VOD at https://mines.expert/BossmanJack/Kick/$450 bonus hunt 2023-12-02 06_07 [b1450-450-bonus-hunt].mp4 [00:00:00.000 -> 00:00:02.920]: I did went on Zeus tonight. I got 10 the fun go [00:00:02.920 -> 00:00:08.360]: Fucking 10. What's up some man? How you doing boss? Make sure I drop some in follow looks like your streams on kick as well [00:00:08.360 -> 00:00:13.480]: Let's get it. I cannot see heaven being much better. I love to get a 10 here pure queens [00:00:13.480 -> 00:00:17.160]: 12 dude, where's the two I'm gonna hit that bitch [00:00:24.920 -> 00:00:31.780]: Whoever's next I am just worried about my mom. I'm a worrying less. Let's fucking go 20 fucking one 20 fucking one babe [00:00:31.780 -> 00:00:34.400]: Let's go [00:00:34.400 -> 00:00:36.400]: Fuck yeah [00:00:36.400 -> 00:00:38.560]: Nine or 49ers [00:00:38.560 -> 00:00:44.240]: We call it a nine right here boy. I got 21 as well. Nice. Nice double up right there [00:00:44.240 -> 00:00:48.640]: Feel bliss [00:00:48.640 -> 00:00:51.940]: That's a hit her all day. I think so too versus you gotta hit that [00:00:53.680 -> 00:00:55.680]: He's all for me [00:00:55.680 -> 00:00:58.220]: He's a big winner though. Oh, he is [00:00:58.220 -> 00:01:04.320]: He's been hell. He's been pretty. It's been pretty. Oh my god. It was a fucking push dude. No way [00:01:04.320 -> 00:01:09.480]: It was a push boys. I'm gonna take advantage of this slide loss right here [00:01:09.480 -> 00:01:15.460]: I'm gonna take advantage of that boy. I know I got I gotta hit that you know, so I gotta hit that big all in. We've got to [00:01:15.460 -> 00:01:19.880]: Oh, no, I don't see new shoes or a sketch bro when there's a full table [00:01:21.120 -> 00:01:26.300]: Look you guys hips out a little bit. I don't know. I'm fucking stupid man. I just am so stupid to survive [00:01:26.300 -> 00:01:31.740]: I know they're not they're not the dealers having that so you know, there you go. I'm already making minds from that [00:01:31.740 -> 00:01:36.920]: I'm an idiot man. I'm an idiot. I know good dinner. What I said, I know I'm an idiot, bro [00:01:36.920 -> 00:01:45.060]: I'm a bit that deals go [00:01:46.480 -> 00:01:50.800]: Dude 40 sounds like 80 sounds nice to you 80 sounds nice [00:01:50.800 -> 00:01:53.560]: Come on big money big shmoney, baby [00:01:53.560 -> 00:01:56.400]: Let's go. Let's go, baby [00:01:56.400 -> 00:02:02.000]: We're getting guys. It's good 10. It's good 10. Give me a 10 lady. Give me 10 [00:02:02.000 -> 00:02:04.520]: Yes, even better. Let's go [00:02:04.520 -> 00:02:08.880]: Me a pair of them. No, I don't need a pair. I couldn't split them 10 me. Oh [00:02:08.880 -> 00:02:12.000]: Dude, what the fuck is that? [00:02:12.000 -> 00:02:14.700]: Think I got perfect pairing input money on it, dude [00:02:15.540 -> 00:02:21.480]: Come on, dude. God damn it dude. God damn it dude. God damn it guys. Wish me luck [00:02:21.480 -> 00:02:24.800]: Wish me luck guys [00:02:24.800 -> 00:02:33.960]: Come on. Oh, what the fuck this guy come up and needed my wife is so mad. I talked to you so much. What the fuck? [00:02:33.960 -> 00:02:40.380]: Come on, dude. Come on. Give me a six or seven. I'm gonna hit again, dude [00:02:41.180 -> 00:02:45.580]: There's a lot 10 on the table you think she might I'm gonna stand that dude. I don't give a fuck of these kids get mad at me, dude [00:02:45.580 -> 00:02:47.580]: I could care less. It's like [00:02:47.580 -> 00:02:52.540]: Am I standing there? What do y'all think? Hit it? All right, my head. All right [00:02:52.540 -> 00:02:56.260]: Come on. Oh [00:02:56.260 -> 00:03:00.620]: Good call holy fuck [00:03:00.620 -> 00:03:02.700]: Whoo, let's go [00:03:02.700 -> 00:03:04.700]: Let's go big 20 [00:03:04.700 -> 00:03:07.020]: Big fucking 20 nice hit [00:03:07.340 -> 00:03:13.860]: Let's fucking go flesh fucking go the all-in win the all-in Chukarooski wins again [00:03:13.860 -> 00:03:18.700]: Let's go big up to 80. We started with 40. No 35. That's deep. Oh, I believe [00:03:18.700 -> 00:03:22.280]: Let's do a nice little 30 with a 10 on the pair [00:03:22.280 -> 00:03:26.080]: No, just 30 just 30 just 30 with 10 on the pair. I want I need a pair [00:03:26.080 -> 00:03:28.700]: in a pair guys [00:03:28.700 -> 00:03:33.700]: Pair of sevens damn sick of seven to three sevens out [00:03:33.700 -> 00:03:35.700]: Oh [00:03:35.700 -> 00:03:39.800]: We got ten verse nine [00:03:39.800 -> 00:03:44.140]: You guys want to see some ballsy shit, I'm gonna double that bench yo [00:03:44.140 -> 00:03:49.740]: Regents with the sub no way, bro. Yo, you a legend, bro. Thank you very much for the sub Rooney [00:03:49.740 -> 00:03:53.160]: I'm gonna double this bitch. Just for you regents. It's for you my dog [00:03:53.160 -> 00:03:57.900]: This ten right here is for you my dog check this out right here. It's 20 or 21, baby [00:03:58.900 -> 00:04:04.000]: Oh, we got 19. That's fucking good dude. I don't have an ace dude long. She doesn't have an ace [00:04:04.000 -> 00:04:10.400]: We're chilling bro. We're chilling. We got this we got this guys. We got this. We got this. We got this [00:04:10.400 -> 00:04:12.920]: Give me the divinator [00:04:12.920 -> 00:04:14.920]: Give me the W [00:04:14.920 -> 00:04:18.480]: Come on. We got this guys. We got this all day [00:04:18.480 -> 00:04:25.100]: We got this all day come on. No 10 no ace hit it. Yeah, right. Yeah, right. Let's go regents [00:04:28.400 -> 00:04:33.020]: Tony's wife. Oh, yeah, I probably knows it. Oh, it's been doubling bro [00:04:33.020 -> 00:04:36.880]: You know what time it is [00:04:36.880 -> 00:04:42.880]: Double nation [00:04:42.880 -> 00:04:47.340]: Double nation. Let's go. Come on guys. No ten race [00:04:47.340 -> 00:04:50.400]: No ten race guys. She doesn't have it [00:04:50.400 -> 00:04:56.400]: She doesn't have it boys. She don't got it. She don't got it. No way. No [00:04:57.080 -> 00:05:00.340]: No, yes, let's go. Come on [00:05:00.340 -> 00:05:04.440]: Yeah [00:05:04.440 -> 00:05:07.080]: Oh my god, I won by one number [00:05:07.080 -> 00:05:12.940]: Holy fuck it's lagging like crazy right now. There goes. Holy fuck [00:05:12.940 -> 00:05:19.600]: I'm gonna read you a bit. Oh my god. I only want to stay here. It's lagging super bad, bro [00:05:19.600 -> 00:05:22.600]: Dude, why is it do this man? Stop? [00:05:22.600 -> 00:05:25.840]: Let's go. We're back in it. Come on. Jesus. I [00:05:26.560 -> 00:05:31.260]: Got 10. I got 10 apparently I can't even see my car. I got queen. Give me a pair of queens [00:05:31.260 -> 00:05:34.000]: pair of queens, baby. Oh [00:05:34.000 -> 00:05:36.600]: man fuck [00:05:36.600 -> 00:05:39.600]: She gets to stop lagging [00:05:39.600 -> 00:05:44.720]: I'm gonna double that. I'm actually gonna double this 17 guys. Call me crazy, man [00:05:44.720 -> 00:05:50.240]: I'm gonna double that you guys ready for this. We're gonna get a three or four. I know it. I know we are now [00:05:50.240 -> 00:05:52.240]: I'm just kidding on this money [00:05:52.240 -> 00:05:55.240]: Does anybody believe me when I said that [00:05:56.240 -> 00:05:58.240]: We're gonna lose this though watch [00:05:58.240 -> 00:06:04.040]: Like I got perfect pair of fourth dude look he only put money on the triple tree dude. He was bad [00:06:04.040 -> 00:06:06.960]: Get a lag or what [00:06:06.960 -> 00:06:15.240]: What the hell never came [00:06:18.920 -> 00:06:22.280]: Come on dude, let's go. I believe you see in heaven [00:06:22.280 -> 00:06:27.640]: Yeah, I bet you yeah, that's fucking stupid man. Yeah, that goes a nice hit right there [00:06:27.640 -> 00:06:31.260]: Come on low number baby bust low number baby. Oh [00:06:31.260 -> 00:06:35.240]: Motherfucker man. I only still got 90 bucks [00:06:35.240 -> 00:06:39.600]: That's lagging too bad. It's like it too bad for my taste, but I'll be honest [00:06:39.600 -> 00:06:43.320]: All the tables are full bro [00:06:47.840 -> 00:06:53.560]: We're just gonna go all in on this bitch. No, no, it's my man. Let's go guys 80 bucks. I [00:06:53.560 -> 00:06:56.620]: Got two I got two I [00:06:56.620 -> 00:07:03.340]: Got two boys. Come on. She's fucking lagging you versus six versus six eight or nine. Oh [00:07:03.340 -> 00:07:06.400]: Four okay [00:07:06.400 -> 00:07:08.640]: You have four or five [00:07:08.640 -> 00:07:16.660]: You got this long dude come on boys four or five here, please three four five three would be good, too [00:07:17.600 -> 00:07:19.600]: three four five two even [00:07:19.600 -> 00:07:25.840]: Two three four five and eight dude. Oh shit. They're not all day. I'm standing that [00:07:25.840 -> 00:07:33.180]: Furb with the sub dude for much. Oh, thank you very much, dude. That's what's up. Thank you very much for much appreciated, bro [00:07:33.180 -> 00:07:37.020]: That guy didn't even split his eight's first. I go [00:07:37.020 -> 00:07:41.600]: Come on bus lady bus lady plus lady. Let's go [00:07:41.600 -> 00:07:46.220]: No, I lost it all. I just lost it all [00:07:46.380 -> 00:07:51.500]: Wow, what a joke dude, I am so done with just losing every depot I put in here [00:07:51.500 -> 00:07:59.180]: Thank you very much for the sub, bro. I'll be right back guys, man. Fuck. I'm already lost 150 to 300. I'll be true [00:07:59.180 -> 00:08:09.180]: [MUSIC]