VOD at https://mines.expert/BossmanJack/Kick/Gambling at rainbet.com OSRS Gp + Crypto Casino! 2023-11-14 04_55 [66613768-gambling-at-rainbetcom-osrs-gp-crypto-casino].mp4 [00:00:00.000 -> 00:00:02.000]: I [00:00:02.000 -> 00:00:06.840]: Should be back now guys [00:00:06.840 -> 00:00:20.880]: Back we back. What's up everybody? [00:00:20.880 -> 00:00:23.600]: So guys, how are we doing? How we doing? [00:00:24.360 -> 00:00:31.400]: We'll buy 20 20 I like man this state rob me earlier today. Come on, please don't start lagging man. We not start lagging [00:00:31.400 -> 00:00:35.000]: Here we go, wish me luck guys $20 feature [00:00:35.000 -> 00:00:41.420]: Let's go baby. Thank you tasty. That's what I'm saying. I'm due here. No, please, please [00:00:41.420 -> 00:00:44.560]: You're big [00:00:44.560 -> 00:00:46.560]: Nice start nice start [00:00:46.560 -> 00:00:48.760]: Come on [00:00:48.760 -> 00:00:54.240]: Let's go. Let's go. Oh good start good start. I've another one drop another one. Oh, come on [00:00:54.720 -> 00:00:56.720]: I'm gonna multi-drop another multi [00:00:56.720 -> 00:00:59.080]: Come on. Oh [00:00:59.080 -> 00:01:03.680]: Let's go come on dude, please pay me. Please pay me retrigg. Oh [00:01:03.680 -> 00:01:09.620]: That looks fucking banging dude. That looks fucking banging. That looks really fucking good, dude. Oh [00:01:09.620 -> 00:01:12.420]: My god, that looks good [00:01:12.420 -> 00:01:15.940]: Yes, sir. We finally went on this bitch, dude. We finally went on this bitch [00:01:15.940 -> 00:01:20.280]: Let's go watch me get a retrig. I would fucking shit my pants dude [00:01:21.440 -> 00:01:28.480]: I'm gonna retrig it retrig it. Come on retrig me. That's a pretty good win. That's a pretty good win [00:01:28.480 -> 00:01:36.960]: Retrig, I know retrig but we'll take it. Take it all day. Okay. I have 50 buck win. I can go [00:01:36.960 -> 00:01:41.720]: Go baby back-to-back guns. Let's get it [00:01:41.720 -> 00:01:48.700]: And I'm out. I'm out. It's a dud. I'm out. It's a big payer now. Yeah retrig with me. He's hundred bucks close. He's [00:01:48.700 -> 00:01:50.700]: Oh [00:01:50.700 -> 00:01:54.900]: We'll just start [00:01:54.900 -> 00:01:58.780]: Start here retrig this one. Let's go. Come on, baby. Come on, baby [00:01:58.780 -> 00:02:05.300]: I need more multi. No more multis. There we go. Oh, man. She's facing them all out [00:02:05.300 -> 00:02:08.740]: It's not gonna be better dude. Oh [00:02:08.740 -> 00:02:12.540]: You get a retrig. We can definitely pay it. We paid on this one. Oh [00:02:12.540 -> 00:02:18.300]: My god, no way. Oh my god guys. Holy shit, dude [00:02:18.660 -> 00:02:25.020]: Look at this holy crap. Oh my fucking god. Yo, let's fucking go. Oh my god [00:02:25.020 -> 00:02:27.580]: Back to back goodness, baby [00:02:27.580 -> 00:02:31.580]: Back to back goodness, baby. I'm 50 bucks right there so far [00:02:31.580 -> 00:02:37.660]: Let's go dude. Hell. Yeah, let's fucking go dude. I've over $100 now [00:02:37.660 -> 00:02:40.580]: Let's fucking go [00:02:40.580 -> 00:02:43.060]: Holy shit $80 win [00:02:43.060 -> 00:02:45.060]: That's fucking good [00:02:45.060 -> 00:02:52.140]: You better put a try hard in the chat that's fucking $60 profit my boy [00:02:52.140 -> 00:02:55.240]: That's right. You better pick that in the chat [00:02:55.240 -> 00:02:58.540]: I mean a hundred dollars [00:02:58.540 -> 00:03:00.540]: Try to do one more here. It's how's gonna leave [00:03:00.540 -> 00:03:06.900]: Another good one. Come on. Oh my god. Look at that start. What a fucking start. That's a good start [00:03:06.900 -> 00:03:12.420]: Come on, dude. Oh 10x. Oh my god. Connect those dude, and then we're getting paid [00:03:12.780 -> 00:03:18.580]: Connect them connect them. Yes. Oh my fucking god. How are they not hitting hit? Oh my god [00:03:18.580 -> 00:03:22.180]: Are they not hitting the times 10 on that bitch? [00:03:22.180 -> 00:03:24.820]: Come on. Come on. Come on [00:03:24.820 -> 00:03:31.580]: Yes, oh my god that is gonna fucking pay again. We just went three times in a row [00:03:31.580 -> 00:03:34.220]: Let's fucking go dude [00:03:34.220 -> 00:03:38.500]: All right two spins left not huge. We'll take it though [00:03:39.300 -> 00:03:42.640]: But we'll take that all day dude in our 40-hour win or so [00:03:42.640 -> 00:03:52.740]: Oh hell yeah, hell yeah another 50 bucks goddamn this thought really was do hell. Yeah, dude. Oh my god [00:03:52.740 -> 00:03:56.720]: I'm not how much 154 bucks [00:03:56.720 -> 00:04:03.340]: Whoo, we just climbed a fat. I think I was at 30 something dude when I came here. I'm not kidding dude [00:04:03.340 -> 00:04:06.100]: 30-some bucks and I came in [00:04:07.180 -> 00:04:14.400]: Keep on printing on here fucking if it does if it will if it'll allow it a few duds [00:04:14.400 -> 00:04:23.140]: Now I'm glad I didn't do it 45. I know it's probably different things everything yet. We got a five-timer out there. That's pretty good [00:04:23.140 -> 00:04:26.140]: How many spins left though [00:04:26.140 -> 00:04:30.540]: You're retrigged retrigged [00:04:30.540 -> 00:04:35.260]: Retrig it retrig it. Oh my god, dude. They're just gonna pay again [00:04:36.020 -> 00:04:38.020]: Look fucking way dude. Come on [00:04:38.020 -> 00:04:47.560]: Not gonna pay I didn't go pay. That's a retrigged we're good premiums [00:04:47.560 -> 00:04:51.980]: Damn I thought that was gonna take sure [00:04:51.980 -> 00:04:59.620]: That's a blackjack balance you asked me dude. That's a pretty good blackjack balance man. You gotta admit [00:05:04.980 -> 00:05:07.980]: Yeah, it wasn't bad. I wasn't bad at all $17 and some change [00:05:07.980 -> 00:05:19.740]: This guy's gonna deal me the heat I can tell [00:05:19.740 -> 00:05:31.740]: He's dealing the heat after these guys - 21 21 19 [00:05:31.740 -> 00:05:33.740]: Oh [00:05:33.740 -> 00:05:36.860]: He's gonna hit that I'm sure [00:05:36.860 -> 00:05:46.100]: You purchase all man, all right, we had a 20 though. All right here we go guys wish me luck man [00:05:46.100 -> 00:05:48.300]: We'll do a 52 dollar hand [00:05:48.300 -> 00:05:51.100]: 40 bucks on the lean man [00:05:51.100 -> 00:05:57.600]: Six on the sides that should be a $28 profit if we don't hit a side bet, but hopefully hit one side bet see [00:05:57.600 -> 00:05:59.600]: Oh [00:05:59.600 -> 00:06:21.740]: 14 versus eight gotta hit that we can so win this though six of seven maybe six or seven. Let's go baby [00:06:21.740 -> 00:06:23.740]: Oh [00:06:23.740 -> 00:06:41.100]: Leave that table like the way you just gave me that card girl fucking dick [00:06:41.100 -> 00:06:49.280]: Fuck me, I need this next one guys I need it. I did see your lot [00:06:49.280 -> 00:06:51.280]: I [00:06:51.280 -> 00:06:59.300]: Wish me luck guys, I'm gonna go back down to the depot bro. It's just $45 [00:06:59.300 -> 00:07:07.420]: Right there, baby, please, please, please, baby [00:07:07.420 -> 00:07:12.120]: Got ten I got ten [00:07:12.120 -> 00:07:16.680]: First nace. Oh my god, man. What the fuck's going on tonight? [00:07:17.720 -> 00:07:22.720]: Can't get the break boys don't have it don't have it nice hit that seven or eight baby seven or eight [00:07:22.720 -> 00:07:25.640]: date with an eight date with an eight [00:07:25.640 -> 00:07:31.580]: Seven or eight baby [00:07:31.580 -> 00:07:33.840]: Seven or eight baby [00:07:33.840 -> 00:07:40.920]: Seven or eight please man, please, please, please, please, please, please, please. Oh my god [00:07:40.920 -> 00:07:46.500]: Spouse a hundred bucks, man. God damn. You gotta be kidding me [00:07:47.500 -> 00:07:49.500]: I can never [00:07:49.500 -> 00:07:59.180]: