40.180 -> 01:06:42.180]: Oh. [01:06:42.180 -> 01:07:00.180]: Yeah, we're off. [01:07:00.180 -> 01:07:01.180]: Let's see. [01:07:01.180 -> 01:07:03.180]: Try Princess. [01:07:03.180 -> 01:07:05.180]: Let me tell you another pragmatic. [01:07:05.180 -> 01:07:07.180]: He said pragmatic, usually, okay. [01:07:07.180 -> 01:07:09.180]: Say it, mania. Try that one. [01:07:09.180 -> 01:07:17.180]: Oh, no, Candy Blitz, bro. [01:07:17.180 -> 01:07:19.180]: That was one of those three. [01:07:19.180 -> 01:07:21.180]: Candy Blitz is really good. [01:07:21.180 -> 01:07:23.180]: I really like Candy Blitz, actually. [01:07:23.180 -> 01:07:26.180]: I hit consistently on it all the time. [01:07:26.180 -> 01:07:29.180]: I hit pretty good on Candy Blitz, personally. [01:07:29.180 -> 01:07:33.180]: Try one of those two. [01:07:33.180 -> 01:07:37.180]: Try Light Princess, or Candy Blitz. [01:07:37.180 -> 01:07:50.180]: I'm taking that off my lot. [01:07:50.180 -> 01:07:52.180]: My choice is... [01:07:52.180 -> 01:07:55.180]: I don't like this place either. [01:07:55.180 -> 01:07:57.180]: Oh, it's this one I don't like. [01:07:57.180 -> 01:07:59.180]: Oh, okay. [01:07:59.180 -> 01:08:01.180]: Well, try out of those two. [01:08:01.180 -> 01:08:05.180]: Try Light Princess, or Candy Blitz. [01:08:05.180 -> 01:08:07.180]: They have either one of those. [01:08:07.180 -> 01:08:09.180]: Oh, yeah, it's not bad. [01:08:09.180 -> 01:08:11.180]: You need three of the yellow things. [01:08:11.180 -> 01:08:13.180]: Oh, no, no, no. [01:08:13.180 -> 01:08:15.180]: Oh, okay. [01:08:15.180 -> 01:08:17.180]: Well, try out of those two. [01:08:17.180 -> 01:08:19.180]: Try Light Princess, or Candy Blitz. [01:08:19.180 -> 01:08:21.180]: They have either one of those. [01:08:21.180 -> 01:08:23.180]: Oh, yeah, it's not bad. [01:08:23.180 -> 01:08:25.180]: You need three of the yellow things. [01:08:25.180 -> 01:08:29.180]: You need three of the yellow things to get into the feature. [01:08:29.180 -> 01:08:33.180]: I don't think there's any extra chance. [01:08:33.180 -> 01:08:37.180]: So it's going to be 20 cents, I think, which is pretty cool. [01:08:37.180 -> 01:08:39.180]: I think. [01:08:39.180 -> 01:08:59.180]: That's the pack of Sour Patch Kids right here. [01:08:59.180 -> 01:09:07.180]: [crunching sounds] [01:09:07.180 -> 01:09:15.180]: [crunching sounds] [01:09:15.180 -> 01:09:37.180]: [crunching sounds] [01:09:37.180 -> 01:09:45.180]: Oh, it's nice. Did you? Yeah, it's pretty fun, dude. Not bad. [01:09:45.180 -> 01:10:07.180]: [crunching sounds] [01:10:07.180 -> 01:10:31.180]: [crunching sounds] [01:10:31.180 -> 01:10:40.180]: Sorry, guys. What's up, Michael? How you doing, boss? What's up, Chuck? What's up, Danx? What's up, everybody? [01:10:40.180 -> 01:10:58.180]: [crunching sounds] [01:10:58.180 -> 01:11:00.180]: Can I play one more, guys? [01:11:00.180 -> 01:11:27.180]: [crunching sounds] [01:11:27.180 -> 01:11:35.180]: Anything. Oh, really? Oh, nice. Oh, hell yeah, Dave. Nice, dude. That's what's up. [01:11:35.180 -> 01:11:40.180]: Keep getting too yellow orbs. Oh, really, man? How much you have left? Good luck, boss. [01:11:40.180 -> 01:12:08.180]: [crunching sounds] [01:12:08.180 -> 01:12:28.180]: [crunching sounds] [01:12:28.180 -> 01:12:31.180]: 13 left. You'll get in, I think. You'll get in, boss. [01:12:31.180 -> 01:12:47.180]: [crunching sounds] [01:12:47.180 -> 01:12:49.180]: Oh, what the hell? [01:12:49.180 -> 01:12:53.180]: [crickets chirping] [01:12:53.180 -> 01:12:54.180]: Okay. [01:12:54.180 -> 01:12:55.180]: [crickets chirping] [01:12:55.180 -> 01:12:58.180]: Definitely did not do that, by the way, guys. [laughs] [01:12:58.180 -> 01:13:02.180]: I definitely did not. He did read that comment. Sorry, guys. [01:13:02.180 -> 01:13:04.180]: You don't know how to drink your whole generation. [01:13:04.180 -> 01:13:06.180]: You drink for the wrong reasons. [01:13:06.180 -> 01:13:08.180]: My generation? [01:13:08.180 -> 01:13:10.180]: See, it's good. [01:13:10.180 -> 01:13:13.180]: Because it feels better than unbuttoning your comment. [01:13:13.180 -> 01:13:17.180]: [crunching sounds] [01:13:17.180 -> 01:13:20.180]: Oh, it was me. Oh, fuck, I failed to accept. [01:13:20.180 -> 01:13:22.180]: Oh, you're in? No way! [01:13:22.180 -> 01:13:24.180]: Oh, shit, dude. Good luck, boss. [01:13:24.180 -> 01:13:27.180]: Dude, you want those multipliers to clump together? [01:13:27.180 -> 01:13:30.180]: Be close together, yo, win some bang. [01:13:30.180 -> 01:13:33.180]: You see, you get multiple multipliers clumped together on that bitch. [01:13:33.180 -> 01:13:46.180]: [music] [01:13:46.180 -> 01:13:50.180]: Dude, I wish I had some, uh, like a blunt wrap or something or something. [01:13:50.180 -> 01:13:59.180]: Join papers. [01:13:59.180 -> 01:14:02.180]: Oh, I didn't? Oh, fuck. [01:14:02.180 -> 01:14:04.180]: Damn. [01:14:04.180 -> 01:14:06.180]: Fuck, that's the worst, man. [01:14:06.180 -> 01:14:09.180]: Sorry, dude. [01:14:09.180 -> 01:14:21.180]: I ain't one more rhyme. [01:14:21.180 -> 01:14:24.180]: So, listen, rappers lines is pure for rhyme. [01:14:24.180 -> 01:14:26.180]: Yo, it's your after midnight. [01:14:26.180 -> 01:14:28.180]: I can meet nice studios. [01:14:28.180 -> 01:14:30.180]: Fuck a rug on my wrist, right? [01:14:30.180 -> 01:14:34.180]: Brick wife, we take a straight ring and put the rest of your eight snakes. [01:14:34.180 -> 01:14:37.180]: Break nigga, baby, my man had no lace trace. [01:14:37.180 -> 01:14:39.180]: I can see you on the couch in it. [01:14:39.180 -> 01:14:41.180]: Out the cabevas, shootin' twosies. [01:14:41.180 -> 01:14:43.180]: Also, movie shit, homie it. [01:14:43.180 -> 01:14:45.180]: Work your life for ya. [01:14:45.180 -> 01:14:47.180]: You had to have 20 thousand, so I locked up. [01:14:47.180 -> 01:14:49.180]: My name's about to go and ram it down. [01:14:49.180 -> 01:14:50.180]: You fucked up my stuff. [01:14:50.180 -> 01:14:52.180]: 30 days worth of praise. [01:14:52.180 -> 01:14:54.180]: I went to sleep late, got it early. [01:14:54.180 -> 01:14:55.180]: Great for me. [01:14:55.180 -> 01:14:56.180]: Met my fuck-twink. [01:14:56.180 -> 01:14:58.180]: But I get this shit, seven times. [01:14:58.180 -> 01:15:00.180]: Met y'all, I got a heavy shot. [01:15:00.180 -> 01:15:01.180]: Mind's full. [01:15:01.180 -> 01:15:02.180]: It's like the heat group. [01:15:02.180 -> 01:15:04.180]: The