VOD at https://mines.expert/BossmanJack/Kees/2024-05-05 20-43-34- [00:00:00.000 -> 00:00:18.080]: I'll make an announcement here too guys, what's up guys? [00:00:18.080 -> 00:00:36.640]: Hey, Dan. What's up, my G? This is right here. There we go, that works. What's up, everybody? [00:00:36.640 -> 00:00:44.960]: What's up, Meeboo? What's up, Tmak? I don't have a lot of money here, but hold on. I'm [00:00:44.960 -> 00:00:51.600]: getting a hundred here in a little bit. Is it on? Let me change that. How do I change [00:00:51.600 -> 00:01:04.880]: that? Oh, hold on. I think I know what to do. What's up, Secret? Hold up, guys. [00:01:04.880 -> 00:01:18.240]: We're ready. Slow mode off. There you go, guys. Boom. Should be fixed. What's up, everybody? [00:01:18.240 -> 00:01:32.800]: No more slow mode. All right. I'm going to go coin flip. Let's just do a little $2. Yeah. [00:01:32.800 -> 00:01:45.360]: Damn. Oh, the fire portal is at $20. I think I'm about to see what I can do here. Oh, come [00:01:45.360 -> 00:02:03.200]: on. That's some bullshit. Wow. No. Damn it. That would have been nice. Come on, dude. I [00:02:03.200 -> 00:02:09.500]: should have went to the fire portal. Oh, look at that bullshit, guys. Oh my God. What is [00:02:09.500 -> 00:02:17.580]: that? All right. That's seven in a row. Fucking all wrong. Oh, it's already got one link or [00:02:17.580 -> 00:02:24.020]: one confirmation. It shouldn't be too much longer, guys. Get a hundred votes. Make sure [00:02:24.020 -> 00:02:27.320]: you guys are using my goddamn affiliate link. You know what I'm saying? If you want to sign [00:02:27.320 -> 00:02:33.520]: up for MCC or my code BOSSMAN. Nothing in affiliate right now. I collected like 50 bucks [00:02:33.520 -> 00:02:43.180]: from Hookup or something. Pretty decent. [00:02:43.180 -> 00:03:05.320]: Thank you very much for joining my line, my boy. What's good, Nicks? Hello, Rifters. [00:03:05.320 -> 00:03:11.840]: Hello, Luca. All in on black. As soon as you donate me a fucking dollar, which you can't [00:03:11.840 -> 00:03:19.400]: even do, I'll think about it, boss. Shut up, pussy. Good life. That's what I'm told. Can [00:03:19.400 -> 00:03:26.440]: we play the Stardust? A hundred bucks is in? Come on, baby. Let's go. Good start. Nope, [00:03:26.440 -> 00:03:44.960]: nope, nope, nope, don't do that. Yes, let's go guys. Nice hit. Let's go. Come on. No, damn [00:03:44.960 -> 00:04:00.740]: it. Oh, come on. What I'm saying dude? Come on, dude. We're up a little bit. Come on. Oh, [00:04:00.740 -> 00:04:29.300]: come on yes no dude are you there you go come on come on no dude [00:04:29.300 -> 00:04:47.660]: oh come on no oh my god already half way gone not yet not yet no no oh my god that's such [00:04:47.660 -> 00:04:59.380]: fucking bullshit dude every time dude god that shit's gone oh my god it is dude it's gone dude it's [00:04:59.380 -> 00:05:06.300]: fucking gone it's fucking gone dude it's fucking already gone dude damn dog that's fucking bullshit [00:05:06.300 -> 00:05:15.900]: fucking crazy dude 130 to fucking zero in a second dude it took my 60k yesterday too man fucking [00:05:15.900 -> 00:05:19.500]: bullshit why do i play that shit sad [00:05:19.500 -> 00:05:33.100]: what i'm saying is [00:05:40.220 -> 00:05:52.700]: that's a random oh yeah let me uh you can adjust it maybe adjust it again because i just turned [00:05:52.700 -> 00:06:01.820]: it down guys you want to turn it back on whatever i'm trying to figure something out guys [00:06:01.820 -> 00:06:10.620]: what is it there? [00:06:10.620 -> 00:06:40.220]: oh because of you i've been slept here so long five hours on my four and three