VOD at https://mines.expert/BossmanJack/Kick/GAMBLING DEGENERATES GATHER ROUND 2023-11-19 05_40 [61106183-gambling-degenerates-gather-round].mp4 [00:00:00.000 -> 00:00:04.660]: And I would have won it. I would have won it a hundred fifty six win. I would have won [00:00:04.660 -> 00:00:07.160]: damn it [00:00:07.160 -> 00:00:09.160]: Man this shit's hitting right now, dude [00:00:09.160 -> 00:00:12.240]: New lowest of 120 [00:00:12.240 -> 00:00:16.760]: Come on one more [00:00:16.760 -> 00:00:18.760]: No, all right hundred lowest [00:00:18.760 -> 00:00:22.640]: No, man. God damn it man [00:00:22.640 -> 00:00:25.800]: Kino's gonna pay Kino's gonna pay [00:00:25.800 -> 00:00:28.360]: Hang in there boys hang in there [00:00:29.000 -> 00:00:31.480]: Hang in there boys hang in there hanging there boys [00:00:31.480 -> 00:00:35.080]: Hang in there gentlemen hang in we're going for a ride [00:00:35.080 -> 00:00:38.880]: Buckle up. We're going for a ride boys double up double up double up nation [00:00:38.880 -> 00:00:41.640]: Yeah [00:00:41.640 -> 00:00:43.480]: Double up [00:00:43.480 -> 00:00:45.480]: Come on go [00:00:45.480 -> 00:00:48.240]: Yeah [00:00:48.240 -> 00:00:50.640]: No 20 [00:00:50.640 -> 00:00:56.840]: All right, all right, all right. I'm gonna do a five into a 25 if we miss the five we missed the five we missed the five [00:00:56.840 -> 00:00:58.840]: We're doing 25. Here we go [00:00:59.680 -> 00:01:04.180]: Oh one more 25 then one more then one more [00:01:04.180 -> 00:01:07.680]: No one more oh [00:01:07.680 -> 00:01:15.340]: My god, oh my god every 25 missed oh my god [00:01:15.340 -> 00:01:19.160]: Stop there we go. There we go [00:01:21.760 -> 00:01:23.760]: Like 19 [00:01:23.760 -> 00:01:26.720]: Yeah [00:01:26.720 -> 00:01:31.840]: Whoo is this dream DC for anybody shouldn't be shouldn't be [00:01:31.840 -> 00:01:38.800]: Let's get it [00:01:38.800 -> 00:01:42.040]: 14 14 hit [00:01:42.040 -> 00:01:44.400]: Yeah [00:01:44.400 -> 00:01:50.080]: The rats are fuming the rats are so mad right now. Oh [00:01:51.040 -> 00:01:54.440]: My god get out the way you know I'm saying [00:01:54.440 -> 00:01:59.080]: There's my song for the rats out there here we go [00:01:59.080 -> 00:02:02.760]: You ready for this? [00:02:02.760 -> 00:02:08.880]: That's right. You better get out my way, bitch. I'm coming for a grand. Here we go. Yeah [00:02:08.880 -> 00:02:13.160]: Get out the way [00:02:17.600 -> 00:02:21.400]: Something keynote they 25 here, please [00:02:21.400 -> 00:02:25.200]: One more 25 [00:02:25.200 -> 00:02:27.200]: Dude, whatever come on one more [00:02:27.200 -> 00:02:30.280]: Yeah, oh my god [00:02:30.280 -> 00:02:38.680]: Holy shit, holy fucking shit balls [00:02:38.680 -> 00:02:43.620]: Man, oh man life is good. Holy shit. Oh [00:02:45.800 -> 00:02:47.800]: Yeah [00:02:47.800 -> 00:02:51.160]: Yes [00:02:51.160 -> 00:02:57.480]: Big 30 big 43 no one more 43 please Lord [00:02:57.480 -> 00:03:03.440]: Yeah, 500 bucks 43 here we go. Oh [00:03:03.440 -> 00:03:07.160]: My god, oh my god. Oh my god [00:03:07.160 -> 00:03:11.080]: My god, oh my god [00:03:11.080 -> 00:03:14.680]: Holy fucking shit balls [00:03:15.680 -> 00:03:21.600]: Oh my god. Oh my god. It's squirting it's squirting [00:03:21.600 -> 00:03:34.880]: Just let me focus. Let me cook. All right. Here we go. Who's going long? [00:03:34.880 -> 00:03:37.480]: Hey [00:03:37.480 -> 00:03:43.520]: Austin looks around for a receiver. He's looking for someone in the end zone. Who's out there? Oh [00:03:44.520 -> 00:03:50.320]: Potato games wide open Austin throws the ball potato and potato dive for the ball [00:03:50.320 -> 00:03:58.840]: Catch is it touchdown potato gang. Oh my god boys [00:03:58.840 -> 00:04:05.800]: No fucking way. Oh my god, dude. Holy fucking shit touchdown potato [00:04:05.800 -> 00:04:11.080]: Let's go boys. Oh my god for two dollars. Here we go. Oh [00:04:12.200 -> 00:04:14.480]: My fucking god what a adrenaline rush, bro [00:04:14.480 -> 00:04:20.200]: I am up fat right now. You guys just witnessed me printing like a grand in like a few minutes, man [00:04:20.200 -> 00:04:22.720]: Oh my god. We're really about to have a grand guys [00:04:22.720 -> 00:04:29.620]: One more 50 right in there [00:04:29.620 -> 00:04:32.560]: No, one more [00:04:32.560 -> 00:04:37.880]: Yeah, oh my god, oh my god guys no way [00:04:39.280 -> 00:04:44.240]: $1,000 holy shit balls all my fucking god [00:04:44.240 -> 00:04:47.160]: thousand bucks in the bag oh [00:04:47.160 -> 00:04:49.720]: My fucking god almighty [00:04:49.720 -> 00:04:52.440]: All right last one here hundred dollars [00:04:52.440 -> 00:04:56.160]: Austin looks for the receiver [00:04:56.160 -> 00:04:58.160]: Who's in the end zone? [00:04:58.160 -> 00:04:59.640]: Who's in the end zone? [00:04:59.640 -> 00:05:05.200]: Jump harder jump hard wide open often throws the ball. It is soaring down the field [00:05:05.200 -> 00:05:07.760]: Jump hard dies to catch the ball and [00:05:07.760 -> 00:05:15.260]: Catch is it touchdown? Let's go John. Let's go boys. Oh my fucking god [00:05:15.260 -> 00:05:21.800]: Holy shit my fucking boy and the and the boss man bandits have won the Super Bowl [00:05:21.800 -> 00:05:28.300]: That's right boys. The boss man bandits have won the Super Bowl and the rats are now kicking and punching air [00:05:28.300 -> 00:05:34.000]: Shit Austin's winning. No, no [00:05:34.000 -> 00:05:37.160]: Austin's fucking winning dude. What are we gonna do bro? [00:05:37.480 -> 00:05:41.120]: Dude, what are we gonna do bro? How are we gonna make a YouTube video today? [00:05:41.120 -> 00:05:45.900]: How are we gonna make a YouTube video today dude? Oh, no, he's winning. Oh, no [00:05:45.900 -> 00:05:50.440]: Man suck my fucking ball sack bitch. Yeah, that's the right pussy [00:05:50.440 -> 00:05:53.480]: That's what I fucking thought 1500 in the bag [00:05:53.480 -> 00:05:56.520]: 1400 in the bag. Oh [00:05:56.520 -> 00:06:01.160]: My god hit this 300. I dare ya. We're going long. Here we go guys [00:06:01.160 -> 00:06:04.880]: Graham slam from out the park [00:06:06.160 -> 00:06:09.480]: Mark McGuire hits the ball and here we go [00:06:09.480 -> 00:06:14.560]: No, all right. I'm out. I'm out one grand. I'm out [00:06:14.560 -> 00:06:19.460]: Holy fuck me. I just made a thousand dollars. Oh my god, dude