only guy we in heat group. [01:15:04.180 -> 01:15:05.180]: I'm in my cell. [01:15:05.180 -> 01:15:06.180]: E.C. food. [01:15:06.180 -> 01:15:08.180]: Oh [01:15:08.180 -> 01:15:19.520]: Hell yeah, you are okay, you can sit there. I can sit there. Alright, so you make it back in bro. You're very well good [01:15:19.520 -> 01:15:22.480]: Very well good. Hope so dude. Hope so [01:15:22.480 -> 01:15:24.480]: Oh [01:15:24.480 -> 01:15:43.920]: Dude, you know what hold on [01:15:43.920 -> 01:15:45.920]: I [01:15:45.920 -> 01:16:04.180]: Think I'm playing on one guys, what should we do though? I don't know what we're gonna do [01:16:13.320 -> 01:16:15.320]: All right [01:16:15.320 -> 01:16:30.600]: Are this green [01:16:30.600 -> 01:16:32.600]: I [01:16:32.600 -> 01:16:34.600]: I [01:16:34.600 -> 01:16:36.600]: I [01:16:36.600 -> 01:16:42.480]: You could find no remorse [01:16:42.480 -> 01:16:52.680]: Price ice or what's wine course one guy tried to bite me [01:16:52.680 -> 01:17:02.980]: Oh the one they hate so well sure keeps recycling like the old big small tell they can ask him for a lease on these tracks [01:17:02.980 -> 01:17:05.640]: But only got confronted by the beast with two backs [01:17:05.640 -> 01:17:07.640]: Knock [01:17:07.640 -> 01:17:24.600]: You guys what do you guys want to do man? I don't like care. Let's play this way. I play a [01:17:24.600 -> 01:17:30.720]: Cosh, I don't know man. I'm gonna go get some more bunchy food, dude. I'm not a lot of you guys [01:17:30.720 -> 01:17:32.720]: Oh [01:17:32.720 -> 01:17:36.160]: The only thing was wrong is he was bald as a tooth [01:17:36.160 -> 01:17:38.300]: Used to ran a van for Peter Pan [01:17:38.300 -> 01:17:41.480]: Red and 10 and keep the human foot for his dead man's hand [01:17:41.480 -> 01:17:46.560]: This is when the mask was brand spanking new before it got rusted drank nor a broom [01:17:46.560 -> 01:17:51.400]: Stankin to you kept all his earnings in the bank in the shoe [01:17:51.400 -> 01:17:56.680]: Spat what he knew energy for truth to all fake graphics 23 could do [01:17:56.680 -> 01:18:02.100]: Excuse you what he woman the class front before blast of a blunt shroom since last month [01:18:02.100 -> 01:18:07.840]: Doin on human in the mask or the stunt dangers in the past man fast on the hunt keep your streets [01:18:07.840 -> 01:18:12.260]: We got the city nearly conquered this good league with the CD till they be completely bonkered [01:18:12.260 -> 01:18:17.180]: Fans demanded it handling swallow with his own brand of shit. If only he could bottle it [01:18:17.180 -> 01:18:24.540]: Now she can get messy that try to torture him for the secret recipe. He said there's no use only no half [01:18:24.540 -> 01:18:27.220]: No speaker the English only doing math [01:18:28.660 -> 01:18:34.000]: Don't know pain brain saturating with cocaine and vogue. He said try scam [01:18:34.000 -> 01:18:39.020]: No thing to be caught dead fly man go for bling. He got blood I jam over sting [01:18:39.020 -> 01:18:42.020]: See spots red. I am so fucking we [01:18:42.020 -> 01:18:46.820]: Now repeat [01:18:46.820 -> 01:18:59.960]: I am so fucking faster. I am not so fast. So I'm meaning I am so fucking mad. Oh, you say for this thing [01:18:59.960 -> 01:19:01.960]: I [01:19:01.960 -> 01:19:03.960]: I [01:19:03.960 -> 01:19:05.960]: I [01:19:05.960 -> 01:19:10.960]: This episode is, you have to a Brooklyn man, this is Sony's Angels. [01:19:10.960 -> 01:19:16.960]: Hey y'all, it was three white mentors who worked for Tony Stahls, undercover agents far beyond dogs. [01:19:16.960 -> 01:19:21.960]: Amazed by debut marks, wonderful men braceless knee-hovers, that was made by talks. [01:19:21.960 -> 01:19:25.960]: My dick got hot on how they spoke and shit, every language was music to the kid as if. [01:19:25.960 -> 01:19:32.960]: The flowers, Marne, they, King, Midas, Dorian, Sky, and Kelly, Stalki's, Andrew, Shiloh, and it happened in the streets of Brooklyn. [01:19:32.960 -> 01:19:37.960]: Plus, I played the whip real low 'cause my face was broken, Marne's was jetted out of Alpha Square. [01:19:37.960 -> 01:19:40.960]: You're now rapping the head, kind of crowded, so they clap in the air. [01:19:40.960 -> 01:19:45.960]: Chasing, they get down black for black, squeezing blocks, these mommy's real anxious to blow off his top. [01:19:45.960 -> 01:19:47.960]: He's a rapist, borougher, convict, borougher. [01:19:47.960 -> 01:19:51.960]: The more they read, they more these girls got dirtier, synthesized like Jake Dang. [01:19:51.960 -> 01:19:53.960]: FedEx Express, Sway, boom, bow. [01:19:53.960 -> 01:19:55.960]: Bing heard the gun play. [01:19:55.960 -> 01:19:56.960]: Back out the window. [01:19:56.960 -> 01:20:01.960]: Mr. Lee said, \Three pain outs [01:20:01.960 -> 01:20:02.960]: It's such bad keys. [01:20:02.960 -> 01:20:03.960]: They did not pull up. [01:20:03.960 -> 01:20:04.960]: Come on, girls. [01:20:04.960 -> 01:20:05.960]: The club ain't.\" 4805960,4807960, Stay tuned for the conclusion." [01:20:07.960 -> 01:20:08.960]: Please come with me. [01:20:08.960 -> 01:20:09.960]: Family truth. [01:20:09.960 -> 01:20:11.960]: Two brown sisters, assistant, developmental. [01:20:11.960 -> 01:20:14.960]: He woke up stoked like they were still in his room. [01:20:14.960 -> 01:20:15.960]: Pridders right on the leg. [01:20:15.960 -> 01:20:16.960]: It was more like a suit. [01:20:16.960 -> 01:20:17.960]: Release his other leg. [01:20:17.960 -> 01:20:19.960]: Pawn had a rose to his feet. [01:20:19.960 -> 01:20:21.960]: And staggered when it suffered the socks and masks and necked. [01:20:21.960 -> 01:20:23.960]: Go on a boxing session for the trio. [01:20:23.960 -> 01:20:24.960]: Chuckling for the keys. [01:20:24.960 -> 01:20:25.960]: The goal. [01:20:25.960 -> 01:20:26.960]: A robbery. [01:20:26.960 -> 01:20:27.960]: Back to jet. [01:20:27.960 -> 01:20:28.960]: Nothing obvious was missing. [01:20:28.960 -> 01:20:29.960]: Rec. [01:20:29.960 -> 01:20:32.960]: Tonight, why Hollywood, how they stepped into seppings of 90s. [01:20:32.960 -> 01:20:34.960]: Personally, I'll purchase the old P.A. [01:20:34.960 -> 01:20:35.960]: Johnny. [01:20:35.960 -> 01:20:36.960]: Chants to Patrese, what time it is. [01:20:36.960 -> 01:20:37.960]: T-shirt. [01:20:37.960 -> 01:20:38.960]: Drive wild, nice and veggie. [01:20:38.960 -> 01:20:39.960]: Fire, rice, spicy. [01:20:39.960 -> 