VOD at https://mines.expert/BossmanJack/Kees/thebossmanjack (live) 2024-04-19 22_46 [44054657643].mp4 [00:00:00.000 -> 00:00:06.240]: [Music] [00:00:06.240 -> 00:00:09.360]: Yeah, Gabriela, are we back? Are we live? [00:00:09.360 -> 00:00:21.840]: [Music] [00:00:21.840 -> 00:00:24.640]: All right, everybody refresh. Tell everybody refresh. [00:00:24.640 -> 00:00:30.320]: Did I need a big withdrawal? I need something. There's my second. Oh, let me ask for a prayer. [00:00:30.320 -> 00:00:44.400]: Okay, are you guys ready for this? We're going in for our second reload of the day [00:00:44.400 -> 00:00:51.040]: of $1,000 USDC and the goal simply be 2000. Now I'll cash that out and call it a day. [00:00:51.040 -> 00:00:55.120]: It's good enough for me, but say it's BC money, say it's me money, say it's losing. [00:00:55.120 -> 00:01:00.320]: You get 2000, I'm fucking out. What am I doing? Here we go. [00:01:00.320 -> 00:01:03.840]: About a bang, about a bone ski. About a bang, about a bone ski. [00:01:03.840 -> 00:01:11.920]: Let's go, baby. Let's go. All right, guys, where are we going? [00:01:11.920 -> 00:01:14.880]: I think I'm gonna do some bass spins. [00:01:14.880 -> 00:01:19.280]: Took a whole depot over here earlier without a single feature. If y'all saw that, [00:01:19.280 -> 00:01:24.820]: I want to get a vengeance on at least get one feature going then we will go to maybe five world or [00:01:24.820 -> 00:01:31.080]: Yeah, I'm doing some yeah, I'm doing oh look what I won last time on a $15 spin [00:01:31.080 -> 00:01:38.120]: I'm not doing anything near that much dude. I'm not that much. I'll do 225 [00:01:38.120 -> 00:01:41.720]: Yeah, I'll do 225 for now, so I think we'll get it really quick [00:01:48.720 -> 00:01:50.720]: Okay, awesome [00:01:50.720 -> 00:01:57.320]: Two reloads today guys if needed if needed hopefully not needed, right? Hopefully you make a nice deposit with the withdrawal. Oh [00:01:57.320 -> 00:02:00.040]: Yeah, yeah, yeah [00:02:00.040 -> 00:02:02.040]: I [00:02:02.040 -> 00:02:04.040]: I [00:02:04.040 -> 00:02:06.040]: I [00:02:06.040 -> 00:02:08.040]: I [00:02:08.040 -> 00:02:10.040]: I [00:02:10.040 -> 00:02:12.040]: I [00:02:12.040 -> 00:02:41.440]: I'll do some two choice placement here we go guys come on baby [00:02:42.440 -> 00:02:48.720]: Hey guys, but did it really I got apologize to him then I sure did I'm so sorry bro. I'm sorry for doubting you [00:02:48.720 -> 00:02:50.040]: Bro, thanks for the board [00:02:50.040 -> 00:02:54.440]: Yeah, I wish I actually kind of wish you would have saved it cuz now I feel like I'm wasting almost but I appreciate either way [00:02:54.440 -> 00:02:56.440]: You owe me send it back to you? [00:02:56.440 -> 00:03:00.440]: You're right you're right, man. You're right sprout. I got here with you [00:03:00.440 -> 00:03:06.780]: What's up frosty good afternoon brother, I'm already down 50 something. That's okay [00:03:06.780 -> 00:03:10.300]: We're definitely gonna slow it down after getting into this feature. Just do [00:03:10.300 -> 00:03:16.240]: Come on maybe a bonus match this [00:03:16.240 -> 00:03:22.020]: Oh, you can't claim the real it now. Oh, come on [00:03:22.020 -> 00:03:27.900]: What do you mean? I get four $1,000 reload today? I used to get like $1,100 a day [00:03:27.900 -> 00:03:32.420]: This is quite literally over three times is more money [00:03:32.420 -> 00:03:40.140]: That meant no much up at all not at all not one bit actually a much happier