dollar [00:06:40.220 -> 00:06:54.380]: reload guys that'd be good [00:06:54.380 -> 00:07:16.540]: all right we're getting 200 bucks guys 200 big ones where should we go with 200 just [00:07:16.540 -> 00:07:20.780]: stay away from coin flute that's a good slot balance i haven't wrote them yet they i don't [00:07:20.780 -> 00:07:24.940]: even know if they know yet i'm just thinking how to word it and shit and the best way i can [00:07:24.940 -> 00:07:30.140]: we can go to canyons with bombs it's a good one [00:07:30.140 -> 00:07:44.380]: good morning mark let me just pick a random ass one maybe i'll do a random one yeah [00:07:44.380 -> 00:07:50.540]: let's smoke on some ganja shall we let's smoke on the gan smoke on a pecky [00:07:51.100 -> 00:07:59.580]: smoke it all out peck smoke it all out pecky smoke it up smoke it up yeah buddy [00:07:59.580 -> 00:08:07.420]: fucking lovely dude click random button is there a random button or just like look away and then [00:08:07.420 -> 00:08:12.460]: move my mouse and randomly select one oh smoke is raining you gotta smoke outside [00:08:12.460 -> 00:08:15.660]: you don't have a little roof over your fucking front porch or nothing [00:08:18.860 -> 00:08:21.340]: oh because i'm young i'm drunk [00:08:21.340 -> 00:08:27.260]: and i'm bc i've never heard of that i don't think they got that on steak either [00:08:27.260 -> 00:08:29.980]: i'm not sure though maybe they do [00:08:29.980 -> 00:08:39.980]: what about the garage [00:08:44.140 -> 00:08:49.900]: oh good no not at all [00:08:49.900 -> 00:08:57.580]: and didn't i ban you from my twitch the other day cody wasn't that you don't lie to me [00:08:57.580 -> 00:09:00.780]: what's up gay how you doing boss [00:09:00.780 -> 00:09:05.500]: oh really luzo oh okay i got you [00:09:05.500 -> 00:09:11.740]: it's just bad luck and you've been banned from my discord before too [00:09:13.340 -> 00:09:16.460]: not only that but you just got banned again my boy see you later buddy [00:09:16.460 -> 00:09:22.060]: i remember what he said to me on twitch the other day fucking pussy peace [00:09:31.100 -> 00:09:47.580]: we've been we've been his ass [00:09:47.580 -> 00:09:55.740]: take this down so washed up and all my friends [00:09:59.420 -> 00:10:06.460]: oh 62 i level those i get 400 level up bonus now holy shit balls that's fucking crazy [00:10:06.460 -> 00:10:11.660]: you level up a lot faster on here like there's so many levels but it's all under a bracket right [00:10:11.660 -> 00:10:18.860]: so it's like i'm plat 2 i think let's see platinum 2 i've become platinum 3 at [00:10:18.860 -> 00:10:23.100]: oh there's only a plat 2 it goes straight to diamond [00:10:25.500 -> 00:10:31.740]: oh you get a svip level you start over oh i gotta go through 69 i'm 62 [00:10:31.740 -> 00:10:42.140]: well if i get to 69 or i guess after 69 i'll be a diamond i haven't wrote them yet vip manager [00:10:42.140 -> 00:10:48.860]: give me my sponsor contact my contact sponsor my sponsor really i haven't wrote him yet i don't [00:10:48.860 -> 00:10:51.820]: know what to say to him yet i don't even think they know i got suspended who knows [00:10:52.780 -> 00:10:58.300]: real server oh oh you're trying to switch over i already got one person switched over [00:10:58.300 -> 00:11:02.620]: are you trying to get switched over you are [00:11:02.620 -> 00:11:07.740]: i gotta get a few other people try to switch [00:11:07.740 -> 00:11:15.740]: oh did you write me about it i like it better i've had much more withdrawals yeah i mean [00:11:15.740 -> 00:11:22.220]: i like it better i like it just as much of anything some of the games aren't attractive [00:11:22.220 -> 00:11:27.260]: like visually appealing as like as appealing like kino and shit but oh same shit bro [00:11:27.260 -> 00:11:33.580]: i've gotten some i won ten thousand dollars on base spin last night on fire portals [00:11:33.580 -> 00:11:40.380]: yeah dude you can do tron is actually right oh did you all right i'll i'll have you go up next [00:11:40.380 -> 00:11:45.740]: end i'll send in your info next she's doing them one at a time and like she'll write to you she's [00:11:45.740 -> 00:11:50.860]: gonna reach out to you on telegram do you have a telegram get a telegram if you don't have a telegram [00:11:51.420 -> 00:11:55.020]: and i'll give her your username and all the screenshots okay good yeah [00:11:55.020 -> 00:12:02.140]: okay we didn't fucking ask you jim i don't give a fuck we don't care about your opinion jim [00:12:02.140 -> 00:12:08.620]: i don't you don't got anything good to say about bc don't fucking say it boss [00:12:08.620 -> 00:12:14.460]: you know what i'm saying get the fuck out of here i think mines looked better on fucking steak i [00:12:14.460 -> 00:12:19.900]: just fucking said that shit get the fuck out of here bro hey the money thing guys 200 buckaroonies [00:12:20.780 -> 00:12:27.260]: 200 big ones here we go guys let's do a mines in honor of jim fucking jim [00:12:27.260 -> 00:12:31.760]: ah [00:12:31.760 -> 00:12:42.140]: no this is four mines come on bitch please you're kidding oh don't do that six mines [00:12:47.340 -> 00:12:52.620]: yes got all over there [00:12:52.620 -> 00:13:08.940]: oh i would have hit a bomb anyways all right guys hail mary [00:13:08.940 -> 00:13:12.620]: yes get that [00:13:12.940 -> 00:13:15.420]: oh [00:13:15.420 -> 00:13:29.420]: oh come on [00:13:29.420 -> 00:13:39.420]: oh damn a little too fast probably [00:13:39.420 -> 00:13:46.460]: this is [00:13:46.460 -> 00:13:53.900]: oh no 140 left fuck what am i doing playing mine [00:13:53.900 -> 00:14:00.780]: yes needed that [00:14:00.780 -> 00:14:06.700]: no oh my god [00:14:06.700 -> 00:14:10.460]: oh god yes got it back [00:14:10.460 -> 00:14:21.660]: oh oh my gosh oh you're kidding man [00:14:21.660 -> 00:14:28.860]: oh no damn dude [00:14:31.900 -> 00:14:43.500]: okay oh no oh shit balls [00:14:43.500 -> 00:14:55.500]: that's good though but the kidneys are i don't know we'll see [00:14:58.860 -> 00:15:01.900]: no i needed that last gem [00:15:01.900 -> 00:15:11.980]: there you go boss [00:15:11.980 -> 00:15:17.340]: no dude [00:15:17.340 -> 00:15:26.540]: yes yes yes that's all right that's all right got a lot of it back [00:15:26.540 -> 00:15:40.060]: we have 200 bucks in salona too my boys hello hi uh yeah i got 200 in salona too there we go [00:15:40.060 -> 00:15:46.540]: oh we got oh yeah [00:15:46.540 -> 00:15:56.060]: watch this please please oh damn nelly damn nelly [00:15:56.940 -> 00:15:57.500]: hell yeah [00:15:57.500 -> 00:16:06.060]: yes oh my god get out get out get out let's go that's what we went [00:16:06.060 -> 00:16:11.500]: there for that's what we went there for yes sir hell yeah all right let's go back a little bit [00:16:11.500 -> 00:16:23.020]: yeah buddy [00:16:23.020 -> 00:16:33.020]: oh my god oh my fucking god let's go hold on guys [00:16:33.020 -> 00:16:40.380]: hello okay that sounds good all right bro [00:16:42.940 -> 00:17:00.220]: hell yeah boys look at that bandwidth oh my god 580 [00:17:00.220 -> 00:17:05.100]: i knew it i knew i should have gone for a third one on that one [00:17:09.580 -> 00:17:13.340]: oh shit [00:17:13.340 -> 00:17:20.140]: oh my god why would i do that [00:17:20.140 -> 00:17:30.540]: no dude come the fuck on oh my god fuck oh