VOD at https://mines.expert/BossmanJack/Kees/thebossmanjack (live) 2024-08-16 21_29 [42751022840].mp4 [00:00:00.960 -> 00:00:04.260]: Can't wait for these top ups. There we go. Damn it. Do come on [00:00:04.260 -> 00:00:13.280]: There we go [00:00:13.280 -> 00:00:23.580]: We got a $30 star guy, but hey, it's better nothing right [00:00:26.240 -> 00:00:34.080]: Thank You pub star, yep, yep, what's so how late so Ellis get it [00:00:34.080 -> 00:00:37.520]: Bond cloud. Let me change my game [00:00:37.520 -> 00:00:40.960]: a million [00:00:40.960 -> 00:00:55.700]: Where we going? Oh, yeah. All right, boys. I'm gonna hit a 444x on it [00:00:56.420 -> 00:01:02.280]: You go to fire portals and do a 20 by risky, but it can pay. Oh [00:01:02.280 -> 00:01:07.940]: My gosh, er [00:01:07.940 -> 00:01:16.180]: Thank you guys our money's in let's do it guys do it I'm feeling it I'm feeling it four books incoming four books [00:01:16.180 -> 00:01:18.700]: pulse fins [00:01:22.340 -> 00:01:26.200]: We're gonna do one of these first though, that's there's a hundred by okay. No, we're not we're not [00:01:26.200 -> 00:01:29.420]: Twenty-bye. Here we go [00:01:29.420 -> 00:01:40.980]: Pay my checks be looking like phone numbers now when I get my checks be looking like phone numbers [00:01:40.980 -> 00:01:44.140]: Damn nothing there [00:01:44.140 -> 00:01:47.460]: Nothing there either damn [00:01:50.140 -> 00:01:53.720]: When and bought a Rolex BAM [00:01:53.720 -> 00:01:58.620]: Come on baby [00:01:58.620 -> 00:02:10.840]: We won't be [00:02:10.840 -> 00:02:13.860]: This one again [00:02:13.860 -> 00:02:16.380]: Come on more Maltese [00:02:17.260 -> 00:02:21.420]: Damn look at that. Come on greens greens greens. What I didn't get another multi [00:02:21.420 -> 00:02:27.280]: You come on man, damn that sucks [00:02:27.280 -> 00:02:33.980]: I need somehow let's go [00:02:33.980 -> 00:02:38.260]: Please hit this [00:02:38.260 -> 00:02:43.660]: Oh [00:02:43.700 -> 00:02:49.660]: That's been guys Oh combine them combine them somehow, please please [00:02:49.660 -> 00:02:59.460]: Two fucking dollars it's already almost gone. Damn. I knew that was a bad call rip if you 25 cent spins [00:02:59.460 -> 00:03:09.860]: Come on baby [00:03:10.820 -> 00:03:16.640]: Me by 10, I might go dice. We'll see. Come on, baby. I got $10 [00:03:16.640 -> 00:03:39.780]: Dude what Wow [00:03:39.780 -> 00:03:41.780]: Oh [00:03:41.780 -> 00:03:59.080]: My god, I just lose so much fucking shits bullshit [00:03:59.080 -> 00:04:04.500]: One great [00:04:05.500 -> 00:04:07.500]: Damn [00:04:07.500 -> 00:04:20.500]: She are you sure chromatics [00:04:20.500 -> 00:04:25.780]: Are you serious? All right. Fuck. Yeah, dude, that'll be fucking amazing. Dude. What do you need ETH? [00:04:25.780 -> 00:04:29.540]: Fuck. Yeah, you're a legend man. I'm having such a bad day, bro [00:04:29.540 -> 00:04:32.580]: Come go, dude [00:04:32.940 -> 00:04:34.940]: You [00:04:34.940 -> 00:04:37.300]: Yes, he's a beast I know he's legit I know you [00:04:37.300 -> 00:04:44.100]: ETH here's my teacher. That's what you need. There you go boss. Hell. Yeah fucking legend, dude [00:04:44.100 -> 00:04:47.300]: usual chromatics W bro [00:04:47.300 -> 00:04:50.340]: As usual [00:04:50.340 -> 00:04:57.100]: I still got some mopax a little bit [00:05:01.620 -> 00:05:03.620]: Hope so. I'll be knows [00:05:03.620 -> 00:05:10.740]: Who's the real boss checker chromatic [00:05:10.740 -> 00:05:17.660]: Don't me. I'm coming is that like we're not competing with each other dude [00:05:17.660 -> 00:05:28.980]: That's weird [00:05:28.980 -> 00:05:30.860]: Who's the real? [00:05:30.860 -> 00:05:32.860]: You're watching my stream, dude [00:05:32.860 -> 00:05:41.820]: Watching my stream. Thanks mom. Yes. Thanks for giving a gift to his mom [00:05:57.700 -> 00:06:00.180]: This tea grizzly what? [00:06:00.180 -> 00:06:22.620]: Man, I appreciate that very much. Thank you. I need to just get shit on [00:06:22.620 -> 00:06:36.220]: Thank you, bro. Thank you dynamite much love guys. I [00:06:36.220 -> 00:06:46.500]: Don't play it much anymore. I just started making up here though. I got pure in the making. Oh, wow, 125 bucks [00:06:46.500 -> 00:06:48.820]: You know, they check the whole thing [00:06:51.580 -> 00:06:54.060]: Some of you are talking to someone else talking to someone else [00:06:54.060 -> 00:07:04.300]: People are weird make that public [00:07:04.300 -> 00:07:08.860]: Around the gym [00:07:08.860 -> 00:07:12.180]: He's gonna give us the fucking big hands [00:07:12.180 -> 00:07:17.420]: Now that's a weird call that yeah, you see that guy back cuz he still you still see it [00:07:17.420 -> 00:07:21.440]: I don't it was never even I just like never mind [00:07:21.440 -> 00:07:23.440]: I'll tell you I'll DM you dynamite [00:07:23.440 -> 00:07:31.000]: Wanna know is for my money get a 21. Oh [00:07:31.000 -> 00:07:34.360]: You gonna beat everybody watch it [00:07:34.360 -> 00:07:41.760]: She's getting a 20. I'm calling it now. I hate to wish it will on the table, but I just foresee it. Oh [00:07:46.360 -> 00:07:55.320]: I called it. I said 20 but she got 21. Holy shit. Damn. It's time to shine boys. I'm a shine boys [00:07:55.320 -> 00:07:58.880]: Hello dollar bill y'all [00:07:58.880 -> 00:08:05.480]: You can't go all in there like it'll like reject the best and reason so doing that right there [00:08:05.480 -> 00:08:10.680]: Go guys, come on boys, let's go [00:08:10.680 -> 00:08:15.160]: Honey on their mind I'm passing [00:08:16.160 -> 00:08:21.260]: Come on. Oh, I got 11. Let's go guys. Come on. Give me a 21, baby [00:08:21.260 -> 00:08:24.160]: 21 incoming [00:08:24.160 -> 00:08:26.160]: Yeah [00:08:26.160 -> 00:08:28.160]: Let's fucking go guys [00:08:28.160 -> 00:08:30.880]: 21 more [00:08:30.880 -> 00:08:35.700]: Let's go. Oh, we got a pair of J. Oh, she's just dishing out the tens dude [00:08:35.700 -> 00:08:39.960]: Getting money [00:08:39.960 -> 00:08:45.000]: No, I don't think correct wants me to do that does he I think it was me sitting back there [00:08:45.440 -> 00:08:52.760]: How much should I say do you wait? What tell me what's going on chromatics? I love that. Oh, yeah. Nice. I got 200 boss [00:08:52.760 -> 00:09:00.800]: Let me quit chromatics I [00:09:00.800 -> 00:09:03.280]: Leave to withdraw go in what are you doing? [00:09:03.280 -> 00:09:06.200]: Hurry up. It doesn't have to be now [00:09:06.200 -> 00:09:11.600]: Why don't you have this all right? All right, that's cool [00:09:14.560 -> 00:09:19.000]: You used to be the sweetest girl, thank you, bro. That's what's up, which I run this up [00:09:19.000 -> 00:09:30.640]: Right by school [00:09:30.640 -> 00:09:36.840]: Yeah, I can do it. I can't be able for subs I don't think but I can just unban whoever it is, I guess [00:09:36.840 -> 00:09:40.160]: There'll be a new chapter [00:09:40.160 -> 00:09:49.400]: Tell you I do told me cash rolls everything around me [00:09:49.400 -> 00:09:56.280]: I'm gonna do no side bets because we need a double or a split [00:09:56.280 -> 00:10:01.040]: Around me [00:10:01.040 -> 00:10:07.240]: Yeah, yeah Steve you like that. Thank you, bro. It was fun [00:10:07.240 -> 00:10:09.240]: I [00:10:09.240 -> 00:10:16.240]: Got ten [00:10:16.240 -> 00:10:22.080]: There's a four seventeen verse of four. All right [00:10:22.080 -> 00:10:25.680]: Got stand and pray [00:10:25.680 -> 00:10:31.600]: And then pray boys where my money yet good song [00:10:34.000 -> 00:10:38.000]: You got 21 good for him he got ten he didn't split him [00:10:38.000 -> 00:10:42.920]: I probably would have split my twos would y'all split those two? I would have split them. Hey, okay. You gotta stand that [00:10:42.920 -> 00:10:47.200]: Come on baby bus baby bus for the table [00:10:47.200 -> 00:10:58.360]: Yeah, buddy, let's fucking go guys 300 in the bag [00:10:58.360 -> 00:11:00.360]: I [00:11:00.360 -> 00:11:18.720]: Didn't even double chose [00:11:27.680 -> 00:11:29.680]: It's in oh [00:11:29.680 -> 00:11:36.720]: Fuck it's a straight. You just straight flush. Oh, it's almost a straight flush. Oh my god. I got straight though [00:11:36.720 -> 00:11:39.080]: Nice little straight money right there boys [00:11:39.080 -> 00:11:41.760]: then and pray [00:11:41.760 -> 00:11:47.680]: We got this he's got four [00:11:47.680 -> 00:11:51.080]: No [00:11:51.080 -> 00:11:57.760]: Like oh wait should we made money I made money doing that well 40 bucks from that let's go [00:11:57.760 -> 00:12:11.100]: Lost we made money. Yeah, right. I [00:12:11.100 -> 00:12:19.520]: Lost a hand. Oh, not a five. No [00:12:20.240 -> 00:12:22.240]: No [00:12:22.240 -> 00:12:31.380]: Don't have it lady. I'm gonna hit this like Dana white and get a 20 mom baby. Yes hit it like Dana white [00:12:31.380 -> 00:12:39.040]: He took a seven away from me that's good or an eight that's good. Come on [00:12:39.040 -> 00:12:41.880]: low number baby low number [00:12:41.880 -> 00:12:48.340]: Yeah, 19 Dana came through we might have he might have he might have [00:12:48.860 -> 00:12:50.220]: Yeah [00:12:50.220 -> 00:12:52.220]: Yeah, that's a nice hit [00:12:52.220 -> 00:12:57.140]: That was scary you got hit those boys. That's why you hit those. I hope I win [00:12:57.140 -> 00:13:02.980]: Oh, she has a six or seven underneath that card and we've won if she has either one of those. Oh [00:13:02.980 -> 00:13:10.020]: Wow, I lost five one number that's fucked up [00:13:10.020 -> 00:13:12.020]: I [00:13:12.020 -> 00:13:22.580]: Won't go down to 50 say 50 for slots or something in case we lose [00:13:22.580 -> 00:13:32.700]: Seven [00:13:32.700 -> 00:13:36.540]: Versus seven give me perfect trips. Oh [00:13:38.180 -> 00:13:43.540]: So close, I'm gonna hit that. Come on, baby. We got this. Oh [00:13:43.540 -> 00:13:49.460]: I'm standing that I'm gonna stand that actually [00:13:49.460 -> 00:13:53.380]: Let's see what I would have got. Oh [00:13:53.380 -> 00:13:58.460]: I would have gotten a four fuck. God damn it, dude. I [00:13:58.460 -> 00:14:04.980]: Have a salon on my excess. I can give you my ID for [00:14:04.980 -> 00:14:06.980]: That's right [00:14:06.980 -> 00:14:18.140]: That'd be cool, that's really you come on we're having a 22 baby [00:14:18.140 -> 00:14:25.480]: Yeah, let's go boys. All right, I got you [00:14:25.480 -> 00:14:31.520]: Go it ain't over yet, baby. It ain't over yet [00:14:31.520 -> 00:14:33.520]: I [00:14:33.520 -> 00:14:37.320]: Stood in one [00:14:37.320 -> 00:14:43.080]: So on Eddie coming up boss man [00:14:43.080 -> 00:14:47.560]: You know, yeah, come on. I got seven again [00:14:47.560 -> 00:14:50.800]: Sevens and win it for us. Apparently, let's go [00:14:50.800 -> 00:14:53.680]: versus two [00:14:53.680 -> 00:14:56.680]: 17 versus two [00:14:56.680 -> 00:14:58.680]: I [00:14:58.680 -> 00:15:06.120]: Sorry, that's my slowly in the chat boss man, I'll post a few times [00:15:06.120 -> 00:15:13.520]: Hey guys, my Solana on me. Come on guys. She bought she bus [00:15:13.520 -> 00:15:18.120]: One way I know right back and forth [00:15:18.120 -> 00:15:21.280]: Ted did you really? [00:15:21.280 -> 00:15:23.280]: All right. Oh [00:15:23.320 -> 00:15:26.440]: Low number baby. Low number baby. Low number, baby [00:15:26.440 -> 00:15:29.120]: No [00:15:29.120 -> 00:15:31.120]: Fuck dude. Oh my god [00:15:31.120 -> 00:15:33.840]: Hurry up and fucking get the cars bitch [00:15:33.840 -> 00:15:36.800]: Let's take you there [00:15:36.800 -> 00:15:41.400]: How'd I care [00:15:41.400 -> 00:15:46.000]: We'll see [00:15:46.000 -> 00:15:48.000]: I [00:15:48.000 -> 00:16:00.960]: There's no way that's real there's no way that's real [00:16:00.960 -> 00:16:04.600]: You use flash-faked Solona [00:16:04.600 -> 00:16:10.880]: Are they flashing [00:16:11.400 -> 00:16:13.400]: Oh [00:16:13.400 -> 00:16:22.400]: That's so lame dude, I wish man fucking wish [00:16:22.400 -> 00:16:39.400]: Finalize max confirmations. This might be it boys into the road. See what happens. No. Oh my god. I lost it all [00:16:39.400 -> 00:16:41.400]: I [00:16:41.400 -> 00:16:46.880]: Know this is real birdie. I'm gonna try to send some right now. He's at the bottom of this. I [00:16:46.880 -> 00:16:50.240]: Wish you're being serious. I've been fucking life-changing [00:16:50.240 -> 00:16:57.600]: All right, are you being serious? Don't give my hopes. I would fucking start crying. I [00:16:57.600 -> 00:17:00.800]: Would start crying. I [00:17:00.800 -> 00:17:04.800]: Would start crying I will start crying [00:17:04.800 -> 00:17:11.160]: You're mean man you're mean [00:17:11.160 -> 00:17:18.560]: No way this is really [00:17:18.560 -> 00:17:24.920]: It's just sit [00:17:24.920 -> 00:17:33.680]: Hold on if it comes through to this if it comes through here [00:17:34.480 -> 00:17:36.480]: I'm gonna start crying [00:17:36.480 -> 00:17:41.800]: There's no way dude, there's no way it sits in [00:17:41.800 -> 00:17:54.800]: No, I'm not getting nothing dude [00:18:02.240 -> 00:18:04.240]: I'll do this [00:18:04.240 -> 00:18:09.160]: Yes, I can't oh nobody can see your messages [00:18:09.160 -> 00:18:23.320]: Oh my gosh, oh my gosh. