VOD at https://mines.expert/BossmanJack/Kick/Hugh Heffner hits up Stake !stake !youtube 2023-12-29 16_41 [21490765-hugh-heffner-hits-up-stake-stake-youtube].mp4 [00:00:00.000 -> 00:00:17.940]: You got him right. I got discord. Everybody refresh the stream. Let's get it refresh. We're out here [00:00:17.940 -> 00:00:20.940]: We're out here boys some T-lex [00:00:20.940 -> 00:00:24.000]: That's very true a PGP [00:00:24.000 -> 00:00:30.220]: But it's been going a lot better a lot more people have been having my back. I've been having a lot more supporters a lot [00:00:30.220 -> 00:00:35.780]: More support a lot of people seeing the good in me. Not just the bad people checking on me when I'm having a bad day [00:00:35.780 -> 00:00:43.300]: I make sure dude. You guys are fucking awesome man. I'm here for the long run. I'm just gonna glad you guys are glad you guys [00:00:43.300 -> 00:00:48.260]: Tune in and watch the stream. I'm serious to man. Thank you very much guys [00:00:48.260 -> 00:00:51.000]: So you can get [00:00:51.000 -> 00:00:53.560]: Guys good check out my new YouTube video XMish point YouTube [00:00:53.560 -> 00:00:58.980]: Going good. How about you boss. So very buddy. So high roller. OJ cream line [00:00:58.980 -> 00:01:03.140]: Calm days. Deebo. How you doing? Come Zilla. How you doing boss man? [00:01:03.140 -> 00:01:06.280]: That link work [00:01:06.280 -> 00:01:10.780]: This is a huge keynote run up. Okay. Look at this fucking look at this shit [00:01:10.780 -> 00:01:14.000]: You guys see this oh [00:01:14.000 -> 00:01:17.600]: Now you can't all right. Let me take my camera off you guys got to watch this run [00:01:18.040 -> 00:01:21.040]: You it was pretty much like the run I just did actually but it was on keynote [00:01:21.040 -> 00:01:23.880]: It's just gonna watch my YouTube. I guess [00:01:23.880 -> 00:01:26.720]: Try to get my YouTube popping [00:01:26.720 -> 00:01:28.720]: Make me get another check from that [00:01:28.720 -> 00:01:35.340]: The giveaway I might be able to do everyone the 50s are good dude. I lost a lot balls, man [00:01:35.340 -> 00:01:38.800]: like an idiot. I paid off all my death those for no concern and [00:01:38.800 -> 00:01:43.280]: Let's see [00:01:44.280 -> 00:01:46.280]: It's okay [00:01:46.280 -> 00:01:57.440]: You're major on your YouTube, I'll even I'll make even rage cops [00:01:57.440 -> 00:02:02.440]: We'll see I guess I can move you that I do that [00:02:02.440 -> 00:02:09.200]: Yeah, I'm tea lags about my boy whatever it's get all what a brittle box something for them [00:02:09.200 -> 00:02:18.000]: I need a I need a mix win I need a mix win [00:02:18.000 -> 00:02:27.760]: Anybody got crypto for Apple Bay [00:02:27.760 -> 00:02:37.640]: I mean I'm doing that balls man. I believe yeah, I'm already in the process of doing that [00:02:38.640 -> 00:02:42.000]: We'll see we'll see what's going on. I'm not gonna know what's going on [00:02:42.000 -> 00:02:48.480]: I bet I'm still Virginia, bro. I'm like two hours from where we used to live two hours from [00:02:48.480 -> 00:02:57.700]: Know where you're gonna juice me bro. No fucking late balls me. No fucking way. Yep. That is my bitch. That is my Bitcoin [00:02:57.700 -> 00:03:01.840]: That next on GC. Okay. All right. Let's do it. Let's do like 500 X [00:03:01.840 -> 00:03:04.720]: Yeah, we'll do a thousand fucking thousand X [00:03:05.920 -> 00:03:11.840]: How's next we'll do how much easy should we do guys like at least fit like [00:03:11.840 -> 00:03:20.100]: 150 that sounds good. No, that's too much. That's too much. This is good [00:03:20.100 -> 00:03:24.240]: I hit this let me know chat [00:03:24.240 -> 00:03:26.480]: We fucking crazy [00:03:26.480 -> 00:03:29.280]: That's I know all right bet [00:03:29.280 -> 00:03:34.560]: Thank you very much, but oh my god 122. Oh my gosh two hundred ninety six X [00:03:35.200 -> 00:03:39.080]: Yeah, this hits this I would be fucking shocked. I'll be shocked [00:03:39.080 -> 00:03:43.720]: Yeah, who are you living with you have your own place or what are you doing Tyler? [00:03:43.720 -> 00:03:46.560]: They're not worth shit [00:03:46.560 -> 00:03:52.360]: They just love your VIP up. Oh hell. Yeah. He comes to Victor the big one that hundred bucks. Do you thank you very much, bro? [00:03:52.360 -> 00:03:57.520]: Let's fucking go. Oh my god 500 X. Did you see that? [00:03:57.520 -> 00:04:00.520]: Come on Limbo [00:04:00.520 -> 00:04:03.400]: Yeah, get your VIP up [00:04:04.240 -> 00:04:10.440]: Their commit don't lose all this GC you're gonna hit you go ahead [00:04:10.440 -> 00:04:18.360]: It's gonna hit chat four tries left three two [00:04:18.360 -> 00:04:22.880]: Hey miss all of them. Fuck [00:04:22.880 -> 00:04:28.040]: Yes, you can Q. Yes, you can absolutely you just need my adi and you just withdraw like you normally do [00:04:28.040 -> 00:04:32.280]: You just withdraw it to my stake us adi. Absolutely me my girl [00:04:32.280 -> 00:04:37.800]: I'm a homie those in the basement. Oh, yeah, fuck yeah, dude shit. I will dude when when would be a good time? I [00:04:37.800 -> 00:04:40.400]: Can start saving bread up and everything [00:04:40.400 -> 00:04:49.560]: Let me know bro, I know Kumar, I know that'll give me a lot of GC to get my VIP up. That's okay. Oh [00:04:49.560 -> 00:04:57.400]: James see us what happened to your door well James is a long story [00:04:57.400 -> 00:05:02.280]: But basically I was out at the bar with a couple of my buddies and your mom walked into the bar and [00:05:02.280 -> 00:05:09.360]: She she saw me and she was instantly very attracted to me. So I look over at her and I go like this. I go [00:05:09.360 -> 00:05:15.040]: Let's go right now. So okay, she she threw me in her car [00:05:15.040 -> 00:05:17.760]: She said where do you live? We're going right now [00:05:17.760 -> 00:05:20.800]: So I took her to my house directed her to my house [00:05:20.800 -> 00:05:26.800]: We came upstairs started making out. I mean she's a hottie. No food. I'm serious. So I'm making out [00:05:27.080 -> 00:05:30.720]: And she said okay, I have a request boss man Jack. She knew me by boss man [00:05:30.720 -> 00:05:37.040]: It's okay. What is it? She said I need you to bend me over and hit it from the back up against your wall by the door [00:05:37.040 -> 00:05:39.040]: I mean up against the door [00:05:39.040 -> 00:05:41.800]: Against the door. Okay [00:05:41.800 -> 00:05:43.800]: She said she said so she bent over [00:05:43.800 -> 00:05:46.720]: spread her cheeks and [00:05:46.720 -> 00:05:51.920]: Instantly I was just going to town. I mean it was like the tightest it was tight tight and [00:05:53.080 -> 00:05:58.660]: Also, I was in it so hard that her head went through the door [00:05:58.660 -> 00:06:02.700]: I mean it went straight through the door. I mean I'm sitting there. I'm like, oh my god. Are you okay? [00:06:02.700 -> 00:06:07.380]: She said don't stop. Oh boss, man. Don't stop. I was like, oh shit [00:06:07.380 -> 00:06:13.600]: All right, so I kept going and the whole just kept getting bigger the door kept getting bigger [00:06:13.600 -> 00:06:19.140]: It was so wild man, and then eventually she I nodded, you know, so [00:06:19.720 -> 00:06:22.800]: Not inside me boss man says oh shit really [00:06:22.800 -> 00:06:28.280]: I'm on Metapos. I didn't know your mom was that old so I was like, oh shit, so I just straight [00:06:28.280 -> 00:06:30.920]: Blue alone [00:06:30.920 -> 00:06:32.920]: Damn that pussy nice [00:06:32.920 -> 00:06:38.440]: God damn that pussy nice chat. Oh my gosh that pink pussy nice, babe [00:06:38.440 -> 00:06:41.280]: Let me tell you something [00:06:41.280 -> 00:06:43.880]: That pussy right there was amazing [00:06:43.880 -> 00:06:49.280]: So let me ask you something what happened to your mom you asked what happened to my door [00:06:49.560 -> 00:06:55.560]: What happened to your mom because tell her I'm missing that ass just tell her I'm missing her and I bet you'll start sprinting [00:06:55.560 -> 00:06:58.360]: She loves balls man [00:06:58.360 -> 00:07:00.640]: She loves balls man Jack [00:07:00.640 -> 00:07:04.080]: All right [00:07:04.080 -> 00:07:08.240]: That's what happened to my door. What the fuck do you think happened to my door? Oh [00:07:08.240 -> 00:07:12.760]: My god Tyler dude, that's so fucked up then [00:07:13.480 -> 00:07:19.080]: The you know a Tyler asked you Tyler to say said better than Shayla's pussy. Do you guys want to know who Shayla was? [00:07:19.080 -> 00:07:21.160]: When we were growing up together me and Tyler [00:07:21.160 -> 00:07:28.040]: She was the autistic girl in our fucking school. No, she wasn't autistic. She was just something really wrong with her [00:07:28.040 -> 00:07:33.280]: She was really something wrong with her. Don't laugh at that. No, don't laugh at that splinter. No [00:07:33.280 -> 00:07:37.680]: Tyler you're all you're wrong Tyler. You are you are going to hell dog [00:07:38.160 -> 00:07:43.040]: Tyler you know you're going to hell right. I'll see you there buddy. I'll be throwing dice down there and playing blackjack hands [00:07:43.040 -> 00:07:51.440]: I'm going to hell. She would she was like, I love it. I'm not gonna do that. No, I'm not gonna make fun right there [00:07:51.440 -> 00:07:53.440]: I was gonna try to sound like her. That's all [00:07:53.440 -> 00:08:01.760]: He doesn't understand understatement is what you're saying she was something different. She was something that she was a ginger [00:08:01.760 -> 00:08:03.840]: She had red hair [00:08:03.840 -> 00:08:06.200]: She just added me on Facebook like a year ago [00:08:06.200 -> 00:08:08.200]: Oh [00:08:08.200 -> 00:08:10.780]: My god bothersome stops you stop that [00:08:10.780 -> 00:08:13.280]: I'm 28 [00:08:13.280 -> 00:08:16.840]: Tyler are you 28 yet? You're probably 28, right? I'm a little older than you. I think right Tyler [00:08:16.840 -> 00:08:20.520]: I think I'm a few years older than I mean a few months to older than Tyler. I could be wrong [00:08:20.520 -> 00:08:26.600]: Ask me you like my boobs she asked you if you like your boobs [00:08:26.600 -> 00:08:29.560]: No, I did not dark stops [00:08:31.040 -> 00:08:37.180]: Your hopes is she just I had me on Facebook recently Tyler. I'm not kidding. She was not hot. She was not hot [00:08:37.180 -> 00:08:42.160]: No [00:08:42.160 -> 00:08:45.040]: That part already come with me too balls 1985 [00:08:45.040 -> 00:08:48.000]: Yes, you are bothering. Yes, you are [00:08:48.000 -> 00:08:54.880]: No, we didn't Tyler. No, we fucking did not no. No, we did not dude. Oh [00:08:55.840 -> 00:09:01.280]: Fucking god, dude. No, sir. That's a that's a false statement right there chat [00:09:01.280 -> 00:09:06.960]: I told you not to fucking tell anybody fucking dickhead. It's not true. No, that actually happened [00:09:06.960 -> 00:09:11.600]: $200 holy shit. I thought it was a hundred [00:09:11.600 -> 00:09:17.920]: Goddamn right that pussy goddamn. Thank you brother. All right. Listen. If I lose this first one. I'm going straight to gates of Olympus [00:09:17.920 -> 00:09:21.760]: Okay [00:09:21.760 -> 00:09:23.840]: Okay [00:09:23.840 -> 00:09:30.800]: Oh, okay one more. That's it. I swear on my life. Oh wow. Okay. Just attend then. I meant the last 20. Okay [00:09:30.800 -> 00:09:34.080]: We need this win guys. We need this win chat [00:09:34.080 -> 00:09:37.120]: Oh my god. What the hell's this dude? [00:09:37.120 -> 00:09:41.200]: We're