VOD at https://mines.expert/BossmanJack/Kees/thebossmanjack (live) 2024-06-21 18_29 [42503169800].mp4 [00:00:00.000 -> 00:00:04.220]: Your table five you can hear me guys so five you can hear me that five you can hear me guys anybody [00:00:04.220 -> 00:00:07.780]: All right guys go slots and we are going to [00:00:07.780 -> 00:00:10.700]: go to [00:00:10.700 -> 00:00:16.600]: Twilight Princess, I think it's got a third wind in there. So my boys five. Yep. Yeah. All right. Hell. Yeah [00:00:16.600 -> 00:00:21.360]: Let's go do that. Look at all the multis on that board, bro. Look at this. Look at that. Holy crap [00:00:21.360 -> 00:00:25.920]: We're 20. Oh, yeah. I'm putting my phone. Sorry guys. It's annoying sound over [00:00:25.920 -> 00:00:28.840]: All right. Let's go guys. Wish me luck [00:00:29.400 -> 00:00:32.240]: So Justin sub G sub blue man [00:00:32.240 -> 00:00:41.120]: Thank you, brother. All right, here we go. Oh shit. Here we go. Come on baby. Big 20-piece big 20-piece. No, come on [00:00:41.120 -> 00:00:43.580]: Don't mentor there you go [00:00:43.580 -> 00:00:46.160]: All right. We some five times. Let me some ten times [00:00:46.160 -> 00:00:48.120]: Damn [00:00:48.120 -> 00:00:50.220]: Retrig this. Oh my gosh. Retrig it. Oh [00:00:50.220 -> 00:00:58.880]: All you got times 300 times five, I love this song has a good song retrig this retrig this we need a retrig [00:00:59.240 -> 00:01:04.320]: Let me retrig. Oh it did it retrig. Holy shit. I didn't see that. I never see it when it doesn't row [00:01:04.320 -> 00:01:07.200]: Let's fucking go bro. Let's fucking go me [00:01:07.200 -> 00:01:11.200]: See what this phase real quick. This is actually a pretty good set up right here [00:01:11.200 -> 00:01:14.680]: She drops one more down there and it's game over bro. Profit guaranteed [00:01:14.680 -> 00:01:17.000]: Come on [00:01:17.000 -> 00:01:18.400]: You know retrig [00:01:18.400 -> 00:01:20.400]: Now multi right here. Oh [00:01:20.400 -> 00:01:21.720]: Oh a double [00:01:21.720 -> 00:01:24.080]: Come on. All three spins retrig again [00:01:24.080 -> 00:01:26.880]: Retrig Oh [00:01:28.400 -> 00:01:30.080]: Last spin Oh [00:01:30.080 -> 00:01:31.320]: What? [00:01:31.320 -> 00:01:33.960]: Damn, son. That didn't look like it was gonna hit didn't it? [00:01:33.960 -> 00:01:37.600]: Shit with the retrig everything run it back run it back [00:01:37.600 -> 00:01:44.000]: Run it back dude. Run it back dude. They forgot to use discord. Yeah, I got it. So I got Instagram [00:01:44.000 -> 00:01:49.280]: It's I can write my name in the chat if you want me to yeah, I go through my measures on there every once in a while [00:01:49.280 -> 00:01:51.800]: I do check my most all though [00:01:51.800 -> 00:01:53.960]: Come on, baby. Drop some in. Holy crap [00:01:54.800 -> 00:02:02.040]: Whoa, back to back tuds guys. No way. It's this bad. Oh my god, dude what I'm saying [00:02:02.040 -> 00:02:04.560]: Bro, this is terrible [00:02:04.560 -> 00:02:08.920]: This is off retrig. Oh, I didn't do and holy crap [00:02:08.920 -> 00:02:12.280]: That's some booty [00:02:12.280 -> 00:02:14.280]: We're down fucking $29 already [00:02:14.280 -> 00:02:18.440]: I'm sorry, like price guys price. Look at this back [00:02:19.960 -> 00:02:26.520]: So saying sub Justin sub blooming. Oh this suddenly mode. That's right. There's not many people chatting. Hold on. I'll turn off in a second [00:02:26.520 -> 00:02:29.320]: Come on. Trust him in. Yes [00:02:29.320 -> 00:02:35.600]: There we go. Double double double trouble bunch them up. Oh, wow. They're way far. Oh 10x [00:02:35.600 -> 00:02:39.800]: Combine these right here. Somehow guys these came over. Put it right there. Oh [00:02:39.800 -> 00:02:42.760]: He dropped and retrig this [00:02:42.760 -> 00:02:45.200]: Come on, baby. Hit the 10x. Oh [00:02:47.600 -> 00:02:53.580]: Come on, that's nothing please right here. Oh, this is so lame. It's doing such random spots, bro [00:02:53.580 -> 