man [00:17:36.620 -> 00:17:40.220]: yes [00:17:40.220 -> 00:17:49.340]: oh my god get that shit back buddy get that shit back boss man get that shit back boss man [00:17:49.340 -> 00:17:57.500]: oh i don't think that was [00:17:57.500 -> 00:18:00.220]: come on hit that hit this [00:18:03.260 -> 00:18:21.500]: Hit that. Hit that, quit that. Hit that. Hit that. Hit that. Hit that. Hit that. Oh no, do a 90. Come on. Hit that. No! You fucking- Damn. Hit that. Hit that. Quit that. [00:18:23.680 -> 00:18:42.980]: Hit that. Hit that. Hit that. No! Fuck you, dude. Come on. Hit that. Quit that. You know what? You're gonna hit that. You're gonna motherfucking hit that. No, dude! Stop! Come on, man. Hit that and quit that, boys. [00:18:45.220 -> 00:18:57.060]: Hit that, quit that. Hit that, quit that. Yes! Let's find out. Like to see them spend a week. Oh my. Oh shit, I did a big one. [00:18:57.060 -> 00:19:02.980]: No! Of fucking course. [00:19:02.980 -> 00:19:11.620]: Oh my god, man. This is so fucking great. [00:19:14.420 -> 00:19:15.540]: Come on. [00:19:15.540 -> 00:19:25.540]: Oh, look at that. I love taking my money. That's fucking great. [00:19:25.540 -> 00:19:37.540]: Oh no, dude. I need to die. [00:19:41.300 -> 00:19:45.300]: Yes, get that shit back, buddy. Oh no. [00:19:45.300 -> 00:19:57.140]: I hate how slow it goes when you do that. That's just fucking sketchy, dude. [00:19:57.140 -> 00:20:05.940]: Oh man, that's a big one. Six-timer, boys. [00:20:05.940 -> 00:20:24.660]: No, come on, dude. Dude, come on. Oh fuck, I thought I should have left that time. I really [00:20:24.660 -> 00:20:32.500]: should have. Oh fuck you, man. There you go. Okay, that's pretty fucking good. That was a pretty good [00:20:32.500 -> 00:20:54.740]: one, man. Come on. Oh, that's good. Oh. [00:20:54.740 -> 00:21:07.060]: Oh, that would have fucking scored it. [00:21:07.060 -> 00:21:28.580]: Yes. Let's fucking go, guys. We need one more of those. [00:21:28.580 -> 00:21:47.140]: Get the fuck out of there. Hell yeah. Nice. Let me start with on this one. 100 or 200? [00:21:47.140 -> 00:21:51.860]: 200. 200. That's pretty good. I don't always do it. That's fucking, that was lucky, man. [00:21:51.860 -> 00:21:58.860]: I'll try it down to 500 and we'll go to slots at 500. I swear to God I will. I don't care [00:21:58.860 -> 00:22:04.580]: if I get done. I care if I get done at 500 but it won't sting that much. I'll do 100 here. [00:22:04.580 -> 00:22:13.060]: No. Fuck dude. There it goes. I'm already at 500. Oh wow. There's a few more. Oh come the [00:22:13.060 -> 00:22:21.300]: fuck on. Dude are you fucking kidding me? I've lost every one of these on Tailed, dude. Oh [00:22:21.300 -> 00:22:38.580]: my fucking god. In it. Oh come on. Oh. Oh my god. I've lost every one of these on the [00:22:38.580 -> 00:22:50.820]: first flip. What? Hello? Oh come on. Somebody clip that. That was, that just, what the fuck? [00:22:50.820 -> 00:22:56.580]: Dude. Oh my god. I lost every one of those. What the fuck was that? I've never seen that. [00:22:56.580 -> 00:23:01.300]: I've never seen it that bad. Can somebody record this? Holy shit. [00:23:04.740 -> 00:23:10.580]: He better fucking land tails three times on a rogue bitch. Fuck. Fuck. Stop. Come on. [00:23:10.580 -> 00:23:13.300]: Yes. [00:23:21.460 -> 00:23:37.940]: Oh, yes. No, come on, man. Yes. Yeah. Holy crap. [00:23:37.940 -> 00:23:46.980]: Oh, that would have been the fucking outer left. That would have been fed as fuck. [00:23:47.860 -> 00:23:55.220]: That would have been fast. Fuck. Oh, come on. [00:23:55.220 -> 00:24:00.980]: Oh, come on, dude. [00:24:00.980 -> 00:24:05.460]: Okay. [00:24:16.820 -> 00:24:23.860]: Yeah. Let's fucking go. Let's go guys. Come on. That's not too bad. Yeah. We take that. [00:24:23.860 -> 00:24:31.700]: Hell yeah, dude. I was going to do 200. Come on. I didn't. [00:24:42.500 -> 00:24:53.700]: Yes, guys. Let's go. 855. There you go. There you fucking go. Oh, Nelly. Is that fucking $1,000? [00:24:53.700 -> 00:25:04.340]: Okay. We like that. We like that a lot. Yeah, we do. 100 bucks. Come on. [00:25:10.900 -> 00:25:22.580]: Oh, shit. Oh, look at that. Oh, my God. I think I was happy. Oh, come on, dude. [00:25:31.220 -> 00:25:52.420]: Oh, my God. This was a $200 Alona start, I guess. Oh, come on, damn. Oh, my life. Why didn't I leave [00:25:52.420 -> 00:26:00.420]: it $1,000, dude? Oh, my God. I fucking hate my life, dude. Holy fucking shit. Damn, dude. [00:26:01.420 -> 00:26:02.420]: There you go. [00:26:02.420 -> 00:26:13.420]: Oh, come on, man. Just give me a break. [00:26:13.420 -> 00:26:29.420]: Yes! Let's go. Hell, yeah. Let's go. You seen that? Oh, nilly. [00:26:29.420 -> 00:26:37.160]: Nellie oh Nellie I might go for fourth no oh my god that would have been fucking [00:26:37.160 -> 00:26:41.760]: 1.2 oh my god fuck [00:26:41.760 -> 00:26:47.640]: no oh my god [00:26:47.640 -> 00:26:49.700]: you [00:26:49.700 -> 00:27:09.760]: yeah nice ah come on I like this idea [00:27:09.760 -> 00:27:11.820]: you [00:27:11.820 -> 00:27:30.180]: come on dude the fuck you doing [00:27:37.460 -> 00:27:44.020]: yes nice hit let's go damn [00:27:44.020 -> 00:27:52.140]: oh come on dude [00:27:52.140 -> 00:27:56.500]: oh come the fuck on [00:28:01.180 -> 00:28:09.940]: yes oh my god thank you come on yes let's go ha ha [00:28:09.940 -> 00:28:13.380]: no [00:28:13.380 -> 00:28:16.580]: oh come on [00:28:16.580 -> 00:28:22.700]: yes [00:28:23.860 -> 00:28:35.300]: oh god damn fucking back and forth no can't make that up [00:28:35.300 -> 00:28:40.020]: oh come on man damn [00:28:40.020 -> 00:28:48.180]: yes guys nice hit [00:28:53.060 -> 00:29:01.640]: yes holy crap what a comeback holy crap [00:29:01.640 -> 00:29:14.460]: oh yeah oh my god oh my god oh shit I flipped that bitch hella times [00:29:14.460 -> 00:29:17.460]: holy shit [00:29:17.460 -> 00:29:21.140]: Oh [00:29:21.140 -> 00:29:35.860]: oh yeah buddy oh shitty titty she's winning that's 2k austin holy shit god damn let's go [00:29:35.860 -> 00:29:40.980]: okay and then we win this it's 2k no [00:29:48.260 -> 00:29:54.100]: no come on barely in this no oh shit [00:29:54.100 -> 00:29:58.360]: come on [00:29:58.360 -> 00:30:05.380]: oh damn I should have left man I should have left I'll get it back I'll get it better [00:30:05.380 -> 00:30:12.580]: oh come on oh 500 bucks left [00:30:14.740 -> 00:30:17.940]: what why didn't I fucking leave dude [00:30:17.940 -> 00:30:25.780]: oh my god it just turns out the doubles they won't let you get doubled after a while they'll [00:30:25.780 -> 00:30:30.420]: give you a single hey what the fuck are you trying to say Tom hey I'm gonna fucking [00:30:30.420 -> 00:30:34.660]: unadmin you and unmod you right fucking now now tell me why the fuck you just posted that [00:30:34.660 -> 00:30:39.860]: in my chat when I just lost a bunch of fucking money I give you five seconds to answer five [00:30:40.740 -> 00:30:48.180]: four three yeah delayed yeah no way it's on fucking discord you're full of shit [00:30:48.180 -> 00:30:50.740]: you're full of fucking dog shit buddy [00:30:50.740 -> 00:31:04.500]: that's just uncalled for dude I swear to god every single person I madman and mod do the same shit [00:31:07.140 -> 00:31:13.620]: yes guys I know that was a while it took a long ass time