here much more mentally healthier in the happiest [00:03:40.140 -> 00:03:45.300]: I mean that if you haven't noticed that I don't know what to tell you. I've been more common for myself [00:03:45.300 -> 00:03:54.660]: May I can't believe I'm losing this much. That's all right. We're gonna get in this can be worth it [00:03:54.660 -> 00:03:58.260]: Don't be worth it baby. Oh spitting features as yesterday. Wouldn't it? [00:03:58.260 -> 00:04:02.260]: Come on [00:04:08.340 -> 00:04:11.060]: Yeah, thank you for right. Yeah, I don't know what this guy's on about man [00:04:11.060 -> 00:04:16.800]: I would have a mind having to ask them for it all [00:04:16.800 -> 00:04:23.820]: You simply respond back with the link [00:04:23.820 -> 00:04:27.740]: I'm not complaining one bit [00:04:27.740 -> 00:04:30.380]: Come on, please [00:04:30.380 -> 00:04:36.420]: Wow $200 down guys single feature [00:04:36.420 -> 00:04:38.420]: I [00:04:38.420 -> 00:04:44.660]: Please tomorrow beat me [00:04:44.660 -> 00:04:49.060]: It's just gotta be that's gotta be it [00:04:49.060 -> 00:04:56.100]: I'll take a pay [00:04:56.100 -> 00:04:59.780]: Hey, $39. I'll take it. Why not? [00:05:01.540 -> 00:05:06.700]: Not huge, but we'll take it a little bit of breathing room. Now we get into the future. Come on [00:05:06.700 -> 00:05:14.540]: Come on, dude. Give me the feature. My baby just died to it be a great time. It's gonna be a great time [00:05:14.540 -> 00:05:21.340]: I [00:05:21.340 -> 00:05:26.260]: Know right what the hell you're right. I even noticed that soon I changed music. I'm gonna get a nice one [00:05:26.820 -> 00:05:33.540]: I need someone already below that now. Come on. Oh, you're kidding damn dogs, dude [00:05:33.540 -> 00:05:36.620]: Okay, come on, please surely [00:05:36.620 -> 00:05:46.840]: Okay, I can't believe this boy. I gotta get in here first. You gotta get in here for I'm not leaving [00:05:46.840 -> 00:05:52.180]: Come on [00:05:52.180 -> 00:05:53.980]: $3 for that [00:05:53.980 -> 00:05:59.020]: Well, we're no way no way we're down 300 come on right here right here. Oh my god [00:05:59.020 -> 00:06:01.900]: bro [00:06:01.900 -> 00:06:05.420]: Come on no way [00:06:05.420 -> 00:06:10.420]: What better using the bass aren't biting. They're not dude. Holy fuck [00:06:10.420 -> 00:06:15.860]: Jim, I told you to buy the green ones not the bright pink God [00:06:15.860 -> 00:06:18.700]: We're gonna be all your old day trying to catch a fucking bass [00:06:18.700 -> 00:06:21.500]: the fuck you [00:06:21.740 -> 00:06:23.740]: You were down 300 some dollars. I'm not kidding [00:06:23.740 -> 00:06:27.820]: Holy fucking shit balls. What the fuck is going on? [00:06:27.820 -> 00:06:37.460]: It's fine [00:06:46.580 -> 00:06:52.300]: What is that punch of star it's as soon as your mom comes over here and she tongue punches like my head my other [00:06:52.300 -> 00:06:56.540]: Can't wait, it's gonna be a fun time [00:06:56.540 -> 00:07:03.060]: See you later, buddy. I hope you enjoyed your one second of comment in my chat. Hello. See you later [00:07:03.060 -> 00:07:08.860]: I'm fucking down $400 [00:07:08.860 -> 00:07:14.860]: What the fuck is this doing? I can't believe this I'm down $400. I'm not kidding [00:07:15.700 -> 00:07:18.180]: Just give me this fucking feature. Let me bounce dog [00:07:18.180 -> 00:07:32.380]: This is fucking crazy, it's extremely do [00:07:32.380 -> 00:07:38.700]: To the amount of refresh. I was thinking about that, but then