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh [00:18:28.960 -> 00:18:35.200]: Bro what you oh my gosh guys [00:18:35.200 -> 00:18:37.200]: Yeah [00:19:03.600 -> 00:19:05.600]: Now I do [00:19:05.600 -> 00:19:07.600]: Oh [00:19:07.600 -> 00:19:09.600]: School [00:19:09.600 -> 00:19:11.600]: Oh [00:19:11.600 -> 00:19:13.600]: Oh [00:19:13.600 -> 00:19:15.600]: That make me [00:19:15.600 -> 00:19:17.600]: Oh [00:19:17.600 -> 00:19:19.600]: Oh [00:19:19.600 -> 00:19:21.600]: Oh [00:19:21.600 -> 00:19:23.600]: Oh [00:19:23.600 -> 00:19:25.600]: Oh [00:19:25.600 -> 00:19:27.600]: Oh [00:19:27.600 -> 00:19:29.600]: Oh [00:19:29.600 -> 00:19:31.600]: Oh [00:19:31.600 -> 00:19:33.600]: Oh [00:19:33.600 -> 00:20:01.360]: I cannot believe this [00:20:02.200 -> 00:20:07.080]: I cannot believe this. There's no way that must really be him guys. Oh [00:20:07.080 -> 00:20:10.680]: My god [00:20:10.680 -> 00:20:12.520]: this man [00:20:12.520 -> 00:20:15.440]: Just quite literally a hundred percent legitimately [00:20:15.440 -> 00:20:18.160]: Just sent me over [00:20:18.160 -> 00:20:24.800]: $18,000 I shit you not. He just sent me over [00:20:24.800 -> 00:20:28.040]: $18,000. Oh [00:20:28.040 -> 00:20:30.040]: my fucking god, oh [00:20:30.880 -> 00:20:32.880]: My fucking god. Oh [00:20:32.880 -> 00:20:37.560]: My god, it's it's a hundred percent real. Oh [00:20:37.560 -> 00:20:43.880]: My fucking god, dude. All right guys. Give me like 10 seconds. I'm trying to withdraw here to chips. Oh [00:20:54.800 -> 00:21:01.600]: My god, okay. Oh my god. I'll swap it. Let's swap it. Oh my fucking god [00:21:01.600 -> 00:21:04.200]: I can't I'm like, I don't even think this is real, but it is real. Oh [00:21:04.200 -> 00:21:06.760]: my fucking god [00:21:06.760 -> 00:21:09.240]: Bro, yeah, I need to get that car like for real, dude. Oh [00:21:09.240 -> 00:21:11.840]: my fucking god [00:21:11.840 -> 00:21:17.560]: Fat hacker. We have made amends. Absolutely boss man, dude. Oh my god, bro [00:21:17.560 -> 00:21:23.040]: I cannot fucking believe this bro. You're fucking crazy dude. Holy shit. Thank you so much, dude [00:21:23.040 -> 00:21:26.000]: Like I mean dude. Oh my fucking god [00:21:26.000 -> 00:21:31.300]: Holy fucking shit. I just got 18 thousand dollars. Oh [00:21:31.300 -> 00:21:33.800]: my god [00:21:33.800 -> 00:21:35.800]: Holy shit [00:21:35.800 -> 00:21:40.840]: Let's say holy shit. That's a holy shit. I'm fucking that's how fucked up. I am from this shit [00:21:40.840 -> 00:21:44.680]: What is the shill? What is the shim? What's the shim? Oh [00:21:44.680 -> 00:21:47.360]: My god, I'm gonna swap it [00:21:49.400 -> 00:21:53.240]: Which is what ETH don't swap the ETH. Oh my god [00:21:53.240 -> 00:21:57.760]: That is fucking insane I thought it was fake for sure [00:21:57.760 -> 00:22:01.480]: This man just sent me 18 fucking grand. Oh [00:22:01.480 -> 00:22:04.200]: My fucking god. I [00:22:04.200 -> 00:22:06.640]: Cannot believe you just did that, dude [00:22:06.640 -> 00:22:17.240]: I'm swapping it. It's all real. This is real. It already accepted the swap. Oh my god [00:22:18.720 -> 00:22:20.720]: Receiving aetherium. Oh [00:22:20.720 -> 00:22:23.040]: my god [00:22:23.040 -> 00:22:29.680]: Holy shit, bro. Oh my fucking god [00:22:29.680 -> 00:22:32.880]: Dude. Oh my fucking god [00:22:32.880 -> 00:22:39.540]: What no, he's not. No, he's not. No, he's not. No, he's not. No, he's not. No, he's not [00:22:39.540 -> 00:22:47.340]: Didn't someone fix any 50k. Yeah, that was fucking the old he didn't say sending me 50k you fucking dickhead [00:22:47.880 -> 00:22:51.220]: He didn't say that. Just give me 18k. That's fucking plenty [00:22:51.220 -> 00:22:55.120]: Yeah, I was fucking my old sponsor did that shit [00:22:55.120 -> 00:23:02.760]: Yeah, I should order some gold right now [00:23:02.760 -> 00:23:07.920]: 50k they said right. Yeah, right, right [00:23:07.920 -> 00:23:11.760]: Right, no [00:23:16.480 -> 00:23:18.480]: My BTC address, okay [00:23:18.480 -> 00:23:22.840]: He's serious, are you fucking kidding me? [00:23:22.840 -> 00:23:39.840]: I'm gonna bless the community to your bath trust me. I'm definitely blessing the community. That's my BTC edges right there. Oh [00:23:39.840 -> 00:23:45.620]: My god, I thought that was fake for real like for sure [00:23:45.700 -> 00:23:50.820]: I cannot believe that I thought I was falling off as a streamer. My streams have been so awful lately, dude [00:23:50.820 -> 00:23:53.620]: I've been through the worst time ever lately [00:23:53.620 -> 00:23:56.260]: Dude, holy shit [00:23:56.260 -> 00:24:08.160]: There's no way I'm actually gonna start crying dude [00:24:08.160 -> 00:24:11.260]: No way. Oh [00:24:11.260 -> 00:24:12.940]: my god [00:24:12.940 -> 00:24:18.580]: Oh my god, he just sent me fifty thousand dollars. I'm not fucking kidding, dude. Oh [00:24:18.580 -> 00:24:24.080]: There's just no way there's just no way [00:24:24.080 -> 00:24:28.740]: There's no way guys [00:24:28.740 -> 00:24:30.740]: Oh [00:24:30.740 -> 00:24:50.060]: My fucking god, is that real? Is that one real? [00:24:50.060 -> 00:24:52.060]: No [00:24:52.060 -> 00:24:54.060]: Oh [00:24:54.060 -> 00:24:56.060]: Oh [00:24:56.060 -> 00:24:58.060]: Oh [00:24:58.060 -> 00:25:00.060]: Oh [00:25:00.060 -> 00:25:02.060]: Yeah [00:25:02.060 -> 00:25:04.060]: Oh [00:25:04.060 -> 00:25:06.060]: I [00:25:06.060 -> 00:25:10.640]: Try some coke and a happy ending you slit my throat [00:25:10.640 -> 00:25:13.500]: Ignorance the coke man [00:25:13.500 -> 00:25:14.500]: this [00:25:14.500 -> 00:25:21.100]: Ignorance and love and I need that shit if I never did show then I'm probably be a myth forget about the block and the [00:25:21.100 -> 00:25:23.100]: Bobby Jackass [00:25:23.100 -> 00:25:29.060]: Don't give a shit when people talk about fam. Hey shake my hand, but I keep the sanitizer on dick [00:25:29.060 -> 00:25:31.380]: I really get to see [00:25:31.460 -> 00:25:33.460]: Oh [00:25:33.460 -> 00:25:44.740]: My fucking god, why are you know random people putting their eyes in the chat? What are these guys doing? [00:25:44.740 -> 00:25:47.900]: Hell no, fuck you guys [00:25:47.900 -> 00:25:50.700]: Why are you guys putting your eyes in chat? [00:25:50.700 -> 00:25:58.020]: These idiots [00:26:01.180 -> 00:26:05.060]: These fucking guys put their eggs in the chat. Oh [00:26:05.060 -> 