VOD at https://mines.expert/BossmanJack/Kees/thebossmanjack (live) 2024-05-01 07_32 [51003944477].mp4 [00:00:00.800 -> 00:00:02.720]: Sevens [00:00:02.720 -> 00:00:04.720]: Sevens in the chat when I'm back [00:00:04.720 -> 00:00:10.600]: Seven, okay. There we go. Thank you guys. I thought I I thought I showed something completely different, but I didn't at all [00:00:10.600 -> 00:00:12.200]: So it's fine [00:00:12.200 -> 00:00:15.080]: So leave the body anyway, so yeah, we're good. We're chillin [00:00:15.080 -> 00:00:19.480]: All right guys, who are these guys? [00:00:19.480 -> 00:00:29.280]: Welcome back everybody [00:00:29.360 -> 00:00:31.360]: Welcome back. Welcome back [00:00:31.360 -> 00:00:35.080]: I'll get in there and get some fucking work in [00:00:35.080 -> 00:00:40.020]: We can do that we can definitely do that. Yes sure we can [00:00:40.020 -> 00:00:49.760]: I'm running super low. I got it. Oh, here's a nugget. Here's a nugget [00:00:56.360 -> 00:01:01.560]: Make something nice and easy. You win the empire [00:01:01.560 -> 00:01:04.180]: But it's not like super late [00:01:04.180 -> 00:01:07.120]: Yeah, it's easy to take this long by the time of day, right? [00:01:07.120 -> 00:01:13.320]: Cheers guys [00:01:13.320 -> 00:01:15.320]: Oh [00:01:15.320 -> 00:01:31.200]: Cheers cheers cheers lily take this long guys [00:01:31.200 -> 00:01:36.200]: Let's do and my ear [00:01:36.200 -> 00:01:39.960]: Walking dogs [00:01:39.960 -> 00:01:41.960]: I don't know the age people I think these are just [00:01:42.600 -> 00:01:44.600]: high scores [00:01:44.600 -> 00:01:47.040]: That's a bong rip [00:01:47.040 -> 00:01:52.360]: Not really. Not yet. I'm gonna take another one. How about that? Here's another nugget a little baby. No little popcorn [00:01:52.360 -> 00:01:57.480]: No fucking cap [00:01:57.480 -> 00:02:00.960]: Five stream streaks no fucking cap on that. That's no cap [00:02:00.960 -> 00:02:07.280]: Yeah, buddy. Always book that always a good idea. Why is this taking so long in three and a half minutes? [00:02:08.520 -> 00:02:12.800]: Okay, you're nice said that let's go please everybody ready up. I really appreciate it [00:02:12.800 -> 00:02:22.800]: Let me feel you carry you higher [00:02:22.800 -> 00:02:33.800]: We're in there, all right, I'm gonna pick this one and I'm also gonna pick [00:02:36.360 -> 00:02:38.360]: This one I don't like that with you [00:02:38.360 -> 00:02:44.460]: No, they're fucking raw that just sucks [00:03:04.680 -> 00:03:10.800]: Okay, it's down to dust - oh we're going dust - baby. No, do not skip do not pick vertigo over dust - thank you [00:03:10.800 -> 00:03:13.080]: You guys better pick vertigo man [00:03:13.080 -> 00:03:17.600]: It's my mom. Yes. Let's fucking go guys. This is my fucking favorite map [00:03:17.600 -> 00:03:22.440]: Lily, I'm pretty good this map. I think I am anyways, especially with the opera. I'm going in [00:03:22.440 -> 00:03:26.760]: We'll show you how my ops skills real quick [00:03:26.760 -> 00:03:29.640]: Greenhouse rain Oh green now like it like weed. I [00:03:29.640 -> 00:03:34.400]: Only happens when I have like the supercron dude, and I haven't smoked a few days. I've been smoking [00:03:35.400 -> 00:03:38.760]: Yeah, it does buffet. It's super good on this map. It's a great map to do it on dude [00:03:38.760 -> 00:03:41.840]: It is to use it on all some of my keyboard cord [00:03:41.840 -> 00:04:00.000]: Okay, I want to get a free shot in I'm gonna turn me to golf [00:04:03.040 -> 00:04:05.040]: Good luck have fun [00:04:05.040 -> 00:04:13.920]: Let's go a boys we push an a baby a long a long like my shlung a long like my shlung motherfucker [00:04:13.920 -> 00:04:16.880]: Just kidding. I love you. Let's go a though [00:04:16.880 -> 00:04:22.640]: Here we go. Actually. Sorry. Should I cut this? I got the deagle guys or should I just check out the vista? [00:04:22.640 -> 00:04:24.360]: I use any pistol guys [00:04:24.360 -> 00:04:26.360]: So I'm talking my chat my bad, bro [00:04:27.000 -> 00:04:32.280]: So he's uh, I just bought nothing. Oh my god did not mean to do that. I swear to god. Ask my stream dog [00:04:32.280 -> 00:04:35.600]: Ask my stream, bro. I did not even mean to do that, but I swear on my life [00:04:35.600 -> 00:04:39.320]: I don't know right click also does it that's fucked up. No, that's fucked up. Oh [00:04:39.320 -> 00:04:44.680]: My fucking god, that's my blow. That's my fault guys. I take the blame for that loss [00:04:44.680 -> 00:04:49.120]: That's all right. We just had to get a little warm-up in that actually was an accident. Oh god. Do you guys see that? [00:04:49.120 -> 00:04:52.680]: Oh my god, I don't know right click did it, bro. What the fuck's that? [00:04:52.680 -> 00:04:56.580]: But that is left click only like I should think you shoot a gun or some shit [00:04:56.580 -> 00:05:03.520]: Are we saving you guys want to save or you guys want to save up? What's up? [00:05:03.520 -> 00:05:09.420]: Who me [00:05:09.420 -> 00:05:11.480]: Are you fucking talking about me fucking pussy? [00:05:11.480 -> 00:05:13.780]: I'm sorry. Hey [00:05:13.780 -> 00:05:17.420]: That's what I thought. That's what I thought bro. Get the fuck out of here fucking pussy [00:05:17.420 -> 00:05:24.980]: Man shut the fuck up dude. Shut the fuck up. See this way. I don't play CS. Go you see this guy's repressed [00:05:24.980 -> 00:05:28.580]: Jesus should I get queued up with piece of shit piece of shit human beings? [00:05:28.580 -> 00:05:33.900]: Dude shut the fuck up, bro. I'm not yelling at nobody. What are you fucking retarded? [00:05:33.900 -> 00:05:37.940]: Who am I fucking you? Am I yelling at I would fucking dude [00:05:37.940 -> 00:05:43.900]: I just fucked the dog shit out of your mom last night that pussy was immaculate my boy that pussy [00:05:43.900 -> 00:05:49.020]: Get the fuck out of my face. Who the fuck you think you are bitch. Huh suck on my fucking ball sack, bitch [00:05:49.140 -> 00:05:55.460]: Suck on my fucking ball sack, baby. Get the fuck out of my face pussy. That's where the fuck I shut the fuck up [00:05:55.460 -> 00:05:59.240]: Shut the fuck up. I'm the fucking boss man. Shut the fuck up [00:05:59.240 -> 00:06:05.660]: What's up [00:06:05.660 -> 00:06:10.540]: What'd you say? I couldn't hear with that big old black cock in your mouth. I can't hear you [00:06:10.540 -> 00:06:15.640]: That's what I thought bitch. You know what time it is. You know what time is. Shut the fuck up [00:06:15.860 -> 00:06:19.180]: Go ahead and team kill me as soon as the round starts. I'll fucking kill you again, bitch [00:06:19.180 -> 00:06:22.820]: I think I give a fuck about about a fucking little seven day if I can cool down. Oh my god [00:06:22.820 -> 00:06:27.980]: I can't play my game. I play 24/7 and I'm fucking no my god my cocks tiny as fuck [00:06:27.980 -> 00:06:33.360]: That's what I thought you guys shut the fuck up shut the fuck up shut the fuck up shut the fuck up [00:06:33.360 -> 00:06:38.900]: Shut the fuck up shut the fuck up shut the fuck up shut the fuck up shut the fuck up shut the fuck up [00:06:38.900 -> 00:06:41.140]: Shut the fuck up [00:06:44.260 -> 00:06:49.320]: Where you find the clitoris it's right in between your legs you fucking you fucking weird little little fucking weirdo [00:06:49.320 -> 00:06:54.220]: It's in between your legs, bro. It's in between your legs. That's where you find it, bro [00:06:54.220 -> 00:06:59.580]: Shut the fuck up shut the fuck up. You're a fucking pussy. You know you are get the fuck on my dick, bro [00:06:59.580 -> 00:07:01.740]: What are you doing fucking trying this? [00:07:01.740 -> 00:07:05.460]: There's one to the left that door bitch [00:07:05.460 -> 00:07:08.120]: Shoot through that motherfucker [00:07:08.120 -> 00:07:11.580]: Bunch of pussies look at these pussies waiting for me to go first look at these fucking vaginas [00:07:12.300 -> 00:07:14.920]: Get the fuck out of my way pussy get the fuck out of my way [00:07:14.920 -> 00:07:19.660]: Behind us behind us behind us spawn [00:07:19.660 -> 00:07:23.980]: God damn what a way to start a match - that's fucking great [00:07:23.980 -> 00:07:30.060]: Then the one that's the most quiet is the fucking one that started this shit. Yeah, you fucking pussy ass bitch orange [00:07:30.060 -> 00:07:32.220]: You are a pussy [00:07:32.220 -> 00:07:35.460]: Hey orange you hear me bitch [00:07:35.460 -> 00:07:41.060]: You know exactly what I'm talking about you fucking weirdo look at his voice he sounds like a weirdo dog [00:07:41.060 -> 00:07:44.900]: I don't know. I'm not surprised at all. He's the one that started this shit. So shut the fuck up [00:07:44.900 -> 00:07:51.260]: Yeah, shut the fuck up. Whatever makes you feel better buddy. Go ahead and say all you want about me guess what? [00:07:51.260 -> 00:07:56.740]: What does that mean about you? What does that mean? What does that make you? Huh, huh? What does that make you good shit? [00:07:56.740 -> 00:07:59.860]: Let's go baby. Good kill good kill bitch. Good kill [00:07:59.860 -> 00:08:07.220]: Good kill my boy. I don't see now see orange doing nothing, but I hold with a little shotgun in his hands [00:08:07.220 -> 00:08:09.220]: like a little tic-tac penis [00:08:09.580 -> 00:08:10.900]: Yeah [00:08:10.900 -> 00:08:13.300]: Yeah, you can always meet me bro. You know, it's an option right? [00:08:13.300 -> 00:08:17.740]: You can mute me you can mute me if I if you have a problem with me talking you can fucking mute me [00:08:17.740 -> 00:08:22.020]: Shut the fuck up. Shut your bitch ass up. Shut your bitch ass up [00:08:22.020 -> 00:08:24.940]: I would smack the dog shit out of you and grant that thought oh boy [00:08:24.940 -> 00:08:28.900]: I would smack the dog shit out of you boy. Go ahead and shoot me. You fucking pussy [00:08:28.900 -> 00:08:35.940]: Yeah, dude, mute me, bro. What the fuck dude? What the fuck? What are you talking about? Mute me fucking dude [00:08:35.940 -> 00:08:38.380]: I'm gonna get banned on this bitch. I swear to God got me a bit on this bitch [00:08:38.380 -> 00:08:40.380]: Oh [00:08:40.380 -> 00:08:48.540]: Pussy-ass bitches dude, shut the fuck up. Why are you talking? Dude? No one's talking to you. No one's talking to you [00:08:48.540 -> 00:08:50.540]: No one's talking to you [00:08:50.540 -> 00:08:55.580]: There's one minute behind the door right there blue right there to the left [00:08:55.580 -> 00:08:59.820]: Right there in the fucking yeah, shut up. Look at this. Do you see what you say guys? [00:08:59.820 -> 00:09:03.220]: You gotta be kidding me you guys hear this fucking guy. Do you guys hear this good guy? [00:09:03.220 -> 00:09:08.780]: You know what he just said to me. Oh my god. What a fucking moron shows up pose a pussy you are, bro [00:09:08.780 -> 00:09:15.020]: Saying some pulling some dumb shit like that. Yeah, sit the fuck down. Give me your fucking AK. Give me your fucking AK bitch [00:09:15.020 -> 00:09:20.700]: Who the fuck is key who's a keemstar? Who the fuck is that? [00:09:20.700 -> 00:09:32.400]: Yeah, bitch suck my fucking balls suck my balls shut the fuck up [00:09:32.400 -> 00:09:34.400]: Shut the fuck up pussy [00:09:34.400 -> 00:09:41.040]: He's fucking one tab he's one tab you better kill him or I'm fucking I will fuck the dog shit your mom tonight [00:09:41.040 -> 00:09:46.680]: I swear to God. I will I swear to God. I'm a fucking dog. I'm a dog the dog out of your mom [00:09:46.680 -> 00:09:50.280]: I'm a fuck that you better fucking kill him, bro. You have 33 health. What are you doing? [00:09:50.280 -> 00:09:56.560]: Are you scared right now push