for him to post that dude [00:31:13.620 -> 00:31:17.940]: no way no way dude this fucking this is no way [00:31:17.940 -> 00:31:33.060]: oh no guys look at this [00:31:33.060 -> 00:31:40.020]: I was sitting there waiting for it to flip I thought I could kill [00:31:40.020 -> 00:31:44.100]: hey we're back up over a thousand dude [00:31:44.100 -> 00:31:50.580]: we got a thousand left I'll probably leave man if I lose this I'm probably gonna leave [00:31:50.580 -> 00:31:56.580]: oh we didn't lose it though no okay [00:32:01.860 -> 00:32:04.100]: oh I really wish I didn't lose that [00:32:04.100 -> 00:32:10.340]: no damn dog [00:32:10.340 -> 00:32:16.260]: oh come on man [00:32:16.260 -> 00:32:20.740]: oh my god [00:32:20.740 -> 00:32:29.300]: no oh my god guys oh my god [00:32:29.300 -> 00:32:39.780]: oh my god yes oh my god did you guys just see that oh shitty titties [00:32:39.780 -> 00:32:48.420]: yes no my fucking nails going pale again bro [00:32:50.980 -> 00:33:00.420]: oh come on yes oh my god it's this again fuck dude i'm fucking getting so lucky on all ends [00:33:00.420 -> 00:33:12.180]: yes guys get that back baby get that back get that back [00:33:15.220 -> 00:33:22.020]: yeah get that back baby hell yeah cooking up let him cook [00:33:22.020 -> 00:33:24.660]: no [00:33:24.660 -> 00:33:39.780]: oh shit he's doing another one no hello hello all right [00:33:42.500 -> 00:33:54.020]: all right oh come on yeah i know i'll be right back guys give me a second i know [00:33:54.020 -> 00:34:01.540]: hold on guys um here i'll be back in just a few minutes guys okay hold on i gotta do something [00:34:01.540 -> 00:34:06.580]: real quick be right back guys i gotta call something back real quick hold on [00:34:06.580 -> 00:34:06.660]: you [00:34:06.660 -> 00:34:07.160]: you [00:34:07.160 -> 00:34:07.660]: you [00:34:07.660 -> 00:34:08.160]: you [00:34:08.160 -> 00:34:08.660]: you [00:34:08.660 -> 00:34:09.160]: you [00:34:09.160 -> 00:34:09.660]: you [00:34:09.660 -> 00:34:10.160]: you [00:34:10.160 -> 00:34:10.660]: you [00:34:10.660 -> 00:34:11.160]: you [00:34:11.160 -> 00:34:11.660]: you [00:34:11.660 -> 00:34:12.160]: you [00:34:12.160 -> 00:34:12.660]: you [00:34:12.660 -> 00:34:13.160]: you [00:34:13.160 -> 00:34:13.660]: you [00:34:13.660 -> 00:34:14.160]: you [00:34:14.160 -> 00:34:14.660]: you [00:34:14.660 -> 00:34:15.160]: you [00:34:15.160 -> 00:34:15.660]: you [00:34:15.660 -> 00:34:16.160]: you [00:34:16.160 -> 00:34:16.660]: you [00:34:16.660 -> 00:34:17.160]: you [00:34:17.160 -> 00:34:17.660]: you [00:34:17.660 -> 00:34:18.160]: you [00:34:18.160 -> 00:34:18.660]: you [00:34:18.660 -> 00:34:19.160]: you [00:34:19.160 -> 00:34:19.660]: you [00:34:19.660 -> 00:34:20.160]: you [00:34:20.160 -> 00:34:20.660]: you [00:34:20.660 -> 00:34:21.160]: you [00:34:21.160 -> 00:34:21.660]: you [00:34:21.660 -> 00:34:22.160]: you [00:34:22.160 -> 00:34:22.660]: you [00:34:22.660 -> 00:34:23.160]: you [00:34:23.160 -> 00:34:23.660]: you [00:34:23.660 -> 00:34:24.160]: you [00:34:24.160 -> 00:34:24.660]: you [00:34:24.660 -> 00:34:25.160]: you [00:34:25.160 -> 00:34:25.660]: you [00:34:25.660 -> 00:34:26.160]: you [00:34:26.160 -> 00:34:26.660]: you [00:34:26.660 -> 00:34:27.160]: you [00:34:27.160 -> 00:34:27.660]: you [00:34:27.660 -> 00:34:28.160]: you [00:34:28.160 -> 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[00:36:04.660 -> 00:36:05.160]: you [00:36:05.160 -> 00:36:05.660]: you [00:36:05.660 -> 00:36:06.160]: you [00:36:06.160 -> 00:36:06.660]: you [00:36:06.660 -> 00:36:07.160]: you [00:36:07.160 -> 00:36:07.660]: you [00:36:07.660 -> 00:36:08.160]: you [00:36:08.160 -> 00:36:08.660]: you [00:36:08.660 -> 00:36:09.160]: you [00:36:09.160 -> 00:36:09.660]: you [00:36:09.660 -> 00:36:10.160]: you [00:36:10.160 -> 00:36:10.660]: you [00:36:10.660 -> 00:36:11.160]: you [00:36:11.160 -> 00:36:11.660]: you [00:36:11.660 -> 00:36:12.160]: you [00:36:12.160 -> 00:36:12.660]: you [00:36:12.660 -> 00:36:13.160]: you [00:36:13.160 -> 00:36:13.660]: you [00:36:13.660 -> 00:36:14.160]: you [00:36:14.160 -> 00:36:14.660]: you [00:36:14.660 -> 00:36:15.160]: you [00:36:15.160 -> 00:36:15.660]: you [00:36:15.660 -> 00:36:16.160]: you [00:36:16.160 -> 00:36:16.660]: you [00:36:16.660 -> 00:36:17.160]: you [00:36:17.160 -> 00:36:17.660]: you [00:36:17.660 -> 00:36:18.160]: you [00:36:18.160 -> 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[00:38:23.560 -> 00:38:24.580]: Hello? Hello? [00:38:24.580 -> 00:38:25.760]: Hello there? [00:38:25.760 -> 00:38:26.480]: Can you hear me? [00:38:26.480 -> 00:38:28.160]: We got everything set up. [00:38:28.160 -> 00:38:29.860]: Hello? Hello? [00:38:29.860 -> 00:38:32.040]: Anybody? Okay, I see somebody. [00:38:32.040 -> 00:38:32.460]: Okay, all right. [00:38:32.460 -> 00:38:32.760]: There we go. [00:38:32.760 -> 00:38:34.540]: All right, can you all see the stream? [00:38:34.540 -> 00:38:37.500]: Let's go, guys. [00:38:37.500 -> 00:38:39.560]: Get this money. [00:38:39.560 -> 00:38:42.400]: Say goodbye. [00:38:42.400 -> 00:38:44.600]: That song's fire. [00:38:44.600 -> 00:38:45.300]: I didn't mean to open it. [00:38:45.300 -> 00:38:47.520]: Hold up. Hold on, guys. [00:38:47.520 -> 00:38:49.280]: There we go. [00:38:49.280 -> 00:38:50.920]: All right. [00:38:50.920 -> 00:38:52.180]: Everything looking good? [00:38:52.180 -> 00:38:56.180]: All right, let's go. [00:38:56.180 -> 00:39:01.640]: All right, $517, all right, let's go, let's go, let's go. [00:39:01.640 -> 00:39:03.220]: Come on, coin flip. [00:39:03.220 -> 00:39:03.920]: You're going to print. [00:39:03.920 -> 00:39:07.360]: Do bother me. [00:39:07.360 -> 00:39:09.700]: Fuck. [00:39:09.700 -> 00:39:26.500]: Oh, man, that was bad. [00:39:26.500 -> 00:39:39.620]: Oh, man, let's go, there he is. [00:39:39.620 -> 00:39:42.380]: There we go, 440. [00:39:42.380 -> 00:39:45.660]: Come on, focus, tap in. [00:39:45.660 -> 00:39:52.460]: Get this money. [00:39:52.460 -> 00:39:55.300]: Yes, we needed that. [00:39:55.300 -> 00:39:56.700]: We needed that. [00:39:56.700 -> 00:39:59.260]: Come on, come on, come on. [00:39:59.260 -> 00:40:02.260]: No, fuck you. [00:40:02.260 -> 00:40:07.700]: Oh, no, guys. [00:40:07.700 -> 00:40:09.500]: What is that, a sports bar? [00:40:09.500 -> 00:40:13.580]: Oh, come on. [00:40:13.580 -> 00:40:17.060]: Holy shit. [00:40:17.060 -> 00:40:22.820]: Oh, my God, how is it? [00:40:22.820 -> 00:40:26.540]: Oh, my God, dude, what the fuck? [00:40:26.540 -> 00:40:30.140]: Oh, my God, guys. [00:40:30.140 -> 00:40:34.300]: 15,000 so bad? [00:40:34.300 -> 00:40:37.580]: Oh, my God. [00:40:37.580 -> 00:40:41.340]: 15,000 so bad? [00:40:41.340 -> 00:40:45.580]: Holy crap, dude. [00:40:45.580 -> 00:40:49.100]: Dude, come on. [00:40:49.100 -> 00:40:52.500]: Oh, my God, dude, I just lost so much money. [00:40:52.500 -> 00:40:56.140]: Oh, my God, what is this, dude? [00:40:56.140 -> 00:41:05.580]: I don't even know what to do now. [00:41:05.580 -> 00:41:17.580]: Oh, man, fuck, that would have been nice. [00:41:17.580 -> 00:41:24.580]: Oh, my God, God, damn. [00:41:24.580 -> 00:41:29.580]: Holy crap, please hit. [00:41:29.580 -> 00:41:30.580]: Oh, it's gone. [00:41:30.580 -> 00:41:31.580]: Damn, dog. [00:41:31.580 -> 00:41:33.580]: That's fucking wild, dude. [00:41:33.580 -> 00:41:38.580]: Fucking