VOD at https://mines.expert/BossmanJack/Kick/On the road to 21k !stake 2024-02-05 07_22 [36355107-on-the-road-to-21k-stake].mp4 [00:00:00.000 -> 00:00:11.660]: please please drop in the retrig sons oh dude it might retrig greens oh my god retrig it [00:00:11.660 -> 00:00:19.940]: wow oh my god sons in a multi oh my god fuck you you fucking slut dude goddamn bitch dude [00:00:19.940 -> 00:00:28.020]: what the fuck you doing now wow come on bitch you're such a bitch starlight wow [00:00:28.020 -> 00:00:34.380]: come on big way in here [00:00:34.380 -> 00:00:47.040]: it's a dud you can just feel it yeah it's a dud it's a fucking dud dude last spin please miracle [00:00:47.040 -> 00:00:57.480]: nope no way hearts oh my fucking god man come on bro fuck dude [00:00:57.480 -> 00:00:58.000]: you [00:00:58.000 -> 00:01:02.320]: I'm going to try to get to like the 160 with two $20 limbos. [00:01:02.320 -> 00:01:03.480]: Please win the first one. [00:01:03.480 -> 00:01:04.160]: Please. [00:01:04.160 -> 00:01:06.300]: No. [00:01:06.300 -> 00:01:08.180]: Do one more. [00:01:08.180 -> 00:01:17.220]: Oh, my God. [00:01:17.220 -> 00:01:21.840]: Oh, my God, guys. [00:01:21.840 -> 00:01:23.260]: Oh, my God. [00:01:23.260 -> 00:01:25.200]: It just took it all. [00:01:25.200 -> 00:01:27.140]: Dude, this is such a scam, dude. [00:01:27.640 -> 00:01:28.660]: This shit should dude. [00:01:28.660 -> 00:01:30.320]: We'll be right back.