the fuck forward? Yeah, fucking shoot him. You fucking pussy. Look at this fucking pussy [00:09:56.560 -> 00:09:59.200]: Look at plays. This is the guy. That's talking shit to me [00:09:59.840 -> 00:10:04.760]: Oh my god, you know fucking grip on your life pussy. Shut the fuck up. Oh [00:10:04.760 -> 00:10:08.660]: My god, look at this garbage. Look at this fucking garbage. Oh [00:10:08.660 -> 00:10:16.880]: My god, don't you have one kilo to take I for what do you mean? Oh, but I have more points cuz I popped planted the fucking bomb [00:10:16.880 -> 00:10:20.080]: Yeah, well guess what else I planted my cock and your mom's pussy [00:10:20.080 -> 00:10:26.040]: I put my cock and your side and your monthly. I planted it in there like a fucking bomb orange [00:10:26.600 -> 00:10:34.120]: Yeah, blue knows what's good. Yeah, you got Mike blue. Well, he's cool. He's the only cool one on this fucking team [00:10:34.120 -> 00:10:38.400]: Fucking bunch of losers when I gang up cuz that's what that. Oh [00:10:38.400 -> 00:10:42.200]: Really? Why don't you mute me? Why don't you mute me then? You got a problem with me? [00:10:42.200 -> 00:10:47.800]: Why don't you mute me cuz you're fucking that I mean you're entertained bitch. I'm the most entertaining person in the world [00:10:47.800 -> 00:10:52.440]: Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up pussy. Who said you could talk. I'm the big dog, buddy [00:10:52.440 -> 00:11:00.240]: Whoa, whoa, whoa, look I'm nice pulling the racist card. Look now. Listen to him guys. He's pulling the racist card. Oh my god. Yeah [00:11:00.240 -> 00:11:04.040]: I'm affording what oh [00:11:04.040 -> 00:11:09.360]: Yeah, dude big time. Yeah only all my IRL friends are fucking black, bro. Oh, I'm so sorry [00:11:09.360 -> 00:11:14.240]: I must be I must hate them all shut the fuck up. Dude. You're fucking dumb as fuck pulling that dumb card [00:11:14.240 -> 00:11:20.280]: Really? Oh, what does that mean man? Shut the fuck this kid's a fucking idiot, dude [00:11:20.280 -> 00:11:26.440]: He's one of those kids that's in - keep where he's like, I'm so fucking funny right now. I just said something funny online [00:11:26.440 -> 00:11:31.640]: I just said something funny online. I'm a fucking dumb fuck moron. I'm a fucking dumb fuck [00:11:31.640 -> 00:11:40.520]: Okay, yeah, you make yourself look good buddy. See whatever you think you have issues [00:11:40.520 -> 00:11:45.560]: I feel so bad for you, bro. You must be miserable with life. You hear me? [00:11:46.440 -> 00:11:52.520]: You hear me blue. You must be miserable with life. My boy. You're miserable. You're miserable, bro [00:11:52.520 -> 00:11:56.360]: Have you ever fucking what do you be done? What do you do for a living? Let me tell you let me ask you that [00:11:56.360 -> 00:12:00.920]: What do you do as a man for a living? What do you do as a job? What do you do as a job? [00:12:00.920 -> 00:12:06.760]: Can I ask you that it's it that hard to answer or you just that fucking dumb as fuck. You're must you're a fucking [00:12:06.760 -> 00:12:11.800]: You're a fucking moron. Shut the fuck up, dude. It's the fucking question. What do you do for a job, bro? [00:12:11.800 -> 00:12:13.800]: It's a simple question, bro [00:12:14.040 -> 00:12:16.040]: It's a simple question, bro [00:12:16.040 -> 00:12:17.800]: Are you? [00:12:17.800 -> 00:12:21.720]: He's richer than me chat. You hear this? What do you do for a living, bud? [00:12:21.720 -> 00:12:28.080]: Can you answer the question? Can you answer the fucking question? Are you that fucking slow? He works in Mickey D's Flippin' Burgers [00:12:28.080 -> 00:12:33.980]: It's okay, chat. He doesn't he knows it's so it's embarrassing. I get it. I get it. You're it's embarrassing [00:12:33.980 -> 00:12:38.680]: You work in Mickey D's my boy. I used to work there too when I was 16. I was a junior in high school [00:12:38.680 -> 00:12:42.200]: How old are you 23? [00:12:42.200 -> 00:12:49.200]: You're a fucking weirdo. You're a fucking weirdo. Can you shut the fuck up for once in the fuck up? [00:12:49.200 -> 00:12:52.320]: Shut the fuck up dude [00:12:52.320 -> 00:12:58.080]: Oh my god, dude, you guys are so bad. You guys are trash get good at the fucking game [00:12:58.080 -> 00:13:01.680]: You guys are fucking awful. I have more kills than all for you fuckers [00:13:01.680 -> 00:13:06.720]: Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. I'm not listening. I'm not listening to you. You fucking weirdo [00:13:06.720 -> 00:13:09.540]: You're a fucking weirdo. You're a fucking weirdo [00:13:09.540 -> 00:13:12.760]: Can you shut the fuck up for once in the fucking life? Oh [00:13:12.760 -> 00:13:18.960]: Oh funny ass dogs mom keep writing on my cock like that. Oh [00:13:18.960 -> 00:13:23.800]: Yeah, that's fucking pussy nice baby goddamn [00:13:23.800 -> 00:13:30.680]: Yeah, that's what I thought you guys know who the fucking boss is shut the oh, what was that you kicking the cock out your mouth? [00:13:30.680 -> 00:13:38.520]: Shut the fuck up pussy [00:13:38.520 -> 00:13:40.520]: I [00:13:40.520 -> 00:13:51.020]: Think you finally they knew the fucking goddamn bunch of beta males in this team beta males beta male beta male number one [00:13:51.020 -> 00:13:55.820]: Beta male number two beta male number three. He won't even look at me the fucking pussy [00:13:55.820 -> 00:14:03.300]: Look at him. Aha you fucking vagina go ahead and shoot me now. Yeah, that's what I thought shoot me up. Shoot me up [00:14:03.300 -> 00:14:07.540]: Yeah, get your aggression out buddy. It's your aggression out buddy. Shut the fuck up, dude [00:14:08.180 -> 00:14:10.180]: I [00:14:10.180 -> 00:14:15.660]: What that's some bullshit chat, you know was I [00:14:15.660 -> 00:14:24.300]: Am I am look me up go ahead come come