01:20:40.960]: Told 'em up. [01:20:40.960 -> 01:20:41.960]: I don't feel so on my belly. [01:20:41.960 -> 01:20:42.960]: Spent me down. [01:20:42.960 -> 01:20:43.960]: No, roll. [01:20:43.960 -> 01:20:44.960]: Straw me to the telly. [01:20:44.960 -> 01:20:45.960]: Y'all go and get the duchess. [01:20:45.960 -> 01:20:46.960]: Be back. [01:20:46.960 -> 01:20:47.960]: Pop me. [01:20:47.960 -> 01:20:48.960]: Fill him loose. [01:20:48.960 -> 01:20:49.960]: You know who's in the lobby. [01:20:49.960 -> 01:20:50.960]: Space. [01:20:50.960 -> 01:20:51.960]: Pizza man. [01:20:51.960 -> 01:20:52.960]: Change your hands. [01:20:52.960 -> 01:20:53.960]: Pop him up. [01:20:53.960 -> 01:20:54.960]: Now I will swim the knot in her pocket. [01:20:54.960 -> 01:20:55.960]: Wasn't the judge, but you careless. [01:20:55.960 -> 01:20:56.960]: Fearless. [01:20:56.960 -> 01:20:57.960]: Thought to remove himself. [01:20:57.960 -> 01:20:58.960]: Flat out of the terrace. [01:20:58.960 -> 01:21:00.960]: The question remains to bound the gaggle. [01:21:00.960 -> 01:21:02.960]: That's when he found the empty pack of black maggum. [01:21:02.960 -> 01:21:04.960]: Villains give a gram on a strength 50g. [01:21:04.960 -> 01:21:06.960]: A part of Mr. Roper. [01:21:06.960 -> 01:21:08.960]: Let's play by Mr. G. [01:21:08.960 -> 01:21:09.960]: Listen. [01:21:09.960 -> 01:21:10.960]: Talk, Shiley. [01:21:10.960 -> 01:21:11.960]: Just move. [01:21:11.960 -> 01:21:12.960]: I'm going to say this. [01:21:12.960 -> 01:21:13.960]: Alright, I'm going back. [01:21:13.960 -> 01:21:14.960]: Oh, man. [01:21:14.960 -> 01:21:15.960]: I got more dungas. [01:21:15.960 -> 01:21:16.960]: Fuckin' go. [01:21:16.960 -> 01:21:31.960]: I love food, dude. [01:21:31.960 -> 01:21:32.960]: Good morning. [01:21:32.960 -> 01:21:37.960]: How are you, bro? [01:21:37.960 -> 01:21:44.960]: How are you going, everybody? [01:21:44.960 -> 01:21:47.960]: Oh, hot. [01:21:47.960 -> 01:21:48.960]: Oh, it's hot. [01:21:48.960 -> 01:21:54.960]: Like temperature-wise. [01:21:54.960 -> 01:21:55.960]: Alright. [01:21:55.960 -> 01:21:56.960]: What are we doing, guys? [01:21:56.960 -> 01:21:58.960]: I guess I can play some roots, okay, maybe? [01:21:58.960 -> 01:21:59.960]: Or no? [01:21:59.960 -> 01:22:00.960]: Hm. [01:22:00.960 -> 01:22:03.960]: Red Dead Redemption 2, guys? [01:22:03.960 -> 01:22:06.960]: Try to play Red Dead Redemption 2. [01:22:06.960 -> 01:22:08.960]: I mean, I can try it. [01:22:08.960 -> 01:22:11.960]: I don't know if I like it as much as I might think. [01:22:11.960 -> 01:22:12.960]: I think I will though. [01:22:12.960 -> 01:22:15.960]: I don't know, we'll see. [01:22:15.960 -> 01:22:17.960]: Should I play Red Dead Redemption 2, sugar? [01:22:17.960 -> 01:22:18.960]: You think so? [01:22:18.960 -> 01:22:22.960]: Would you like that game? [01:22:22.960 -> 01:22:29.960]: Alright. [01:22:29.960 -> 01:22:32.960]: Let's play it. [01:22:32.960 -> 01:22:35.960]: I got a bunch of games gifted to me recently. [01:22:35.960 -> 01:22:37.960]: Pretty nice. [01:22:37.960 -> 01:22:45.960]: I got a play. [01:22:45.960 -> 01:22:46.960]: Yeah. [01:22:46.960 -> 01:22:49.960]: I don't remember that. [01:23:01.960 -> 01:23:08.960]: What did this game release? [01:23:08.960 -> 01:23:16.960]: I can't remember. [01:23:16.960 -> 01:23:17.960]: Oh, really? [01:23:17.960 -> 01:23:18.960]: Really? [01:23:18.960 -> 01:23:20.960]: No, shot. [01:23:20.960 -> 01:23:23.960]: No, it's not been that long. [01:23:23.960 -> 01:23:30.960]: No, at the earliest it's been 2018. [01:23:30.960 -> 01:23:33.960]: Yeah. [01:23:33.960 -> 01:23:34.960]: Wow. [01:23:34.960 -> 01:23:39.960]: That means I've lived where I live now for five years. [01:23:39.960 -> 01:23:44.960]: Alright. [01:23:44.960 -> 01:23:46.960]: What the hell? [01:23:46.960 -> 01:23:48.960]: I don't have any social club accounts. [01:23:48.960 -> 01:23:55.960]: At the make-one? [01:23:55.960 -> 01:24:00.960]: Oh, yeah. [01:24:00.960 -> 01:24:06.960]: [sighs] [01:24:06.960 -> 01:24:11.960]: [sighs] [01:24:11.960 -> 01:24:15.960]: [sighs] [01:24:15.960 -> 01:24:17.960]: Wait. [01:24:17.960 -> 01:24:20.960]: I've come to help you. [01:24:20.960 -> 01:24:23.960]: Help me. [01:24:23.960 -> 01:24:24.960]: Please. [01:24:24.960 -> 01:24:25.960]: In my pockets. [01:24:25.960 -> 01:24:27.960]: I know. [01:24:27.960 -> 01:24:32.960]: Yeah, that was a good guess. [01:24:32.960 -> 01:24:37.960]: That's how I feel. [01:24:37.960 -> 01:24:42.960]: [sighs] [01:24:42.960 -> 01:24:47.960]: [sighs] [01:24:47.960 -> 01:24:50.960]: I love chicken, dude. [01:24:50.960 -> 01:24:55.960]: Chicken's so good, isn't it? [01:24:55.960 -> 01:25:00.960]: [sighs] [01:25:00.960 -> 01:25:03.960]: Hey, good morning, how are you doing? [01:25:03.960 -> 01:25:04.960]: Okay. [01:25:04.960 -> 01:25:05.960]: What's good? [01:25:05.960 -> 01:25:08.960]: How you doing? [01:25:08.960 -> 01:25:15.960]: [sighs] [01:25:15.960 -> 01:25:16.960]: How'd you sleep? [01:25:16.960 -> 01:25:17.960]: How'd you sleep? [01:25:17.960 -> 01:25:18.960]: What time is it? [01:25:18.960 -> 01:25:19.960]: 5 AM. [01:25:19.960 -> 01:25:20.960]: Damn, you're up early. [01:25:20.960 -> 01:25:22.960]: Oh, I just crushed this chicken nuggets, guys. [01:25:22.960 -> 01:25:25.960]: This shit was good. [01:25:25.960 -> 01:25:26.960]: Alright. [01:25:26.960 -> 01:25:30.960]: I need to fucking, um, okay. [01:25:30.960 -> 01:25:31.960]: I need to put my up. [01:25:31.960 -> 01:25:32.960]: I'm high right now. [01:25:32.960 -> 01:25:34.960]: Sorry, guys. [01:25:34.960 -> 01:25:37.960]: Okay, clean one uppercase, one lowercase, and one number. [01:25:37.960 -> 01:25:38.960]: Okay. [01:25:38.960 -> 01:25:40.960]: Oh, see, I feel you. [01:25:40.960 -> 01:25:41.960]: Damn. [01:25:41.960 -> 01:25:43.960]: Sorry, yo. [01:25:43.960 -> 01:25:44.960]: Get her done. [01:25:44.960 -> 01:25:47.960]: I know you know, but you'll feel better after. [01:25:47.960 -> 01:25:48.960]: Obviously, yeah. [01:25:48.960 -> 01:25:53.960]: Okay, one uppercase, one lowercase, and one number. [01:25:53.960 -> 01:25:57.960]: Okay. [01:25:57.960 -> 01:26:05.960]: Excuse me, guys. [01:26:05.960 -> 01:26:15.960]: Excuse me, guys. [01:26:15.960 -> 01:26:33.960]: There we go, cray-cans. [01:26:33.960 -> 01:26:56.960]: That's a good point. [01:26:56.960 -> 01:27:22.960]: Oh, shit, I've got the wrong email, that's right. [01:27:22.960 -> 01:27:27.960]: It's a price on all snitches. [01:27:27.960 -> 01:27:35.960]: It's nice to bring back eyes, fingers, toes and pitches. [01:27:35.960 -> 01:27:38.960]: Send copies of those who sing in the blues. [01:27:38.960 -> 01:27:43.960]: Mothers and fathers, who's unjust. [01:27:43.960 -> 01:27:56.960]: Everybody please put a thumb in the air. [01:27:56.960 -> 01:28:04.960]: Here we go, rockstar. [01:28:04.960 -> 01:28:09.960]: Beautiful. [01:28:09.960 -> 01:28:18.960]: Let them in. [01:28:18.960 -> 01:28:19.960]: I'll save. [01:28:19.960 -> 01:28:20.960]: They went cloud saves a lot. [01:28:20.960 -> 01:28:24.960]: I'm actually thinking as a game saves too. [01:28:24.960 -> 01:28:38.960]: I think you need a switch stream. [01:28:38.960 -> 01:28:42.960]: I haven't launched yet. [01:28:42.960 -> 01:28:45.960]: It's just not launching. [01:28:45.960 -> 01:28:52.960]: Don't you mean? [01:28:52.960 -> 01:28:53.960]: Oh yeah, just give me just a second. [01:28:53.960 -> 01:28:54.960]: It's just not letting me in. [01:28:54.960 -> 01:29:01.960]: I didn't create a count and all that bullshit. [01:29:01.960 -> 01:29:08.960]: Oh, two, three, four. [01:29:08.960 -> 01:29:15.960]: Alright, it's launching. [01:29:15.960 -> 01:29:20.960]: Let's fucking get it. [01:29:20.960 -> 01:29:40.960]: Alright, how about now? [01:29:40.960 -> 01:29:45.960]: Can you guys see Red Dead Redemption now? [01:29:45.960 -> 01:29:52.960]: I don't know. [01:29:52.960 -> 01:29:55.960]: Okay, cool. [01:29:55.960 -> 01:29:56.960]: Oh, yeah. [01:29:56.960 -> 01:30:00.960]: The Halloween Pass 2 returns. [01:30:00.960 -> 01:30:02.960]: Alright. [01:30:02.960 -> 01:30:05.960]: Shall I play on Liar's Story? [01:30:05.960 -> 01:30:07.960]: Is on Liar even good? [01:30:07.960 -> 01:30:10.960]: What's that play? [01:30:10.960 -> 01:30:19.960]: Oh, shit. [01:30:19.960 -> 01:30:20.960]: I only got Charles. [01:30:20.960 -> 01:30:22.960]: Yeah, yeah, yeah. [01:30:22.960 -> 01:30:23.960]: I was a cheater. [01:30:23.960 -> 01:30:24.960]: Oh, wow, really? [01:30:24.960 -> 01:30:25.960]: Oh. [01:30:25.960 -> 01:30:26.960]: He's ruined. [01:30:26.960 -> 01:30:29.960]: Oh, wow. [01:30:29.960 -> 01:30:30.960]: That sucks. [01:30:30.960 -> 01:30:33.960]: People do that, isn't it? [01:30:33.960 -> 01:30:34.960]: Cheating on the game. [01:30:34.960 -> 01:30:35.960]: Like, what does that even tell you? [01:30:35.960 -> 01:30:37.960]: That's a so many things. [01:30:37.960 -> 01:30:39.960]: I'm gonna grab it. [01:30:39.960 -> 01:30:40.960]: Hopefully, don't lose it. [01:30:40.960 -> 01:30:41.960]: Please, hope I don't. [01:30:41.960 -> 01:30:48.960]: This is story, I'm gonna get some candy. [01:30:48.960 -> 01:30:49.960]: Man, I found my phone, too, guys. [01:30:49.960 -> 01:30:54.960]: I'm looking at all of you, guys. [01:30:54.960 -> 01:30:55.960]: Oh, the story's good, yeah. [01:30:55.960 -> 01:30:57.960]: I haven't beat it yet. [01:30:57.960 -> 01:30:59.960]: Actually, I think I did beat this game, actually. [01:30:59.960 -> 01:31:00.960]: Could be wrong, though. [01:31:00.960 -> 01:31:02.960]: Well, I'll be right back, guys. [01:31:02.960 -> 01:31:09.960]: We just did it. [01:31:09.960 -> 01:31:13.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:31:13.960 -> 01:31:16.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:31:16.960 -> 01:31:19.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:31:19.960 -> 01:31:22.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:31:22.960 -> 01:31:25.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:31:25.960 -> 01:31:28.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:31:28.960 -> 01:31:31.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:31:31.960 -> 01:31:34.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:31:34.960 -> 01:31:37.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:31:37.960 -> 01:31:40.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:31:40.960 -> 01:31:43.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:31:43.960 -> 01:31:46.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:31:46.960 -> 01:31:49.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:31:49.960 -> 01:31:52.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:31:52.960 -> 01:31:55.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:31:55.960 -> 01:31:58.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:31:58.960 -> 01:32:01.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:32:01.960 -> 01:32:04.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:32:04.960 -> 01:32:07.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:32:07.960 -> 01:32:10.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:32:10.960 -> 01:32:13.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:32:13.960 -> 01:32:16.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:32:16.960 -> 01:32:19.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:32:19.960 -> 01:32:22.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:32:22.960 -> 01:32:25.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:32:25.960 -> 01:32:28.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:32:28.960 -> 01:32:31.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:32:31.960 -> 01:32:34.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:32:34.960 -> 01:32:37.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:32:37.960 -> 01:32:40.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:32:40.960 -> 01:32:43.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:32:43.960 -> 01:32:46.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:32:46.960 -> 01:32:49.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:32:49.960 -> 01:32:52.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:32:52.960 -> 01:32:55.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:32:55.960 -> 01:32:58.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:32:58.960 -> 01:33:01.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:33:01.960 -> 01:33:04.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:33:04.960 -> 01:33:07.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:33:07.960 -> 01:33:10.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:33:10.960 -> 01:33:13.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:33:13.960 -> 01:33:16.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:33:16.960 -> 01:33:19.