VOD at Austin_07 loses his mind at his dad after losing his money [DMEEEqNXt0A].mp4 [00:00:00.000 -> 00:00:06.520]: $210 win $210 win. Holy fucking shitballs. Oh my god [00:00:06.520 -> 00:00:09.080]: Holy shitballs [00:00:09.080 -> 00:00:11.280]: Dude, there's a 300 balance [00:00:11.280 -> 00:00:15.260]: Do I'm going black again black dude black [00:00:15.260 -> 00:00:20.400]: Gone if I win this if I win this this is oh [00:00:20.400 -> 00:00:27.920]: My fucking god, there it goes. I lost it. Oh my fucking god. Oh my fucking god [00:00:27.920 -> 00:00:29.920]: Oh my god [00:00:29.920 -> 00:00:34.360]: Slow down a notch Austin [00:00:34.360 -> 00:00:37.000]: Slow down a little bit [00:00:37.000 -> 00:00:41.920]: What's the fun in that boss man, what's the fucking fun in that did oh [00:00:41.920 -> 00:00:45.400]: No, I'm going 123 on black. Come on, baby [00:00:45.400 -> 00:00:48.020]: Come on [00:00:48.020 -> 00:00:54.820]: This is it. Come on all new high right here new high new fucking high for the day. Come on, baby [00:00:55.600 -> 00:00:59.880]: Come on, baby easy as one two, three a b c [00:00:59.880 -> 00:01:02.680]: c one two three [00:01:02.680 -> 00:01:05.480]: One two three [00:01:05.480 -> 00:01:07.480]: No [00:01:07.480 -> 00:01:14.000]: Fucking lost it all. There's a hundred dollars left. Oh my fucking god. Can you fucking believe that? Oh [00:01:14.000 -> 00:01:18.640]: My fucking god. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. Oh [00:01:18.640 -> 00:01:21.240]: my fucking god [00:01:21.240 -> 00:01:24.000]: Holy fucking shitballs, dude [00:01:24.280 -> 00:01:26.280]: I [00:01:26.280 -> 00:01:30.400]: Think that shit back pussy. Don't be a bitch Austin make that shit back dog [00:01:30.400 -> 00:01:33.040]: Make that shit back [00:01:33.040 -> 00:01:36.080]: Come on, man. Start with $10 anything's possible, dude [00:01:36.080 -> 00:01:38.840]: Come on [00:01:38.840 -> 00:01:43.120]: Come on bitch hit that fucking black on one of those numbers, please [00:01:43.120 -> 00:01:45.960]: Please please please [00:01:45.960 -> 00:01:48.240]: Don't let it be downfall from here, man [00:01:48.240 -> 00:01:50.720]: Please do oh [00:01:51.680 -> 00:01:58.600]: My fucking god. Are you fucking kidding me right now? Oh my fucking god, dude [00:01:58.600 -> 00:02:04.520]: I just lost 250 dollars like it was fucking nothing. Oh my fucking god, dude [00:02:04.520 -> 00:02:10.560]: Are you fucking serious right now? Is this a fucking joke, man? Oh my fucking god, dude [00:02:10.560 -> 00:02:17.560]: I'm gonna fuck on dude. I'm so mad right now. I should have pulled out. I should have fucking pulled out man [00:02:17.560 -> 00:02:19.560]: It's not over yet man [00:02:19.560 -> 00:02:28.800]: So sad oh my fucking god, please man, please do black [00:02:28.800 -> 00:02:31.680]: Please me, please [00:02:31.680 -> 00:02:35.160]: Home I [00:02:35.160 -> 00:02:43.400]: Lost it all I just lost it all dude. You fucking believe that [00:02:43.400 -> 00:02:45.400]: Oh [00:02:45.400 -> 00:02:50.360]: My fucking god it happened so fast [00:02:50.360 -> 00:02:54.040]: It happened so so so fast. Oh [00:02:54.040 -> 00:03:00.960]: My fucking god, dude. I just lost it all dude. I'm literally about to lose my mind man. She's so unhealthy [00:03:00.960 -> 00:03:05.920]: I gotta stop. I gotta stop man. This is so unhealthy feeling mine, dude [00:03:05.920 -> 00:03:11.080]: Come on. Oh my god. I got two of those. Please bring me back. Bring me back to life, man. Oh [00:03:11.800 -> 00:03:14.520]: My fucking god. Yo, oh my fuck [00:03:39.920 -> 00:03:41.920]: There's $300 down the fucking drain [00:03:41.920 -> 00:03:45.240]: Three hundred dollars down the fucking drain [00:03:45.240 -> 00:03:48.720]: No, shut up [00:03:48.720 -> 00:03:58.620]: Shut the fuck up man. I didn't do shit shut up shut up [00:03:58.620 -> 00:04:00.620]: Oh [00:04:00.620 -> 00:04:16.960]: My fucking god, I'm fucking so done [00:04:16.960 -> 00:04:18.960]: I'm so fucking done, man [00:04:18.960 -> 00:04:20.960]: Oh my god, man [00:04:20.960 -> 00:04:22.960]: Oh my god, man [00:04:47.120 -> 00:04:50.640]: Fuck of my cigarettes