VOD at https://mines.expert/BossmanJack/Kick/$450 bonus hunt 2023-12-02 05_10 [b1450-450-bonus-hunt].mp4 [00:00:00.000 -> 00:00:02.700]: I don't mind. I don't care at all 50 cents bins. Oh [00:00:02.700 -> 00:00:09.860]: 21 bucks. I thought it was more than that the whole time no shot. No one said a word, dude [00:00:09.860 -> 00:00:16.840]: Don't think we should do at least 80 cents dog with a 500 stack. What do you guys? What is the check? Maybe we should run a poll [00:00:16.840 -> 00:00:22.040]: That's what I'm saying dude that is true on the big spins [00:00:22.040 -> 00:00:24.920]: That's true [00:00:24.920 -> 00:00:28.480]: I mean, no, I don't care. I don't care, dude [00:00:28.480 -> 00:00:30.840]: It's up to you guys [00:00:30.840 -> 00:00:35.680]: Yeah, I mean turbos get you in dude, let's go 60 cents. Let's go 60 cents [00:00:35.680 -> 00:00:39.320]: Let's go 60 cents [00:00:39.320 -> 00:00:41.980]: Easy features. Come on $500 start. Let's get this money [00:00:41.980 -> 00:00:44.720]: Come on. Give me in quickly [00:00:44.720 -> 00:00:47.580]: That was 60 cents getting a squirrel. Yeah, but it's they can [00:00:47.580 -> 00:00:51.160]: It was but it probably was like about to stop [00:00:55.520 -> 00:01:01.860]: Cuz dude last time we came here it was squirting just like down some big spins and would not go as the feature [00:01:01.860 -> 00:01:06.800]: Yeah, dude. Yes, dude. That was pretty crazy bro. Holy shit [00:01:06.800 -> 00:01:13.040]: I couldn't believe it man. Neither of them. I haven't paid like 300 some dinner. I don't know. It's crazy. It was just [00:01:13.040 -> 00:01:25.200]: This shit's going slow [00:01:25.200 -> 00:01:28.060]: If they do tell the truth, it's the last time you might [00:01:28.060 -> 00:01:39.140]: It's in. Oh, what's this? Oh, it's in it. It's been [00:01:39.140 -> 00:01:49.360]: Come on dude. Get in [00:01:49.360 -> 00:01:51.360]: I [00:01:51.360 -> 00:02:05.220]: Right dude, I spun into two five hundred dollar features on this slot watch the other day yesterday [00:02:05.220 -> 00:02:11.780]: With intense pins. I got both of them was intense. I think it was my second or first spin in here [00:02:11.780 -> 00:02:15.040]: I got in there. I got in the first one and then like two spins later. I got in the middle [00:02:15.040 -> 00:02:18.760]: On this slot. I know that's super rare though. I'm just saying [00:02:18.760 -> 00:02:22.860]: I thought it was a cool one. I think you one would be back here on time anyway. Look [00:02:22.860 -> 00:02:27.700]: Dude, yeah, I think one paid like two hundred one paid like three fifty or something [00:02:27.700 -> 00:02:30.980]: I can't remember none neither of them hit a hundred X. I can tell you that much [00:02:30.980 -> 00:02:39.300]: Come on, we got good in here. So we set a low low point where if we get hit that, I think we're gonna get in though [00:02:39.300 -> 00:02:42.420]: I'm gonna get in. Where should we go next guy? That's this one? [00:02:43.540 -> 00:02:48.540]: Rock Vegas if they have yeah, I think they do got a stick. Yeah, sure one. I guess I don't care [00:02:48.540 -> 00:02:52.140]: Come on pay us pay us pay us pay us be a payer [00:02:52.140 -> 00:03:07.660]: Oh man, that's a great. Oh, yeah, dude juicy fruits. I think that can be good gates. Yeah, sure I love gates [00:03:10.420 -> 00:03:14.700]: I'll just this cold duty just gambling and