VOD at https://mines.expert/BossmanJack/Kick/DTPN! $520 RAW BONUS HUNT 2023-11-28 11_10 [07ec0-dtpn-520-raw-bonus-hunt].mp4 [00:00:00.000 -> 00:00:07.680]: well man Jack here to take your money baby hopefully I need it I need a cool [00:00:07.680 -> 00:00:21.000]: 500 hundred and another bag oh fuck I thought that was a pair dude my life [00:00:21.000 -> 00:00:27.840]: dude I'm standing that lady I'm standing that lady here we go oh and eight low [00:00:27.840 -> 00:00:38.480]: number come on yeah let's fucking go boys let's fucking go baby whoo hell yeah [00:00:38.480 -> 00:00:46.360]: dude yeah buddy fuck yeah dude 75 bucks in the bag no I yeah 75 dollars profit [00:00:46.360 -> 00:00:52.400]: with the pair of being not a hit so we take those all day look at that [00:00:52.400 -> 00:00:59.120]: pair money pair nine is this time lady where's the king oh fucking ace let's [00:00:59.120 -> 00:01:06.600]: fucking get this bread baby stand that bitch stand that motherfucker date with [00:01:06.600 -> 00:01:15.000]: a date with an ace how about the new saying date with an ace come on baby [00:01:15.000 -> 00:01:19.480]: well he just fucked himself he's gonna hit it again but he is well he stood it [00:01:19.480 -> 00:01:27.940]: dude what a weirdo come on ah fucking push a risky lost 25 bucks there it's [00:01:27.940 -> 00:01:37.160]: all right I'm kind of feeling a pair bro what if we get a perfect pair of all [00:01:37.160 -> 00:01:42.360]: shit myself dude oh my god all it's all I'm saying man I like the vet money the [00:01:42.360 -> 00:01:47.160]: pair money's my shit dude I love the pair risk for high volatility baby pair [00:01:47.160 -> 00:01:57.840]: for they'll take them fuck oh man rough man Jesus dude hit that [00:01:57.840 -> 00:02:04.820]: separate oh we got seven let's fucking go guys who want to hit what a fucking hit [00:02:04.820 -> 00:02:15.440]: baby come on let's go let's go anything over [00:02:15.440 -> 00:02:24.380]: eight nine or ten bitch not bitch but oh I fucking won by one number let's [00:02:24.380 -> 00:02:35.120]: fucking get this paper boys oh yeah dude yeah we take those did we take those [00:02:35.120 -> 00:02:38.960]: she's tired you want to say she's like I always want to get off and smoke me a [00:02:38.960 -> 00:02:47.120]: fat blunt I don't blame you oh that was a parrot first man gotta hit and [00:02:47.120 -> 00:02:54.320]: pray four five six oh fuck you lady once you have a fucking three I need to [00:02:54.320 -> 00:02:57.960]: stand sometimes man against tens you can't always hit man you're gonna lose in the [00:02:57.960 -> 00:03:07.600]: long run I swear shit dude we can't you know we just go all in here go [00:03:07.600 -> 00:03:20.000]: yeah she's like what is important come on baby nine or is it - oh my god dude I'm [00:03:20.000 -> 00:03:27.720]: gonna have to stand that boys and pray standing pray boys low number low number [00:03:27.720 -> 00:03:43.200]: no my god I just lost all that what the fuck man fucking brutal bro damn dude [00:03:43.200 -> 00:03:49.000]: that's fucked up man oh my god this is so stupid dude [00:03:50.840 -> 00:03:58.440]: wow dude what you mean I lost it all you didn't see that what you're earlier [00:03:58.440 -> 00:04:03.800]: oh shit it's enough to be banging your mom for a month blank I get to bang your [00:04:03.800 -> 00:04:08.760]: mom for a month she only charged me 20 a bang one one one twenty dollar bill [00:04:08.760 -> 00:04:12.120]: for every cheat clapping she lets me to clap them cheeks every night I'm like [00:04:12.120 -> 00:04:17.840]: fuck it you deal that pussy is not damn that pussy nice god damn that pussy is [00:04:17.840 -> 00:04:24.120]: nice bro your mom has the tightest ass but the same time it's soft and jiggly [00:04:24.120 -> 00:04:31.440]: it's very nice bro kick a man while he's down you fucking coward you're a fucking [00:04:31.440 -> 00:04:36.680]: coward dude you're a fucking coward you're a coward dog coward [00:04:36.680 -> 00:04:44.920]: I just stayed in the last two hands you would have won two times oh really if you [00:04:44.920 -> 00:04:48.640]: wouldn't have shut your mouth you wouldn't have gotten banned sit for tap [00:04:48.640 -> 00:04:55.080]: motherfucker if you want a stud-nosed card you would have won now oh yeah [00:04:55.080 -> 00:05:01.000]: what do you fucking what you a rocket scientist Jesus Christ these kids are [00:05:01.000 -> 00:05:12.800]: jokes man fucking retard fucking retard retard alert [00:05:12.800 -> 00:05:20.360]: dare me to smoke a bell pack no I'm not doing that shit this is heavy fucking [00:05:20.360 -> 00:05:29.560]: twitching earlier this shit's I'm super gas sheesh I know right [00:05:29.560 -> 00:05:35.320]: Kobe right should have should have just won right what do you mean bit me tick [00:05:35.320 -> 00:05:39.680]: what do you fucking mean dude should have just won what you mean bro what's this [00:05:39.680 -> 00:05:45.500]: clown saying should have just won right what would you tell about bro he's not [00:05:45.500 -> 00:05:54.200]: gonna clown let's see you win where's your fucking oh I'm sorry I'm sorry see I [00:05:54.200 -> 00:06:02.000]: can I miss interpret shit all time do some gas pack dude gas pack Aruni it's [00:06:02.000 -> 00:06:05.200]: good a table I always went on like dealers that I went on that chick always [00:06:05.200 -> 00:06:11.800]: whoops my ass dude I'm like a lot you got it that chick always whoops my ass she [00:06:11.800 -> 00:06:16.000]: looks like she could pay she looks like she's gonna pay Selena's gonna pay Selena's [00:06:16.000 -> 00:06:25.040]: gonna fucking pay me dude let's go thank you very much kick these is my [00:06:25.040 -> 00:06:29.560]: last people the name by the way guys no I'm not