gonna get it back to 200 right here. This is the one we get back to 200 [00:09:41.200 -> 00:09:43.600]: This is the one chat [00:09:43.600 -> 00:09:45.600]: Oh my god. This shit is straight [00:09:45.600 -> 00:09:48.480]: What the fuck dude? What the fuck guys [00:09:50.560 -> 00:09:54.080]: This can't be serious. Oh my gosh guys [00:09:54.080 -> 00:09:59.280]: Bro, please stop ripping me off dude. Oh my gosh guys [00:09:59.280 -> 00:10:05.680]: Okay, a little money there [00:10:05.680 -> 00:10:08.160]: I gotta catch out threes bro [00:10:08.160 -> 00:10:10.240]: Maybe a four here [00:10:10.240 -> 00:10:12.240]: Yes, nice maybe five here [00:10:12.240 -> 00:10:15.280]: Nice let's fucking go. Damn that pussy nice [00:10:15.680 -> 00:10:17.680]: Oh [00:10:17.680 -> 00:10:26.080]: Fuck you that would put me right back to 200 that would have put me right back to 200 chat [00:10:26.080 -> 00:10:31.360]: Oh, yeah, there we go guys. There we go. Ben when you need to wait to [00:10:31.360 -> 00:10:37.680]: Okay, we got it all back. Thank the fucking lord. We got it all back [00:10:37.680 -> 00:10:40.720]: Okay [00:10:40.720 -> 00:10:42.560]: Okay [00:10:42.560 -> 00:10:44.560]: Okay, okay [00:10:44.560 -> 00:10:51.600]: Oh the penis method the penis method comes in clutch now. We do we add a little links to that penis guys [00:10:51.600 -> 00:10:55.680]: The penis method just works for us boys the fucking little showedster [00:10:55.680 -> 00:10:58.240]: Actually, a show would just have this one here wouldn't it [00:10:58.240 -> 00:11:04.160]: Nice car cash that i'm casin. I like you right. Holy crap $300 guys [00:11:09.920 -> 00:11:11.920]: Oh fuck you [00:11:11.920 -> 00:11:18.160]: Oh fuck you again bitch, what the fuck are you doing minds? [00:11:18.160 -> 00:11:25.680]: Yeah buddy get that fucking bread [00:11:25.680 -> 00:11:34.240]: You're an 80 fuck [00:11:37.840 -> 00:11:40.880]: Oh yeah you love to see it maybe. Back up to 300 [00:11:40.880 -> 00:11:52.000]: Dude honestly guys, honestly guys listen. Honestly guys listen. Oh my god, that would have been [00:11:52.000 -> 00:11:54.960]: fucking huge. That would have been fucking huge. [00:12:06.480 -> 00:12:12.000]: Oh that would have been huge too. I got cash out of three I think. God fucking damn it dude. [00:12:12.000 -> 00:12:12.800]: Here we go again. [00:12:12.800 -> 00:12:26.240]: Oh my gosh guys. Come on dude no way is doing me like this. Y'all was up to 300 something. [00:12:26.240 -> 00:12:31.760]: Oh my god dude what the fuck mines really man look at this bullshit. [00:12:31.760 -> 00:12:38.800]: There goes that bullshit again. Look at that bullshit. Yeah look at that god damn son. [00:12:38.800 -> 00:12:45.040]: Oh my god I can't even get a three combo. It's totally blocking out from even getting three of them. [00:12:45.040 -> 00:12:50.400]: Watch this okay miss okay thank you. That's good that's good. [00:12:50.400 -> 00:12:59.200]: What the fuck is this bullshit man. You guys see this bullshit man this. [00:12:59.200 -> 00:13:09.440]: No I just lost it all. It's all gone dude. It's all fucking gone. [00:13:09.440 -> 00:13:14.080]: Two dollars I'm fucking drained in. Man fuck you man. Fuck you. [00:13:14.080 -> 00:13:16.080]: You. [00:13:16.080 -> 00:13:18.080]: You. [00:13:18.080 -> 00:13:23.080]: ♪ As long as we meet, baby, you'll be all right ♪ [00:13:23.080 -> 00:13:27.080]: ♪ I'm known and they get over to sleep outside ♪ [00:13:27.080 -> 00:13:32.080]: ♪ Oh, we killin' the slums, go to paradise ♪ [00:13:32.080 -> 00:13:35.080]: ♪ Baby, it's up to you, it's whatever you can ♪ [00:13:35.080 -> 00:13:39.080]: ♪ Who's gonna try to make sippy, not the lattice ♪ [00:13:39.080 -> 00:13:42.080]: ♪ Shorty, I could take you there ♪ [00:13:42.080 -> 00:13:47.080]: ♪ Or we can move to the slums, we're killin' here ♪ [00:13:47.080 -> 00:13:52.080]: ♪♪ [00:13:52.080 -> 00:13:57.080]: ♪♪ [00:13:57.080 -> 00:14:02.080]: ♪♪ [00:14:02.080 -> 00:14:07.080]: ♪♪ [00:14:07.080 -> 00:14:12.080]: ♪♪ [00:14:12.080 -> 00:14:17.080]: ♪ To a place I know you'll believe ♪ [00:14:17.080 -> 00:14:21.080]: ♪ The beat, the beat, the breeze, the breeze ♪ [00:14:21.080 -> 00:14:25.080]: ♪ The breeze, the knees, I call it paradise ♪ [00:14:25.080 -> 00:14:29.080]: ♪ We can't go to the traffic safety ♪ [00:14:29.080 -> 00:14:31.080]: ♪ That can last a shardi ♪ [00:14:31.080 -> 00:14:33.080]: ♪ I could take you there ♪ [00:14:33.080 -> 00:14:36.080]: ♪ Or we can go to the slums ♪ [00:14:36.080 -> 00:14:38.080]: ♪ We're gonna stay, huh ♪ [00:14:38.080 -> 00:14:41.280]: ♪ Shorty, I can take you there ♪ [00:14:41.280 -> 00:14:43.660]: ♪ You know I can take ya ♪ [00:14:43.660 -> 00:14:46.000]: ♪ Take ya, take ya, take ya ♪ [00:14:46.000 -> 00:14:49.700]: ♪ Shorty, I can take you there ♪ [00:14:49.700 -> 00:14:51.840]: ♪ You know I can take ya ♪ [00:14:51.840 -> 00:14:54.800]: ♪ Take ya, take ya, take ya ♪ [00:14:54.800 -> 00:14:59.440]: ♪ Shorty, I can take you there ♪ [00:14:59.440 -> 00:15:02.020]: (upbeat music) [00:15:02.020 -> 00:15:04.600]: (upbeat music) [00:15:04.600 -> 00:15:07.180]: (upbeat music) [00:15:07.180 -> 00:15:09.760]: (upbeat music) [00:15:09.760 -> 00:15:31.780]: (upbeat music) [00:15:31.780 -> 00:15:46.780]: (upbeat music) [00:15:46.780 -> 00:15:51.780]: (upbeat music) [00:15:51.780 -> 00:15:55.780]: (upbeat music) [00:15:55.780 -> 00:15:58.780]: (upbeat music) [00:15:58.780 -> 00:16:03.780]: (upbeat music) [00:16:03.780 -> 00:16:08.780]: (upbeat music) [00:16:08.780 -> 00:16:13.780]: (upbeat music) [00:16:13.780 -> 00:16:18.780]: (upbeat music) [00:16:18.780 -> 00:16:28.780]: (upbeat music) [00:16:28.780 -> 00:16:33.780]: (upbeat music) [00:16:33.780 -> 00:16:38.780]: (upbeat music) [00:16:38.780 -> 