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:33:19.960 -> 01:33:22.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:33:22.960 -> 01:33:25.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:33:25.960 -> 01:33:28.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:33:28.960 -> 01:33:31.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:33:31.960 -> 01:33:34.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:33:34.960 -> 01:33:37.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:33:37.960 -> 01:33:40.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:33:40.960 -> 01:33:43.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:33:43.960 -> 01:33:46.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:33:46.960 -> 01:33:49.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:33:49.960 -> 01:33:52.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:33:52.960 -> 01:33:55.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:33:55.960 -> 01:33:58.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:33:58.960 -> 01:34:01.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:34:01.960 -> 01:34:04.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:34:04.960 -> 01:34:07.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:34:07.960 -> 01:34:10.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:34:10.960 -> 01:34:13.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:34:13.960 -> 01:34:16.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:34:16.960 -> 01:34:19.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:34:19.960 -> 01:34:22.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:34:22.960 -> 01:34:25.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:34:25.960 -> 01:34:28.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:34:28.960 -> 01:34:31.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:34:31.960 -> 01:34:34.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:34:34.960 -> 01:34:37.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:34:37.960 -> 01:34:40.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:34:40.960 -> 01:34:43.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:34:43.960 -> 01:34:46.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:34:47.960 -> 01:34:49.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:34:49.960 -> 01:34:52.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:34:52.960 -> 01:34:55.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:34:56.960 -> 01:34:58.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:34:59.960 -> 01:35:01.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:35:01.960 -> 01:35:04.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:35:05.960 -> 01:35:07.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:35:07.960 -> 01:35:09.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:35:09.960 -> 01:35:11.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:35:12.960 -> 01:35:14.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:35:15.960 -> 01:35:17.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:35:17.960 -> 01:35:19.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:35:19.960 -> 01:35:21.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:35:21.960 -> 01:35:23.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:35:23.960 -> 01:35:25.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:35:25.960 -> 01:35:27.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:35:27.960 -> 01:35:29.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:35:29.960 -> 01:35:31.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:35:31.960 -> 01:35:33.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:35:33.960 -> 01:35:35.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:35:35.960 -> 01:35:37.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:35:37.960 -> 01:35:39.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:35:39.960 -> 01:35:41.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:35:41.960 -> 01:35:43.960]: [MUSIC PLAYING] [01:35:43.960 -> 01:35:48.980]: All this money that's some she'll take over the world. Why these haters get mad? [01:35:48.980 -> 01:35:55.580]: That's why all my bitches that they see this crazy life I have and they and all we go win you can take the loser draw what I'm in [01:35:55.580 -> 01:36:02.220]: Got these hoses used to play me in a box. We gonna take over the world. Why these haters get mad take over the world [01:36:02.220 -> 01:36:08.100]: Why these haters get mad? That's why all my bitches better see this crazy life I have hop into the car [01:36:08.100 -> 01:36:13.780]: And we take them to the head and more fucking soon they know me, but they never met the kids [01:36:13.780 -> 01:36:19.380]: They'll come with excellence and money make benevolent irrelevant for the fuckers who never been intelligent [01:36:19.380 -> 01:36:22.460]: I kill my hand, he break the bottle for the hell of it [01:36:22.460 -> 01:36:27.780]: Tell a bitch that she better bring her friends and if she won in all the grass she better bring her pants [01:36:27.780 -> 01:36:33.980]: He at a party never end this life is what I recommend and if you gotta open pull me that she better be a tan [01:36:33.980 -> 01:36:39.100]: I ain't picky but these girls be acting tricky when the situation sticky and the liquor got him silly [01:36:39.100 -> 01:36:42.380]: But I take over the world when I'm on my Donald Trump shit [01:36:42.380 -> 01:36:45.260]: Look at all this money ain't that some shit [01:36:45.260 -> 01:36:47.980]: We gon' take over the world while these haters gettin mad [01:36:47.980 -> 01:36:51.740]: That's why all my bitches bad they see this crazy life I have and they ain't all [01:36:51.740 -> 01:36:53.940]: We gon' win, you can take the loser draw [01:36:53.940 -> 01:36:56.860]: What I'm in, got these hoes who used to play me in they brawls [01:36:56.860 -> 01:37:00.140]: We gon' take over the world while these haters gettin mad [01:37:00.140 -> 01:37:02.700]: Take over the world while these haters get mad [01:37:02.700 -> 01:37:06.060]: That's where all my bitches better see this crazy life ahead [01:37:06.060 -> 01:37:09.500]: Hop into the car and then we take 'em to the panties to bed [01:37:09.500 -> 01:37:35.500]: [Music] [01:37:35.500 -> 01:37:42.500]: [Music] [01:37:42.500 -> 01:37:47.500]: [Music] [01:37:47.500 -> 01:37:50.500]: [Music] [01:37:50.500 -> 01:37:54.500]: [Music] [01:37:54.500 -> 01:37:59.500]: [Music] [01:37:59.500 -> 01:38:03.500]: [Music] [01:38:03.500 -> 01:38:08.500]: [Music] [01:38:08.500 -> 01:38:13.500]: [Music] [01:38:13.500 -> 01:38:18.500]: [Music] [01:38:18.500 -> 01:38:23.500]: [Music] [01:38:23.500 -> 01:38:28.500]: [Music] [01:38:28.500 -> 01:38:33.500]: [Music] [01:38:33.500 -> 01:38:38.500]: [Music] [01:38:38.500 -> 01:38:43.500]: [Music] [01:38:43.500 -> 01:38:48.500]: [Music] [01:38:48.500 -> 01:38:52.500]: [Music] [01:38:52.500 -> 01:38:57.500]: [Music] [01:38:57.500 -> 01:39:02.500]: [Music] [01:39:02.500 -> 01:39:07.500]: [Music] [01:39:07.500 -> 01:39:12.500]: [Music] [01:39:12.500 -> 01:39:17.500]: [Music] [01:39:17.500 -> 01:39:27.500]: [Music] [01:39:27.500 -> 01:39:32.500]: [Music] [01:39:32.500 -> 01:39:37.500]: [Music] [01:39:37.500 -> 01:39:42.500]: [Music] [01:39:42.500 -> 01:39:52.500]: [Music] [01:39:52.500 -> 01:39:57.500]: [Music] [01:39:57.500 -> 01:40:02.500]: [Music] [01:40:02.500 -> 01:40:17.500]: [Music] [01:40:17.500 -> 01:40:22.500]: [Music] [01:40:22.500 -> 01:40:42.500]: [Music] [01:40:42.500 -> 01:40:48.500]: [Music] [01:40:48.500 -> 01:41:08.500]: [Music] [01:41:08.500 -> 01:41:28.500]: [Music] [01:41:28.500 -> 01:41:48.500]: [Music] [01:41:48.500 -> 01:41:54.500]: [Music] [01:41:54.500 -> 01:42:14.500]: [Music] [01:42:14.500 -> 01:42:34.500]: [Music] [01:42:34.500 -> 01:42:54.500]: [Music] [01:42:54.500 -> 01:43:14.500]: [Music] [01:43:14.500 -> 01:43:34.500]: [Music] [01:43:34.500 -> 01:43:54.500]: [Music] [01:43:54.500 -> 01:44:14.500]: [Music] [01:44:14.500 -> 01:44:22.500]: [Music] [01:44:22.500 -> 01:44:42.500]: [Music] [01:44:42.500 -> 01:45:02.500]: [Music] [01:45:02.500 -> 01:45:22.500]: [Music] [01:45:22.500 -> 01:45:35.500]: Hello there, how we doing? All right, I'm done. All right, let's see what we got here. Let's just turn the music off, eh? We're full effect. All right, here we go. [01:45:35.500 -> 01:45:47.500]: By 1899, the Asia Outlaws. Is this even playing? Oh, hold up. There we go. Does it speak to me now or no? I'm down now. [01:45:47.500 -> 01:45:54.500]: What's up, sugar? How you doing? What's up, Dave? What's up, Hamza? Who else is, uh, whoever else is still here? [01:45:54.500 -> 01:46:00.500]: We can gotcha. [01:46:00.500 -> 01:46:06.500]: What should we do, guys? I don't even know. [01:46:06.500 -> 01:46:32.500]: I'm gonna skip this. I don't feel like reading. You know, I read my chat all day. How ironic is that? And I'm clean. No way. Oh, you're down now. I didn't know what you meant by that. [01:46:32.500 -> 01:46:37.500]: Oh, man. Sorry, bro. Fuck. Dude. Same, bro. Honestly. I'm not gonna lie to you. [01:46:37.500 -> 01:46:47.500]: Dude, look at the graphics on the shit. It's actually running pretty smooth on my computer, boys. [01:46:47.500 -> 01:46:56.500]: Dude, I hate this guy's voice and it's so it's so much of it in this, in this, uh... [01:46:56.500 -> 01:47:01.500]: Oh, is it frozen? Is it really? [01:47:01.500 -> 01:47:05.500]: No, it's not. [01:47:05.500 -> 01:47:10.500]: Is it? It doesn't look like it is. Is it good for anybody else? [01:47:10.500 -> 01:47:14.500]: I found a place where we can get some shelter. [01:47:14.500 -> 01:47:20.500]: Oh, was it? Okay, good. [01:47:20.500 -> 01:47:25.500]: Okay, that's really frozen. I don't know why I did that. [01:47:25.500 -> 01:47:35.500]: Hmm, that's true. [01:47:35.500 -> 01:47:38.500]: Alright. [01:47:38.500 -> 01:47:42.500]: I should probably watch the other videos on or what? [01:47:42.500 -> 01:47:46.500]: I probably should, yeah. It depends. [01:47:46.500 -> 01:47:51.500]: There we go. [01:47:51.500 -> 01:47:59.500]: Let's say hold what. I didn't even read it. [01:47:59.500 -> 01:48:04.500]: Is it really? [01:48:04.500 -> 01:48:08.500]: It is not a dude. [01:48:08.500 -> 01:48:11.500]: It looks fine to me, bro. [01:48:11.500 -> 01:48:14.500]: Can anybody confirm? I'm about to send the stream, boys. [01:48:14.500 -> 01:48:16.500]: What the fuck? Should I not play? [01:48:16.500 -> 01:48:21.500]: What the hell is we got causing that? [01:48:21.500 -> 01:48:25.500]: It's very strange. Should I get on Twitch, maybe? [01:48:25.500 -> 01:48:27.500]: Do you think it's the graphics? [01:48:27.500 -> 01:48:33.500]: It probably is. [01:48:33.500 -> 01:48:41.500]: Oh, let's do a 1280. [01:48:41.500 -> 01:48:45.500]: Yep, that'll fix it properly. [01:48:45.500 -> 01:48:55.500]: It's quite a medium medium medium medium. [01:48:55.500 -> 01:49:00.500]: Medium. [01:49:00.500 -> 01:49:06.500]: Let me try the medium route. [01:49:06.500 -> 01:49:11.500]: What the hell? [01:49:11.500 -> 01:49:16.500]: It's got a small little screen now. [01:49:16.500 -> 01:49:20.500]: Oh, no. [01:49:20.500 -> 01:49:21.500]: I mean, this works, I guess. [01:49:21.500 -> 01:49:26.500]: I mean, is it how does it look for you guys? [01:49:26.500 -> 01:49:27.500]: Really? [01:49:27.500 -> 01:49:28.500]: Oh, shit. [01:49:28.500 -> 01:49:29.500]: I'm glad that you told me. [01:49:29.500 -> 01:49:39.500]: It looks fine on me. [01:49:39.500 -> 01:49:41.500]: That's right. [01:49:41.500 -> 01:49:48.500]: What the fuck, man? [01:49:48.500 -> 01:49:55.500]: Oh, it's fine. [01:49:55.500 -> 01:50:02.500]: Yeah, or auto, or is it-- or is that-- is that a thing? [01:50:02.500 -> 01:50:21.500]: I don't know how you shit, dude. [01:50:21.500 -> 01:50:28.500]: Oh, I don't think so, bro. [01:50:28.500 -> 01:50:31.500]: I should do it. [01:50:31.500 -> 01:50:36.500]: Oh, oh. [01:50:36.500 -> 01:50:38.500]: Been benchmark test? [01:50:38.500 -> 01:50:45.500]: I don't fucking know. [01:50:45.500 -> 01:50:48.500]: No. [01:50:48.500 -> 01:50:51.500]: I don't know, bro. [01:50:51.500 -> 01:51:08.500]: But it's like-- it's a small portion of my screen, bro. [01:51:08.500 -> 01:51:11.500]: Is it the full screen? [01:51:11.500 -> 01:51:12.500]: Oh, I'm high, dude. [01:51:12.500 -> 01:51:13.500]: Sorry. [01:51:13.500 -> 01:51:18.500]: We're going to bore the hell, yeah, there we go. [01:51:18.500 -> 01:51:21.500]: No, no, no. [01:51:21.500 -> 01:51:24.500]: What the hell? [01:51:24.500 -> 01:51:27.500]: There we go. [01:51:27.500 -> 01:51:28.500]: OK. [01:51:28.500 -> 01:51:29.500]: Let's try now. [01:51:29.500 -> 01:51:31.500]: Is it like better now or-- you guys tell me. [01:51:31.500 -> 01:51:32.500]: Let's see. [01:51:32.500 -> 01:51:36.500]: It looks like what I'm actually