VOD at Austin_07 grandma gets tele blocked in rev caves [M4U1UyMhGHE].mp4 [00:00:00.000 -> 00:00:07.040]: Dez here is question. Do you plan on paying back your OSDF? What if I said no? What if I fucking said no motherfucker? [00:00:07.040 -> 00:00:10.240]: What are you gonna do? What are you gonna fucking come track me down come shoot me? [00:00:10.240 -> 00:00:13.900]: What are you gonna fucking do come smack me through your computer screen, huh? [00:00:13.900 -> 00:00:19.280]: Tell me a fucking way I can pay off my goddamn debt, and I'll fucking give you a fucking pass bug [00:00:19.280 -> 00:00:25.800]: Tell me one reasonable way. I tried for fucking months every fucking day. Don't give me that fucking bullshit [00:00:25.800 -> 00:00:27.920]: Go fucking dude. Fuck you [00:00:27.920 -> 00:00:29.920]: Fuck you [00:00:29.920 -> 00:00:31.920]: Subscribe now! [00:00:31.920 -> 00:00:49.920]: God damn [00:00:49.920 -> 00:00:54.160]: R.I.P. Meemaw [00:00:54.160 -> 00:00:57.120]: Meemaw [00:00:57.520 -> 00:00:59.520]: *coughs* [00:00:59.520 -> 00:01:03.000]: You going to the plugs? No, we got my Meemaw's funeral tomorrow, bro [00:01:03.000 -> 00:01:05.680]: Dude, 500 ret dude [00:01:05.680 -> 00:01:12.200]: 500 ret. Oh my god. Yo, please bong hook me up if we win this if we win this my man [00:01:12.200 -> 00:01:18.480]: Oh my fucking god. Oh my fucking god, dude. I can't breathe. Hey, dude, dude [00:01:18.480 -> 00:01:22.400]: Oh my god. Oh fucking depressus fuck dude. I've lost everything [00:01:22.400 -> 00:01:26.560]: So I'm gonna get off dude. I hope you're trying to get a juicer, bro [00:01:26.560 -> 00:01:28.480]: I'm totally clean [00:01:28.480 -> 00:01:33.680]: We got juicer Maguicer coming in. I mean a juicer. Oh, no, I lost a grand last night [00:01:33.680 -> 00:01:37.440]: I'm good right here. Oh [00:01:37.440 -> 00:01:43.520]: I'm fucking depressed dude. I'm not kidding. I'm so kind losing my money. Holy fuck. I'm so unlucky [00:01:51.680 -> 00:01:57.660]: No, mom's not coming through no taste make your person with this dick. Oh the tooth. Oh [00:01:57.660 -> 00:02:00.680]: Yeah [00:02:00.680 -> 00:02:09.560]: I'm not to go outside [00:02:17.760 -> 00:02:23.520]: Travers in there just vibing you already know. Hold on. I'm gonna blow my nose to you. Here's a napkin [00:02:23.520 -> 00:02:29.400]: Sorry, I keep sniffling it's cold outside dude [00:02:29.400 -> 00:02:37.160]: This is fucking horse shit, dude [00:02:37.160 -> 00:02:43.280]: I'm gonna see y'all tomorrow, man. I'm just gonna get off. I just lost a hundred bucks today. I cannot believe that [00:02:43.280 -> 00:02:45.760]: I'm sick, dude [00:02:45.760 -> 00:02:47.760]: I'm fucking sick, dude [00:02:47.760 -> 00:02:53.040]: Hell no Ariel still down from all those depots today. I hit last roll. Oh [00:02:53.040 -> 00:02:56.800]: My god [00:02:56.800 -> 00:03:08.400]: It's gonna be a low number boys I can feel it in my fucking veins no I lost it all [00:03:10.320 -> 00:03:17.000]: Or tilting losing DMS or losing in slots to DMS because I think they rigged my shit dude [00:03:17.000 -> 00:03:19.280]: It's like I couldn't do nothing about it like [00:03:19.280 -> 00:03:21.720]: Dude when I fucking gamble on real life [00:03:21.720 -> 00:03:26.040]: I feel like I actually have a chance of winning some money dude, especially on the rule that table like you can't [00:03:26.040 -> 00:03:28.640]: Do you can fucking? [00:03:28.640 -> 00:03:32.520]: They can't rig that shit, dude, and they might rig it if somebody puts like a hundred thousand down [00:03:32.520 -> 00:03:35.480]: But I'll tell you what dude [00:03:35.480 -> 00:03:38.740]: They've definitely made some racks on that rule that table and lost some racks [00:03:39.400 -> 00:03:40.840]: I did [00:03:40.840 -> 00:03:46.240]: How I'd get way more down I get tilted. Yeah, I would fucking punch holes in the wall from her escape [00:03:46.240 -> 00:03:48.360]: Dude, I've never done that yet from fucking [00:03:48.360 -> 00:03:53.360]: I know I mean, it's good for them. You know, I'm good for them [00:03:53.360 -> 00:03:59.120]: I don't get any help. They help me out. My mom gives me money every day and she like that. Yeah, too [00:03:59.120 -> 00:04:01.120]: This is bad [00:04:01.120 -> 00:04:09.320]: Fucking god [00:04:09.320 -> 00:04:11.320]: Wait [00:04:11.320 -> 00:04:13.320]: *music* [00:04:13.320 -> 00:04:15.320]: *music* [00:04:15.320 -> 00:04:17.320]: *music* [00:04:17.320 -> 00:04:19.320]: *music* [00:04:19.320 -> 00:04:21.320]: *music* [00:04:21.320 -> 00:04:23.320]: *music* [00:04:23.320 -> 00:04:25.320]: *music* [00:04:25.320 -> 00:04:27.320]: *music* [00:04:27.320 -> 00:04:29.320]: *music*