smoking dude she gives me like [00:06:29.560 -> 00:06:40.000]: too high I'm a damn nice hit by that guy very nice let's do this serving the [00:06:40.000 -> 00:06:58.040]: heat you know a lot of stands they are all rights stands she busted [00:06:59.000 -> 00:07:03.960]: give her a big beautiful it'd be my pleasure [00:07:03.960 -> 00:07:12.960]: something like that putting on a pearsky a pair of be nice very nice very nice my [00:07:12.960 -> 00:07:21.920]: name's a boar a big boy bets seven man I hate sevens man versus seven okay okay [00:07:21.920 -> 00:07:27.520]: it's fight it up oh that's what you want to fall against the seven dude that's [00:07:27.520 -> 00:07:32.280]: what you want that's what you want bro that's what you want a fucking fool bro [00:07:32.280 -> 00:07:40.160]: fuck yeah dude put those eight pussy put those eight you fucking vagina go let's [00:07:40.160 -> 00:07:47.680]: go we got a nice car in the first one he got a nice car in the second one too [00:07:47.680 -> 00:07:52.440]: for real that's pretty good standing bitches here we go pull a 10 lady pull [00:07:52.440 -> 00:08:06.240]: a 10 lady come on big number yeah let's fucking go let's fucking go boys repeat [00:08:06.240 -> 00:08:15.240]: the bet baby we take those times I'll go that back to reality oh there goes [00:08:15.240 -> 00:08:27.520]: gravity go see so mavicito big queen big queen already verse a four verse a [00:08:27.520 -> 00:08:34.260]: force game ooh a 15 and this bitch stay in that [00:08:34.260 -> 00:08:40.640]: holland drink though I don't miss with me well bro [00:08:40.720 -> 00:08:45.500]: don't do not miss your chance to blow [00:08:45.500 -> 00:08:59.440]: yeah that's a risky double I respect that dude oh she got six into a 15 no she [00:08:59.440 -> 00:09:08.480]: got 21 dude oh no oh fuck here we go all in boys [00:09:08.480 -> 00:09:12.880]: wish me fucking luck dude 150 on the main hand 30 on the pair [00:09:12.880 -> 00:09:16.880]: fuck you talking about Halloween get your eyes in the fucking bin bitch you know [00:09:16.880 -> 00:09:23.760]: saying getting the fucking bin pussy fucking weirdo the fuck out my chat dude [00:09:23.760 -> 00:09:35.000]: yes that's pretty good I'll take that like I got black that [00:09:35.840 -> 00:09:40.560]: come on baby come on baby [00:09:40.560 -> 00:09:44.560]: yeah [00:09:44.560 -> 00:09:49.880]: you want it your bad I'll never let it go you only get one shot do not miss your [00:09:49.880 -> 00:09:57.840]: chance to blow come to a lifetime and the music tomorrow with your wall never [00:09:57.840 -> 00:10:02.720]: let it go one shot do not miss your change the blow [00:10:02.720 -> 00:10:09.040]: on a pair let's go let's get a pair ski pair three's baby [00:10:09.040 -> 00:10:13.940]: like I got perfect pair like I got a perfect pair didn't have any money on [00:10:13.940 -> 00:10:20.720]: the pair dude man if I got perfect pair bro hit that bitch hit it I hate tos hit [00:10:20.720 -> 00:10:27.520]: that yeah oh it's a fucking ace I'm gonna fucking stand that dude I'm too [00:10:27.520 -> 00:10:34.960]: scared to hit that again bro I want to pull a five I would have gotten a 19 if [00:10:34.960 -> 00:10:45.880]: I hit it all right come on pull the tip no dude oh my god this fucking bitch [00:10:45.880 -> 00:10:56.360]: dude what the fuck Jesus dude fuck this is ridiculous bro [00:10:56.360 -> 00:11:08.240]: and share the shot I'm a big pair of me baby yeah let's go get in a pair of [00:11:08.240 -> 00:11:18.080]: queens please pair of queens oh man what the fuck dude I'm gonna stay in that [00:11:18.080 -> 00:11:28.400]: bro and spray man holy crap dude pretty lordy be with me lord be with me no [00:11:28.400 -> 00:11:37.280]: 10 no ace oh my god bro what the fuck man I ain't taking that as an answer bro [00:11:37.280 -> 00:11:42.320]: fuck that I'm about to do a big one dude fuck this bro this is so stupid [00:11:42.320 -> 00:11:46.000]: bro I'm about to do a fatty bro I don't give a fuck dude I don't don't care I [00:11:46.000 -> 00:11:50.720]: want to get me a few banners keys tonight fuck this [00:11:50.720 -> 00:11:57.920]: I'm gonna save a band in my fucking wallet dude fuck it 280 depots I'm just gonna [00:11:57.920 -> 00:12:00.560]: chuck it dude [00:12:00.560 -> 00:12:05.120]: talk on blackjack now my double chuck that bitch into fucking what is that [00:12:05.120 -> 00:12:11.000]: 1100 280 times two is 560 times two is 11 20 that sounds good to me right [00:12:11.000 -> 00:12:14.960]: there boys let's have to do some pair money do you think pair money or no [00:12:14.960 -> 00:12:27.520]: pair money guys I don't know man why no pair money just [00:12:27.520 -> 00:12:36.280]: string hands we all think put money on the pair perfect pair [00:12:36.280 -> 00:12:47.560]: orange orange orange and vanilla bro no side bets bro each they can fucking [00:12:47.560 -> 00:12:57.160]: pay fat though really really fat tears do I don't know man it's hard to say though [00:12:57.160 -> 00:13:09.320]: you want to maximize on your wins - hard to say hard to say good deal snorkel [00:13:09.320 -> 00:13:15.960]: oh no sorry each man you guys can always request songs whenever - this [00:13:15.960 -> 00:13:20.440]: happened in an eminent playlist it's all there was to it [00:13:22.240 -> 00:13:28.760]: the bottom smoothing is fuck dude this is gonna be high shit earlier I'm not [00:13:28.760 -> 00:13:33.360]: all right now I sure as I was [00:13:33.360 -> 00:13:45.320]: you'd be surprised you take I've been laying in some perfect pairs some time [00:13:45.320 -> 00:13:53.060]: 10% on pairs I like that I like big I like big pairs I even sometimes go [00:13:53.060 -> 00:13:58.920]: 20% or no like 15 maybe like 80 on the main hand 15 on this or 20 on