playing. [01:51:36.500 -> 01:51:40.500]: It doesn't look even that much worse, bro. [01:51:40.500 -> 01:51:44.500]: OK, now. [01:51:44.500 -> 01:51:47.500]: OK, good. [01:51:47.500 -> 01:51:50.500]: Is it running-- is it-- tell me if it freezes again. [01:51:50.500 -> 01:51:52.500]: What's-- oh, forward. [01:51:52.500 -> 01:51:53.500]: Oh, because it is. [01:51:53.500 -> 01:51:55.500]: What is-- oh, left tab or something. [01:51:55.500 -> 01:51:57.500]: I'm not used to the actual symbols on keys, bro. [01:51:57.500 -> 01:51:59.500]: I wish I'd just say what it is, you know? [01:51:59.500 -> 01:52:00.500]: Like a tab or whatever. [01:52:00.500 -> 01:52:01.500]: Chist. [01:52:08.500 -> 01:52:10.500]: You're okay. [01:52:10.500 -> 01:52:14.500]: You're kidding. [01:52:14.500 -> 01:52:19.500]: Alright guys, well, fuck. [01:52:19.500 -> 01:52:22.500]: I didn't show-- why didn't it show me that you guys see that? [01:52:22.500 -> 01:52:27.500]: Oh, let's get off to this, fine. [01:52:27.500 -> 01:52:29.500]: What is it? [01:52:29.500 -> 01:52:46.500]: I understand it 'cause it's up. [01:52:46.500 -> 01:52:48.500]: Oh, you're kidding. [01:52:48.500 -> 01:52:50.500]: Maybe it was a farthest. [01:52:50.500 -> 01:52:53.500]: Oh, I don't even-- my music's freezing up. [01:52:53.500 -> 01:52:56.500]: See, I don't want this to fuck up my computer, bro. [01:52:56.500 -> 01:52:57.500]: Hold up. [01:52:57.500 -> 01:53:06.500]: Is it my-- is it my bit rate on my OBS maybe? [01:53:06.500 -> 01:53:07.500]: Or what do you think it could be? [01:53:07.500 -> 01:53:09.500]: Oh, I picked up the 1920 again. [01:53:09.500 -> 01:53:10.500]: What the hell? [01:53:10.500 -> 01:53:13.500]: That one I had on, bro. [01:53:13.500 -> 01:53:17.500]: That one. [01:53:17.500 -> 01:53:22.500]: Now it's gonna be stretched again. [01:53:23.500 -> 01:53:26.500]: Oh, here we go. [01:53:26.500 -> 01:53:28.500]: Oh, here we go. [01:53:28.500 -> 01:53:30.500]: Quite a pretty custom. [01:53:30.500 -> 01:53:36.500]: What is that? [01:53:36.500 -> 01:53:37.500]: Was that the right thing? [01:53:37.500 -> 01:53:39.500]: Quality preset level. [01:53:39.500 -> 01:53:40.500]: Custom. [01:53:40.500 -> 01:53:43.500]: You can't drag it down or nothing. [01:53:43.500 -> 01:53:51.500]: Oh, shit, what did I just do? [01:53:51.500 -> 01:53:54.500]: Okay. [01:54:10.500 -> 01:54:12.500]: Shit, what did I just do? [01:54:12.500 -> 01:54:22.500]: It's graphics locked. [01:54:22.500 -> 01:54:30.500]: Oh, we want this. [01:54:30.500 -> 01:54:32.500]: No, me. [01:54:39.500 -> 01:54:41.500]: Hey, windowed at like 1680? [01:54:41.500 -> 01:54:43.500]: 1680, you think? [01:54:43.500 -> 01:54:46.500]: Oh, no, let's try it out. [01:54:46.500 -> 01:54:49.500]: It wouldn't have to be better, because it's smaller. [01:54:49.500 -> 01:55:02.500]: Oh, no, man. [01:55:02.500 -> 01:55:05.500]: Let me see what I like getting that guy. [01:55:05.500 -> 01:55:07.500]: I don't think this is going to work out. [01:55:08.500 -> 01:55:12.500]: Let's try some else, maybe. [01:55:12.500 -> 01:55:13.500]: It's fine. [01:55:13.500 -> 01:55:20.500]: Aw, shit. [01:55:20.500 -> 01:55:23.500]: That's too late now. [01:55:23.500 -> 01:55:30.500]: Alright, guys, we can play, um... [01:55:36.500 -> 01:55:38.500]: You better be able to get homey. [01:55:38.500 -> 01:55:39.500]: I got battlebed. [01:55:39.500 -> 01:55:41.500]: Oh wait, no, actually I don't know what I'm thinking. [01:55:41.500 -> 01:55:43.500]: It says borrow when I have it. [01:55:43.500 -> 01:55:44.500]: Aw. [01:55:44.500 -> 01:55:53.500]: Fuck, I don't have it, yeah. [01:55:53.500 -> 01:55:57.500]: I don't remember my password for that account. [01:55:57.500 -> 01:55:58.500]: This is fucked. [01:55:58.500 -> 01:56:02.500]: I would play it though, I wouldn't play it. [01:56:03.500 -> 01:56:06.500]: Sick bars, I've been a boss, so stick around and watch it. [01:56:06.500 -> 01:56:07.500]: What was the last of us, how about that? [01:56:07.500 -> 01:56:08.500]: When did that come out? [01:56:08.500 -> 01:56:10.500]: Is that gonna fire my computer, too? [01:56:10.500 -> 01:56:13.500]: I'm one of the best GPUs, especially. [01:56:13.500 -> 01:56:25.500]: Is that in the brand new game? [01:56:25.500 -> 01:56:26.500]: The last of us, anybody know? [01:56:26.500 -> 01:56:27.500]: Has anybody played that before? [01:56:27.500 -> 01:56:35.500]: I've got some shit to say, I suggest you hold it in. [01:56:35.500 -> 01:56:39.500]: I'ma feel the world, you can put it on my tab. [01:56:39.500 -> 01:56:40.500]: Oh, fuck it is. [01:56:40.500 -> 01:56:46.500]: Oh, there he is, huh? [01:56:46.500 -> 01:56:49.500]: There he is. [01:56:56.500 -> 01:56:58.500]: I got part one. [01:56:58.500 -> 01:56:59.500]: I'm all right, man. [01:56:59.500 -> 01:57:00.500]: I'm kinda tired of Russia. [01:57:00.500 -> 01:57:01.500]: How are you, bro? [01:57:01.500 -> 01:57:04.500]: Oh, I didn't play. [01:57:04.500 -> 01:57:06.500]: It's here. [01:57:06.500 -> 01:57:09.500]: It's on PS5, apparently. [01:57:09.500 -> 01:57:11.500]: All right, so at the end of this video, [01:57:11.500 -> 01:57:13.500]: the part one, the one I'm gonna be doing. [01:57:13.500 -> 01:57:16.500]: I don't think I'm gonna be able to play this one. [01:57:16.500 -> 01:57:18.500]: Looks fun, though. [01:57:18.500 -> 01:57:19.500]: Is it zombies and shit? [01:57:19.500 -> 01:57:21.500]: The combat so far is really good. [01:57:21.500 -> 01:57:22.500]: The zombies? [01:57:22.500 -> 01:57:24.500]: Yeah, I think it is zombies. [01:57:25.500 -> 01:57:27.500]: Ugh. [01:57:27.500 -> 01:57:34.500]: Nuh nuh nuh nuh. [01:57:34.500 -> 01:57:38.500]: My view is a way down playing games, aren't I? [01:57:38.500 -> 01:57:39.500]: Oh, that's actually... [01:57:39.500 -> 01:57:41.500]: That's 5.30 in the morning, holy shit. [01:57:41.500 -> 01:57:43.500]: I know it's this late, dude. [01:57:43.500 -> 01:58:03.500]: Oh, dude, how long have my headphones been applied? [01:58:03.500 -> 01:58:04.500]: I have no idea. [01:58:04.500 -> 01:58:09.500]: Alright. [01:58:12.500 -> 01:58:14.500]: Oh, really? Oh, okay, okay. [01:58:14.500 -> 01:58:15.500]: Alright. [01:58:15.500 -> 01:58:16.500]: Fair enough. [01:58:16.500 -> 01:58:19.500]: That's a cheese touch. [01:58:19.500 -> 01:58:20.500]: Very heavily. [01:58:20.500 -> 01:58:22.500]: I'm getting pecky. [01:58:22.500 -> 01:58:24.500]: Fuck. [01:58:25.500 -> 01:58:27.500]: Oh, that's what I like. [01:58:27.500 -> 01:58:32.500]: Sweet like if I'm about to pass the blunt to Mr. Mosby, [01:58:32.500 -> 01:58:35.500]: he was dumping the drive, I call him Wonton, Tony, Wonton. [01:58:35.500 -> 01:58:37.500]: I'm Dead or Alive, I'm talking John Bond, Joe Viscriman, [01:58:37.500 -> 01:58:38.500]: Dreidel Man for President. [01:58:38.500 -> 01:58:41.500]: I feel like John McCain, like a senior, I can't leave without my stick. [01:58:41.500 -> 01:58:43.500]: I grab McCain, crash the whip and then I scream, paint job. [01:58:43.500 -> 01:58:46.500]: I'm not Lwayne, they no ceilings don't exist around my way. [01:58:46.500 -> 01:58:47.500]: Them boys insane. [01:58:47.500 -> 01:58:49.500]: How the fuck he went from right to right rail to private plane. [01:58:49.500 -> 01:58:50.500]: They left me in the deep end. [01:58:50.500 -> 01:58:51.500]: And then I went to preach and like LaCrae. [01:58:51.500 -> 01:58:59.500]: I have that one. [01:58:59.500 -> 01:59:00.500]: I have that one. [01:59:00.500 -> 01:59:01.500]: I have that. [01:59:01.500 -> 01:59:04.500]: You have to have a really good graphics card for that. [01:59:04.500 -> 01:59:12.500]: That could be wrong. [01:59:12.500 -> 01:59:20.500]: I do have it though, yeah. [01:59:20.500 -> 01:59:28.500]: I got 10 cents on LaCrae. [01:59:28.500 -> 01:59:35.500]: I got 10 cents on Chance. [01:59:35.500 -> 01:59:37.500]: I got 10 cents for it. [01:59:37.500 -> 01:59:38.500]: Yeah, buddy. [01:59:38.500 -> 01:59:40.500]: Let's go to a few dollars, man. [01:59:40.500 -> 01:59:41.500]: Come on. [01:59:41.500 -> 01:59:42.500]: We can do it. [01:59:42.500 -> 01:59:43.500]: Ah, fuck, man. [01:59:43.500 -> 01:59:48.500]: It's about to be going really quick. [01:59:48.500 -> 01:59:50.500]: Oh, my God. [01:59:50.500 -> 01:59:52.500]: Nope, it's gone. [01:59:52.500 -> 01:59:54.500]: That's all right. [01:59:54.500 -> 01:59:56.500]: Mmm. [01:59:56.500 -> 01:59:58.500]: I probably haven't sent you. [01:59:58.500 -> 02:00:00.500]: Oh, it's counter strike. [02:00:00.500 -> 02:00:02.500]: No wonder I saw it. [02:00:02.500 -> 02:00:04.500]: It's in case, you know. [02:00:04.500 -> 02:00:05.500]: I don't know. [02:00:05.500 -> 02:00:06.500]: Oh, shit. [02:00:06.500 -> 02:00:07.500]: Hold on. [02:00:07.500 -> 02:00:23.500]: Mmm. [02:00:23.500 -> 02:00:24.500]: Hey, juicers. [02:00:24.500 -> 02:00:25.500]: Any juicers? [02:00:25.500 -> 02:00:26.500]: Sight time juicers? [02:00:26.500 -> 02:00:28.500]: Here's all the different types of crypto that you can donate. [02:00:28.500 -> 02:00:31.500]: If you have crypto, if anyone wants to donate crypto. [02:00:31.500 -> 02:00:40.500]: It can, I mean. [02:00:40.500 -> 02:00:45.500]: It's as broke the chair. [02:00:45.500 -> 02:01:06.500]: It could be a whole lot of fun. [02:01:06.500 -> 02:01:23.500]: They were book guys. [02:01:23.500 -> 02:01:25.500]: The real Chris Montan. [02:01:25.500 -> 02:01:26.500]: What's up, G? [02:01:26.500 -> 02:01:34.500]: Thank you, brother. [02:01:34.500 -> 02:01:36.500]: I got a penny, guys. [02:01:36.500 -> 02:01:38.500]: I got a penny to my name, Doug. [02:01:38.500 -> 02:01:41.500]: If I want to drop a little $5, don't know. [02:01:41.500 -> 02:01:42.500]: That'd be awesome. [02:01:42.500 -> 02:01:43.500]: Five bucks. [02:01:43.500 -> 02:01:47.500]: Anybody got five bucks? [02:01:47.500 -> 02:01:53.500]: It's a luchu. [02:01:53.500 -> 02:02:08.500]: It's a pretty good one. [02:02:08.500 -> 02:02:09.500]: Oh, he's about this guy. [02:02:09.500 -> 02:02:10.500]: The guy is rapping. [02:02:10.500 -> 02:02:12.500]: Yeah, he's funny looking right at the hair. [02:02:12.500 -> 02:02:14.500]: Look at the crazy hair, dude. [02:02:14.500 -> 02:02:18.500]: The crazy hair, so. [02:02:18.500 -> 02:02:21.500]: It's crazy looking in there. [02:02:21.500 -> 02:02:23.500]: I'm almost certain of it. [02:02:23.500 -> 02:02:25.500]: This is a real hair, bro. [02:02:25.500 -> 02:02:26.500]: This is a real hair, bro. [02:02:26.500 -> 02:02:27.500]: I'm not even kidding. [02:02:27.500 -> 02:02:28.500]: Look at that hair. [02:02:28.500 -> 02:02:30.500]: She's tall, dude. [02:02:30.500 -> 02:02:32.500]: You're kidding. [02:02:32.500 -> 02:02:33.500]: Oh, he did. [02:02:33.500 -> 02:02:35.500]: He's throwing butt. [02:02:35.500 -> 02:02:38.500]: This. [02:02:38.500 -> 02:02:40.500]: Hey. [02:02:40.500 -> 02:02:43.500]: That cracker broke when no hustle, but he blames it on the juice. [02:02:43.500 -> 02:02:46.500]: Blame it on the boogie jack and file on me too. [02:02:46.500 -> 02:02:48.500]: They smoking doors are dreaming about the cat. [02:02:48.500 -> 02:02:56.500]: They're looking. [02:02:56.500 -> 02:03:17.500]: Oh, I like this one as much. [02:03:17.500 -> 02:03:18.500]: I play this one too. [02:03:18.500 -> 02:03:19.500]: Oh, let's play this one. [02:03:19.500 -> 02:03:30.500]: That's a good song about Kodak. [02:03:30.500 -> 02:03:35.500]: This shit goes hard. [02:03:35.500 -> 02:03:38.500]: Thank you for your turns. [02:03:38.500 -> 02:03:45.500]: Is this an A-Z? [02:03:45.500 -> 02:03:53.500]: A-Z? [02:03:53.500 -> 02:03:58.500]: A-Z? [02:03:58.500 -> 02:04:07.500]: A-Z? [02:04:07.500 -> 02:04:14.500]: A-Z? [02:04:14.500 -> 02:04:17.500]: A-Z? [02:04:17.500 -> 02:04:22.500]: A-Z? [02:04:22.500 -> 02:04:27.500]: A-Z? [02:04:27.500 -> 02:04:48.500]: A-Z? [02:04:48.500 -> 02:05:01.500]: A-Z? [02:05:01.500 -> 02:05:06.500]: A-Z? [02:05:06.500 -> 02:05:11.500]: A-Z? [02:05:11.500 -> 02:05:17.500]: A-Z? [02:05:17.500 -> 02:05:27.500]: A-Z? [02:05:27.500 -> 02:05:32.500]: A-Z? [02:05:32.500 -> 02:05:37.500]: A-Z? [02:05:37.500 -> 02:05:42.500]: A-Z? [02:05:42.500 -> 02:05:46.500]: A-Z? [02:05:46.500 -> 02:05:59.500]: A-Z? [02:05:59.500 -> 02:06:03.500]: A-Z? [02:06:03.500 -> 02:06:07.500]: A-Z? [02:06:07.500 -> 02:06:10.500]: A-Z? [02:06:10.500 -> 02:06:15.500]: A-Z? [02:06:15.500 -> 02:06:25.500]: A-Z? [02:06:25.500 -> 02:06:30.500]: A-Z? [02:06:30.500 -> 02:06:35.500]: A-Z? [02:06:35.500 -> 02:06:45.500]: A-Z? [02:06:45.500 -> 02:06:50.500]: A-Z? [02:06:50.500 -> 02:06:56.500]: A-Z? [02:06:56.500 -> 02:06:59.500]: A-Z? [02:06:59.500 -> 02:07:04.500]: A-Z? [02:07:04.500 -> 02:07:14.500]: A-Z? [02:07:14.500 -> 02:07:19.500]: A-Z? [02:07:19.500 -> 02:07:24.500]: A-Z? [02:07:24.500 -> 02:07:29.500]: A-Z? [02:07:29.500 -> 02:07:33.500]: A-Z? 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