00:03:01.700]: Rip guys. Hey some tips in the chat. Okay. Okay, bro. Hit the 10x. I'm serious. Oh, is that it? Come on. Hit again [00:03:01.700 -> 00:03:04.120]: please oh [00:03:04.120 -> 00:03:10.480]: We're retrig. No fuck. Oh, I mean we profit it in. Hey, hell. Yeah, so I'd like to see [00:03:10.480 -> 00:03:13.360]: Yo, y'all seen that one slot fucking on [00:03:13.920 -> 00:03:21.120]: All what's that one side either? It's a fucking oh, what is it dude? The fucking it's some beach party beach party. God dang [00:03:21.120 -> 00:03:25.240]: That's ridiculous. You know if you guys have seen that is a beach party. Well beach party. I think it's cool. Yeah [00:03:25.240 -> 00:03:27.360]: our last one here [00:03:27.360 -> 00:03:29.640]: And super turbo. Come on [00:03:29.640 -> 00:03:32.520]: Wow in the corner. Oh [00:03:32.520 -> 00:03:35.120]: Right next to it. Nice 5x cheap job on there. Oh [00:03:35.120 -> 00:03:38.640]: Retrig this we can we can get some money for sure [00:03:38.640 -> 00:03:41.120]: Retrig oh [00:03:41.120 -> 00:03:44.680]: Come on. Oh, what's that? Okay $5? [00:03:44.680 -> 00:03:47.920]: Now this one. No, I'm gonna leave it to this one [00:03:47.920 -> 00:03:52.600]: Unless it pays 20. I'm gonna buy another one. Maybe I might buy another one. Anyways. Yeah, I'm gonna buy another one [00:03:52.600 -> 00:03:55.880]: I need to hit one hit me on this bitch - come on, please [00:03:55.880 -> 00:04:01.800]: Last one I'm grinding these 20s dude [00:04:01.800 -> 00:04:08.440]: Fucking profit. I got the book going on 100 me. I'll stream it. Oh, oh, yeah. All right. Hell. Yeah, dude [00:04:08.440 -> 00:04:10.440]: Let me know how you host you or something like that [00:04:11.240 -> 00:04:13.240]: Or radio, whatever it is. Yeah right on Twitch [00:04:13.240 -> 00:04:15.760]: Okay, he's gonna be the one gonna be the one [00:04:15.760 -> 00:04:19.580]: Come on, dude. Don't me. Oh, no one dropped in just rolling in [00:04:19.580 -> 00:04:22.680]: Come on. I'll retrig this. Oh [00:04:22.680 -> 00:04:29.680]: We need to reach a dude. Oh, there we go. Okay. Let's get it. Maybe if we get lucky [00:04:29.680 -> 00:04:34.880]: I'm tired guys. I'm like a lie try and stay up though [00:04:34.880 -> 00:04:38.360]: Five bucks, okay [00:04:38.840 -> 00:04:40.840]: Oh [00:04:40.840 -> 00:04:45.800]: We're gonna buy one more last one - that's where if it doesn't pay it's my last one if it pays we'll go for a back-to-back [00:04:45.800 -> 00:04:49.360]: Come on, baby. Come on. Try it [00:04:49.360 -> 00:04:54.240]: Everybody lock in lock in. I am tired. I am tired. I really am. I am very tired [00:04:54.240 -> 00:04:58.720]: I really am and what's up guys. What's love? Come on up. Damn. It's not gonna hit is it? [00:04:58.720 -> 00:05:02.600]: Oh my god, man, it just gets worse and worse. Holy fuck [00:05:02.600 -> 00:05:06.560]: Wow [00:05:07.160 -> 00:05:09.160]: I [00:05:09.160 -> 00:05:10.520]: Retrigged [00:05:10.520 -> 00:05:13.080]: If we retrig it can maybe win. It needs to retrig [00:05:13.080 -> 00:05:15.280]: please [00:05:15.280 -> 00:05:17.280]: Retrig retrig. Oh [00:05:17.280 -> 00:05:22.920]: Oh damn that it fuck not as bad as the other one. So [00:05:22.920 -> 00:05:27.800]: I'm gonna buy another one. I'm sorry guys. It's gonna hit [00:05:27.800 -> 00:05:33.920]: I'm so tired. I need to go better very soon. I really do guys. I'm tired [00:05:35.240 -> 00:05:37.240]: Here we go guys. Where's my luck? [00:05:37.240 -> 00:05:39.240]: Here we go. Here we go. Come on [00:05:39.240 -> 00:05:42.120]: Come on, dude [00:05:42.120 -> 00:05:47.600]: Okay, something some more is our life there you go. Oh [00:05:47.600 -> 00:05:53.200]: Yeah, come on. Keep dropping man. Keep dropping man with a retrig with a retrig [00:05:53.200 -> 00:05:56.520]: There's a retrig to twilight. Come on. Here's the retrig [00:05:56.520 -> 00:05:59.600]: Give us the retrig twilight [00:05:59.600 -> 00:06:01.520]: Connect all these up somehow [00:06:01.520 -> 00:06:03.720]: Come on. It's like retrig retrig [00:06:04.760 -> 00:06:07.920]: Retrig oh, is that a retrig? No, it's not. Come on, dude. Oh [00:06:07.920 -> 00:06:11.240]: Fuck it's just like [00:06:11.240 -> 00:06:13.640]: Bros [00:06:13.640 -> 00:06:16.000]: Retrig a less bin. Oh [00:06:16.000 -> 00:06:23.660]: I didn't know it didn't fucking bullshit bro. What bro? We're down to 40. We gotta do another one [00:06:23.660 -> 00:06:26.600]: It is sad [00:06:26.600 -> 00:06:30.000]: What [00:06:30.000 -> 00:06:33.840]: Come on baby lock in guys lock in yeah one more [00:06:34.440 -> 00:06:36.440]: Well, these are bound to hit man. I hope so [00:06:36.440 -> 00:06:39.040]: I'm open a branch. Come on, man [00:06:39.040 -> 00:06:42.980]: Come on, baby. Hey, it's all good. Yeah, it's all good [00:06:42.980 -> 00:06:50.180]: So the multis. Yeah, dude, that's solid man. That's solid. There's the one bro. This is the fucking one. This is the fucking one [00:06:50.180 -> 00:06:54.660]: Come on big boy. Hit drop another one. Oh, not a good spot. Come on [00:06:54.660 -> 00:07:01.120]: Come on, try the job another one. Don't know what's right. We trick this we trick this dude. This doesn't pay man [00:07:01.120 -> 00:07:03.120]: I [00:07:03.120 -> 00:07:07.080]: Believe believe believe believe yes guys [00:07:07.080 -> 00:07:12.080]: We need some good premiums. We only got two spins left. Let's get a retrig. Come on retrig this, please [00:07:12.080 -> 00:07:18.860]: Oh, well, he's decent. Oh, it's not even that much fuck. No, I'm very tired, but I'm sorry. Oh [00:07:18.860 -> 00:07:21.520]: another multi [00:07:21.520 -> 00:07:24.080]: Well, I did problem. Okay, that's good. I guess we're I [00:07:27.140 -> 00:07:32.280]: Don't actually know if it takes all I'd play blackjack. I played blackjack and remember that shit. That's about it [00:07:32.280 -> 00:07:34.540]: Look at the live games. Come on, man [00:07:34.540 -> 00:07:37.680]: Shut Shabbat ranks [00:07:37.680 -> 00:07:43.080]: So I'm gonna look at the chat very much guys. Yeah. Yeah one more one more. Let's go one more one more. Come on guys [00:07:43.080 -> 00:07:46.000]: Come on [00:07:46.000 -> 00:07:48.600]: Come on it's looking bad [00:07:48.600 -> 00:07:54.440]: No, my god, we take this holy shit [00:07:54.440 -> 00:08:00.760]: Yeah 10x up there retrig [00:08:00.760 -> 00:08:10.720]: What the fuck man, this is so bad fuck. Oh well [00:08:10.720 -> 00:08:18.740]: Put in work that's six dollars left guys. Here happens [00:08:19.380 -> 00:08:21.380]: Oh [00:08:21.380 -> 00:08:28.860]: There you go, we check it's reaching this [00:08:28.860 -> 00:08:38.380]: Oh double, we need a jig we need a reaching. Yeah, this looks good. This looks pretty good [00:08:38.380 -> 00:08:44.480]: While I reach a guy's reach a please you guys reaching [00:08:44.480 -> 00:08:47.920]: reaching is [00:08:48.920 -> 00:08:49.480]: Oh [00:08:49.480 -> 00:08:55.700]: Another multi Wow. Whoa, 10x 10x bro. This can hit. I'm gonna get two spins left three trig. Oh [00:08:55.700 -> 00:09:01.160]: How much is that? Oh, what they give me more now when you with 10x retrig this [00:09:01.160 -> 00:09:07.300]: Bro it it lost. I'm not kidding bro. That was a loss [00:09:07.300 -> 00:09:10.200]: What the hell bro? [00:09:10.200 -> 00:09:12.500]: That's okay. Come on dice. Give me back, baby [00:09:12.500 -> 00:09:15.840]: What bro? [00:09:16.760 -> 00:09:18.960]: Are you kidding me bro? [00:09:42.440 -> 00:09:48.600]: Oh my god, this should take my money every time now Wow, man, fuck my life. Do you have nothing left? [00:09:48.600 -> 00:09:54.000]: I have nothing left. Have a good day guys. I have nothing. Absolutely not enough. I lost everything [00:09:54.000 -> 00:09:56.520]: That's so fucking stupid [00:09:56.520 -> 00:10:02.880]: Oh, well take a junior and get up too tired anyways, but I get to wake up with absolutely nothing. That's great [00:10:02.880 -> 00:10:04.880]: See you guys