it's like it. Maybe I wasted a really good one [00:07:38.700 -> 00:07:40.700]: I'd be a really good one, bro. I [00:07:40.700 -> 00:07:43.100]: Can't believe this. This is crazy [00:07:43.700 -> 00:07:47.020]: Okay, we're fine again. I feel it. I feel it. I can feel it is it is it? [00:07:47.020 -> 00:07:53.080]: Yes, I called it. I called it. I knew it. I knew it. All right, where are we going? We're going number two [00:07:53.080 -> 00:07:57.980]: Okay, we got regular bonuses go at least give me the 300 man, please [00:07:57.980 -> 00:08:00.860]: Please the nice feature like a 300 elites, man [00:08:00.860 -> 00:08:03.500]: please [00:08:07.040 -> 00:08:15.960]: Okay, we got one Jerry. Let's go three more baby three more. What's up on a potato? There's another one with a three-or fish on it [00:08:15.960 -> 00:08:17.960]: Don't be a dud, please [00:08:17.960 -> 00:08:24.720]: Come on Jerry. There you are. There you are. Hello one more Jerry and fucking what four spins five spins [00:08:24.720 -> 00:08:27.760]: Come on, baby. Come on, baby [00:08:27.760 -> 00:08:33.960]: Yeah, let's fucking go this could be a pair. Come on, baby. Let's give me some ice and give me some icing [00:08:35.000 -> 00:08:39.160]: Get the fucking rod. It's downstairs in the garage. It's actually in the van. I think [00:08:39.160 -> 00:08:42.920]: Prepared man [00:08:42.920 -> 00:08:49.360]: Come on. Give me some icing. Okay. All right. Here we go guys. Come on. This will counts. Where are you? Pray. Pray [00:08:49.360 -> 00:08:57.160]: Again the slot. Oh hello. What is this? What does he mean this one? [00:09:04.080 -> 00:09:06.080]: It's super it's big bass um [00:09:06.080 -> 00:09:11.360]: Secrets of the Golden Lake new big bass slot brand new to great slot [00:09:11.360 -> 00:09:16.320]: There's two different features to it and you can randomly select the better feature is worth almost four times as much [00:09:16.320 -> 00:09:24.120]: Oh, let's fucking go guys double Jerry. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Come on. This has so much potential [00:09:24.120 -> 00:09:26.720]: Let's find out one more day one more [00:09:26.720 -> 00:09:31.240]: One more guys one more one more Jerry come on. Oh [00:09:32.640 -> 00:09:39.440]: Yeah big fish big fish on that bitch. Oh my fucking god. Oh my fucking god. Holy shit [00:09:39.440 -> 00:09:42.080]: Holy fuck. Oh [00:09:42.080 -> 00:09:44.180]: Yeah [00:09:44.180 -> 00:09:49.880]: Let's go we take we take I think I see I see oh, that's okay [00:09:49.880 -> 00:09:52.560]: Come on level three you little dirty little fucking long [00:09:52.560 -> 00:09:55.820]: Come on [00:09:55.820 -> 00:09:57.820]: Come on, dude, please [00:09:57.820 -> 00:10:01.680]: Yes, let's go. Let's fucking go. Oh my god [00:10:01.680 -> 00:10:05.180]: Oh my god. Holy shit. He's she tick-backs [00:10:05.180 -> 00:10:12.960]: She did back I got all my money back and some there's no way that happened. What the hell I stayed. Yeah, we're up [00:10:12.960 -> 00:10:17.920]: We're up. We're fucking up, dude. We're up. I'm fucking was down five hundred dollars. Yeah, holy shit [00:10:17.920 -> 00:10:19.760]: Let's go [00:10:19.760 -> 00:10:23.720]: Come on bitch. Give me that fucking Jerry. What the fuck [00:10:26.080 -> 00:10:31.600]: What's up hollering? Oh, well, you shouldn't be saying that in the chat nation talk about people like that [00:10:31.600 -> 00:10:33.920]: Damn dog really did me like that [00:10:33.920 -> 00:10:36.400]: Okay, that's fine [00:10:36.400 -> 00:10:38.400]: From ninety four dollars hello [00:10:38.400 -> 00:10:41.400]: They are so happy right now actually actually yeah, believe it or not [00:10:41.400 -> 00:10:43.600]: now [00:10:43.600 -> 00:10:45.920]: You got to go for the back-to-back. You got to [00:10:45.920 -> 00:10:51.740]: 1050 we're in by 10. Thank you. We're back in another future if we don't get in and we'll go to [00:10:51.740 -> 00:10:54.360]: Labana storm forest [00:10:55.320 -> 00:10:57.200]: Benny machine [00:10:57.200 -> 00:10:59.040]: rip city [00:10:59.040 -> 00:11:01.040]: X misdrop or [00:11:01.040 -> 00:11:03.960]: Gates of Olympus Starlight Princess 1000 [00:11:03.960 -> 00:11:11.360]: Gates of Athena wisdom of Athena or we can head on over to [00:11:11.360 -> 00:11:18.560]: No saying I can't even think of more slots. I'm so high. Do you don't forget stupid shit. Whoa, I'm a limit [00:11:18.560 -> 00:11:24.640]: Hold on. Let me just get a thousand then we'll just go down to the money. We'll leave it break you in come on [00:11:25.520 -> 00:11:27.200]: please [00:11:27.200 -> 00:11:29.200]: Please right here. Oh [00:11:29.200 -> 00:11:32.400]: Fucker, okay, I [00:11:32.400 -> 00:11:35.120]: Was actually just making up of all sorts like I think [00:11:35.120 -> 00:11:43.680]: You gotta put this you gotta put this the turbos beats on brutally you have to it's a give it [00:11:43.680 -> 00:11:46.480]: I'll do one lightning. We were I seen that a chat [00:11:46.480 -> 00:11:52.520]: One running we're let into the blackneck hand into the slot of [00:11:53.080 -> 00:11:57.340]: Pulse choice. We'll do it pulling all over the side, which one's the best uh best one to do [00:11:57.340 -> 00:12:00.320]: Let's do five there five there five there [00:12:00.320 -> 00:12:04.880]: Hundred black [00:12:04.880 -> 00:12:07.560]: Five on four [00:12:07.560 -> 00:12:13.880]: Come on black or green baby [00:12:13.880 -> 00:12:21.800]: Black or green black or green come on baby come on or red 32 that would work, too [00:12:22.680 -> 00:12:24.680]: Come on baby [00:12:24.680 -> 00:12:31.840]: Yeah, right in the black pocket baby. Oh, well. Yeah boys we take it [00:12:31.840 -> 00:12:35.080]: We take it [00:12:35.080 -> 00:12:38.280]: Let's do another one [00:12:38.280 -> 00:12:42.940]: Same bit double down double down pussy five more green [00:12:42.940 -> 00:12:45.920]: Ten more green [00:12:45.920 -> 00:12:51.160]: Come on black or green boys. We got this no no black again black till cracks baby 22 [00:12:51.160 -> 00:12:54.980]: I got you. I got you. Oh, I miss it. I was gonna put money on 22 [00:12:54.980 -> 00:12:59.260]: Come on try to take you again for the doughnut, bro a juicer [00:12:59.260 -> 00:13:04.560]: 17 I usually mark come on 20. Okay. Come on. Oh a 500 X. Come on black or green, please [00:13:04.560 -> 00:13:07.960]: Very very [00:13:07.960 -> 00:13:09.960]: Oh [00:13:09.960 -> 00:13:25.800]: My god, oh my god, oh my god. Oh my god, oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god, dude [00:13:25.800 -> 00:13:27.640]: Holy fuck [00:13:27.640 -> 00:13:32.400]: That makes six hundred dollars. Holy shit. I had twenty dollars on green. Holy hell [00:13:32.400 -> 00:13:36.120]: Back to that greens, baby 17. Oh [00:13:37.040 -> 00:13:39.040]: My god, holy crap [00:13:39.040 -> 00:13:43.160]: Whoo, that was awesome. I did not thousand to thirty two which I have marked [00:13:43.160 -> 00:13:46.160]: Either one of