the side [00:13:58.920 -> 00:14:04.980]: whatever that equal no 100 on the main hand 20 on the side yeah 20% I guess [00:14:04.980 -> 00:14:08.080]: yeah 20% most [00:14:09.960 -> 00:14:17.460]: pull the table yeah right about all our hands to my side bets that's kind of [00:14:17.460 -> 00:14:19.680]: crazy [00:14:19.680 -> 00:14:29.620]: I'm saving my band it if I lose this dude I'm out real I get $80 reloads now guys [00:14:29.620 -> 00:14:33.200]: with my platform level up they're not fucking wild to $80 [00:14:33.200 -> 00:14:42.560]: fatty I got $2420 as my level up VIP level up bonus 24 20 we're getting [00:14:42.560 -> 00:14:46.640]: platform I was like holy shit money's in guys money's in it's not a rock and roll [00:14:46.640 -> 00:14:55.320]: ladies and gentlemen it's time to make a few banner skis boys go she's gonna [00:14:55.320 -> 00:15:00.900]: pay me bro I can feel it trust trust just trust she's gonna pay she's gonna pay [00:15:00.900 -> 00:15:10.220]: oh baby oh baby oh shit you got seen that or am I or am I high [00:15:10.220 -> 00:15:20.640]: fuck yeah I'm gonna make some bang yeah there she is I like her dude I like her [00:15:20.640 -> 00:15:30.000]: dude morning jail rejected 19 this guy's hitting like a bitch I hope he wins [00:15:30.000 -> 00:15:36.520]: with those colonies I like the way she deals bro I like that let's go let's [00:15:36.520 -> 00:15:39.480]: make this big money dude [00:15:46.680 -> 00:15:52.740]: yeah buddy big money in company let's look at this money baby see this money [00:15:52.740 -> 00:16:01.200]: come on I'm bricked up wait what give me this fucking ace 10 I got 10 baby no [00:16:01.200 -> 00:16:06.120]: dude gotta hit that gotta hit it gotta hit it gotta hit it six or seven come on [00:16:06.120 -> 00:16:14.280]: baby come on no dude oh my god dude what the fuck man that's some bullshit [00:16:14.280 -> 00:16:24.080]: dude god damn dude oh my god what the fuck bro I just lost so much money guys [00:16:24.080 -> 00:16:28.460]: shut up pussy all these fucking pussies come to my chat fucking [00:16:28.460 -> 00:16:33.180]: return I lose it all they got something to say cowards what the fucking cowards [00:16:33.180 -> 00:16:40.800]: do to say that shit oh how about a fucking $500 blackjack hand [00:16:40.800 -> 00:16:46.020]: fuck this bullshit go bit and get rich or die trying motherfucker get rich or [00:16:46.020 -> 00:16:50.900]: die trying motherfucker what you talking about Willis what you fuck what would you [00:16:50.900 -> 00:16:58.060]: say I think I'm gonna lose it all yeah watch this motherfucker get rich or die [00:16:58.060 -> 00:17:02.100]: trying motherfucker I don't want to fucking BMW I don't want to fucking [00:17:02.100 -> 00:17:06.780]: beamer I want to fucking I want at least like a goddamn like a fucking nice ass [00:17:06.780 -> 00:17:10.760]: Chevy or some bullshit dude you know I mean like a nice ass fucking like [00:17:10.760 -> 00:17:19.240]: Silverado bro 2020 2020 2017 would do dude you know I'm saying wasn't get this [00:17:19.240 -> 00:17:21.940]: shit off the screen [00:17:21.940 -> 00:17:28.720]: yeah maybe I should do like hundred dollar pair hands dude instead of go yeah [00:17:28.720 -> 00:17:33.400]: I'm not the all-in type of guy I'm doing like hundred fifty dollar hands maybe [00:17:33.400 -> 00:17:37.840]: you know at least like three chances type of deal three chances to climb up [00:17:37.840 -> 00:17:44.440]: that really type of thing oh man I just lost like 500 bones now I lost more than [00:17:44.440 -> 00:17:49.080]: I did not I don't fucking care I lost 520 on the bonus hunt I lost a few more [00:17:49.080 -> 00:17:54.800]: deprojective that dude so we need them we need to start tracing the other way [00:17:54.800 -> 00:18:12.440]: excuse me biggest live boss man ever I'm not gonna go on top okay yeah you [00:18:12.440 -> 00:18:18.500]: right though if you take your ride you gotta feel that bitch out who's right [00:18:18.500 -> 00:18:24.920]: here I'll see I'll key a sportage 2023 nice girls look congrats who's that [00:18:24.920 -> 00:18:31.580]: divorce G8 M3 money's in guys money's in let's make this make let's make this [00:18:31.580 -> 00:18:34.640]: paper boys this is where we're gonna start winning start not going all in [00:18:34.640 -> 00:18:38.780]: just fucking chilling out this is a nice hands going Christina's gonna pay this [00:18:38.780 -> 00:18:55.540]: time Christina's gonna pay baby I like mine's [00:18:55.540 -> 00:19:04.540]: all right guys our time is shine baby let's go so a third of 150 would be oh my [00:19:04.540 -> 00:19:10.420]: god I'm gonna do that she does that on purpose dude she totally does dude [00:19:10.420 -> 00:19:13.260]: terrible [00:19:13.260 -> 00:19:20.860]: oh shit [00:19:20.860 -> 00:19:33.220]: oh there's a 10 dude come on dude oh three I got three now give me the 10 baby I [00:19:33.220 -> 00:19:40.800]: dare ya come on give me 10 get in 10 come on you can do it baby oh my god [00:19:40.800 -> 00:19:47.220]: oh that's not for sure I'll get in 10 dude 7 or 8 7 or 8 oh my god what is this [00:19:47.220 -> 00:19:55.580]: bro hit it again and got you six me six me oh my god what the fuck is this you [00:19:55.580 -> 00:20:01.300]: better call me the grapefruit master kahone ball sack grapefruits I win this [00:20:01.300 -> 00:20:14.840]: here we go yeah go with the goat come over the goat baby a big 20 baby whoo [00:20:14.840 -> 00:20:21.940]: god damn what a hit I hope I win this bro I hope I might win this the grapefruit master [00:20:21.940 -> 00:20:28.000]: ball sack kahone grapefruit dude he got 20 as well now pull the fucking six or [00:20:28.000 -> 00:20:37.640]: seven or eight or seven or eight maybe nine yes six into it yeah boy we have [00:20:37.640 -> 00:20:43.120]: ninety five dollars let's go take those on date baby [00:20:43.120 -> 00:20:55.040]: oh this block shit dude that's dude I'm such a horned dog dude she's a dude she [00:20:55.040 -> 00:21:03.920]: doesn't every hand I watch so do that had to bro let's go I got to where's the [00:21:03.920 -> 00:21:13.840]: king oh I got 12 boys got hit that for the one-time kahone oh I knew she had [00:21:13.840 -> 00:21:20.720]: that what was the world she delay that why would you delay that what the fuck [00:21:20.720 -> 00:21:28.720]: man she like to lay that shit on purpose what it's fine oh ten over there why [00:21:28.720 -> 00:21:33.240]: not it's rare to get those but fuck it [00:21:33.240 -> 00:21:39.760]: no damn good he's a good jerk all broke but well if we get a pair and a triple [00:21:39.760 -> 00:21:47.480]: tree stop doing a three oh she almost just oh she almost did that she saved [00:21:47.480 -> 00:21:53.600]: herself she saved herself verse of ten yeah give oh she done him a ten oh thirteen [00:21:53.600 -> 00:21:56.480]: verse a four dude [00:21:56.480 -> 00:22:05.080]: we have to stand that boys let's stand that [00:22:13.400 -> 00:22:18.880]: I got the three did I really oh shit dude three times I got $30 I mean this kind [00:22:18.880 -> 00:22:33.200]: of cool I guess come on baby bust no dude yes no my god what the fuck man bro [00:22:33.200 -> 00:22:36.520]: all she does is win dude [00:22:38.000 -> 00:22:44.760]: all right guys here we go here's the big kahone oh yeah yeah that's right get [00:22:44.760 -> 00:22:53.680]: your grab on your sack and hold it tight we're going in go in baby prepare [00:22:53.680 -> 00:22:59.680]: three's please pair three's pair three's player three's please from the boys [00:22:59.680 -> 00:23:09.880]: pair of trees pair of trees pair of trees oh my god dude what the fuck man we [00:23:09.880 -> 00:23:24.760]: got this we got this we got this we got this guys come on baby come on [00:23:25.240 -> 00:23:34.840]: come on baby come on low number no way dude what the fuck she's such a bitch [00:23:34.840 -> 00:23:39.920]: dude how the fuck did that happen dude what the fuck dude come the fuck on man [00:23:39.920 -> 00:23:44.160]: this is not right dude that shit ain't fucking right I've lost like every [00:23:44.160 -> 00:23:50.160]: fucking one dude goddamn dude what the fuck man you fuck off dude what the fuck [00:23:50.160 -> 00:23:56.880]: man I just lost like 1.5 bands bro I'm not fucking kidding dude Jesus fucking [00:23:56.880 -> 00:24:03.880]: Christ man wow dude I just lost like one and a half grand bro God dude what the [00:24:03.880 -> 00:24:07.760]: fuck am I doing with my life bro I don't buy myself anything dude I just [00:24:07.760 -> 00:24:13.120]: fucking give it all back every fucking time bro god damn man I fucking this [00:24:13.120 -> 00:24:20.480]: dude what the fuck man oh my god oh well yeah you know what this fine this is [00:24:20.480 -> 00:24:26.560]: ridiculous man I'm a beaten dude [00:24:26.560 -> 00:24:31.760]: I'm ready for the time I don't like [00:24:31.760 -> 00:24:48.400]: I'm wearing your body and I'm out of the way [00:24:48.400 -> 00:24:51.200]: I'm new conspiracy you're taking my place [00:24:51.200 -> 00:24:55.120]: So over and over I smell the decay [00:24:55.760 -> 00:24:59.840]: Believe what you want to the cycle saves the same [00:24:59.840 -> 00:25:03.120]: I'm out of my ability to undermine [00:25:03.120 -> 00:25:06.800]: I walk away from that my day I'm feeling fine [00:25:06.800 -> 00:25:10.160]: The agony of citizens I'm breaking free [00:25:10.160 -> 00:25:14.160]: It's everywhere, it's everyone it's outside [00:25:14.160 -> 00:25:21.360]: Why are you hiding for the time of your life? [00:25:25.360 -> 00:25:28.760]: ♪ Are you ready for the time of your life ♪ [00:25:28.760 -> 00:25:32.760]: ♪ Are you ready for the time of your life ♪ [00:25:32.760 -> 00:25:35.760]: ♪ Are you ready for the time of your life ♪ [00:25:35.760 -> 00:25:39.760]: ♪ Are you ready for the time of your life ♪ [00:25:39.760 -> 00:25:43.260]: ♪ Are you ready for the time of your life ♪ [00:25:43.260 -> 00:25:46.260]: (upbeat rock music) [00:25:46.260 -> 00:25:49.260]: (upbeat rock music) [00:25:49.260 -> 00:25:54.260]: ♪ Are you ready for the time of your life ♪ [00:25:54.260 -> 00:25:57.260]: (upbeat rock music) [00:25:57.260 -> 00:26:01.260]: (upbeat rock music) [00:26:01.260 -> 00:26:04.260]: (upbeat rock music) [00:26:04.260 -> 00:26:07.260]: (upbeat rock music) [00:26:07.260 -> 00:26:10.260]: (upbeat rock music) [00:26:10.260 -> 00:26:13.260]: (upbeat rock music) [00:26:13.260 -> 00:26:16.260]: (upbeat rock music) [00:26:16.260 -> 00:26:19.260]: (upbeat rock music) [00:26:19.260 -> 00:26:22.260]: (upbeat rock music) [00:26:22.260 -> 00:26:27.260]: ♪ I'm the only one who's the only one who's the only one ♪ [00:26:27.260 -> 00:26:29.680]: (rock music) [00:26:29.680 -> 00:26:32.100]: (rock music) [00:26:32.100 -> 00:26:34.520]: (rock music) [00:26:34.520 -> 00:26:36.940]: (rock music) [00:26:36.940 -> 00:26:39.940]: (rock music) [00:26:39.940 -> 00:26:44.940]: (rock music) [00:26:44.940 -> 00:26:51.940]: (rock music) [00:26:51.940 -> 00:26:58.940]: (rock music) [00:27:00.940 -> 00:27:05.940]: (rock music) [00:27:05.940 -> 00:27:10.940]: (rock music) [00:27:10.940 -> 00:27:15.940]: (rock music) [00:27:15.940 -> 00:27:20.940]: (rock music) [00:27:20.940 -> 00:27:25.940]: (rock music) [00:27:25.940 -> 00:27:30.940]: (rock music) [00:27:30.940 -> 00:27:35.940]: (rock music) [00:27:35.940 -> 00:27:40.940]: (rock music) [00:27:40.940 -> 00:27:45.940]: (rock music) [00:27:45.940 -> 00:27:50.940]: (rock music) [00:27:50.940 -> 00:27:55.940]: (rock music) [00:27:55.940 -> 00:28:00.940]: (rock