and fucking say what you want my stream go ahead. Oh [00:14:24.300 -> 00:14:29.920]: Man, I thought that's why I don't play this game dude. It's a bunch of toxic fucking weirdos. I play the game [00:14:29.920 -> 00:14:35.380]: I fucking I started starting to be nice. Look I really started the fucking match being nice and being nice, dude [00:14:35.380 -> 00:14:40.820]: What do you think that happened? Someone just decided to be a fucking douchebag fucking ruin my fucking move fucking loser, dude [00:14:40.820 -> 00:14:44.100]: Fucking loser. You're an absolute fucking loser [00:14:44.100 -> 00:14:47.820]: I bet you're fucking you've never had love in your life and you're fucking like buddy from your parents [00:14:47.820 -> 00:14:52.300]: Nobody bro. This game is rough chaser. How about you fucking suck my ballsad, buddy? [00:14:52.300 -> 00:14:55.260]: What are you fucking hurting or something? What do you mean? This game is rough? [00:14:55.260 -> 00:14:59.340]: Do you shut the fuck up, bro? You're fucking retarded shut the fuck up [00:14:59.340 -> 00:15:04.380]: That's what the fuck I thought bro, that's what the fuck I thought that's what the fuck I thought [00:15:04.380 -> 00:15:08.060]: That's what the fuck I thought. That's what the fuck. I thought you fucking little bitch. Shut the fuck up [00:15:08.060 -> 00:15:14.140]: Orange is a fucking loser. You actually got me pissed off. Yeah, this sad. That's so sad. Look at this fucking loser [00:15:14.140 -> 00:15:17.220]: Yeah, you're way long. You all fucking die. You guys are all fucking trash [00:15:17.220 -> 00:15:22.020]: You guys are all fucking trash at the game every one of you guys. I thought one of you guys were cool [00:15:22.020 -> 00:15:24.020]: No, hell no. No one of you guys. Oh [00:15:24.020 -> 00:15:27.540]: My fucking god, holy shit [00:15:27.540 -> 00:15:33.420]: Why so angry orange? Why are you why are you typing in my chat for the first time saying some bullshit? [00:15:33.420 -> 00:15:37.940]: All right. Are we gonna miss this guy come taco? These guys have been talking shit to me non-stop [00:15:37.940 -> 00:15:39.940]: He's not just playing a game. Shut the fuck up [00:15:39.940 -> 00:15:42.300]: Yeah, have a good one father. Have a good one, bro [00:15:42.300 -> 00:15:44.820]: Bunch of fucking losers, bro [00:15:44.820 -> 00:15:49.740]: It's like you're saying okay, it's like okay if they really had a problem, why won't they just kick me? [00:15:49.740 -> 00:15:52.580]: Kick me. Oh, you know what? What else they could do? [00:15:52.580 -> 00:15:56.620]: They could you know, they could fucking they could have a fucking stand up to themselves a bunch of fucking losers [00:15:56.620 -> 00:16:00.620]: That's how they do it nowadays when they get confronted and they really get some of this just a bunch of losers, man [00:16:01.940 -> 00:16:03.940]: Nice try [00:16:03.940 -> 00:16:07.020]: Nice try buddy for a fucking rookie [00:16:07.020 -> 00:16:11.460]: Fucking loser you can't even play a video game [00:16:11.460 -> 00:16:16.460]: Take it out on me. Oh chaser. Shut the fuck up, dude. You get the fuck out of here [00:16:16.460 -> 00:16:20.540]: Get the fuck out of here with your fucking it. You'll never be my chat again, dude. See ya [00:16:20.540 -> 00:16:24.980]: See you later buddy chase are trying to get smart with me. Who the fuck do you think you are? [00:16:24.980 -> 00:16:29.120]: Who the fuck do you think you are? Who the fuck do you think you are chaser? Who the fuck do you think you are? [00:16:29.940 -> 00:16:34.580]: I'm not even talking to you all you fucking morons. Look at these guys. Think I'm talking to them. What's a fucking weirdos? [00:16:34.580 -> 00:16:37.180]: Fucking losers, dude [00:16:37.180 -> 00:16:40.540]: I'm fucking boss man. Jack bitch. Who the fuck are you? What's your name? [00:16:40.540 -> 00:16:46.700]: Mr. Little choke cock. Mr. Little chode in my pants cock. That's what I thought pussy. Shut the fuck up [00:16:46.700 -> 00:16:52.860]: Look easy see how it's quiet. They get chat. You see him. That's sad as fuck, dude [00:16:52.860 -> 00:16:59.320]: Look at these fucking puts don't even know how to play the game. They all go a long they all get and they all fucking die [00:16:59.840 -> 00:17:01.840]: Every one of them goes and dies [00:17:01.840 -> 00:17:11.480]: Yeah, watch and learn you fucking pussies you see me playing this bomb. Oh [00:17:11.480 -> 00:17:15.840]: My god [00:17:15.840 -> 00:17:19.440]: Dude, I'm fucking more kills than you shut the fuck up dude. I have more skills than you [00:17:19.440 -> 00:17:23.480]: What do you mean you have four kills and nine deaths? I have eight deaths [00:17:23.480 -> 00:17:28.000]: That's one best death than you and I have three more kills than you do. How many do you have? [00:17:28.560 -> 00:17:30.680]: Shut the fuck that's what I thought. You're fucking trash [00:17:30.680 -> 00:17:34.800]: I'm more than welcome to 1v1 you at any given time right now. We can 1v1 [00:17:34.800 -> 00:17:39.500]: We can I might be is that you're gonna make fun of me if I am are you gonna look down to me or think? [00:17:39.500 -> 00:17:43.140]: Less of me. That's what the fuck. I thought shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up [00:17:43.140 -> 00:17:48.360]: Fucking loser. You think you're fucking tough behind a keyboard. You're a fucking loser dog. You're a fucking loser [00:17:48.360 -> 00:17:52.720]: I hope you know that you are a fucking loser and not even half of a fucking man [00:17:52.720 -> 00:17:58.320]: Not even half of a man, bro. You're not even half a man, bro. You're a fucking coward. You're a fucking coward [00:17:58.920 -> 00:18:00.920]: pussy [00:18:00.920 -> 00:18:06.600]: What do you say and what do you say nothing you sit there and say nothing you say what