00:26:15.780]: My god [00:26:15.780 -> 00:26:26.540]: When did you do that Maddy got right me on discord, why would you put that my chat? I don't remember the [00:26:26.540 -> 00:26:30.180]: You have to show proof of it. I'm right in there pages [00:26:30.180 -> 00:26:32.180]: Oh [00:26:32.180 -> 00:26:40.900]: My god, I can't believe this does I cannot believe this is this real to hold on I got it [00:26:40.900 -> 00:26:46.700]: I fucking got it. Oh my fucking god. The 50 was real. I don't know why I thought it was fake [00:26:46.700 -> 00:26:49.580]: I don't know why I would think that I just get fucked with all the time. Oh [00:26:49.580 -> 00:26:52.380]: My fucking god, I got the 50k [00:26:52.380 -> 00:26:59.140]: Dude, oh my fucking god. I have over 65 grand [00:26:59.740 -> 00:27:01.900]: Oh my god, dude. Oh [00:27:01.900 -> 00:27:05.460]: My fucking god, I'm putting a message in my discord [00:27:05.460 -> 00:27:11.100]: Guys I just got juiced [00:27:11.580 -> 00:27:13.580]: Over [00:27:13.580 -> 00:27:40.420]: My fucking god dap and they give it to your one ten months. Thank you, bro. Oh my fucking god [00:27:40.940 -> 00:27:42.940]: Oh, I am I am I am. Oh [00:27:42.940 -> 00:27:53.380]: My god fat hacker. Oh my god. Thank you so much, dude. I [00:27:53.380 -> 00:27:57.740]: Don't even know what to say. I've never been given that much money in my life [00:27:57.740 -> 00:28:00.060]: I've never been given that much in my life [00:28:00.060 -> 00:28:02.020]: never once [00:28:02.020 -> 00:28:06.700]: Not one time have I ever been given that much money at once. I've won. I've won that much money [00:28:07.020 -> 00:28:13.140]: He sent me 65 K bro over 65 K. Oh my I'll prove it right now. Watch this guys [00:28:13.140 -> 00:28:20.380]: Let's run up some fucking blackjack. Oh my fucking god, dude. I cannot believe you just did that [00:28:20.380 -> 00:28:23.740]: I'm getting some of it. Not all of it, bro [00:28:23.740 -> 00:28:32.420]: Oh, never mind, it's a good thing. I thought I got another 16 grand never mind. Oh [00:28:35.580 -> 00:28:40.780]: My god, I got the money. I watch this guy. I'll prove it. Let's do a $2,000 depot [00:28:40.780 -> 00:28:44.140]: And we'll do some hundred dollar buy giveaway buys [00:28:44.140 -> 00:28:49.100]: Hundred dollar features. How's that sound a bunch of them? What's a hundred dollar giveaway a feature by us? [00:28:49.100 -> 00:28:55.660]: These like a melody. Let's fucking go baby. Oh, I got him all day VIP. Oh, yeah [00:28:55.660 -> 00:29:01.080]: Oh my god fat hacker, dude. Oh my god, bro. Thank you, dude. Holy shit balls [00:29:01.920 -> 00:29:03.920]: Oh [00:29:03.920 -> 00:29:09.460]: Watch two grains about to hit the balance watch guys, you'll see [00:29:09.460 -> 00:29:14.280]: Oh [00:29:14.280 -> 00:29:20.280]: My god, what kind of cars I get hacker help me out boss. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I [00:29:20.280 -> 00:29:26.360]: Gave you one. He's back. He just gave me 67 grand [00:29:26.360 -> 00:29:30.200]: Right delhi, holy shit [00:29:31.040 -> 00:29:35.580]: Sounds like whisper me look at slums guy whisper me like a weirdo [00:29:35.580 -> 00:29:39.840]: In my whole stuff [00:29:39.840 -> 00:29:49.200]: Then I can't keep watch guys watch what's the balance what's the balance? [00:29:49.200 -> 00:29:55.180]: Two grand by the hip. It's real. It's real. Don't you I got 65 grand. Oh my god. I [00:29:57.480 -> 00:29:59.840]: Banned him Lily. I banned him. Thank you for let me know though [00:29:59.840 -> 00:30:05.960]: This miss 69 in the chat. Look at that balance. What's that? Holy shit guys? [00:30:05.960 -> 00:30:12.200]: I told you that's just two of my six of my 17,000 or my 18,000 aetherium dude [00:30:12.200 -> 00:30:16.080]: I remember this and I got 50 grand in BTC. Oh [00:30:16.080 -> 00:30:19.000]: my fucking god [00:30:19.000 -> 00:30:21.760]: What the fuck one of these? Oh [00:30:25.480 -> 00:30:30.040]: Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. Oh, yeah [00:30:30.040 -> 00:30:37.840]: Holy crap, I'm a fat. I can't believe this this feels unreal [00:30:37.840 -> 00:30:42.440]: 360 dual [00:30:42.440 -> 00:30:45.440]: Look over plate [00:30:45.440 -> 00:30:51.880]: Why are y'all being weird groupie you're weird. Yeah, you get banned for that [00:30:53.960 -> 00:30:57.360]: I'll come for a play. Get a hellcat? I don't think I got a four deck, can I? [00:30:57.360 -> 00:31:09.880]: Oh, dude! Triple verse! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! [00:31:09.880 -> 00:31:15.700]: There's a 360 buy! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my fucking god! Oh my fucking god! [00:31:15.700 -> 00:31:20.480]: Oh my god! Oh my fucking god! [00:31:20.480 -> 00:31:34.780]: Well, I have over 70 grand now. I have over 70,000 now. Holy shit! Oh my fucking god! [00:31:34.780 -> 00:31:44.040]: Holy fuck! I just won three grand! Oh my god! Holy sh- I don't blackjack I'm down tremendously [00:31:44.040 -> 00:31:48.280]: on chips! What do you mean how I get so lucky? Ask anybody, I lose every day! What are you [00:31:48.280 -> 00:32:01.000]: talking about? Holy shit, dude! Let's fucking go. Holy shit, guys. Let's go play some blackjack. [00:32:01.000 -> 00:32:10.680]: Holy shit, I'm up fast! I'm at five grand! From two start! I'm gonna do some G's on there! [00:32:10.680 -> 00:32:20.760]: Grands! Let's try to go for ten. See if we can hit 10k from five. Oops! On your side! [00:32:20.760 -> 00:32:24.820]: Oh, life is good! Man, I've been struggling the last few days, man. This helped me out [00:32:24.820 -> 00:32:29.480]: a lot, dude. Thank you so much, man. I really, really appreciate that, dude. Very much, [00:32:29.480 -> 00:32:34.360]: dude. You don't understand, dude. I am so, so doing so much better now, dude. Thank you [00:32:34.360 -> 00:32:41.000]: so much, bro. Thank you, dude. Much love, bro. Oh my god, dude. Holy shit. That was [00:32:41.000 -> 00:32:44.320]: about the quick streaming, dude. I swear I was like close to at least taking a fat break [00:32:44.320 -> 00:32:59.320]: or something. Another beggar. Love you. Alright, Monk. Lily, I'm gonna trust you. Monk, you [00:32:59.320 -> 00:33:03.960]: got mod for now, okay? It might not be permanent. You have mod for now, Monk, if you want to [00:33:03.960 -> 00:33:09.720]: help me out tonight. That'd be great. Alright, we're going in for a G, boys. Let's fucking [00:33:09.720 -> 00:33:17.800]: go. Let's go, guys. Let's go. Let's go. I got an 8. Give me a pair of them. I'll split [00:33:17.800 -> 00:33:36.320]: them. Towards you. Verse of 7. Yeah! That's a good hand. That's a great hand. Let's go, [00:33:36.320 -> 00:33:59.260]: man. On a Friday, too, man. Oh, man. 10K. I'm leaving. 