00:16:43.780]: (upbeat music) [00:16:43.780 -> 00:16:53.780]: (upbeat music) [00:16:53.780 -> 00:16:58.780]: (upbeat music) [00:16:58.780 -> 00:17:03.780]: (upbeat music) [00:17:03.780 -> 00:17:13.780]: (upbeat music) [00:17:13.780 -> 00:17:18.780]: (upbeat music) [00:17:18.780 -> 00:17:23.780]: (upbeat music) [00:17:23.780 -> 00:17:28.780]: (upbeat music) [00:17:28.780 -> 00:17:38.780]: (upbeat music) [00:17:38.780 -> 00:17:43.780]: (upbeat music) [00:17:43.780 -> 00:17:48.780]: (upbeat music) [00:17:48.780 -> 00:17:53.780]: (upbeat music) [00:17:53.780 -> 00:18:22.780]: Why is it coming a clown? Bro, what the fuck you're kidding? Bro, this guy just fucking left my server and called me a clown. The guy that just juiced me 200 bucks. What the fuck? What a weirdo, bro. Boss man for the win or some bullshit. What the fuck dude? I didn't even lose the full 3k, you fucking idiot. [00:18:22.780 -> 00:18:29.380]: Thanks for 200 dollars. The fuck he blocked me. I can't even message him. I won't even let me [00:18:29.380 -> 00:18:37.180]: message him back. This VIP and sub and everything. What the fuck is wrong with you? I wasn't ignoring [00:18:37.180 -> 00:18:42.460]: anybody. I just got just read this. Thanks. I was ignoring him. Tell me you didn't game [00:18:42.460 -> 00:18:45.460]: with all the 3k, bro. You could have texted me bro. Don't ignore me again when I keep [00:18:45.460 -> 00:18:58.860]: you going bro. Clown. The fuck? I didn't see that. I get sucked in. They should have told [00:18:58.860 -> 00:19:08.260]: me when he sent it to do something specific. What the fuck dude? What the fuck dude? I hope [00:19:08.260 -> 00:19:21.660]: you're watching this train. My chat moves fast. I miss messages. What's wrong with him? I'm [00:19:21.660 -> 00:19:40.140]: shocked right now. I don't like when people do that. These are all people. People do try [00:19:40.140 -> 00:19:52.440]: to do it. It's really arctic. Oh dude, thank you very much bro. There you go. Oh thank [00:19:52.440 -> 00:20:03.820]: you Tyler. Thank you very much. Well don't do it then, drink. Fuck an idiot. We're gonna [00:20:03.820 -> 00:20:14.220]: talk about him. You can start following today. You're on you know that dude? He is dude. He [00:20:14.220 -> 00:20:21.220]: is. If that's how he's gonna act, he should have never used me yet. He's gonna make clowns. [00:20:21.220 -> 00:20:28.380]: What the fuck? You've ever done wrong to you man. What's your problem? You can dickhead. [00:20:28.380 -> 00:20:49.820]: I'm just super shocked he would give me like thousands of dollars just a coin. Yeah, it [00:20:49.820 -> 00:20:55.140]: will not let me mess you back. He blocked me. What the fuck dude? [00:20:55.140 -> 00:21:08.420]: What the fuck you blocked me? You got to just send me $200 block. I'm not kidding. Oh, no. [00:21:08.420 -> 00:21:20.220]: I'm not kidding. Oh, no. How many? Right money boy. Right? Who's the real client? He just [00:21:20.220 -> 00:21:25.900]: gave me $200. I did nothing wrong to you. You've done nothing wrong to you. You're saying [00:21:25.900 -> 00:21:30.220]: you're calling me a clown. What the fuck's wrong with you? You're a dickhead dude. What [00:21:30.220 -> 00:21:34.860]: a clown? You're the clown. 200 bucks. Thank you. Dude, that's thousands now in the last [00:21:34.860 -> 00:21:44.580]: two weeks, bro. At least thousands. $1,500. Right? Oh, yeah. I do. Tom. Yes. I do think [00:21:44.580 -> 00:21:54.500]: he's not about that. Right? I know we're gonna do it, right? I need some crypto for Apple [00:21:54.500 -> 00:22:07.420]: today. I don't really care. I'm not. There's no emotion on my face. Cause I'm not. You see, [00:22:07.420 -> 00:22:09.700]: Everywhere you look, no you can't hide a grunt. [00:22:09.700 -> 00:22:10.900]: Get up with me. [00:22:10.900 -> 00:22:12.460]: Everything I said. [00:22:12.460 -> 00:22:13.980]: Messing with your head. [00:22:13.980 -> 00:22:15.180]: Messing with your head. [00:22:15.180 -> 00:22:17.100]: I said, everything I said. [00:22:17.100 -> 00:22:18.620]: Messing with your head. [00:22:18.620 -> 00:22:20.020]: Messing with your head. [00:22:20.020 -> 00:22:21.420]: Messing with your head. [00:22:21.420 -> 00:22:23.340]: I been texting her all night. [00:22:23.340 -> 00:22:24.660]: She know I was born wrong. [00:22:24.660 -> 00:22:26.020]: She left me right on red. [00:22:26.020 -> 00:22:27.900]: Now I'm walking with my head. [00:22:27.900 -> 00:22:29.900]: I've got to keep my head high. [00:22:29.900 -> 00:22:31.460]: I got a whole love of check now. [00:22:31.460 -> 00:22:32.660]: Talking verify. [00:22:32.660 -> 00:22:34.020]: Rest in peace my head. [00:22:34.020 -> 00:22:35.900]: I am no hater, you're wearing the same with the only [00:22:35.900 -> 00:22:37.100]: difference that you're not on. [00:22:37.100 -> 00:22:38.780]: I can just tell by the way that you're driving it. [00:22:38.780 -> 00:22:40.300]: I pull up and I call just like a stoke. [00:22:40.300 -> 00:22:42.260]: Yeah, came a long way, came from the hallway. [00:22:42.260 -> 00:22:43.340]: I can't stop, keep going. [00:22:43.340 -> 00:22:45.500]: That's my life, just feel like my long day. [00:22:45.500 -> 00:22:46.500]: I just live in the moment. [00:22:46.500 -> 00:22:47.820]: Whoa, whoa, whoa. [00:22:47.820 -> 00:22:49.820]: Come in now, just win the sign down. [00:22:49.820 -> 00:22:51.500]: Come on, they rule this, like, who's in there. [00:22:51.500 -> 00:22:53.980]: Yeah, I may protect my money. [00:22:53.980 -> 00:22:55.820]: I'm in the world. [00:22:55.820 -> 00:22:57.500]: Y'all name with my thumb now. [00:22:57.500 -> 00:23:00.460]: Money, they need love now. [00:23:00.460 -> 00:23:03.580]: I don't really check 'cause I'm done. [00:23:03.580 -> 00:23:14.100]: Oh, give me the second, guys. [00:23:14.100 -> 00:23:15.300]: Is he watching? [00:23:15.300 -> 00:23:20.180]: Oh, he's got nothing to say 'cause he knows he's fucking stupid. [00:23:20.180 -> 00:23:22.780]: I mean, he didn't matter, he lost to 200. [00:23:22.780 -> 00:23:23.780]: Is that what it is? [00:23:23.780 -> 00:23:24.780]: Why'd you give it to me then? [00:23:24.780 -> 00:23:25.780]: The game? [00:23:25.780 -> 00:23:26.780]: What the fuck? [00:23:26.780 -> 00:23:50.060]: No, I can't go outside, I can't go outside, I can't go outside, I can't go outside, I can't [00:23:50.060 -> 00:23:53.560]: Don't worry 'bout that you're signing up and you're on [00:23:53.560 -> 00:23:56.560]: That one 'cause you don't 'round me like wait for it [00:23:56.560 -> 00:24:00.060]: Yeah, I'm lickin' on her body and this shit don't make noise [00:24:00.060 -> 00:24:05.060]: Yeah, I don't really care 'cause I'm done [00:24:05.060 -> 00:24:08.060]: I don't really love this not fine [00:24:08.060 -> 00:24:10.560]: There's no emotion on my face 'cause I'm done [00:24:10.560 -> 00:24:13.560]: You see me everywhere you look, no you can't hide around [00:24:13.560 -> 00:24:16.060]: Yeah, yeah, yeah, everything I said [00:24:16.060 -> 00:24:19.060]: Messin' with your head, messin' with your head [00:24:19.060 -> 00:24:24.060]: Messin' with your head, messin' with your head [00:24:24.060 -> 00:24:27.060]: Messin' with your head, whoa [00:24:27.060 -> 00:24:32.060]: Messin' with your head [00:24:32.060 -> 00:24:38.060]: Messin' with your head [00:24:38.060 -> 00:24:42.060]: Yeah [00:24:42.060 -> 00:24:45.060]: Thank you [00:24:45.060 -> 00:24:48.060]: Not really, thank you [00:24:49.060 -> 00:24:52.060]: You far too calm [00:24:52.060 -> 00:24:56.060]: You far too calm [00:24:56.060 -> 00:25:00.060]: Yo, I ain't your way yo [00:25:00.060 -> 00:25:02.060]: I experience all my life time [00:25:02.060 -> 00:25:04.060]: I see all this, yeah [00:25:04.060 -> 00:25:07.060]: I really appreciate you [00:25:07.060 -> 00:25:09.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:25:10.060 -> 00:25:12.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:25:12.060 -> 00:25:14.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:25:15.060 -> 00:25:17.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:25:17.060 -> 00:25:19.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:25:19.060 -> 00:25:21.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:25:22.060 -> 00:25:24.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:25:24.060 -> 00:25:26.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:25:26.060 -> 00:25:28.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:25:28.060 -> 00:25:30.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:25:30.060 -> 00:25:32.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:25:32.060 -> 00:25:34.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:25:34.060 -> 00:25:36.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:25:36.060 -> 00:25:38.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:25:38.060 -> 00:25:40.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:25:40.060 -> 00:25:42.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:25:42.060 -> 00:25:44.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:25:44.060 -> 00:25:46.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:25:46.060 -> 00:25:48.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:25:48.060 -> 00:25:50.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:25:50.060 -> 00:25:50.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:25:50.060 -> 00:25:52.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:25:52.060 -> 00:25:52.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:25:52.060 -> 00:25:54.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:25:54.060 -> 00:25:56.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:25:56.060 -> 00:25:58.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:25:58.060 -> 00:26:00.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:26:00.060 -> 00:26:00.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:26:00.060 -> 00:26:02.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:26:02.060 -> 00:26:04.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:26:04.060 -> 00:26:06.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:26:06.060 -> 00:26:08.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:26:08.060 -> 00:26:08.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:26:08.060 -> 00:26:10.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:26:10.060 -> 00:26:12.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:26:12.060 -> 00:26:14.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:26:14.060 -> 00:26:16.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:26:16.060 -> 00:26:18.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:26:18.060 -> 00:26:20.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:26:20.060 -> 00:26:22.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:26:22.060 -> 00:26:24.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:26:24.060 -> 00:26:26.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:26:26.060 -> 00:26:28.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:26:28.060 -> 00:26:30.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:26:30.060 -> 00:26:32.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:26:32.060 -> 00:26:34.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:26:34.060 -> 00:26:36.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:26:36.060 -> 00:26:38.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:26:38.060 -> 00:26:40.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:26:40.060 -> 00:26:42.