them, but the zero is low twice is good [00:13:46.160 -> 00:13:48.480]: Come on [00:13:48.480 -> 00:13:50.320]: Come on, baby [00:13:50.320 -> 00:13:52.320]: Come on black or green, please [00:13:52.320 -> 00:14:02.640]: No, right next to my 17. Oh my god fucker. All right, we double down [00:14:02.640 -> 00:14:05.880]: That's right double down it [00:14:06.600 -> 00:14:10.080]: I'm serious. I'm going to double down. I need this I [00:14:10.080 -> 00:14:13.160]: Need it. I need a max win [00:14:13.160 -> 00:14:16.880]: $50 on green. Holy shit. That's it's what imagine his green dude [00:14:16.880 -> 00:14:21.740]: Even black would be great any black dude any black and green and we're gonna be up fat [00:14:21.740 -> 00:14:24.400]: We're gonna be up fat, dude. Oh [00:14:24.400 -> 00:14:29.240]: Yeah, yeah, sure she's the truth. Why did you hit this time dude 22? [00:14:30.800 -> 00:14:34.440]: Oh, I got 26. I got three over 26. That'll be 2.6 grand [00:14:34.440 -> 00:14:37.040]: Like a green. Come on. Don't lag [00:14:37.040 -> 00:14:44.920]: Yeah, let's fucking go. Oh my god. Oh my holy crap. Let's fun go. Hell. Yeah [00:14:44.920 -> 00:14:47.920]: Whoo good thing we double down boys [00:14:47.920 -> 00:14:54.320]: Good thing we double down. Hey, what's this? I didn't even press repeat bro. That's fucking sketchy. Oh, I didn't have this on [00:14:54.320 -> 00:14:57.320]: Do I didn't have this on. Hey turn the shit off [00:14:59.200 -> 00:15:01.200]: Stop there you go [00:15:01.200 -> 00:15:04.400]: And never sign up for that [00:15:04.400 -> 00:15:07.600]: I'm gonna get an accent. Oh [00:15:07.600 -> 00:15:11.200]: My god for the bank. Oh my god or any of my numbers that matter [00:15:11.200 -> 00:15:13.760]: Good like black. Yep down 900 bucks [00:15:13.760 -> 00:15:20.380]: Come on black or green black green. Then 20's hot on the lightning. Come on black or green baby. Please. I'm begging you please [00:15:20.380 -> 00:15:23.160]: Come on black or green or 32 red. Come on [00:15:23.160 -> 00:15:27.600]: Black back black black black. No. Oh my god [00:15:28.440 -> 00:15:30.440]: Fuck there it goes [00:15:30.440 -> 00:15:35.880]: God fucking damn it every time I come to this fucking shill dude every time I come to this fucking shill [00:15:35.880 -> 00:15:43.040]: Piss all the bad damn it. I'm gonna do another one same thing the 420 on black got 420 blaze hit the B [00:15:43.040 -> 00:15:54.000]: 30 on 22 that's for you Shai see let's get 22 damn it. Let's get fucking 22 in this bit [00:15:54.360 -> 00:15:58.580]: Can we get a 22 please can I get a 22 one 22 please oh? [00:15:58.580 -> 00:16:02.840]: Dude, oh my god, that'll score sword [00:16:02.840 -> 00:16:05.760]: come on [00:16:05.760 -> 00:16:08.320]: black or green black or green [00:16:08.320 -> 00:16:11.480]: It's lagging oh [00:16:11.480 -> 00:16:19.180]: 20 black let's fucking go baby. Let's fucking go baby. We'll take it [00:16:19.180 -> 00:16:22.060]: We take we take it [00:16:23.640 -> 00:16:26.240]: Now I go back again, you know I go back to the cracks dude [00:16:26.240 -> 00:16:29.080]: back to the cracks man [00:16:29.080 -> 00:16:31.280]: Show a little love in two your other numbers you like [00:16:31.280 -> 00:16:36.560]: Yeah, no, it's good. Oh [00:16:36.560 -> 00:16:40.380]: Man, I need this come on baby. No, I need this [00:16:40.380 -> 00:16:43.320]: Come on. We don't play no pussy shit. Oh [00:16:43.320 -> 00:16:46.140]: We got one on the top 10 or 13 13 [00:16:46.140 -> 00:16:48.720]: little 50 hundred X hundred X [00:16:48.720 -> 00:16:51.320]: Come on black or green black or green [00:16:53.040 -> 00:16:55.040]: Black or green baby black or green baby [00:16:55.040 -> 00:17:00.000]: Yeah [00:17:00.000 -> 00:17:12.040]: Let's fucking go baby. Holy crap. Wow. Oh my god [00:17:12.040 -> 00:17:15.200]: That one did the same one again [00:17:18.120 -> 00:17:20.120]: 500 black [00:17:20.120 -> 00:17:25.280]: 500 black half a grand on black. I'm gonna black again. Everyone's gonna be like no go red go red [00:17:25.280 -> 00:17:28.360]: Let's get that black again. Come on. Let's go. Oh [00:17:28.360 -> 00:17:32.360]: We got lightning on eight. We got lightning on eight. How big? [00:17:32.360 -> 00:17:37.320]: 50 X come on black or green baby. Come on [00:17:37.320 -> 00:17:40.360]: Back to back eights. Let's go [00:17:40.360 -> 00:17:47.320]: No, wait in between my fucking numbers dude. Look at that. Oh my fucking god [00:17:48.280 -> 00:17:53.080]: Right in between my 11 and 8 dude. Oh my god fucking bullshit, bro [00:17:53.080 -> 00:17:59.480]: Oh fuck [00:17:59.480 -> 00:18:13.520]: Oh my god. Hope it is black. Let's go. Here we go. Oh [00:18:14.400 -> 00:18:19.740]: Zero lightning. Oh, imagine dude. Oh shit. My fucking pants dude. I don't care if it's a 50x. That would be crazy [00:18:19.740 -> 00:18:24.400]: Praise black or green black or green. Please baby. Come on black or green black or green [00:18:24.400 -> 00:18:29.040]: Black black black. Yeah. Oh [00:18:29.040 -> 00:18:34.200]: My god, I'm so relieved. I'm so relieved right now [00:18:34.200 -> 00:18:41.600]: Holy shit, I'm so relieved right now. Oh, yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes [00:18:42.840 -> 00:18:48.480]: Whoa, turn for the fiber. Holy shit balls. I'm going big for you. Turp sauce. Here we go boss [00:18:48.480 -> 00:18:55.040]: $635 on black. Oh my god, please. Thanks for the five pack man. You're a beast. Thank you very much, dude [00:18:55.040 -> 00:18:59.820]: You're awesome, dude. Thank you. It's fucking legendary. Actually helps a lot. Holy shit. Thank you [00:18:59.820 -> 00:19:06.260]: Come on. Oh my god. I got two of them guys 26 and 32. Please right by zero, right by zero zero or one of those numbers [00:19:06.560 -> 00:19:12.040]: Please lord. Oh my god guys be with me. God be with me. God be with me. God be with me. God be with me [00:19:12.040 -> 00:19:14.360]: God be with me. God be with me. God be with me. No [00:19:14.360 -> 00:19:22.420]: It was in the 15, bro. There's no way it popped right out like a fucking that's a fucking great shit. That's so rigged [00:19:22.420 -> 00:19:24.920]: What the fuck was that dude? [00:19:24.920 -> 00:19:27.280]: Wow, man [00:19:27.280 -> 00:19:29.440]: Fuck my life. Wow [00:19:29.440 -> 00:19:32.280]: What a fucking boss kill man. Oh [00:19:33.880 -> 00:19:40.120]: It's a high risk. Oh my god. Oh my god. I'm such a fucking idiot. Oh my fucking god. I did not just do that. Oh [00:19:40.120 -> 00:19:42.840]: My fun god. I [00:19:42.840 -> 00:19:45.840]: Did not just do a two hundred dollar fucking high risk. We all max it dude [00:19:45.840 -> 00:19:49.340]: Into a loss. I'm literally gonna fucking I [00:19:49.340 -> 00:19:55.020]: Can't do this anymore dude. I gotta delete this shit dude. I'm telling you all I'm not kidding. This is so fucking sad [00:19:55.020 -> 00:19:57.020]: Have a good day guys. Wow [00:19:57.020 -> 00:20:07.040]: [BLANK_AUDIO]