10K. Oh, yeah. I just got a pair [00:33:59.260 -> 00:34:14.880]: right there. Yeah! Push! He had a fucking ace, dog. Now I've got you, babe. That's okay. [00:34:14.880 -> 00:34:30.480]: Better than listening. Whoa, Matty's mom. What's Matty saying? Oh, I got you, bro. If you [00:34:30.480 -> 00:34:39.040]: really like me, I got you. Let me check it out. Hold on, Matty. Yeah, Blackjack! Oh, [00:34:39.040 -> 00:34:46.480]: my God. That just topped the stream off with a cherry. Oh, my God. Blackjackaroonie. Oh, [00:34:46.480 -> 00:34:53.680]: my God, dude. Holy shit. What are we at now? 6K almost? Or are we at 6K? I don't even know. [00:34:53.680 -> 00:35:03.080]: 5.5? What are we at? We're at 6K. Yeah, we're definitely at 6K. Definitely at 6K. Oh, dude, [00:35:03.080 -> 00:35:07.040]: don't matter. Bonk off. Don't always tell me to go all in and shit. You guys want to [00:35:07.040 -> 00:35:13.320]: see me lose? So sad, bro. I'm not fat as a bitch. Oh, my God. I cannot believe I have [00:35:13.320 -> 00:35:18.560]: this much money, dude. I'm playing it way different this time. You'll see. You'll see. [00:35:18.560 -> 00:35:26.560]: Oh, what a hit! 21. Good for you. The dude hit is fucking 16 and 1. What a beast. That's [00:35:26.560 -> 00:35:32.480]: why you hit those. I actually don't hit those. In this case, it was. Pickle beat it? I'm [00:35:32.480 -> 00:35:38.880]: definitely am, Kush. I definitely am, dude. I need another one. Like a new one. I need [00:35:38.880 -> 00:35:45.880]: one. Oh, yeah! Give me the money. Oh, yeah. I was looking at the cards like I could have [00:35:45.880 -> 00:35:58.860]: lost or something. Holy shit. $6,000. Beautiful. We're at 1,500. We'll be at damn near the side [00:35:58.860 -> 00:36:10.520]: of that state. Let's see. $1,500 going in. Got four boys. We like those fours. They can [00:36:10.520 -> 00:36:16.800]: be good. Verse of two. Yeah, that's good. I don't want to double that. I'm going to [00:36:16.800 -> 00:36:22.200]: hit it. Actually, it's not the fat hacker. Do I double that or hit it? Damn! It's not [00:36:22.200 -> 00:36:29.080]: the fat hacker. Fat hacker? That'd be a fat loss. It'd be a fat win. Shit. I don't know. [00:36:29.080 -> 00:36:52.040]: Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hit. Oh, no! Oh, my God. That was entirely my fault. [00:36:52.040 -> 00:36:59.080]: Oh, my God. If he busts, I'm going to shit my pants. Oh, my God. I could not believe [00:36:59.080 -> 00:37:07.720]: I just did that for $1,500. Oh, my God. I know it is. No shit, Snipe! I didn't mean [00:37:07.720 -> 00:37:15.720]: to stand it, you fucking moron! No! Oh, my God. Okay. We don't talk about these things [00:37:15.720 -> 00:37:33.240]: ever, ever again. We don't ever talk about these things ever again. Well, anyway, are [00:37:33.240 -> 00:37:39.840]: you sure? I might have lost anything, but I don't know. Got seven? I cannot believe [00:37:39.840 -> 00:37:44.480]: I just did that. Let's just forget it. Let's forget it. I got plenty of money. Oh, seventeen [00:37:44.480 -> 00:37:50.300]: versus ten? That's going to be fucking hard to win. I can tell you this much. That's [00:37:50.300 -> 00:37:54.240]: not bringing my spirits down tonight. I can tell you that much. That is not going to bring [00:37:54.240 -> 00:38:23.000]: my spirits down at all. It sucks, but whatever. [00:38:23.000 -> 00:38:32.580]: Yes, it is. It is milk. You're right. That's a good way to put it. Damn, I lost again. [00:38:32.580 -> 00:38:40.680]: Holy shit, guys. I lost again. I'm just going to go half. I can get it back, dude. We can [00:38:40.680 -> 00:38:58.480]: definitely get it back. I put it in 2G, so that one it wins pretty much gone, but that's [00:38:58.480 -> 00:39:07.200]: okay. Yeah, got Jack. Yeah, I got 20, baby. Hell yeah. Nice. Nice. We take those. All [00:39:07.200 -> 00:39:13.680]: day we take them. We like those. This guy's doubling. That's a good double. Come on. Nice [00:39:13.680 -> 00:39:19.600]: double, buddy. Nice. Oh, I probably still did not 18. I didn't either split those or [00:39:19.600 -> 00:39:31.020]: I split them. Split those sevens, dude. Yes, split those sevens. Split those sevens. Always. [00:39:31.020 -> 00:39:36.640]: Stand that one. Stand that one. Stand them both. Yeah, he's doing it right. Let's go, [00:39:36.640 -> 00:39:51.880]: baby. Yeah, boy. It's nice. Got the win, boy. Let's go. Do the same one again. One of these [00:39:51.880 -> 00:39:59.720]: side bets might really square for us, too. Oh, bartenders are classic, too. I cannot [00:39:59.720 -> 00:40:04.080]: believe I have this much money. I cannot believe this actually. This is kind of unreal [00:40:04.080 -> 00:40:23.760]: to me. I got to keep looking at the balance over and over. Brody, bro. You're not going [00:40:23.760 -> 00:40:37.960]: to believe what just happened to me. Yes, but somebody just gave me all my fame. Don't [00:40:37.960 -> 00:41:00.040]: believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm [00:41:00.040 -> 00:41:16.200]: not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe [00:41:16.200 -> 00:41:28.160]: it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going [00:41:28.160 -> 00:41:34.320]: to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, [00:41:34.320 -> 00:41:41.240]: I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe [00:41:41.240 -> 00:41:49.040]: it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going [00:41:49.040 -> 00:41:56.040]: to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, [00:41:56.040 -> 00:42:04.440]: I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe [00:42:04.440 -> 00:42:12.480]: it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going [00:42:12.480 -> 00:42:20.920]: to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, [00:42:20.920 -> 00:42:32.080]: I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe [00:42:32.080 -> 00:42:42.800]: it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going [00:42:42.800 -> 00:42:56.400]: to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm [00:42:56.400 -> 00:43:11.800]: not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe [00:43:11.800 -> 00:43:27.440]: it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going [00:43:27.440 -> 00:43:48.120]: to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm [00:43:48.120 -> 00:43:57.120]: not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe [00:43:57.120 -> 00:44:13.320]: it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going [00:44:13.320 -> 00:44:22.120]: to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm [00:44:22.120 -> 00:44:28.920]: not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe [00:44:28.920 -> 00:44:36.760]: it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going [00:44:36.760 -> 00:44:45.200]: to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, [00:44:45.200 -> 00:44:59.120]: I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe [00:44:59.120 -> 00:45:06.760]: it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going [00:45:06.760 -> 00:45:13.880]: to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, [00:45:13.880 -> 00:45:20.320]: I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe [00:45:20.320 -> 00:45:29.760]: it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going [00:45:29.760 -> 00:45:36.760]: to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, [00:45:36.760 -> 00:45:43.480]: I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe it. Oh, I'm not going to believe [00:45:43.480 -> 00:45:51.200]: it. Oh, we got dynamite. We got dynamite. Yeah. That can squirt. That can squirt. That can [00:45:51.200 -> 00:45:58.800]: squirt guys. Whoo. Yeah. How much is that? Okay. We need more now. We need more now. [00:45:58.800 -> 00:46:12.440]: Come on. Oh, two dynamite. Oh, 50 bucks. Oh, I mean broke even. Oh, oh, damn, times 100. [00:46:12.440 -> 00:46:21.800]: Oh, damn. Well, I broke even guys broke even on that one. Run it back, Austin. Run it back, [00:46:21.800 -> 00:46:29.640]: baby. Yeah, guns. Awesome. Hell yeah. Guns. Awesome, Don, repeater sin. You repeat. It's [00:46:29.640 -> 00:46:35.920]: like a level one. We need some wanted posters. We need some wanted posters, boys. I got [00:46:35.920 -> 00:47:02.500]: dynamite revolvers. Oh, damn. Oh, we got dynamite. Oh, we got dynamite. Oh, 60 bucks. Need more [00:47:02.500 -> 00:47:19.880]: naps, honey. Got dynamite. Oh, double dynamite dropped in. Oh, look at that. Oh, keep tumbling, [00:47:19.880 -> 00:47:33.160]: baby. Yeah, keep tumbling. Keep tumbling. Oh, small ones. Fuck. Oh, lost on that one. [00:47:33.160 -> 00:47:42.920]: We'll do one more and then we'll head out to a pickle. Come on. Oh, only level one. [00:47:42.920 -> 00:48:05.040]: Oh, man. Fuck you, dude. Oh, double dynamite, double dynamite. Damn. Come on, baby. Losing [00:48:05.040 -> 00:48:12.960]: big on this one, too. You know, that is so fun. Oh, really? Oh, you can you can sign [00:48:12.960 -> 00:48:22.920]: up, do that yourself. I hate to break it to you, but I have over $60,000. Hate to break [00:48:22.920 -> 00:48:35.640]: that to you late. Damn, other fat loss. I will go limbo, though, and get a couple here. [00:48:35.640 -> 00:48:50.680]: Oh, oh, come on. All in. Yeah. Oh, all in all in. Oh, come on. Fuck. I'm not playing [00:48:50.680 -> 00:48:57.080]: originals again ever. I swear to God I'm not. Yeah, I have over 60K right now, dude. I fucking [00:48:57.080 -> 00:49:02.040]: got juiced over 60K today. Isn't that crazy, guys? I mean, that's not fucking crazy. What [00:49:02.040 -> 00:49:20.920]: do you mean? No, I have over 60K. Yeah, I'm avoiding originals for sure. They're going [00:49:20.920 -> 00:49:34.840]: to snag a lot of that. Spice it up a little bit, Austin. Do a three. I know. Shave your [00:49:34.840 -> 00:49:44.600]: money by a car. Do this, do that. I'm going to do what I do, which is buy a car, gamble. [00:49:44.600 -> 00:50:00.040]: Buy a car. Buy a car. I know, dude. I know. It pays sometimes, but not enough. Hey, I [00:50:00.040 -> 00:50:29.880]: have another cigarette, guys. Very excited. I can't see it. Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. [00:50:29.880 -> 00:50:59.720]: Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. [00:50:59.720 -> 00:51:15.320]: Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it [00:51:15.320 -> 00:51:39.720]: up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring [00:51:39.720 -> 00:52:08.920]: it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. [00:52:08.920 -> 00:52:31.480]: Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it [00:52:31.480 -> 00:52:58.680]: up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring [00:52:58.680 -> 00:53:23.160]: it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. [00:53:23.160 -> 00:53:43.640]: Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it [00:53:43.640 -> 00:54:09.080]: up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring [00:54:09.080 -> 00:54:34.440]: it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. [00:54:34.440 -> 00:54:48.120]: Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it [00:54:48.120 -> 00:55:11.000]: up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring [00:55:11.000 -> 00:55:36.200]: it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. [00:55:36.200 -> 00:55:59.400]: Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it [00:55:59.400 -> 00:56:25.480]: up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring [00:56:25.480 -> 00:56:49.800]: it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. [00:56:49.800 -> 00:57:02.160]: Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it [00:57:02.160 -> 00:57:29.460]: up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring [00:57:29.460 -> 00:57:53.480]: it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. [00:57:53.480 -> 00:58:14.420]: Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it [00:58:14.420 -> 00:58:34.260]: up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring [00:58:34.260 -> 00:58:59.500]: it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. Bring it up. [00:58:59.500 -> 00:59:08.540]: I want you to score like the Niagara Falls, baby. It didn't work this time. I cannot believe [00:59:08.540 -> 00:59:13.980]: I have this much money in my balance. What are we doing right now? Am I sending $3,000 [00:59:13.980 -> 00:59:30.420]: blackjack hands or am I dreaming? Jeez, lady, don't pull no 20 on me. I won. Oh my god, [00:59:30.420 -> 00:59:42.020]: dude. Holy shit. Whoa. Hell yeah. $300 ciders. $360 in the middle. $360 no scope. Oh my god, [00:59:42.020 -> 00:59:50.860]: I'm a fat as a bitch, dude. I'm a fat as a bitch. I got a queen. I got