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:26:42.060 -> 00:26:44.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:26:44.060 -> 00:26:46.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:26:46.060 -> 00:26:48.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:26:48.060 -> 00:26:50.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:26:50.060 -> 00:26:52.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:26:52.060 -> 00:26:54.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:26:54.060 -> 00:26:56.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:26:56.060 -> 00:26:58.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:26:58.060 -> 00:27:00.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:27:00.060 -> 00:27:02.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:27:02.060 -> 00:27:04.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:27:04.060 -> 00:27:06.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:27:06.060 -> 00:27:08.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:27:08.060 -> 00:27:10.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:27:10.060 -> 00:27:12.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:27:12.060 -> 00:27:14.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:27:14.060 -> 00:27:16.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:27:16.060 -> 00:27:18.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:27:18.060 -> 00:27:20.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:27:20.060 -> 00:27:22.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:27:22.060 -> 00:27:24.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:27:24.060 -> 00:27:26.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:27:26.060 -> 00:27:28.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:27:28.060 -> 00:27:30.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:27:30.060 -> 00:27:32.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:27:32.060 -> 00:27:34.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:27:34.060 -> 00:27:36.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:27:36.060 -> 00:27:38.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:27:38.060 -> 00:27:40.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:27:40.060 -> 00:27:42.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:27:42.060 -> 00:27:44.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:27:44.060 -> 00:27:46.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:27:46.060 -> 00:27:48.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:27:48.060 -> 00:27:50.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:27:50.060 -> 00:27:52.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:27:52.060 -> 00:27:54.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:27:54.060 -> 00:27:56.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:27:56.060 -> 00:27:58.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:27:58.060 -> 00:28:00.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:28:00.060 -> 00:28:02.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:28:02.060 -> 00:28:04.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:28:24.060 -> 00:28:26.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:28:26.060 -> 00:28:28.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:28:28.060 -> 00:28:30.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:28:30.060 -> 00:28:32.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:28:32.060 -> 00:28:34.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:28:34.060 -> 00:28:36.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:28:36.060 -> 00:28:38.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:28:38.060 -> 00:28:40.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:28:40.060 -> 00:28:42.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:28:42.060 -> 00:28:44.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:28:44.060 -> 00:28:46.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:28:46.060 -> 00:28:48.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:28:48.060 -> 00:28:50.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:28:50.060 -> 00:28:52.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:28:52.060 -> 00:28:54.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:28:54.060 -> 00:28:56.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:28:56.060 -> 00:28:58.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:28:58.060 -> 00:29:00.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:29:00.060 -> 00:29:02.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:29:02.060 -> 00:29:04.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:29:04.060 -> 00:29:06.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:29:06.060 -> 00:29:08.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:29:08.060 -> 00:29:10.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:29:10.060 -> 00:29:12.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:29:12.060 -> 00:29:14.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:29:14.060 -> 00:29:16.