I said [00:18:06.600 -> 00:18:10.040]: What'd you tell me then? What was it? That's what the fuck? I thought you don't know what to say [00:18:10.040 -> 00:18:12.200]: Now shut the fucker. You're a fucking retard. Oh [00:18:12.200 -> 00:18:16.880]: My god, bro. Oh [00:18:16.880 -> 00:18:23.060]: My god, shut the fuck up. You're a fucking loser. My boy. Yo, this guy fucking funny ass dog [00:18:23.060 -> 00:18:26.680]: He's been is the biggest loser. I've ever come across on this fucking game by far. I [00:18:27.680 -> 00:18:32.080]: Love dude like tits ass like them right now. I've got especially miss your mom, dude [00:18:32.080 -> 00:18:36.560]: Really really takes one to know what we have a vagina [00:18:36.560 -> 00:18:40.160]: What do you try to say [00:18:40.160 -> 00:18:43.700]: Dude, have you ever even had a fucking girlfriend in your life? Have you? [00:18:43.700 -> 00:18:49.120]: Are you are you do you have a girlfriend? Have you ever had pussy in your life, dude ever have you ever? [00:18:49.120 -> 00:18:52.560]: No, I'm talking about orange. He's the one to ask me the question. Shut the fuck up green [00:18:52.880 -> 00:18:57.640]: No one time. No one's asking about you and your mom's relationship. No one's talking about you and your mom's relationship green [00:18:57.640 -> 00:19:01.200]: You shut the fuck up. You shut the fuck up green and you've orange. You're a fucking bit [00:19:01.200 -> 00:19:05.600]: Look, I watch up. I'll mute green. Look how much calm this is really after I meet green guys [00:19:05.600 -> 00:19:09.520]: Watch this watch this guys now. Look at who wants to talk now orange [00:19:09.520 -> 00:19:15.680]: I got green muted. Do you want to say something buddy without your boyfriend backing you up? Did you did you you what? [00:19:15.680 -> 00:19:18.840]: Yeah, that's what I thought bitch. Go ahead. Go ahead. Come on [00:19:18.840 -> 00:19:24.440]: You can do it fucking do it pussy do a pussy do a pussy. Yeah, that's what I thought bitch fucking loser [00:19:24.440 -> 00:19:28.720]: They can hear aggression out on shit. Look at this guy. I'm mad. He won't even go on the mic and he's mad [00:19:28.720 -> 00:19:33.780]: Look at him. He's not he did he want to get on the mic and he's trying to do something bunch of fucking pussies [00:19:33.780 -> 00:19:38.520]: Yo, hurry up and hurry up and get to the next round so I can pay for that hot funny. Yeah, dog [00:19:38.520 -> 00:19:46.440]: Yeah, what do I think of what your mom's tits? They're fucking miraculous. They're fucking big and freaking round. I love them. I [00:19:47.080 -> 00:19:49.560]: Love your mom's tits in my face. I love motorboating them [00:19:49.560 -> 00:19:54.220]: I love sucking on the nipples and I love everything about the tits of your mom, dude. That's pretty much it [00:19:54.220 -> 00:19:58.280]: Yeah, that's pretty much that was some of the question you asked me. Yeah, there's your answer buddy [00:19:58.280 -> 00:20:02.700]: There you go. Now, what do you got to say now? What do you guys say? Let's hear it. Let's hear it guys [00:20:02.700 -> 00:20:10.280]: No, why would you think that because I'm cussing men out on a game [00:20:10.280 -> 00:20:15.120]: What makes you think I think of women as objects because I'm cussing at other guys on a video game [00:20:15.520 -> 00:20:17.520]: Please let me know what makes you think that [00:20:17.520 -> 00:20:22.080]: What is the first thing that makes you think of that and I would like to hear it. Let's go. Oh [00:20:22.080 -> 00:20:37.000]: He's one of those guys guys look out I'm not gonna get banned on Twitch no way he's one of those those guys [00:20:37.000 -> 00:20:40.280]: Did you guys hear him? I [00:20:42.080 -> 00:20:46.920]: Don't care what you fuck with dog. I don't give a shit if you'd like it or not. What are you gonna do about it? [00:20:46.920 -> 00:20:55.160]: I'd do you're fucking you're a fucking weirdo. I want nothing to do with you [00:20:55.160 -> 00:20:57.160]: I want nothing to do with anything about you, buddy [00:20:57.160 -> 00:21:01.680]: Don't want nothing to do with anything about you my boy. Oh, it's over. I got the fucking out guys [00:21:01.680 -> 00:21:05.260]: All right. Now, how do I meet my team? I'm so sorry about that guys. I've had a long day [00:21:05.260 -> 00:21:11.280]: I've had a long day. I'm a fucking top frag on these pussies and I'm gonna fucking get the fucking job done [00:21:11.280 -> 00:21:15.880]: Watch this guys. I'm telling you blue. Thank you for coming down. Oh my fucking god. That did not just happen [00:21:15.880 -> 00:21:20.600]: That did not just fucking happen guys. That did not just happen. Y'all haven't ever hear this whole time [00:21:20.600 -> 00:21:23.040]: What? [00:21:23.040 -> 00:21:25.720]: What do you mean? Can you hear the game? I? [00:21:25.720 -> 00:21:29.280]: Thought it was just low. Oh [00:21:29.280 -> 00:21:33.040]: Okay, oh [00:21:33.040 -> 00:21:34.960]: My god, dude [00:21:34.960 -> 00:21:37.560]: That took all my aggression out on I'll tell you that much a [00:21:38.160 -> 00:21:43.980]: Bunch of coward dude. I fucking hate people. I hate humanity as a whole dude. Hey Manny as a whole is a bunch of fucking pussies, bro [00:21:43.980 -> 00:21:46.920]: But there's a bunch of fucking pussies [00:21:46.920 -> 00:21:49.920]: Now give a fuck you try to fucking get smart with me [00:21:49.920 -> 00:21:53.840]: Hell nah dog get the fuck out my chat and og talking to me like that [00:21:53.840 -> 00:21:58.200]: Suck my fucking ball sack. Tell me to fucking suck my ball sack, dude [00:21:58.200 -> 00:22:00.800]: I don't give a fuck about that chaser fucking loser [00:22:00.800 -> 00:22:05.640]: Every time I've ever heard from him is when he won a fucking goal or some bullshit for me. Shut the fuck up. Fuck you [00:22:06.320 -> 00:22:08.440]: Those suck my fucking dick you fucking weirdo [00:22:08.440 -> 00:22:22.720]: Nothing a they're probably gonna be they're probably gonna be your mid mid or be in your fucking head. There's one time in [00:22:31.040 -> 00:22:36.060]: Okay, are they on a there's no fucking way did not [00:22:36.060 -> 00:22:48.200]: All right [00:22:49.200 -> 00:22:51.200]: You're bro, okay [00:22:51.200 -> 00:23:05.680]: It's just a fuck down that's what I thought pussy fucking like pistol [00:23:05.680 -> 00:23:09.600]: Bunch of baby bag bitches. That's what they are dude. That's what they are [00:23:09.600 -> 00:23:13.640]: They won't even fucking I'll be talking shit then they won't even say nothing back to me a bunch of fucking pussies, bro [00:23:13.640 -> 00:23:17.880]: I'm gonna hate people as a whole bro a bunch of fucking I hate humanity, bro. I really do [00:23:17.920 -> 00:23:19.920]: I'm not a fan [00:23:19.920 -> 00:23:25.000]: I'm going a long again [00:23:25.000 -> 00:23:27.320]: If you're a short slo-lo B [00:23:27.320 -> 00:23:30.140]: That's what I fucking thought you bunch of little chodsters [00:23:30.140 -> 00:23:33.680]: Lose a fucking lose got the horse car [00:23:33.680 -> 00:23:41.000]: No one a again, they're probably top mid or fucking B guys or cat whatever [00:23:41.000 -> 00:24:00.100]: Are they a B or a guys? I got both these fuckers muted. Okay. Good shit guys. Good shit [00:24:00.100 -> 00:24:04.040]: That's the one thing I don't do it very well is look at how many people are still alive [00:24:04.040 -> 00:24:08.400]: I thought there was like still three or four people alive on their team there. There's no way they're doing [00:24:08.400 -> 00:24:12.200]: I'm gonna get my head. I gotta get my head in the game with I'm finishing this game with the most kills [00:24:12.200 -> 00:24:14.600]: All I need is six more and that's easy. There's a lot of rounds left [00:24:14.600 -> 00:24:20.200]: We got this. I can't be a fucking second place runner-up. I can't be fourth. That's for damn sure. I [00:24:20.200 -> 00:24:24.720]: Can't let these guys get all my assists [00:24:24.720 -> 00:24:31.900]: Now fuck that well, yeah, someone being selling the Sully endo someone being Sully endo, you know the fuck out of here [00:24:36.240 -> 00:24:42.160]: Well, yeah, they're coming a long I think guys maybe there's yeah throwing smokes and shit keep pushing. Oh [00:24:42.160 -> 00:24:46.080]: My fucking god, dude, that's some fucking bullshit [00:24:46.080 -> 00:24:48.960]: That's some fucking bullshit, bro [00:24:48.960 -> 00:24:54.180]: Yeah, how you been man? Where you been at bro? You've been in my a you've been busy in real life [00:24:54.180 -> 00:24:57.440]: I get that dude or whatever. I don't care at all. I'm saying [00:24:57.440 -> 00:25:01.680]: Don't see you in a while. I get a band - oh, yeah [00:25:02.640 -> 00:25:06.520]: Thank you. 1103. I think that was really obnoxious for him to say unmute them [00:25:06.520 -> 00:25:11.960]: Maybe I think that shouldn't be a band. You know what? I'm on Bantam, but I'm gonna give him a I'm gonna give him [00:25:11.960 -> 00:25:14.040]: A little timeout. That's a little harsh ten minutes [00:25:14.040 -> 00:25:16.880]: Sorry, if I didn't want to do that [00:25:16.880 -> 00:25:21.980]: Let me find nice that's just nice. Oh, there's a fucking weirdo kid [00:25:31.440 -> 00:25:34.460]: Get fucked buddy get fucking set the fuck down [00:25:34.460 -> 00:25:40.200]: Sorry, I'm not usually toxic like this. These guys are fucking awful people. You hear they say they call me autistic [00:25:40.200 -> 00:25:43.820]: They cut which is an asset. Is that a problem if I was they saw me racist [00:25:43.820 -> 00:25:46.680]: They called me every board in the book. These kids are fucking losers, dude [00:25:46.680 -> 00:25:51.360]: Do I need that fucking op in my life? I'm gonna save around dude. I'm gonna save around I [00:25:51.360 -> 00:25:56.960]: Need a fucking op in my life ASAP Rocky, they never go a long they're gonna go a long this time [00:25:56.960 -> 00:25:58.960]: We're gonna go a long this time [00:25:58.960 -> 00:26:01.120]: Everybody long this time [00:26:01.120 -> 00:26:03.120]: I [00:26:03.120 -> 00:26:08.320]: Think oh, they're definitely coming along. Let's go get a papa Mary Poppins. Oh [00:26:08.320 -> 00:26:14.720]: My god, no, I got behind the wall. Oh [00:26:14.720 -> 00:26:21.300]: No way what how the fuck did he hit me with a shotgun like that? That was an m4. Never mind [00:26:21.300 -> 00:26:24.080]: Holy fuck that guy should have died so fast [00:26:24.080 -> 00:26:29.760]: Holy fuck. I got lucky from the first guy. All right, we got the op now that we trade chillin boys [00:26:30.320 -> 00:26:32.960]: I'm gonna get an ace. What's this? I'm gonna get a fucking ace, dude. I [00:26:32.960 -> 00:26:36.040]: Need an ace in my life, dude. I need an ace in my life [00:26:36.040 -> 00:26:39.680]: I'm doing terrible, dude [00:26:39.680 -> 00:26:43.160]: They fucking threw me off a taro, you know, that's so sad that people can control me like that [00:26:43.160 -> 00:26:47.280]: That makes me a we that's a weak characteristic about myself is that I'll let negative [00:26:47.280 -> 00:26:52.160]: Terrible people be able to control my mood, but I have every right to be pissed off [00:26:52.160 -> 00:26:55.920]: Do people are fucking so pieces of shit you should be illegal to even be alive [00:26:57.600 -> 00:27:00.380]: Nice that was pretty nice, dude. Good job [00:27:00.380 -> 00:27:11.720]: All right, it's game time baby this fucking game time it's fucking game time bitch [00:27:11.720 -> 00:27:15.760]: Time to take over the team. Let's go. Let's get the top of the scoreboard here boys [00:27:15.760 -> 00:27:18.560]: What's up, Michael? [00:27:18.560 -> 00:27:27.340]: You talk about me dude, I'm not putting money into a fun video game. Are you kidding me fuck that? [00:27:27.980 -> 00:27:30.840]: Not really. It sounds like a bunch of money saved up [00:27:30.840 -> 00:27:37.260]: There's no way I miss that I [00:27:54.900 -> 00:27:59.680]: Got that guy at least I think there'd be they're like, oh, they're like in our spawn. Okay, here we go [00:27:59.680 -> 00:28:10.180]: Well, they went to beat in there [00:28:10.180 -> 00:28:16.660]: They're on the oh [00:28:16.660 -> 00:28:21.980]: My god, what a fucking fucking pussy bro [00:28:22.700 -> 00:28:26.400]: Fucking ninja walking everywhere fucking pussy, bro. Damn [00:28:26.400 -> 00:28:35.100]: Lost my fucking off dude. No now the game's fucking fucked for me. That was my only shot, dude [00:28:35.100 -> 00:28:38.260]: Yeah, I'm good with all [00:28:38.260 -> 00:28:41.060]: Nice try for a fucking loser [00:28:41.060 -> 00:28:44.900]: Sorry guys, I'm being so toxic. These guys were being so shitty to me for no reason [00:28:44.900 -> 00:28:49.140]: That's why I got so mad. They're being so shitty to me for Vince for for no reason [00:28:49.140 -> 00:28:52.140]: I've made them all fuck those fucking losers [00:28:52.140 -> 00:28:54.140]: Dude [00:28:54.140 -> 00:28:59.860]: Fuck about these kids [00:28:59.860 -> 00:29:06.780]: BC game my boy. I [00:29:06.780 -> 00:29:11.020]: Can't believe you ever heard of it. It's one of the time. It's one of the bigger ones. It has been I know a lot [00:29:11.020 -> 00:29:13.660]: Of you would know about it. I do. I knew about it way before [00:29:13.660 -> 00:29:15.660]: Oh [00:29:15.660 -> 00:29:38.820]: My god, how the fuck dude dude instant headshot with the AK instant. What are you doing? [00:29:38.820 -> 00:29:43.380]: What are you doing? Did you guys see that? What are you fucking doing? [00:29:43.860 -> 00:29:45.860]: Did you guys see that chat? [00:29:45.860 -> 00:29:48.340]: What the fuck? [00:29:48.340 -> 00:29:51.140]: Dude we got dude. Oh my god [00:29:51.140 -> 00:29:56.840]: I'm sure I'm glad I'm gonna get out of this fucking shit. I feel like I'm in hell right now [00:29:56.840 -> 00:30:04.820]: Why the fuck would I I'm you I don't get dude you're fucking meeting out - you don't got that negative energy, bro [00:30:04.820 -> 00:30:09.620]: You can get fucked buddy. Yeah way too much going for me to worry about you fucking losers [00:30:09.620 -> 00:30:11.620]: I [00:30:11.620 -> 00:30:16.820]: You can follow me you can you can do whatever you can kill me [00:30:16.820 -> 00:30:22.460]: I don't give a fuck there you go. That's what I thought you think I give a fuck. I'm not mad at all, bro [00:30:22.460 -> 00:30:24.980]: I'm straight chillin like a villain. We're losing the game anyways [00:30:24.980 -> 00:30:30.220]: That's why you fucking did that because you know, we're gonna fucking lose dude. So fucking go ahead and fucking kill me [00:30:30.220 -> 00:30:37.280]: I bet you feel like a real big man now, you know say any fucking pussy. Shut the fuck up. You get the fuck back [00:30:38.040 -> 00:30:40.040]: You [00:30:40.040 -> 00:30:50.020]: Hear me green you hear me green you feel better now. You feel like a big old man. I feel like I'm like a man now [00:30:50.020 -> 00:30:54.640]: It's an it's a simple question. You guys can hear him now listen this guy [00:30:54.640 -> 00:31:01.560]: Dude, I'm sorry that you can handle all your money away. Oh, dude. I get four thousand dollars a day for my sponsor. I'm chillin. I [00:31:01.560 -> 00:31:07.100]: Get four grand from my sponsor every day [00:31:07.500 -> 00:31:11.840]: Are you okay? Do you understand what I'm saying? I get [00:31:11.840 -> 00:31:15.380]: $4,000 given to me [00:31:15.380 -> 00:31:20.780]: You know what come to my stream. I'm gonna show you my withdrawals this week. You want to see it. You want to see it [00:31:20.780 -> 00:31:25.020]: Where's your money? What do you do for a living? That's what I thought shut the fuck up [00:31:25.020 -> 00:31:29.020]: You see how you see how quiet he got you see how quiet he got fucking pussy [00:31:29.020 -> 00:31:34.840]: I'm an operator of a cannabis company. Oh man, dude, that's awesome. Where are you proof of that at? [00:31:36.340 -> 00:31:39.520]: Let's hear it. Where's the proof at show me the proof [00:31:39.520 -> 00:31:44.900]: Yeah, where's the fucking proof you fucking loser? Where's the I don't want no fucking weed [00:31:44.900 -> 00:31:46.900]: I want to show what you're the fucking owner of a cannabis company [00:31:46.900 -> 00:31:51.300]: Show me that you're the owner prove it bitch prove it to me in my fucking stream right now [00:31:51.300 -> 00:31:59.360]: That's what the fuck. I thought you're a fucking pussy. Shut the fuck up. That's what I thought. He's a fucking loser liar [00:31:59.360 -> 00:32:03.700]: Fucking lying loser, you know I'm saying get the fuck back. Who the fuck you think you are, dude [00:32:04.060 -> 00:32:06.920]: That's what I fuck. I thought I'm the owner part [00:32:06.920 -> 00:32:11.080]: director of the fucking penis on penis [00:32:11.080 -> 00:32:17.300]: Films that we film we we're going real hard the penis on penis sword fights [00:32:17.300 -> 00:32:24.660]: We are seven men in production all in there. It's like shut the fuck up you shut the fuck up [00:32:24.660 -> 00:32:26.220]: You're a fucking loser, bro [00:32:26.220 -> 00:32:30.660]: Fucking weirdo fuck dude. I don't give a fuck about any of these fucking losers. They just pissed me off [00:32:31.180 -> 00:32:34.560]: There's fucking make me mad. I just want to listen music and stream bro. That's all I want to do [00:32:34.560 -> 00:32:38.440]: Fuck yes, go. I'm never playing that fucking shit game again [00:32:38.440 -> 00:32:41.160]: Fuck this shit. Let's go