a pair of queens. [00:59:50.860 -> 01:00:00.060]: Oh my fucking god. Bro, this is about to be fat. Oh my god, this is about to be fat. [01:00:00.060 -> 01:00:15.380]: Holy shit. Oh my god. Holy fucking shit, dude. Oh my fucking god. I'm going to do the same [01:00:15.380 -> 01:00:22.380]: thing again. Yeah, that's a magic number. Damn, baby. Let me get you a number two, baby. [01:00:22.380 -> 01:00:45.140]: Oh, trip, trip, trip. Oh, that's good though. She's got a pair of nines. Oh, 13. Yeah. Oh [01:00:45.140 -> 01:00:55.420]: my god, I'm a fat as a bitch. Oh my god. Holy crap. Let's see if we can hit 50, I guess. [01:00:55.420 -> 01:01:00.300]: Holy shit, this is unreal. This is unreal. This is real money, guys. This is real money. [01:01:00.300 -> 01:01:08.700]: I hope you guys know that. This is real money. Yo, I'm rich as fuck. Oh, another straight. [01:01:08.700 -> 01:01:17.960]: Oh my god, another side bit hit. Oh my god, another straight. Oh my god. Oh, we still [01:01:17.960 -> 01:01:27.740]: won two grand. Holy shit. Let's go for 5K, see if we can hit the 50s right off the rim. [01:01:27.740 -> 01:01:42.540]: here max bet 5k oh my god oh my god this is gonna be a ten thousand our hand oh [01:01:42.540 -> 01:01:52.660]: my god guys here we go oh my god dude oh my god dude oh my god come on oh my god [01:01:52.660 -> 01:02:02.740]: oh my god oh not bad oh my fucking god come on pull seven oh my god she's got [01:02:02.740 -> 01:02:32.020]: a sixteen oh I have over a hundred thousand dollars oh my god [01:02:32.020 -> 01:02:37.800]: the quickest muscle throw it on my mouth and now decline key meet queens in the puppy [01:02:37.800 -> 01:02:40.320]: love me together dream bout the crib with the good [01:02:40.320 -> 01:02:49.500]: yes we forever forever forever forever never seen set long and notice that the [01:02:49.500 -> 01:02:53.320]: day-by-day ruler can't be too wrong my accent my intentions were good I wish I [01:02:53.320 -> 01:02:57.520]: could become a magician to abracadabra all the set of thoughts of me thoughts [01:02:57.520 -> 01:03:05.620]: oh my fucking god guy all right baby one around with me honey bun go in for [01:03:05.620 -> 01:03:17.540]: another max bet honey bun oh my god holy shit dude got five oh god eleven [01:03:17.540 -> 01:03:38.100]: did I double it why not why not why not oh I got 21 oh my god oh I just won [01:03:38.100 -> 01:03:44.140]: another ten thousand dollars I kid you not I just won our ten thousand dollars [01:03:44.140 -> 01:03:53.780]: oh my god holy shit babe oh my god almighty oh my god almighty I just get [01:03:53.780 -> 01:04:00.460]: doom until I lose one bro I'm leaving once I lose I'm withdrawing I'm out [01:04:00.460 -> 01:04:09.420]: when I lose one we'll get a helicopter we get a seven win streak hit that Dana [01:04:09.420 -> 01:04:19.620]: I'm gonna date with a seven baby I'm out get out of there Austin hey I should [01:04:19.620 -> 01:04:27.900]: have more than that hey check more than I don't know [01:04:27.900 -> 01:04:49.900]: what I bet 5k side bets [01:04:49.900 -> 01:05:10.180]: oh my god I'm gonna do that dude that's the most expensive mistake I've ever [01:05:10.180 -> 01:05:16.140]: made of my life no it's not actually put 15,000 in the rain chat on how that was [01:05:16.140 -> 01:05:22.220]: more expensive oh I can't even believe I'm not mad about that at all that's [01:05:22.220 -> 01:05:26.540]: how up I am let's withdraw let's withdraw what do I yeah let's get the [01:05:26.540 -> 01:05:34.420]: ETH going holy shit guys fuck a wee ball that's right I cannot believe I [01:05:34.420 -> 01:06:01.660]: didn't do that I'm not mad at anybody laughing either I don't care I cannot [01:06:01.660 -> 01:06:07.180]: believe that I'll send it what are you guys send it to my exes into my exes [01:06:07.180 -> 01:06:16.660]: bro what do you say sends my exes be good I don't want it on chips if you [01:06:16.660 -> 01:06:24.860]: can't reimburse it are you really oh my okay give X's okay ETH oh my god you're [01:06:24.860 -> 01:06:36.700]: fucking insane dude I can't believe this dude I can't believe it there you go [01:06:36.700 -> 01:06:44.460]: Brody there it is 9 7 8 1 at the end I'll post it a few times holy shit [01:06:44.460 -> 01:06:58.260]: fucker you're fucking insane dude no one asking for anything that's it what are you [01:06:58.260 -> 01:07:13.980]: talking about bros bros which one you [01:07:13.980 -> 01:07:30.100]: said all right listen guys this is fucking crazy this is fucking crazy this [01:07:30.100 -> 01:07:41.060]: is fucking crazy I got it I got it 15k I just got it oh my fucking god this is [01:07:41.060 -> 01:07:50.740]: insane here I've had the one of the worst weeks of my life dude actually [01:07:50.740 -> 01:07:57.820]: that'd be the same idea I withdraw from from chips oh my god I'm up fat as fuck [01:07:57.820 -> 01:08:03.660]: dude I am up fatter than a motherfucker guys how much I withdraw guys how much [01:08:03.660 -> 01:08:13.620]: should I withdraw oh my god oh my no I had 200k at one point but still 45k [01:08:13.620 -> 01:08:16.660]: let's do 45k [01:08:16.660 -> 01:08:32.700]: 17 aetheriums imagine the withdrawing 17 aetherium coins holy shit balls let's [01:08:32.700 -> 01:08:40.700]: do 18 18 theorems let's do it let's treat myself to a whole notherian [01:08:40.700 -> 01:08:51.380]: you guys slip by mr. ballin oh my fucking god this is insane [01:08:58.500 -> 01:09:04.020]: that's my attitude yep that was the giveaway winners oh my god that was the [01:09:04.020 -> 01:09:14.180]: wrong Eddie oh my god oh my god like like like you think I'd fall for that [01:09:14.180 -> 01:09:44.060]: sake fuck you got me fucked up yeah my parents are sleeping oh my god did I [01:09:44.060 -> 01:09:55.060]: get it yet let's see my excess Eddie I got it I have 73k in my excess and I [01:09:55.060 -> 01:10:24.500]: have 50k and Bitcoin I have 123k 123k oh my god [01:10:24.500 -> 01:10:31.540]: that's insane that's fuck I you're not gonna believe this actually [01:10:31.540 -> 01:10:34.940]: that's called you actually I'm sorry [01:10:34.940 -> 01:10:36.940]: you [01:11:03.700 -> 01:11:12.340]: my bad guys I'm back oh my god I cannot believe this dude I cannot believe this [01:11:12.340 -> 01:11:14.620]: dude [01:11:14.620 -> 01:11:24.300]: I'm gonna buy some gold and silver Rooney yeah we should like right now oh [01:11:24.300 -> 01:11:34.540]: my god I'm at 123 K JT I'm at a hundred and twenty three thousand dollars I only [01:11:34.540 -> 01:11:48.580]: won like 20 and the rest was given to me oh my fucking god oh my fucking god [01:11:49.220 -> 01:12:13.780]: I can't believe this dude I can't believe this I'm gonna order some hookers [01:12:13.780 -> 01:12:19.860]: you guys want to see some hookers I'm just I'm just kidding that's kidding [01:12:19.860 -> 01:12:26.300]: discord stream later though you know I'm saying be in there [01:12:26.300 -> 01:12:40.140]: stop it gambler stop it go ahead shit this guy said go ahead shit oh my god [01:12:40.140 -> 01:12:43.740]: dude I can't believe this dude I don't even know what to say bro like I don't [01:12:43.740 -> 01:12:49.100]: even know what to say I have over a hundred G's look at my look at my [01:12:49.100 -> 01:12:55.420]: portfolio on Exodus guys I gotta flex the portfolio gotta flex the total [01:12:55.420 -> 01:13:02.540]: value boys oh my fucking god [01:13:07.900 -> 01:13:17.780]: I have 73,000 in aetherium 28 aetherium coins I have 0.9 bitcoins oh my god [01:13:17.780 -> 01:13:25.940]: you fuck is going on my life just flipped upside down my my life just my [01:13:25.940 -> 01:13:31.340]: my life just turned upside down dude I can't believe this I can't believe this [01:13:31.340 -> 01:13:41.460]: dude oh my god this guy said I can juice 30 if you need dude I have 123 grand [01:13:41.460 -> 01:13:49.700]: I'm good yo dude what kind of car should I get I'm getting something nice [01:13:49.700 -> 01:13:55.100]: really nice damn that car nice I'm gonna get a [01:13:55.100 -> 01:14:02.220]: beamer dude I'll always be able to afford to have maintenance on it fuck it dude why not get a beamer [01:14:02.220 -> 01:14:16.660]: yo bro I can juice $5 you got ETH daddy for me fuck you fat hacker I'll wipe my [01:14:16.660 -> 01:14:24.340]: ass with it you got him right boy and all thanks to you bro what the fuck [01:14:24.340 -> 01:14:28.780]: man you're fucking beast bro I don't even have to say like say to you dude [01:14:28.780 -> 01:14:34.540]: you're fucking legend dude oh my god first person to send me a thousand gets [01:14:34.540 -> 01:14:39.900]: too oh I'm just kidding I'm just kidding would anybody fall for that [01:14:39.900 -> 01:14:46.460]: though stack my thumbs up real quick stack my [01:14:46.460 -> 01:14:51.940]: thumbs up real quick said no don't do it no don't send it I'm a scammer dude [01:14:51.940 -> 01:14:55.620]: I'm a fast gamer [01:14:55.620 -> 01:15:01.660]: okay good don't do that [01:15:01.660 -> 01:15:03.700]: you [01:15:04.700 -> 01:15:06.740]: you [01:15:06.740 -> 01:15:08.740]: you [01:15:08.740 -> 01:15:10.740]: you [01:15:10.740 -> 01:15:12.800]: you [01:15:12.800 -> 01:15:14.860]: you [01:15:14.860 -> 01:15:16.920]: you [01:15:16.920 -> 01:15:18.980]: you [01:15:18.980 -> 01:15:21.040]: you [01:15:21.040 -> 01:15:23.100]: you [01:15:23.100 -> 01:15:25.160]: you [01:15:25.160 -> 01:15:27.220]: you [01:15:27.220 -> 01:15:29.280]: you [01:15:29.280 -> 01:15:31.340]: you [01:15:31.340 -> 01:15:33.400]: you [01:15:33.400 -> 01:15:35.460]: you [01:15:35.460 -> 01:15:37.520]: you [01:15:37.520 -> 01:15:39.580]: you [01:15:39.580 -> 01:15:41.640]: you [01:15:41.640 -> 01:15:43.700]: you [01:15:43.700 -> 01:15:45.760]: you [01:15:45.760 -> 01:15:47.820]: you [01:15:47.820 -> 01:15:49.880]: you [01:15:49.880 -> 01:15:51.940]: you [01:15:51.940 -> 01:15:54.000]: you [01:15:54.000 -> 01:15:56.060]: you [01:15:56.060 -> 01:15:58.120]: you [01:15:58.120 -> 01:16:00.180]: you [01:16:00.180 -> 01:16:02.240]: you [01:16:02.240 -> 01:16:04.300]: you [01:16:04.300 -> 01:16:06.360]: you [01:16:06.360 -> 01:16:08.420]: you [01:16:08.420 -> 01:16:10.480]: you [01:16:10.480 -> 01:16:12.540]: you [01:16:12.540 -> 01:16:14.600]: you [01:16:14.600 -> 01:16:16.660]: you [01:16:16.660 -> 01:16:18.720]: you [01:16:18.720 -> 01:16:20.780]: you [01:16:20.780 -> 01:16:22.840]: you [01:16:22.840 -> 01:16:24.900]: you [01:16:24.900 -> 01:16:26.960]: you [01:16:26.960 -> 01:16:29.020]: you [01:16:29.020 -> 01:16:31.080]: you [01:16:31.080 -> 01:16:33.140]: you [01:16:33.140 -> 01:16:35.200]: you [01:16:35.200 -> 01:16:37.260]: you [01:16:37.260 -> 01:16:39.320]: you [01:16:39.320 -> 01:16:41.380]: you [01:16:41.380 -> 01:16:43.440]: you [01:16:43.440 -> 01:16:45.500]: you [01:16:45.500 -> 01:16:47.560]: you [01:16:47.560 -> 01:16:49.620]: you [01:16:49.620 -> 01:16:51.680]: you [01:16:51.680 -> 01:16:53.740]: you [01:16:53.740 -> 01:16:55.800]: you [01:16:55.800 -> 01:16:57.860]: you [01:16:57.860 -> 01:16:59.920]: you [01:16:59.920 -> 01:17:01.980]: you [01:17:01.980 -> 01:17:04.040]: you [01:17:04.040 -> 01:17:06.100]: you [01:17:06.100 -> 01:17:08.160]: you [01:17:08.160 -> 01:17:10.220]: you [01:17:10.220 -> 01:17:12.280]: you [01:17:12.280 -> 01:17:14.340]: you [01:17:14.340 -> 01:17:16.400]: you [01:17:16.400 -> 01:17:18.460]: you [01:17:18.460 -> 01:17:20.520]: you [01:17:20.520 -> 01:17:22.580]: you [01:17:22.580 -> 01:17:24.640]: you [01:17:24.640 -> 01:17:26.700]: you [01:17:26.700 -> 01:17:28.760]: you [01:17:28.760 -> 01:17:30.820]: you [01:17:30.820 -> 01:17:32.880]: you [01:17:32.880 -> 01:17:34.940]: you [01:17:34.940 -> 01:17:37.000]: you [01:17:37.000 -> 01:17:39.060]: you [01:17:39.060 -> 01:17:41.120]: you [01:17:41.120 -> 01:17:43.180]: you [01:17:43.180 -> 01:17:45.280]: you [01:17:45.280 -> 01:17:47.340]: you [01:17:47.340 -> 01:17:49.400]: you [01:17:49.400 -> 01:17:51.460]: you [01:17:51.460 -> 01:17:53.520]: you [01:17:53.520 -> 01:17:55.580]: you [01:17:55.580 -> 01:17:57.640]: you [01:17:57.640 -> 01:17:59.700]: you [01:17:59.700 -> 01:18:01.760]: you [01:18:01.760 -> 01:18:03.820]: you [01:18:03.820 -> 01:18:05.880]: you [01:18:05.880 -> 01:18:07.940]: you [01:18:07.940 -> 01:18:10.000]: you [01:18:10.000 -> 01:18:12.060]: you [01:18:12.060 -> 01:18:14.120]: you [01:18:14.120 -> 01:18:16.180]: you [01:18:16.180 -> 01:18:18.240]: you [01:18:18.240 -> 01:18:20.340]: you [01:18:20.340 -> 01:18:22.400]: you [01:18:22.400 -> 01:18:24.460]: you [01:18:24.460 -> 01:18:26.520]: you [01:18:26.520 -> 01:18:36.520]: [BLANK_AUDIO] [01:18:55.840 -> 01:18:58.440]: >> God, I gotta handle some stuff. [01:18:58.440 -> 01:19:01.640]: I gotta take a 20 minute break, I'm sorry guys, give me 20 minutes. [01:19:01.640 -> 01:19:03.920]: All right, keep the stream on. [01:19:03.920 -> 01:19:06.040]: Give me 20 minutes, I'll be live, I swear to God, I will be. [01:19:06.040 -> 01:19:07.460]: I gotta handle some stuff, I'll be back. [01:19:07.460 -> 01:19:15.460]: [BLANK_AUDIO]