wild. [00:41:38.580 -> 00:41:42.580]: Yeah, yeah, yeah, thank you, small balls, yeah. [00:41:42.580 -> 00:41:46.580]: I don't know, I don't think I got 50, no. [00:41:46.580 -> 00:41:49.580]: Yeah, 50 something x-rays, I'm not sure. [00:41:49.580 -> 00:41:52.580]: Let's try to break that right now. [00:41:52.580 -> 00:41:55.580]: Yeah, I'll do a fire portal 20 at 20, how about that. [00:41:55.580 -> 00:41:58.580]: Let's try to break it with one dollar bets, man. [00:41:58.580 -> 00:42:01.580]: Let's go back and forth at first. [00:42:01.580 -> 00:42:04.580]: Nope. [00:42:04.580 -> 00:42:09.580]: There you go, back and forth. [00:42:09.580 -> 00:42:11.580]: One more back and forth. [00:42:11.580 -> 00:42:13.580]: Okay, this might be it. This might be it. [00:42:13.580 -> 00:42:15.580]: Then go tails again. Nope. [00:42:15.580 -> 00:42:18.580]: One back and forth again. [00:42:18.580 -> 00:42:25.580]: Oh, come on. [00:42:25.580 -> 00:42:29.580]: Yeah, they do. I think you gotta hide the URL. [00:42:29.580 -> 00:42:32.580]: God damn. [00:42:32.580 -> 00:42:35.580]: It'll get my YouTube channel out a little bit too, maybe. [00:42:35.580 -> 00:42:39.580]: Oh, come on. I don't want to leave you. Hold on. [00:42:39.580 -> 00:42:42.580]: Oh, you're kidding. [00:42:42.580 -> 00:42:55.580]: Yes. [00:42:56.580 -> 00:43:00.580]: Oh, I needed that, dude. I needed that. [00:43:00.580 -> 00:43:06.580]: Oh, come on, man. Fucking crazy, man. [00:43:06.580 -> 00:43:11.580]: So stressful doing this all day long. [00:43:11.580 -> 00:43:15.580]: Oh, well. I'm just gonna get off a little bit, guys. Yeah. [00:43:15.580 -> 00:43:23.580]: That's alright. I'll be back later. Thanks for stopping by, guys. [00:43:23.580 -> 00:43:26.580]: I'm just fucking not feeling good, man. [00:43:27.580 -> 00:43:29.580]: Thanks for watching. [00:43:30.580 -> 00:43:32.580]: Thanks for watching. [00:43:33.580 -> 00:43:35.580]: Thanks for watching. [00:43:36.580 -> 00:43:38.580]: Thanks for watching. [00:43:39.580 -> 00:43:41.580]: Thanks for watching. [00:43:42.580 -> 00:43:44.580]: Thanks for watching. [00:43:45.580 -> 00:43:47.580]: Thanks for watching. [00:43:48.580 -> 00:43:50.580]: Thanks for watching. [00:43:51.580 -> 00:43:53.580]: Thanks for watching. [00:43:54.580 -> 00:43:56.580]: Thanks for watching. [00:43:57.580 -> 00:43:59.580]: Thanks for watching. [00:44:00.580 -> 00:44:02.580]: Thanks for watching. [00:44:03.580 -> 00:44:05.580]: Thanks for watching. [00:44:06.580 -> 00:44:08.580]: Thanks for watching. [00:44:09.580 -> 00:44:11.580]: Thanks for watching. [00:44:12.580 -> 00:44:14.580]: Thanks for watching. [00:44:15.580 -> 00:44:17.580]: Thanks for watching. [00:44:18.580 -> 00:44:20.580]: Thanks for watching. [00:44:21.580 -> 00:44:23.580]: Thanks for watching. [00:44:24.580 -> 00:44:26.580]: Thanks for watching. [00:44:27.580 -> 00:44:29.580]: Thanks for watching. [00:44:30.580 -> 00:44:32.580]: Thanks for watching. [00:44:33.580 -> 00:44:35.580]: Thanks for watching. [00:44:36.580 -> 00:44:38.580]: Thanks for watching. [00:44:39.580 -> 00:44:41.580]: Thanks for watching. [00:44:42.580 -> 00:44:44.580]: Thanks for watching. [00:44:45.580 -> 00:44:47.580]: Thanks for watching. [00:44:48.580 -> 00:44:50.580]: Thanks for watching. [00:44:51.580 -> 00:44:53.580]: Thanks for watching. [00:44:54.580 -> 00:44:56.580]: Thanks for watching. [00:44:57.580 -> 00:44:59.580]: Thanks for watching. [00:45:00.580 -> 00:45:02.580]: Thanks for watching. [00:45:03.580 -> 00:45:05.580]: Thanks for watching. [00:45:06.580 -> 00:45:08.580]: Thanks for watching. [00:45:09.580 -> 00:45:11.580]: Thanks for watching. [00:45:11.580 -> 00:45:23.560]: [ Silence ]