To try the extreme lightning one, I never play this one really I like the right one better [00:07:59.180 -> 00:08:06.000]: The ball goes way too fast on that one. It's sketchy. It's like sucks in the pockets and shit [00:08:09.860 -> 00:08:18.500]: Going my trusty black or green oh man, I hope I win this good luck guys black or green [00:08:18.500 -> 00:08:24.220]: Let's go baby hit one of my numbers. Please man zero preferably. Oh my god, dude [00:08:24.220 -> 00:08:30.740]: 50 times on zero. That'd be nice. That would be nice damn that pussy nice [00:08:35.780 -> 00:08:44.740]: Oh, no, I want my numbers. Oh, yes. Oh my god. Did you fucking see that guys? Wow? Holy crap [00:08:44.740 -> 00:08:58.140]: 24 Kobe, let's go [00:08:58.140 -> 00:09:01.100]: 50 cents on Kobe as well [00:09:03.140 -> 00:09:06.660]: One zero black zero 500 times would be incredibly [00:09:06.660 -> 00:09:12.380]: I bet right there I broke my screen. Yeah, no kidding. No, I'm not winning right now [00:09:12.380 -> 00:09:14.860]: But hopefully about the star. Let's go black or green baby [00:09:14.860 -> 00:09:18.820]: Like a green go go baby. Let's go baby [00:09:18.820 -> 00:09:31.180]: Yeah, did you see that such a cup in there? I don't give a shit off fucking take it dude [00:09:31.980 -> 00:09:33.980]: Jesus Christ [00:09:33.980 -> 00:09:36.260]: Let's go black [00:09:36.260 -> 00:09:42.300]: Oh, it's a boss man Jack on kick. I believe yeah [00:09:42.300 -> 00:09:47.260]: Go black again, let's go baby [00:09:47.260 -> 00:09:52.740]: Same bet same bet. That looks good to me. I need to hit where my numbers, bro [00:09:52.740 -> 00:09:59.420]: Let's go be stuck it in the black. What? Yeah, I mean it wouldn't go be though those 22 [00:10:00.140 -> 00:10:03.740]: So 15 give me 15 guys 15 150 times [00:10:03.740 -> 00:10:06.740]: 150 times 15 that'll be incredible [00:10:06.740 -> 00:10:11.860]: Black oh my god, dude, wow [00:10:11.860 -> 00:10:14.980]: That's my life, dude [00:10:14.980 -> 00:10:22.460]: Yeah, oh, I see yeah, that's it. You're saying well, I guess we're going all in man [00:10:22.460 -> 00:10:24.420]: Which mean look guys 420 blazes on zero [00:10:24.420 -> 00:10:29.580]: More money on my numbers. Oh Lord be with me [00:10:29.860 -> 00:10:32.060]: Don't be whipping praise guys praise [00:10:32.060 -> 00:10:36.140]: Come on black or green boys black or green. Let's get this money [00:10:36.140 -> 00:10:40.380]: Come on black or green dude, please be black. Please be green [00:10:40.380 -> 00:10:44.380]: Like out here no number come on [00:10:44.380 -> 00:10:53.740]: Mom, baby, come on baby. I'm calling a 17 or 13. Come on baby. Let's go [00:10:53.740 -> 00:10:57.500]: Come on [00:10:58.220 -> 00:11:00.220]: Yeah [00:11:00.220 -> 00:11:03.180]: My god, whoo [00:11:03.180 -> 00:11:06.700]: Not hitting my numbers though, man. I wish I'd hit one of my numbers man [00:11:06.700 -> 00:11:13.340]: I ain't got a long side again guys. I got a launcher launch it launch that bitch [00:11:13.340 -> 00:11:18.220]: Launcher [00:11:18.220 -> 00:11:21.340]: Rocket launcher. Here we go. I'm gonna put in try her to my chat dog [00:11:21.340 -> 00:11:24.620]: I'm a fucking unmod you dude. I'm not kidding dude [00:11:25.740 -> 00:11:29.020]: Fucking cut it out dude. You've been timing people out for stupid reasons too [00:11:29.020 -> 00:11:33.660]: Come on black or green [00:11:33.660 -> 00:11:37.980]: Black or green come on baby. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go [00:11:37.980 -> 00:11:41.340]: Come on black or green [00:11:41.340 -> 00:11:43.500]: Come on [00:11:43.500 -> 00:11:45.500]: Black black black [00:11:45.500 -> 00:11:51.660]: No, it's all gone. Go ahead and put a try her in the chat now buddy. Thanks man. Appreciate it. Thanks guys [00:11:51.660 -> 00:12:01.660]: [BLANK_AUDIO]