at me. Oh my fucking god, dude [00:04:50.640 -> 00:04:54.200]: Where the fuck on my fucking cigarettes, man? [00:04:54.200 -> 00:05:10.400]: Well, I hope y'all enjoyed the stream I hope y'all enjoyed the stream dude, y'all have a good one man, I'm a fucking loser [00:05:10.400 -> 00:05:15.840]: I'm a born fucking loser. I'll always be a loser. I'll never not be a loser [00:05:15.840 -> 00:05:21.000]: I'm a fucking generate piece of fucking shit. Fuck this fucking game, dude [00:05:21.000 -> 00:05:29.200]: This is such fucking bullshit. This is such fucking bullshit, dude. Oh my fucking god, dude. Oh [00:05:29.200 -> 00:05:31.880]: my fucking god [00:05:31.880 -> 00:05:37.800]: Yo, if someone bands purple a little vagina hairy ass fucking shut your bitch ass up. It's a little hairy vagina [00:05:37.800 -> 00:05:40.720]: Band your pussy. Yeah, get the fuck out of my stream [00:05:40.720 -> 00:05:42.720]: You fucking vagina [00:05:42.720 -> 00:05:45.280]: Oh my fucking god [00:05:45.280 -> 00:05:57.640]: Holy shit, I can't believe I just lost all of that [00:06:10.160 -> 00:06:14.000]: Can't believe that of course I can fucking such an idiot [00:06:37.360 -> 00:06:42.240]: That's crazy man, I literally could have done so much things with that $300 [00:06:42.240 -> 00:06:50.960]: Why do I always go for the dream every time I fucking game the fucking jackpot I expect it every time [00:06:50.960 -> 00:06:53.760]: It's gonna hit one time [00:06:53.760 -> 00:06:56.320]: What happened? [00:06:56.320 -> 00:06:58.320]: *coughing* [00:07:24.960 -> 00:07:26.960]: So bad [00:07:26.960 -> 00:07:37.780]: 16 nope lost again. I fucking lost again. I just fucking lost again [00:07:38.380 -> 00:07:40.380]: Oh my fucking god [00:07:40.380 -> 00:08:00.260]: Oh my fucking god, dude, I just lost 50 bucks [00:08:00.260 -> 00:08:06.860]: Wow, what a fucking run. Alright guys. Good night everybody. I can't believe I've already lost it all, dude [00:08:07.460 -> 00:08:14.460]: Y'all have a good one, man. Y'all have a fucking good one, dude. I fucking hate my life. I actually hate my life [00:08:14.460 -> 00:08:17.020]: No cap, dude [00:08:17.020 -> 00:08:25.340]: Oh my fucking god dude, no fucking way, dude [00:08:25.340 -> 00:08:30.300]: God dammit [00:08:30.300 -> 00:08:36.620]: Wow, dude, another fat loss. No fucking way [00:08:37.100 -> 00:08:41.980]: I'm gonna have no night to stop this shit, we're about to hit the air in like 17 fucking times in a row [00:08:41.980 -> 00:08:45.180]: That is fucking retarded. I'm gonna get off of you guys [00:08:45.180 -> 00:08:47.900]: I'll see y'all later, man. I hope y'all have a good day [00:08:47.900 -> 00:08:50.460]: I'm gonna fucking die, man [00:08:50.460 -> 00:08:55.740]: I'm gonna just fucking eat something, man. I got a little pooper later, man. I really appreciate everyone that's doing me a treat today [00:08:55.740 -> 00:08:58.460]: You are awesome, man. I appreciate y'all [00:08:58.460 -> 00:09:00.460]: I'm gonna get off of you [00:09:00.460 -> 00:09:02.460]: See y'all later [00:09:02.460 -> 00:09:04.460]: We'll have fun back to dinner, that's me [00:09:04.460 -> 00:09:06.460]: We'll have fun back to dinner, that's me [00:09:06.460 -> 00:09:09.180]: Another fucking depot gone, dude [00:09:09.180 -> 00:09:13.740]: Another fucking depot gone. Fucking is gone. It's fucking gone [00:09:13.740 -> 00:09:19.020]: All right, god, I'm probably gonna go to bed now. You know, I'm not tired at all. I'm just gonna get off [00:09:19.020 -> 00:09:24.140]: Tried so many times tonight, dude. Fucking make some money. It just never works out [00:09:24.140 -> 00:09:28.220]: Shit, you gotta be kidding me [00:09:28.220 -> 00:09:32.300]: All right boys, I'll see y'all tomorrow, man [00:09:32.300 -> 00:09:34.300]: I'll see y'all tomorrow [00:09:34.300 -> 00:09:36.300]: Fucking dandy [00:09:36.300 -> 00:09:49.900]: Do you want no money? Do you want no money, baby? No. Do you want it? [00:09:49.900 -> 00:09:51.900]: You [00:09:51.900 -> 00:10:14.060]: Good [00:10:14.060 -> 00:10:17.920]: Oh, I got 10 pounder. Oh, it's a 10 pounder. 10 pound bags [00:10:17.920 -> 00:10:27.920]: [BLANK_AUDIO]