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:29:16.060 -> 00:29:18.060]: I'm not gonna be alone [00:29:18.060 -> 00:29:20.060]: Who said that? [00:29:20.060 -> 00:29:22.060]: Oh, I'm dead. [00:29:22.060 -> 00:29:24.060]: Are you the first person to say it too? [00:29:24.060 -> 00:29:26.060]: Oh, yeah, he were okay. [00:29:26.060 -> 00:29:28.060]: Wait, who said it first? [00:29:28.060 -> 00:29:40.060]: Oh, it's Tom, okay, it was Tom. [00:29:40.060 -> 00:29:42.060]: No, I do not. [00:29:42.060 -> 00:29:44.060]: Look at that. [00:29:44.060 -> 00:29:46.060]: You think I look like him? [00:29:46.060 -> 00:29:50.060]: I don't see it really. [00:29:50.060 -> 00:29:52.060]: I mean, [00:29:52.060 -> 00:29:54.060]: not bad looking dude. [00:29:54.060 -> 00:29:58.060]: I don't think I look like him though, I think obviously. [00:29:58.060 -> 00:30:00.060]: That's a great movie. [00:30:00.060 -> 00:30:02.060]: I love it. [00:30:02.060 -> 00:30:04.060]: I'm not bad looking dude. [00:30:04.060 -> 00:30:06.060]: I don't think I look like him though, I think obviously. [00:30:06.060 -> 00:30:08.060]: That's a great movie. [00:30:08.060 -> 00:30:10.060]: I love it. [00:30:10.060 -> 00:30:12.060]: I love that movie bro. [00:30:12.060 -> 00:30:14.060]: I've always loved that movie bro. [00:30:14.060 -> 00:30:16.060]: Hey, it's Pending Ritchie. [00:30:16.060 -> 00:30:18.060]: Thank you brother man. [00:30:18.060 -> 00:30:20.060]: The Stache, yes. [00:30:20.060 -> 00:30:22.060]: He doesn't even be like, \Shout [00:30:22.060 -> 00:30:24.060]: Really? [00:30:24.060 -> 00:30:26.060]: Okay, let's look it up again. [00:30:26.060 -> 00:30:28.060]: Oh, what the hell. [00:30:28.060 -> 00:30:30.060]: Man, this sucks. [00:30:30.060 -> 00:30:32.060]: I'm having a keyboard chat. [00:30:32.060 -> 00:30:40.060]: [MUSIC] [00:30:40.060 -> 00:30:41.060]: His hair kind of looks like mine. [00:30:41.060 -> 00:30:42.060]: I'll give it that much. [00:30:42.060 -> 00:30:43.060]: Like, especially there. [00:30:43.060 -> 00:30:45.060]: Reminds short, it's kind of the same hairstyle. [00:30:45.060 -> 00:30:46.060]: For sure. [00:30:46.060 -> 00:30:48.060]: Other than that, I don't really think so. [00:30:48.060 -> 00:30:50.060]: I always see it. [00:30:50.060 -> 00:30:51.060]: I don't. [00:30:51.060 -> 00:30:52.060]: But whatever. [00:30:52.060 -> 00:30:54.060]: I don't think that's not a... [00:30:54.060 -> 00:30:57.060]: Dude, I fucking broke my keyboard over my knee last night. [00:30:57.060 -> 00:30:59.060]: You guys have no idea how much I raised last night. [00:30:59.060 -> 00:31:02.060]: I'm raised out. [00:31:02.060 -> 00:31:03.060]: I'm going rage-bound. [00:31:03.060 -> 00:31:05.060]: I'm going down. [00:31:05.060 -> 00:31:07.060]: Nice. [00:31:07.060 -> 00:31:22.060]: Dude, alright bro. [00:31:22.060 -> 00:31:27.060]: I know. [00:31:27.060 -> 00:31:29.060]: I completely cold on me, didn't it, Papi? [00:31:29.060 -> 00:31:37.060]: Dude, I think that girl in Disturbio is pretty hot. [00:31:37.060 -> 00:31:39.060]: Who's that? Who's that? [00:31:39.060 -> 00:31:41.060]: It's a copy of Alfred Hitchcock. [00:31:41.060 -> 00:31:44.060]: Okay, I didn't know that. [00:31:44.060 -> 00:31:49.060]: I would 100 in 10? [00:31:49.060 -> 00:31:53.060]: 125% fucked that girl from Disturbio. [00:31:53.060 -> 00:31:57.060]: I wonder what she looks like nowadays. [00:31:57.060 -> 00:32:01.060]: You probably looking pretty far. [00:32:01.060 -> 00:32:03.060]: The girl from Disturbio. [00:32:03.060 -> 00:32:05.060]: The next door neighbor. [00:32:05.060 -> 00:32:09.060]: A little skinnier than I usually like. [00:32:09.060 -> 00:32:11.060]: My women? You know what I'm saying? [00:32:11.060 -> 00:32:13.060]: But, I mean now. [00:32:13.060 -> 00:32:15.060]: Shut up, Tyler. Shut up, bitch. [00:32:15.060 -> 00:32:17.060]: Shut up, you little fuckface. [00:32:17.060 -> 00:32:19.060]: Shut up, pussy. [00:32:19.060 -> 00:32:21.060]: That's her name? [00:32:21.060 -> 00:32:23.060]: That's her name? [00:32:23.060 -> 00:32:25.060]: Lake is her name? What the fuck? [00:32:25.060 -> 00:32:27.060]: What's up, Tyler? [00:32:27.060 -> 00:32:35.060]: It is Blake Lively, you're right. [00:32:35.060 -> 00:32:41.060]: Yeah, look at this. [00:32:41.060 -> 00:32:43.060]: Let's see. [00:32:43.060 -> 00:32:47.060]: Oh, no, that's not her. [00:32:49.060 -> 00:32:51.060]: She was 9 in that mood. [00:32:51.060 -> 00:32:53.060]: Nah, bro. [00:32:53.060 -> 00:32:55.060]: It doesn't show on her discography. [00:32:55.060 -> 00:32:58.060]: No, I have not. [00:32:58.060 -> 00:32:59.060]: Shut up, Tyler. [00:32:59.060 -> 00:33:03.060]: She's 36. [00:33:03.060 -> 00:33:09.060]: She was 9 in the Serbian, bro. [00:33:09.060 -> 00:33:11.060]: That's not her. [00:33:11.060 -> 00:33:13.060]: I don't like to. [00:33:13.060 -> 00:33:15.060]: Oh, money's in, guys. [00:33:15.060 -> 00:33:17.060]: Alright. [00:33:17.060 -> 00:33:19.060]: Let's try the little mines. [00:33:19.060 -> 00:33:21.060]: Of course, it started off. [00:33:21.060 -> 00:33:25.060]: Got two more, and that's it. [00:33:25.060 -> 00:33:27.060]: Please win one of these. [00:33:27.060 -> 00:33:34.060]: Okay, set. [00:33:43.060 -> 00:33:45.060]: Oh, you sick son of a bitch, man. [00:33:45.060 -> 00:33:55.060]: Oh, there we go, guys. [00:33:55.060 -> 00:33:57.060]: $84. [00:33:57.060 -> 00:34:02.060]: Oh, my gosh. We're already up quite a bit, guys. [00:34:02.060 -> 00:34:07.060]: Okay. [00:34:08.060 -> 00:34:10.060]: God damn it. [00:34:10.060 -> 00:34:17.060]: What the fuck, guys? [00:34:17.060 -> 00:34:21.060]: Okay, let's do a big 20. We lose. We're out, man. Come on. [00:34:21.060 -> 00:34:23.060]: What the fuck, guys? [00:34:23.060 -> 00:34:28.060]: Okay, let's do a big 20. We lose. We're out, man. Come on. [00:34:28.060 -> 00:34:30.060]: What the fuck, guys? Really, man? [00:34:30.060 -> 00:34:33.060]: There is no fucking way that just happened. [00:34:33.060 -> 00:34:35.060]: Come on. [00:34:35.060 -> 00:34:42.060]: Bro. [00:34:42.060 -> 00:34:44.060]: Dude, it cannot give me one good combo, bro. [00:34:44.060 -> 00:34:47.060]: It doesn't matter where I put the fucking click. [00:34:47.060 -> 00:34:50.060]: Oh, my gosh, dude. What the fuck is this? [00:34:50.060 -> 00:34:54.060]: Mine's on some bullshit, bro. [00:34:54.060 -> 00:34:56.060]: Yeah, but for a huge one. [00:34:56.060 -> 00:34:58.060]: And it worked out. Let's fucking