music) [00:28:00.940 -> 00:28:05.940]: (rock music) [00:28:05.940 -> 00:28:10.940]: (rock music) [00:28:10.940 -> 00:28:15.940]: (rock music) [00:28:15.940 -> 00:28:20.940]: (rock music) [00:28:20.940 -> 00:28:25.940]: (rock music) [00:28:25.940 -> 00:28:30.940]: (rock music) [00:28:30.940 -> 00:28:35.940]: (rock music) [00:28:35.940 -> 00:28:40.940]: (rock music) [00:28:40.940 -> 00:28:45.940]: (rock music) [00:28:45.940 -> 00:28:50.940]: (rock music) [00:28:50.940 -> 00:28:55.940]: (rock music) [00:28:55.940 -> 00:29:00.940]: (rock music) [00:29:00.940 -> 00:29:05.940]: (rock music) [00:29:05.940 -> 00:29:10.940]: (rock music) [00:29:10.940 -> 00:29:15.940]: (rock music) [00:29:15.940 -> 00:29:25.940]: (rock music) [00:29:25.940 -> 00:29:28.940]: (rock music) [00:29:28.940 -> 00:29:33.940]: (rock music) [00:29:33.940 -> 00:29:38.940]: (rock music) [00:29:38.940 -> 00:29:44.940]: (rock music) [00:29:44.940 -> 00:29:49.940]: (rock music) [00:29:49.940 -> 00:29:54.940]: (rock music) [00:29:54.940 -> 00:29:59.940]: (rock music) [00:29:59.940 -> 00:30:04.940]: (rock music) [00:30:04.940 -> 00:30:09.940]: (rock music) [00:30:09.940 -> 00:30:19.940]: (rock music) [00:30:19.940 -> 00:30:24.940]: (rock music) [00:30:24.940 -> 00:30:27.940]: (rock music) [00:30:27.940 -> 00:30:32.940]: (rock music) [00:30:32.940 -> 00:30:36.940]: (rock music) [00:30:36.940 -> 00:30:41.940]: (rock music) [00:30:41.940 -> 00:30:46.940]: (rock music) [00:30:46.940 -> 00:30:51.940]: (rock music) [00:30:51.940 -> 00:30:55.940]: (rock music) [00:30:55.940 -> 00:30:57.940]: Yes, come on. [00:30:57.940 -> 00:30:58.940]: Any more. [00:30:58.940 -> 00:30:59.940]: (rock music) [00:30:59.940 -> 00:31:02.940]: Dude, get the case, get the case, get the case! [00:31:02.940 -> 00:31:06.940]: Yeah! Thank God, retrigged! Aw! [00:31:06.940 -> 00:31:10.940]: I made $17 on that one, let's go. [00:31:10.940 -> 00:31:15.940]: (rock music) [00:31:15.940 -> 00:31:18.940]: I'm going to get the, I'm going to get the 16 now. [00:31:18.940 -> 00:31:21.940]: I know it sounds kind of weird, but it's a 16 now. [00:31:21.940 -> 00:31:24.940]: (rock music) [00:31:24.940 -> 00:31:26.940]: The 16 gets met. [00:31:26.940 -> 00:31:31.940]: (rock music) [00:31:31.940 -> 00:31:34.940]: (rock music) [00:31:34.940 -> 00:31:35.940]: Good start. [00:31:35.940 -> 00:31:36.940]: I hit platform. [00:31:36.940 -> 00:31:38.940]: I got 2,420 bucks for it, dude. [00:31:38.940 -> 00:31:39.940]: I'm already lost. [00:31:39.940 -> 00:31:41.940]: I want to have bands of it, man. [00:31:41.940 -> 00:31:43.940]: Fucking idiot. [00:31:43.940 -> 00:31:44.940]: Yeah, 24/20 though. [00:31:44.940 -> 00:31:45.940]: Yeah. [00:31:45.940 -> 00:31:46.940]: That was a fat bonus. [00:31:46.940 -> 00:31:48.940]: Fatty bonus. [00:31:48.940 -> 00:31:49.940]: Fatinator. [00:31:49.940 -> 00:31:50.940]: Fatinator. [00:31:50.940 -> 00:31:52.940]: Come on, come on, dude. [00:31:52.940 -> 00:31:53.940]: Hit, please! [00:31:53.940 -> 00:31:55.940]: Man, just hit something. [00:31:55.940 -> 00:32:00.940]: Oh my god, it's a slot, man. [00:32:00.940 -> 00:32:03.940]: Yup. [00:32:03.940 -> 00:32:06.940]: Type 5 working on it. [00:32:06.940 -> 00:32:08.940]: Ah, shit, dude. [00:32:08.940 -> 00:32:11.940]: That's a 10-0 buff. [00:32:11.940 -> 00:32:16.940]: But it's on black every time. [00:32:16.940 -> 00:32:22.940]: What do you mean? [00:32:22.940 -> 00:32:23.940]: Let's do another 60 Viking. [00:32:23.940 -> 00:32:28.940]: Last one. [00:32:28.940 -> 00:32:30.940]: Maybe Maggle G. [00:32:30.940 -> 00:32:32.940]: I'll see, I'll see, I'll see, I'll see. [00:32:32.940 -> 00:32:34.940]: I'll debate on it. [00:32:34.940 -> 00:32:41.940]: Come on. [00:32:41.940 -> 00:32:44.940]: Oh, man. [00:32:44.940 -> 00:32:49.940]: Retrigged. [00:32:49.940 -> 00:32:56.940]: What the fuck, man? [00:32:56.940 -> 00:33:04.940]: It's gonna die out again. [00:33:04.940 -> 00:33:05.940]: I did. [00:33:05.940 -> 00:33:08.940]: Oh, my God. [00:33:08.940 -> 00:33:09.940]: Jesus, dude. [00:33:09.940 -> 00:33:14.940]: These fucking feature bars always slay me, bro. [00:33:14.940 -> 00:33:21.940]: Dude, all my fucking God. [00:33:21.940 -> 00:33:29.940]: I just printed, bro. [00:33:29.940 -> 00:33:31.940]: Holy shit, balls. [00:33:31.940 -> 00:33:34.940]: $165 went from a 20-bit. [00:33:34.940 -> 00:33:41.940]: Let's fucking go. [00:33:41.940 -> 00:33:48.940]: No, dude. [00:33:48.940 -> 00:33:56.940]: No, dude, fuck you. [00:33:56.940 -> 00:33:59.940]: No! [00:33:59.940 -> 00:34:04.940]: Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. [00:34:04.940 -> 00:34:15.940]: Yes. Let's go. We take the little $35. [00:34:15.940 -> 00:34:18.940]: Yeah! Let's fucking go. [00:34:18.940 -> 00:34:25.940]: Nice. [00:34:25.940 -> 00:34:35.940]: Oh, mighty. [00:34:35.940 -> 00:34:45.940]: No, sir, skis. [00:34:45.940 -> 00:34:55.940]: No, bro. God damn it, bro. [00:34:55.940 -> 00:34:59.940]: Yeah! [00:34:59.940 -> 00:35:07.940]: Dude, let's fucking go, boys. Let's fucking get this money, baby. [00:35:07.940 -> 00:35:22.940]: Dude, let's go. Two more. Yes, I'm out! [00:35:22.940 -> 00:35:30.940]: I'm out if I lose this. I'm just gonna leave it at 300. [00:35:30.940 -> 00:35:40.940]: Nice! Nice! I'll take that. About the 400, dude. [00:35:40.940 -> 00:36:04.940]: Thank you, bro. I appreciate that. [00:36:04.940 -> 00:36:12.940]: Nice! That's fucking gold. $500. [00:36:12.940 -> 00:36:34.940]: I don't know, man. I swear I should be always making me lose. [00:36:34.940 -> 00:36:49.940]: No way! Wow! What the fuck? It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. [00:36:49.940 -> 00:36:57.940]: We can get back. Oh my god. Last one then. Do not do another one if you lose this. [00:36:57.940 -> 00:37:03.940]: Do not do another one if