VOD at https://mines.expert/BossmanJack/Kick/Road to 6k Followers!! !discord !chanced 2023-09-30 23_01 [8178a-road-to-6k-followers-discord-chanced].mp4 [00:00:00.000 -> 00:00:04.000]: I love this song, bro. Here, I'll type in the chat for you. [00:00:04.000 -> 00:00:06.000]: Really talent. [00:00:06.000 -> 00:00:10.000]: Fine and sinker. There you go, boss. [00:00:10.000 -> 00:00:14.000]: You think it does for it to look like me? Okay, all right. [00:00:14.000 -> 00:00:18.000]: I think it does for it to kind of does, doesn't it? [00:00:18.000 -> 00:00:20.000]: Especially the hair. [00:00:20.000 -> 00:00:24.000]: Okay, Albert, how are you doing, boss? [00:00:24.000 -> 00:00:28.000]: Same shirt? Yeah, it is the same shirt, actually. [00:00:28.000 -> 00:00:32.000]: It is. [00:00:32.000 -> 00:00:36.000]: True, true, true. [00:00:36.000 -> 00:00:40.000]: I've never played that game, though. Not that I'm aware of. [00:00:40.000 -> 00:00:44.000]: Oh, the background, yeah. What's AI? They took a picture of me and [00:00:44.000 -> 00:00:48.000]: put it in the AI thing, so the background is going to look similar. [00:00:48.000 -> 00:00:52.000]: Yeah. Yeah. [00:00:52.000 -> 00:00:56.000]: Oh, hell yeah, dude. [00:00:56.000 -> 00:00:59.200]: Enjoy your World of Warcraft session, my boy. [00:00:59.200 -> 00:01:03.680]: Oh, five confirmation guys, we're almost there. One more confirmation and we are good. [00:01:03.680 -> 00:01:07.920]: Start spinning on Dench out. No, hell no, some rat made it. [00:01:07.920 -> 00:01:11.920]: And I just stole that shit. Fuck 'em. [00:01:11.920 -> 00:01:18.480]: Hey, the C5, yeah. Pretty cool. [00:01:23.040 -> 00:01:25.760]: I appreciate you just sticking in an AI machine. It's like good to go, bro. [00:01:25.760 -> 00:01:29.840]: I think there's nothing to it. [00:01:29.840 -> 00:01:36.480]: That's right, Albert. [00:01:36.480 -> 00:01:48.960]: Oh, money's in, guys. Money's in. All right, guys. Can I get some good looks in the chat? [00:01:49.520 -> 00:01:50.480]: Yeah. [00:01:50.480 -> 00:01:55.840]: There's been a lot, guys. [00:01:55.840 -> 00:01:57.840]: Where's Densho at? [00:01:57.840 -> 00:01:59.840]: There's Densho. [00:01:59.840 -> 00:02:02.400]: Good luck, me, guys. [00:02:02.400 -> 00:02:04.640]: Just been a lot. Wish me luck. [00:02:04.640 -> 00:02:06.560]: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, guys. [00:02:06.560 -> 00:02:11.200]: All right. [00:02:11.200 -> 00:02:15.840]: 30 cents bins on Densho. [00:02:15.840 -> 00:02:20.880]: We need three or four of these fishes right here. [00:02:20.880 -> 00:02:26.960]: Stay a while. Stay a while. [00:02:26.960 -> 00:02:36.000]: Thank you very much, bro. [00:02:36.000 -> 00:02:40.400]: Amsterdam weed, spend in euros. [00:02:41.440 -> 00:02:48.800]: Let's relax. Let's keep the world. I don't give a fuck if the house am missed. [00:02:48.800 -> 00:02:51.600]: They're the double, damn. Come on. Triple R4. Triple R4. [00:02:51.600 -> 00:03:02.480]: Oh, damn haters. Come on. How's that open up? What's this one? It's there. [00:03:03.200 -> 00:03:14.960]: Oh, fuck you. 15 cents. We only get to live it twice. Oh, damn! Double. God, dang it, man. [00:03:14.960 -> 00:03:22.160]: Who's on the couch? Who's on the telly? [00:03:22.160 -> 00:03:25.120]: Okay, three or four of them. Three or four of them, please. [00:03:28.720 -> 00:03:35.600]: No double. No more doubles. No more doubles. No much double. No much double. [00:03:35.600 -> 00:03:41.040]: Oh, another double. It's like around 8 p.m. [00:03:41.040 -> 00:03:51.040]: Oh my God, the doubles are in abundance right now. Lots of doubles. It's okay, come on. [00:03:56.160 -> 00:04:02.720]: Oh my God, dude. I've never seen so many doubles on this slot. Dude, are you serious? Another double. [00:04:02.720 -> 00:04:11.120]: Come on, man. Come on now. Come on. Dude, what the fuck is this? What the hell? I've never seen that ever. [00:04:11.120 -> 00:04:16.000]: Holy crap. Come on. Oh my... [00:04:21.200 -> 00:04:25.840]: I'm just gonna not say anything. Give me an... There it is. There it is. Triple. [00:04:25.840 -> 00:04:31.520]: Triple runny. Let's get