gamble. Haha [00:32:41.160 -> 00:32:44.700]: Fucking pussy [00:32:44.700 -> 00:32:46.700]: Thanks, you're making me mad too, bro [00:32:46.700 -> 00:32:50.940]: I'm pretty sure I got some money somewhere, bro. Oh, I got some breakback. Yeah. Oh [00:32:50.940 -> 00:32:54.260]: I got some money, dude. I got a little bit money, bro [00:32:59.220 -> 00:33:01.220]: I'm about to get way higher [00:33:01.220 -> 00:33:05.260]: How now you're a pain, huh? Oh [00:33:05.260 -> 00:33:09.560]: You know funny funny, bro. He'll never say it's my face. That's all I gotta say [00:33:09.560 -> 00:33:12.180]: Hey, we shut the fuck up [00:33:12.180 -> 00:33:20.500]: Please stay away from the coin place. I will go over the fuck. I want to go boss man Jack [00:33:20.500 -> 00:33:24.540]: That's right. I'm going wherever my heart desires my boy [00:33:24.540 -> 00:33:27.500]: wherever hard my heart desire [00:33:28.500 -> 00:33:30.500]: I [00:33:30.500 -> 00:33:35.480]: But just for you, I'll go to a slot. I'll jot to a slot just for you my boy [00:33:35.480 -> 00:33:42.940]: Is a great song hell, yeah [00:33:42.940 -> 00:33:52.820]: I know dude April did fly. It's big. Oh my god [00:33:52.820 -> 00:33:56.220]: Max we didn't come in today. Yes, sir. I don't know. We'll see [00:33:57.060 -> 00:33:59.060]: Hey, I feel of 75 a [00:33:59.060 -> 00:34:04.340]: All right. Here we go guys. We're gonna start with a cool acquaintance it but we're gonna go to a spot [00:34:04.340 -> 00:34:09.140]: I swear to God. Oh, well, we should be my bottom line. What should be my bottom line guys? [00:34:09.140 -> 00:34:19.620]: Extremely market. I'm not a whole lot but somehow playing elements yesterday or today really. I'm not very good at most the time [00:34:19.620 -> 00:34:21.620]: But sometimes I'm pretty good [00:34:25.740 -> 00:34:28.420]: Yes, sir, you'll love to see that starting out nice [00:34:28.420 -> 00:34:33.860]: Oh, I knew it you oh [00:34:33.860 -> 00:34:38.140]: No, oh no [00:34:38.140 -> 00:34:40.860]: There you go [00:34:40.860 -> 00:34:47.220]: She gave online once I'm up lowest man, I don't lose my whole stack. Oh my god [00:34:47.220 -> 00:34:50.140]: Get your head out your ass off. Come on [00:34:55.100 -> 00:34:57.100]: Oh [00:34:57.100 -> 00:35:00.300]: Yes, thank God I won that guy [00:35:00.300 -> 00:35:03.340]: Thank God. I won that one [00:35:03.340 -> 00:35:07.580]: Thank God. I fucking won that one. Let's go tails off fire. Okay. Oh [00:35:07.580 -> 00:35:16.260]: My god easy money, baby. He's money, baby. He's money, baby. He's money roll that fucking cube [00:35:16.260 -> 00:35:22.580]: Holy shit, dude. Haha. Yo, I just came up fucking so fast, bro [00:35:23.500 -> 00:35:26.540]: It doesn't have any tail, bro. Oh my god [00:35:26.540 -> 00:35:30.980]: Yes [00:35:30.980 -> 00:35:33.420]: Yes, sir. Oh my fucking god, dude. Oh [00:35:33.420 -> 00:35:36.540]: My fucking god, dude. Oh [00:35:36.540 -> 00:35:40.580]: My fucking god, let's fucking go [00:35:40.580 -> 00:35:43.300]: Holy shit. Oh [00:35:43.300 -> 00:35:49.500]: What the fuck? Oh my god. It's like magic. It's like magic boys. Oh [00:35:51.020 -> 00:35:53.420]: My fucking god, whoa [00:35:53.420 -> 00:35:55.940]: What the fuck? [00:35:55.940 -> 00:36:02.020]: Bro, oh my god. This is my game, bro. This is my fucking game, bro. What was my shitty? Let me tell you go [00:36:02.020 -> 00:36:03.860]: Okay [00:36:03.860 -> 00:36:05.860]: Whoo, my heart's racing a little bit [00:36:05.860 -> 00:36:10.180]: That's a video, haha. Come on. Oh [00:36:10.180 -> 00:36:15.620]: No, I gotta leave I gotta leave you small buddy do it. Oh [00:36:17.860 -> 00:36:21.540]: My god, it's okay. It was so far above the way up. Oh [00:36:21.540 -> 00:36:28.660]: My god, there it is guys. Okay. Okay. Okay [00:36:28.660 -> 00:36:33.860]: Yes, let's go I needed that [00:36:33.860 -> 00:36:37.540]: No, dude, oh [00:36:37.540 -> 00:36:40.700]: My god, I'll be sick. Oh [00:36:40.700 -> 00:36:43.260]: My god [00:36:43.260 -> 00:36:47.660]: Come on. It's too late now. They can't just feed me a little bit and then take it away. No way [00:36:47.660 -> 00:36:49.660]: Oh [00:36:49.660 -> 00:36:55.440]: My god [00:36:55.440 -> 00:37:00.940]: Why [00:37:00.940 -> 00:37:02.380]: Come on [00:37:02.380 -> 00:37:04.500]: Come on, dude. Come on. Come on. Come on guys. Oh [00:37:04.500 -> 00:37:10.060]: My god bullshit that bullshit does that suck it's in place. Oh [00:37:10.060 -> 00:37:14.540]: My god [00:37:14.540 -> 00:37:16.540]: Oh [00:37:16.540 -> 00:37:20.220]: My god, yes, I'm begging for it [00:37:20.220 -> 00:37:27.780]: They put him back you please please [00:37:27.780 -> 00:37:31.420]: Yes [00:37:31.420 -> 00:37:38.020]: Come on, please. Yes. Come on, please. Yes. Oh [00:37:38.020 -> 00:37:42.500]: My god, no, don't do that. Don't do that. Oh [00:37:43.820 -> 00:37:45.820]: My god, dude [00:37:45.820 -> 00:37:53.900]: Okay, okay now we're talking for 69 [00:37:53.900 -> 00:37:59.900]: Oh my god [00:37:59.900 -> 00:38:07.180]: Oh my god, dude, fuck. Oh my god fuck [00:38:07.180 -> 00:38:14.180]: Let's go. Let's go. I didn't need one more dude. Don't throw that away. Don't throw that away. [00:38:14.180 -> 00:38:32.420]: Oh no, dude, come on. I'm not built for this dude. I'm really not. This is so much bad when I think of help [00:38:32.420 -> 00:38:36.460]: But I fucking just had so much more weight in here. Oh my god, man [00:38:36.460 -> 00:38:42.980]: Ah, dude, I'm fucking miserable, dude. I'm fucking miserable. I'm fucking miserable right now. Oh [00:38:42.980 -> 00:38:48.100]: My god, I can't do this much on me. I'm serious. Oh my god [00:38:48.100 -> 00:38:49.800]: 'cause you have a good phone, okay? [00:38:49.800 -> 00:38:52.060]: I wanna use all my, all my questions. [00:38:52.060 -> 00:39:02.060]: [BLANK_AUDIO]