you lose this. Do not do another one if you lose this. Nice cash that. [00:37:03.940 -> 00:37:13.940]: 100 in there. [00:37:13.940 -> 00:37:26.940]: 100 16. Oh, what the fuck on the first one? No, I'm leaving, man. This is so dumb, dude. [00:37:26.940 -> 00:37:35.940]: Fuck, bro. I guess we made money, did we? What did I keep going here? Oh, he's fucking zero. [00:37:35.940 -> 00:37:47.940]: Look at these fucking weirdos, dude. I put in two fifties. About 50 bucks. We lost big on those fucking Viking features, bro, so we gotta go back handsome. [00:37:47.940 -> 00:38:11.940]: Oh, Bison's been? No, I can't. There's no, I can't. [00:38:11.940 -> 00:38:21.940]: Well, if they're like the Bison, I mean, yeah, good. Yeah, that's good. If I go on that. [00:38:37.940 -> 00:38:47.940]: Oh, dude, that's 50 fucking bucks, bro. 50 bucks. We take it. [00:38:47.940 -> 00:38:51.940]: That's a good sign. Wild Bison has to court for us. [00:38:54.940 -> 00:38:59.940]: Rise with the W call. Yeah. Let's go. What a call. Beautiful. [00:38:59.940 -> 00:39:20.940]: I'm sure I just did it in my bank, man. [00:39:20.940 -> 00:39:25.940]: I'm always losing that thing. Fuck. Yeah. What the fuck is it? [00:39:25.940 -> 00:39:31.940]: Oh, here it goes. That's it. Can't be far. [00:39:31.940 -> 00:39:37.940]: You know, really? Oh, damn. Nice, bros. [00:39:37.940 -> 00:39:42.940]: I need a charger. This thing's dead. [00:39:42.940 -> 00:39:49.940]: I'm taking this off as hot as a bitch in my room. [00:39:49.940 -> 00:39:53.940]: Oh, sorry, guys. If I saw my nips, I'm sorry. [00:39:53.940 -> 00:39:57.940]: They look like pepperones. Not really. [00:39:57.940 -> 00:40:01.940]: I feel a lot better. [00:40:01.940 -> 00:40:03.940]: Oh, damn. Look at that. [00:40:03.940 -> 00:40:07.940]: Hey, no. Ten dollars? Yep. [00:40:07.940 -> 00:40:11.940]: Bonus, those baby? [00:40:11.940 -> 00:40:13.940]: I apologize. That was hot. [00:40:13.940 -> 00:40:18.940]: Oh, dude. Is that $90? Is that $90 fucking dollars? [00:40:18.940 -> 00:40:21.940]: Woo! Holy fuck. [00:40:21.940 -> 00:40:23.940]: Goddamn, son. [00:40:23.940 -> 00:40:26.940]: $90 from the 400. [00:40:26.940 -> 00:40:28.940]: Goddamn, adult scattered dude. [00:40:28.940 -> 00:40:33.940]: Let's get in the triple, dude. [00:40:33.940 -> 00:40:36.940]: We'll sleep on the bison base game. [00:40:36.940 -> 00:40:40.940]: That's just juicing me, dude. [00:40:40.940 -> 00:40:43.940]: Oh, thank you, Andre. I appreciate that. [00:40:43.940 -> 00:40:45.940]: Let's go, guys. Come on, baby. [00:40:45.940 -> 00:40:48.940]: Give me a nice sweet feature on a motorboat your titties right now. [00:40:48.940 -> 00:40:50.940]: Motorboat the double D's into the feature. [00:40:50.940 -> 00:40:53.940]: No, it's shitballs. [00:40:53.940 -> 00:41:04.940]: Who likes double D's? I like a nice parrot marker. [00:41:04.940 -> 00:41:06.940]: Double D's. [00:41:06.940 -> 00:41:09.940]: Double D batteries, please. Parable. [00:41:09.940 -> 00:41:14.940]: Come on. [00:41:14.940 -> 00:41:19.940]: On three scatters incoming. [00:41:19.940 -> 00:41:24.940]: No way, AK-47. [00:41:24.940 -> 00:41:26.940]: I found you from your latest video on YouTube. [00:41:26.940 -> 00:41:27.940]: Keep up the contest. [00:41:27.940 -> 00:41:28.940]: Oh, yeah? [00:41:28.940 -> 00:41:29.940]: Hey, thank you, brother. [00:41:29.940 -> 00:41:30.940]: Appreciate that. [00:41:30.940 -> 00:41:32.940]: Are you Mario Gomez? [00:41:32.940 -> 00:41:34.940]: Do you think? [00:41:34.940 -> 00:41:39.940]: I do like it. [00:41:39.940 -> 00:41:41.940]: I'll try my best. [00:41:41.940 -> 00:41:43.940]: Let's go. [00:41:43.940 -> 00:41:44.940]: Come on, baby. [00:41:44.940 -> 00:41:45.940]: Give me in there. [00:41:45.940 -> 00:41:46.940]: Oh, dude. [00:41:46.940 -> 00:41:47.940]: 50 bucks. [00:41:47.940 -> 00:41:48.940]: 50 bucks. [00:41:48.940 -> 00:41:50.940]: 50 big ones. [00:41:50.940 -> 00:41:53.940]: The base game is squirting. [00:41:53.940 -> 00:41:56.940]: Not bad at all. [00:41:56.940 -> 00:41:58.940]: Let's go. [00:41:58.940 -> 00:42:00.940]: Not bad. [00:42:00.940 -> 00:42:03.940]: It's a nice base hit, dude. [00:42:03.940 -> 00:42:04.940]: Yeah, man. [00:42:04.940 -> 00:42:05.940]: That's pretty fucking good, dude. [00:42:05.940 -> 00:42:06.940]: That's a times three five. [00:42:06.940 -> 00:42:08.940]: You got that $91 one. [00:42:08.940 -> 00:42:12.940]: That's like a times 45, dude. [00:42:12.940 -> 00:42:16.940]: Dude, why did we get in the feature though? [00:42:16.940 -> 00:42:19.940]: Man, that'd be fucking cool, dude. [00:42:19.940 -> 00:42:27.940]: That'd be fucking cool. [00:42:27.940 -> 00:42:34.940]: What Mario? [00:42:34.940 -> 00:42:41.940]: All right, 40 feature. [00:42:41.940 -> 00:42:46.940]: All right, shit, all right. [00:42:46.940 -> 00:42:53.940]: Shit, it's winning. [00:42:53.940 -> 00:43:00.940]: I'm hoping it hit. [00:43:00.940 -> 00:43:01.940]: I could. [00:43:01.940 -> 00:43:03.940]: I could never know. [00:43:03.940 -> 00:43:04.940]: Give me in. [00:43:04.940 -> 00:43:05.940]: Yeah! [00:43:05.940 -> 00:43:06.940]: Oh my God! [00:43:06.940 -> 00:43:08.940]: 200 dollar feature boys! [00:43:08.940 -> 00:43:09.940]: Whoo! [00:43:09.940 -> 00:43:11.940]: Yo, you were right, bro. [00:43:11.940 -> 00:43:12.940]: That's right. [00:43:12.940 -> 00:43:13.940]: My brother just gets back. [00:43:13.940 -> 00:43:14.940]: Oh my God. [00:43:14.940 -> 00:43:15.940]: He said, call it. [00:43:15.940 -> 00:43:16.940]: Come on, give me the Maltese. [00:43:16.940 -> 00:43:17.940]: Give me the Maltese. [00:43:17.940 -> 00:43:18.940]: Oh! [00:43:18.940 -> 00:43:19.940]: Oh! [00:43:19.940 -> 00:43:20.940]: Oh! [00:43:20.940 -> 00:43:22.940]: Times 2, dude. [00:43:22.940 -> 00:43:23.940]: Oh my God. [00:43:23.940 -> 