this money. Come on, boys. Wish me luck. [00:04:31.520 -> 00:04:37.840]: Come on. That hit. Come on, man. [00:04:37.840 -> 00:04:43.760]: Big multi. Four times, okay. [00:04:48.480 -> 00:04:53.200]: Come on, retrigue or something. We're gonna give me some upgrades. Come on, man. [00:04:53.200 -> 00:04:58.320]: Ah, it's not looking good, man. It's okay. [00:04:58.320 -> 00:05:08.560]: Now, four spins. Come on. Fucking done. Big old dad, dude. Oh my god, dude. What the hell was that? [00:05:12.000 -> 00:05:24.160]: 56 fucking cents, dude. I cannot seem to hit, dude, on any slot. [00:05:24.160 -> 00:05:29.920]: I don't know, bro. [00:05:34.000 -> 00:05:40.400]: I really don't get it. [00:05:40.400 -> 00:05:50.080]: Come on, man. [00:05:59.280 -> 00:06:04.160]: Come on, give me a triple R4 of them. Please. Please, please, please. [00:06:04.160 -> 00:06:19.120]: I'm getting close now. Okay, there's a double. [00:06:19.120 -> 00:06:28.960]: I'm going to hear you, Alton. [00:06:28.960 -> 00:06:41.680]: Oh, surrender. Yeah, I forgot. I forgot. [00:06:41.680 -> 00:06:46.960]: Oh, no, it's by angles and airwaves. [00:06:47.360 -> 00:06:54.800]: I hope so, boss. I'm down to $6. [00:06:54.800 -> 00:06:56.240]: $7. [00:06:56.240 -> 00:07:01.680]: Oh, another double, dude. Come on, man. [00:07:01.680 -> 00:07:09.120]: Oh, I'd love to get the four fish, man. [00:07:10.880 -> 00:07:17.120]: Let's go ahead. Big multi. Three times. Damn it. [00:07:17.120 -> 00:07:22.640]: Four scatter us. Come on. [00:07:22.640 -> 00:07:26.960]: Oh, a double. [00:07:26.960 -> 00:07:29.920]: Oh, singles. [00:07:34.480 -> 00:07:40.720]: Surrender. No double. Come on. Another double. Come on, dude. [00:07:40.720 -> 00:07:50.640]: Thank you, boss, man. [00:07:55.680 -> 00:08:00.000]: Come on. Another double. We've gotten so many doubles, dude. [00:08:00.000 -> 00:08:10.480]: Another double. God damn. What is up with this? I've never seen you do that. [00:08:10.480 -> 00:08:18.400]: I've never seen you get so many doubles. Never ever. Never have I ever. [00:08:18.400 -> 00:08:20.400]: Oh [00:08:20.400 -> 00:08:32.340]: Yes triple please hit dude, please hit for me. I'm really low right now really low on funds [00:08:32.340 -> 00:08:35.260]: Come on [00:08:35.260 -> 00:08:39.500]: Come on DIN show come on DIN show come on DIN show [00:08:39.500 -> 00:08:42.500]: Come on DIN show come on DIN show [00:08:42.500 -> 00:08:45.180]: Come on DIN show [00:08:46.380 -> 00:08:49.100]: That's nothing bro, that's not much money [00:08:49.100 -> 00:08:56.460]: Come on DIN show come on DIN show me a double eagle double eagle double eagle double eagle retrigg come on, dude [00:08:56.460 -> 00:09:06.940]: Four times okay, come on come on dude [00:09:06.940 -> 00:09:11.820]: Come on [00:09:11.820 -> 00:09:15.260]: Here's a retrig [00:09:15.380 -> 00:09:22.720]: What the fuck man what a joke dude, what a fucking joke [00:09:22.720 -> 00:09:29.180]: I'm not feeling this song. I'm sorry. G5. I'm pissed off right now. It is [00:09:29.180 -> 00:09:43.420]: You gotta be in a good mood for that song and I'm not in a good mood draw [00:09:43.420 -> 00:09:55.800]: Come on, man, give me four of them. Give me three or four of them. Three or four of them, please [00:09:55.800 -> 00:10:10.580]: Come on man, whatever dude, I'm about to end the stream guys [00:10:11.220 -> 00:10:14.460]: What a buzzkill dude [00:10:14.460 -> 00:10:28.900]: Another double that's like 25 doubles dude, I'm not kidding 25 doubles. Oh [00:10:28.900 -> 00:10:36.180]: My god another double dude. That's like 30 of them. I see you know, I've gotten so many doubles dude [00:10:36.180 -> 00:10:38.380]: It's not even fucking funny, bro [00:10:39.460 -> 00:10:41.780]: Come on dude three spins left, please. Oh [00:10:41.780 -> 00:10:45.180]: My god, dude [00:10:45.180 -> 00:10:49.000]: I knew this was gonna happen. I knew it. I knew this was gonna happen [00:10:49.000 -> 00:10:56.280]: I knew it. I fucking knew it dude. What the fuck man. What am I gonna get a withdrawal dude? What the fuck bro? [00:10:56.280 -> 00:10:57.120]: Oh, God. [00:10:57.120 -> 00:11:05.160]: [BLANK_AUDIO]