go. [00:34:58.060 -> 00:35:01.060]: Got it all back almost. [00:35:01.060 -> 00:35:05.060]: What the fuck, dude? It's going straight back in the instant. [00:35:05.060 -> 00:35:16.060]: Girl, come on the fuck on, man. [00:35:16.060 -> 00:35:28.060]: Man, this is such fucking bullshit, bro. [00:35:29.060 -> 00:35:33.060]: Man, what the fuck, bro? [00:35:33.060 -> 00:35:41.060]: Dude, come on, man. What the fuck's going on? [00:35:41.060 -> 00:35:43.060]: What the fuck is this? Is this real? [00:35:43.060 -> 00:35:45.060]: What the fuck? [00:35:45.060 -> 00:35:55.060]: Yeah, there we go, guys. Back up to 37. That's good. [00:35:55.060 -> 00:35:59.060]: That's good. That's good. What the fuck? [00:35:59.060 -> 00:36:11.060]: Oh, come on, man. Don't fucking do this, man. [00:36:21.060 -> 00:36:25.060]: There we go. Come back, kid. Come back, kid. [00:36:25.060 -> 00:36:29.060]: That dude was 20. Come on. [00:36:29.060 -> 00:36:31.060]: Oh, my God. Come on, man. [00:36:31.060 -> 00:36:33.060]: Oh, yes. There we go. [00:36:33.060 -> 00:36:35.060]: Come on. [00:36:35.060 -> 00:36:38.060]: No, man. What the fuck? Are you serious, man? [00:36:38.060 -> 00:36:40.060]: Man, what the fuck, man? That's okay. [00:36:40.060 -> 00:36:42.060]: That's fine. [00:36:42.060 -> 00:36:46.060]: Oh, my God, man. [00:36:46.060 -> 00:36:50.060]: Man, what the fuck is this, dude? [00:36:50.060 -> 00:36:54.060]: What the fuck, dude? Really? [00:36:54.060 -> 00:36:58.060]: Really, man? [00:36:58.060 -> 00:37:02.060]: Yes, let's fucking go the all-in, dude. [00:37:02.060 -> 00:37:06.060]: Thank God. We got a decent combo, dude. [00:37:06.060 -> 00:37:14.060]: Yes, let's fucking go the all-in, dude. Thank God. We got a decent combo, dude. [00:37:14.060 -> 00:37:18.060]: Let's fucking go, chat. [00:37:18.060 -> 00:37:22.060]: Let's fucking go, chat. Let's fucking go! [00:37:22.060 -> 00:37:26.060]: Let's fucking go! Fuck yeah, dude. [00:37:26.060 -> 00:37:30.060]: Come on, bitch. Hit this 20. Please, please, please, please. [00:37:30.060 -> 00:37:36.060]: Let's see what we're doing. Oh, yeah! [00:37:36.060 -> 00:37:40.060]: Now we're cooking up in the kitchen, boys. Come on, come on. [00:37:40.060 -> 00:37:42.060]: Come on. Keep hitting. [00:37:42.060 -> 00:37:44.060]: Aw, you stupid fucking game. [00:37:44.060 -> 00:37:48.060]: Come on. [00:37:48.060 -> 00:37:52.060]: Man, fuck you, bro. [00:37:52.060 -> 00:38:06.060]: Yeah! Let's fucking go, Jack. Let's go, guys. [00:38:06.060 -> 00:38:08.060]: Oh, come on, dude. Come on, man. [00:38:08.060 -> 00:38:12.060]: Come on. Here comes that bullshit. [00:38:12.060 -> 00:38:18.060]: Let me get a little climb here. [00:38:18.060 -> 00:38:24.300]: Oh, whatever dude. That's bullshit. That was bullshit. That was bullshit [00:38:24.300 -> 00:38:30.340]: Let's fucking go chat. Let's go [00:38:30.340 -> 00:38:37.980]: No way bullshit bullshit. Oh [00:38:37.980 -> 00:38:44.420]: My god catch that health. Oh my god. Oh my god dude [00:38:44.420 -> 00:38:46.420]: Oh [00:38:46.420 -> 00:38:53.020]: My god give me a break dude give me a break man [00:38:53.020 -> 00:39:06.180]: Yeah, that's fun go guys come on man, I'll do that [00:39:06.180 -> 00:39:08.180]: Oh [00:39:08.180 -> 00:39:22.420]: Yeah, that's all time high for the day hope for the session [00:39:22.420 -> 00:39:33.180]: I watch this one two, uh, let me try one two whatever dude [00:39:33.900 -> 00:39:35.900]: One oh come on [00:39:35.900 -> 00:39:41.800]: What the fuck man really [00:39:41.800 -> 00:39:51.580]: Yes dude, yes, yes, yes [00:39:51.580 -> 00:40:01.620]: No [00:40:01.620 -> 00:40:09.260]: , oh, come on, man, come on. Give me a break [00:40:09.260 -> 00:40:16.360]: Oh my gosh, man, really bro. Come on, man [00:40:16.360 -> 00:40:22.500]: Oh, come the fuck on dude [00:40:22.500 -> 00:40:25.540]: No fucking way, man [00:40:25.540 -> 00:40:28.580]: Man, fuck you you fucking second shit game [00:40:30.820 -> 00:40:33.860]: Oh, oh my god, dude, come the fuck on [00:40:33.860 -> 00:40:36.500]: What the fuck is that shit? [00:40:36.500 -> 00:40:40.020]: God damn man. I fucking lose every time [00:40:40.020 -> 00:40:45.480]: They let me win like once a week, but I swear to God. I gotta shut the fuck up. I need to shut up dude [00:40:45.480 -> 00:40:50.720]: Man, that's just fucking bullshit, man. Fuck you man. It's fucking damn good. Damn man [00:40:50.720 -> 00:40:55.940]: Well, have a good day, man. My total day is fucking ruined man. My day is fucking ruined, bro [00:40:55.940 -> 00:41:00.580]: My day is fucking ruined now, dude. It really fucking has me. I'm not fucking kidding, man [00:41:00.980 -> 00:41:07.380]: Fuck my life, bro. That's fucking bullshit dude. Fuck this fucking bullshit dude. Fuck this bullshit, man [00:41:07.380 -> 00:41:13.620]: I'm fucking getting off dude. Have a great day guys. If somebody can help me out, please let me know because I'm fucking down bad [00:41:13.620 -> 00:41:15.620]: Why the fuck dude? [00:41:15.620 -> 00:41:18.380]: Why not, Zana? I just fucking lost it all dude [00:41:18.380 -> 00:41:22.500]: I just lost it all. You're clowns fairies [00:41:22.500 -> 00:41:29.500]: Anybody help me? Nah, no one's gonna fucking help me. Who am I kidding? I'll give out thousands of dollars [00:41:29.660 -> 00:41:37.280]: Me and whatever. Have a good day guys. Appreciate y'all and I hope you guys have a fantastic day, and I hope that you met and you [00:41:37.280 -> 00:41:43.840]: Shut up Max, you hit the fucker than you. Shut up pussy. Hit band bitch. Go ask for an un-band. Let me know if anyone can help me, okay? [00:41:43.840 -> 00:41:48.560]: All right, I'll be back man. I just want to go cry honestly. That's such bullshit, man [00:41:48.560 -> 00:41:58.560]: [MUSIC]