00:43:25.940]: There's a $200 feature. [00:43:25.940 -> 00:43:27.940]: There's another dud out. [00:43:27.940 -> 00:43:29.940]: It always does this on the feature for me, dude. [00:43:29.940 -> 00:43:30.940]: I swear to God it does. [00:43:30.940 -> 00:43:32.940]: Oh, it's so bad. [00:43:32.940 -> 00:43:34.940]: Dude, what the fuck is this? [00:43:34.940 -> 00:43:35.940]: Oh my God. [00:43:35.940 -> 00:43:36.940]: Hit, dude. [00:43:36.940 -> 00:43:41.940]: Hit hold on to the last spin, bitch! [00:43:41.940 -> 00:43:42.940]: No! [00:43:42.940 -> 00:43:43.940]: No! [00:43:43.940 -> 00:43:44.940]: What the fuck? [00:43:44.940 -> 00:43:47.940]: Fucking bass bands pay more than that. [00:43:47.940 -> 00:43:49.940]: Hey, good morning, Allison. [00:43:49.940 -> 00:43:50.940]: Good morning, good morning. [00:43:50.940 -> 00:43:51.940]: How are you doing? [00:43:51.940 -> 00:43:53.940]: Damn, I think I should leave now. [00:43:53.940 -> 00:43:56.940]: We made 120 from this one, dude. [00:43:56.940 -> 00:43:57.940]: Stick with it. [00:43:57.940 -> 00:43:58.940]: I don't think so, bro. [00:43:58.940 -> 00:43:59.940]: I don't think so. [00:43:59.940 -> 00:44:01.940]: You think so? [00:44:01.940 -> 00:44:04.940]: I kind of want to go back to Swell. [00:44:04.940 -> 00:44:06.940]: I don't know, man. [00:44:06.940 -> 00:44:08.940]: Where are we going, guys? [00:44:08.940 -> 00:44:10.940]: Anybody got a call? [00:44:10.940 -> 00:44:12.940]: I think they got a call for some big spins. [00:44:12.940 -> 00:44:14.940]: We got $4.20 to work with. [00:44:14.940 -> 00:44:16.940]: I should probably withdraw some of this, dude. [00:44:16.940 -> 00:44:18.940]: I haven't got, dude. [00:44:18.940 -> 00:44:20.940]: Nothing much y'all think. [00:44:20.940 -> 00:44:24.940]: I've lost a lot on Blackjack, dude. [00:44:24.940 -> 00:44:26.940]: L abandoned eye of the panda, dork unit. [00:44:26.940 -> 00:44:28.940]: Chris sees super praise. [00:44:28.940 -> 00:44:29.940]: Take $2.50. [00:44:29.940 -> 00:44:30.940]: I should do. [00:44:30.940 -> 00:44:31.940]: You're right. [00:44:31.940 -> 00:44:33.940]: Probably should. [00:44:33.940 -> 00:44:34.940]: Christmas. [00:44:34.940 -> 00:44:35.940]: What's up, coach? [00:44:35.940 -> 00:44:36.940]: Oh, Christmas. [00:44:36.940 -> 00:44:37.940]: Christmas bass. [00:44:37.940 -> 00:44:38.940]: Look at Tut. [00:44:38.940 -> 00:44:39.940]: Pug life. [00:44:39.940 -> 00:44:41.940]: You're on a cop-and-ounce. [00:44:41.940 -> 00:44:42.940]: Yeah. [00:44:42.940 -> 00:44:43.940]: Drop 'em. [00:44:43.940 -> 00:44:44.940]: Ooh, dude. [00:44:44.940 -> 00:44:45.940]: I kind of like that call, dude. [00:44:45.940 -> 00:44:47.940]: Let's do a fucking drop, dude. [00:44:47.940 -> 00:44:48.940]: I heard a 20 drop. [00:44:48.940 -> 00:44:49.940]: Oh, shit. [00:44:49.940 -> 00:44:50.940]: My squirt, bro. [00:44:50.940 -> 00:44:51.940]: I hope so. [00:44:51.940 -> 00:44:53.940]: I had a 20 drop, I think, coming. [00:44:53.940 -> 00:44:54.940]: I like this a lot a lot. [00:44:54.940 -> 00:44:55.940]: I like that. [00:44:55.940 -> 00:44:56.940]: I like the vibe, too, dude. [00:44:56.940 -> 00:44:57.940]: I got a good vibe, too. [00:44:57.940 -> 00:45:00.940]: I want a 20-high-drop spin. [00:45:00.940 -> 00:45:01.940]: Let's go, boys. [00:45:01.940 -> 00:45:02.940]: Down to 300. [00:45:02.940 -> 00:45:03.940]: 300. [00:45:03.940 -> 00:45:04.940]: Gang gang. [00:45:04.940 -> 00:45:05.940]: What's that, Wolfgang? [00:45:05.940 -> 00:45:06.940]: That's Bloodthirst. [00:45:06.940 -> 00:45:07.940]: That's the one he's talking about. [00:45:07.940 -> 00:45:08.940]: That's the one he's talking about. [00:45:08.940 -> 00:45:09.940]: That's a good one. [00:45:09.940 -> 00:45:10.940]: I'm gonna go there next, I think. [00:45:10.940 -> 00:45:11.940]: Yeah. [00:45:11.940 -> 00:45:12.940]: Let's go. [00:45:12.940 -> 00:45:13.940]: Thank you, Allison. [00:45:13.940 -> 00:45:21.460]: come on Fs's early Fs's let's get this money early Fs's ah come on early Fs's [00:45:21.460 -> 00:45:27.740]: dude come on baby early Fs's yes we got one and it's extra it didn't take any [00:45:27.740 -> 00:45:37.280]: of the blocks away dude that's okay Fs me go ahead no fuck Fs me oh my god [00:45:37.280 -> 00:45:41.920]: this is looking like a complete dud bro come on dude that my hit come on hit hit [00:45:41.920 -> 00:45:48.920]: yes oh my god what oh my god doesn't even hit the last row oh my god I thought I [00:45:48.920 -> 00:46:00.400]: did it hit this one hit this one no dude what the fuck bro god man that's [00:46:00.400 -> 00:46:08.560]: gonna hit a little bit $16 not much $40 returns so far come on hit no that's [00:46:08.560 -> 00:46:14.300]: been miracle god man look at that bullshit bro [00:46:14.300 -> 00:46:23.520]: oh look okay curses a werewolf were wolf on you know oh no bro I'm about to do [00:46:23.520 -> 00:46:27.560]: another one of those bro another one let's do it too late I bought it yeah I [00:46:27.560 -> 00:46:41.280]: bought it 120 oh guys we go Fs's early Fs's early Fs's let's go early Fs's early [00:46:41.280 -> 00:46:57.240]: Fs's damn do we need a FS bro damn it's not driving any of them come on last [00:46:57.240 -> 00:47:01.740]: have the feature be fired dude be good be good [00:47:01.740 -> 00:47:04.980]: come on man [00:47:04.980 -> 00:47:23.580]: come on Fs's Fs's hit here hit here please no oh my god oh 90 bucks there let's [00:47:23.580 -> 00:47:28.260]: fucking go needed that especially with none of the no Fs's yet that's definitely [00:47:28.260 -> 00:47:33.780]: helpful dude that helps a lot that's a lot of stress off my shoulders they have [00:47:33.780 -> 00:47:36.960]: another one extra spin without even any of the blocks being taken away this is [00:47:36.960 -> 00:47:45.640]: odd okay we got another Fs upgrade and a spin no take three I took one hit hit [00:47:45.640 -> 00:47:52.460]: maybe nah all right yeah money back money back we'll take that on which one [00:47:52.460 -> 00:47:59.360]: slot it depends on slot I definitely have on prank manics all day nobody not [00:47:59.360 -> 00:48:06.640]: having no no I haven't I have not they're good stinky come on look I got the [00:48:06.640 -> 00:48:10.560]: platform got leveled up bro got twenty four hundred bucks for it dude you [00:48:10.560 -> 00:48:19.280]: believe that holy shit ten bucks there let's go Fs is dude come on man give me [00:48:19.280 -> 00:48:25.960]: some Fs is pro oh wow really good wow that's awesome oh that's cool Mario [00:48:25.960 -> 00:48:33.400]: I never heard that actually I forgot about that oh we got an Fs let's go it took one [00:48:33.400 -> 00:48:42.880]: block away God man Fs is so hard to hit there we go yes let's go let's get it let's get [00:48:42.880 -> 00:48:48.700]: fucking hit let's go yeah I think that's gonna hit guys I think that's gonna hit I think that's [00:48:48.700 -> 00:48:49.880]: gonna hit I think that's gonna hit I think that's gonna hit I think that's gonna hit we got [00:48:49.880 -> 00:48:58.480]: it we got it we got it we got it we got it we got it yeah yeah is that it that's it what [00:48:58.480 -> 00:49:02.840]: come on we got another good one oh my god next to spin oh my god next to spin oh my god [00:49:02.840 -> 00:49:12.280]: next to spin let's go come on bitch hit come on my fucker come on man give me something [00:49:12.280 -> 00:49:15.920]: good bro come on man come on you can do better come on come on come on come on [00:49:15.920 -> 00:49:23.680]: freeze freeze freeze phase well dude oh my god I didn't even break even with such a [00:49:23.680 -> 00:49:31.320]: good lineup dude what the fuck what is that man what is that what if I can call [00:49:31.320 -> 00:49:38.100]: that a load of bullshit load of fucking horse shit last one this one's gonna be [00:49:38.100 -> 00:49:45.260]: the banger 120 fucking drop them here we go boys oh bloodthirst yeah we'll go [00:49:45.260 -> 00:49:49.740]: there nice you get to redo them every week when you're at flat 4 they give me [00:49:49.740 -> 00:49:58.800]: like weekly redo redo depending on your radar come on goddamn is looking bad [00:49:58.800 -> 00:50:07.100]: man fuck my life dude this is so dumb man come on come on three of them one I [00:50:07.100 -> 00:50:12.300]: knew it did they did it depends man no it depends on your [00:50:12.300 -> 00:50:15.820]: radar I'll probably get more than that why are you asking if you fucking if you [00:50:15.820 -> 00:50:19.500]: think you know the answer to it bro what the fuck [00:50:19.500 -> 00:50:26.260]: hit let's go to me one box okay little something like a two-spins left [00:50:26.260 -> 00:50:35.180]: shit dude since my favorite like since my answer oh pla three oh does it give you [00:50:35.180 -> 00:50:41.380]: like freshly weak we give you like fresh ones every week you hit platform [00:50:41.380 -> 00:50:47.620]: fuck my life dude [00:50:47.620 -> 00:51:09.740]: no I fucking got greedy bro no way I just happened man yes let's go got it back [00:51:09.740 -> 00:51:32.060]: no way my hate mind now it's AIDS man no what the fuck is that dude oh my god I [00:51:32.060 -> 00:51:37.780]: Should have withdrawn some dude fucking idiot, bro. Oh my god [00:51:37.780 -> 00:51:40.760]: I'm dude [00:51:40.760 -> 00:51:47.780]: Now the band I'm gonna do come on dude, let's go [00:51:47.780 -> 00:51:52.540]: Come on a bit. Let's go. Come on, baby [00:51:52.540 -> 00:51:56.320]: Come on dude. Let's get his money. Come on man [00:51:57.380 -> 00:52:04.900]: Come on, man. Come on dude. Why do they always do this to me, bro? I swear to god, dude [00:52:04.900 -> 00:52:08.500]: This is so fucked up man. What the fuck bro? [00:52:08.500 -> 00:52:11.580]: God man [00:52:11.580 -> 00:52:15.620]: Sad dude [00:52:25.700 -> 00:52:27.700]: It's fucking stupid [00:52:27.700 -> 00:52:29.860]: Come on [00:52:29.860 -> 00:52:34.020]: Look at that shit dude. Come on. You can't make that up dude. I'm done for tonight, dude [00:52:34.020 -> 00:52:39.900]: I'll see you tomorrow, man. Oh my god. Give me it. No look at that teaser dude. God damn dude [00:52:39.900 -> 00:52:42.700]: What a fucking joke bro [00:52:42.700 -> 00:52:48.780]: What a fucking joke dude, man. I'm fucking done doing this shit, bro. I swear to god, man [00:52:49.300 -> 00:52:53.820]: Doesn't matter how many thousands I get I give it right back dude every fucking time dude [00:52:53.820 -> 00:52:58.020]: Every fucking time I give that shit right fucking back, man. I [00:52:58.020 -> 00:53:04.900]: Swear to god, I do man. That's no fucking joke, dude. There's no joke [00:53:04.900 -> 00:53:22.660]: I'm passing for me personally [00:53:22.660 -> 00:53:32.620]: Me too bro, all right here we go gosh [00:53:33.620 -> 00:53:35.820]: Where did our hand dude? [00:53:35.820 -> 00:53:40.120]: Great [00:53:40.120 -> 00:53:48.220]: And I don't have a gun no, I don't have a gun [00:53:48.220 -> 00:53:57.460]: They my money way I should really shit are you [00:54:00.300 -> 00:54:05.860]: One seven what oh what the fuck man really? Oh [00:54:05.860 -> 00:54:14.980]: Man, she's torture, bro. It's where we are indeed [00:54:14.980 -> 00:54:16.980]: I [00:54:16.980 -> 00:54:38.420]: Yeah, perfect carries [00:54:38.420 -> 00:54:44.340]: Well, gosh needs to pull note 10 not 10 pull note 10 [00:54:44.620 -> 00:54:53.740]: No, what the fuck dude? Oh my god. She won by one number, bro [00:54:53.740 -> 00:55:00.140]: I'll see all you mom bro fucking bad luck man, but I lost everything pretty much [00:55:00.140 -> 00:55:10.140]: [BLANK_AUDIO]