fucking uh, well now that sounds weird [00:03:14.700 -> 00:03:20.900]: But just you know dreaming. Oh my god. I might pay that my pay guys 19 bucks a fucking goat not bad [00:03:20.900 -> 00:03:23.460]: 60 cents been I [00:03:23.460 -> 00:03:30.980]: Get like over two months and just my twitch checks at least I was the last [00:03:30.980 -> 00:03:36.420]: Okay, I don't know how many ones now. I've been on cake for a little while, man [00:03:38.940 -> 00:03:43.580]: It's like summer dude like right well summer guys or what you know g's out here [00:03:43.580 -> 00:03:46.700]: G'day [00:03:46.700 -> 00:03:50.260]: Eight months well, no, I meant like when I actually consistently started streaming over here [00:03:50.260 -> 00:03:55.180]: Well, yeah, yeah, probably so but listen, but you know when I fully switched over here [00:03:55.180 -> 00:04:06.080]: It's not first like it's like right before a few weeks before steak. I got the steak shit [00:04:06.080 -> 00:04:08.080]: So [00:04:08.080 -> 00:04:13.080]: Turn for a little tripping for a little tripping [00:04:13.080 -> 00:04:22.260]: Dude good thing we drop down the shit's not getting us in bro. Oh, let my pants come on 12 bucks. Let's go [00:04:22.260 -> 00:04:28.120]: That's all right, dude [00:04:28.120 -> 00:04:30.440]: Why better now anyway, I don't know [00:04:34.080 -> 00:04:36.080]: Brand name [00:04:36.080 -> 00:04:39.960]: Yeah, I got started uploading some videos my YouTube guys should I upload some videos right now? [00:04:39.960 -> 00:04:43.120]: Just start uploading one. Oh, we're streaming. I got a good ending [00:04:43.120 -> 00:04:53.760]: You think so I mean dude, we've only lost like $12 bro, you start with 450 bro. We're straight maintaining number [00:04:53.760 -> 00:05:00.800]: Your target's all over that. Oh, I know yeah, I already know [00:05:01.680 -> 00:05:04.260]: Oh, why not bro? Yeah, you said oh, what's this? [00:05:04.260 -> 00:05:16.680]: I appreciate that G. I don't watch streams, so I don't know how the other streamers are even like [00:05:16.680 -> 00:05:22.680]: Most of the time when I'm streaming or when I watch a stream. I'm confused. It's what's going on [00:05:29.800 -> 00:05:31.800]: I can't follow like some people [00:05:31.800 -> 00:05:43.680]: I'm plugging you bought unless I got hosted or something [00:05:43.680 -> 00:05:48.880]: There's no I got 3k [00:05:48.880 -> 00:05:54.760]: What the fuck yeah, I'm definitely getting you body, bro. There's no way to shut up that much dude [00:05:56.400 -> 00:05:59.080]: No, I know since I'm getting into about it. I [00:05:59.080 -> 00:06:04.600]: Don't know why they do that no one's gonna believe that anyway. They're just trying to get me banned, dude [00:06:04.600 -> 00:06:08.000]: I'll try to do [00:06:08.000 -> 00:06:16.440]: I know right weird [00:06:16.440 -> 00:06:20.760]: They can just check if I'm doing anything probably pretty easily [00:06:21.920 -> 00:06:26.600]: Yeah, it is pretty sad. You'd be surprised how many people do it, bro. You'd be hella surprised Holly [00:06:26.600 -> 00:06:33.580]: You'd be surprised a lot of artists as well music wise reviews are bought it on YouTube [00:06:33.580 -> 00:06:35.920]: and bought [00:06:35.920 -> 00:06:41.080]: The artists aren't as big as you think they are interviews. Oh, that might pay guys. Yo yo yo yo yo yo yo [00:06:41.080 -> 00:06:48.400]: It's not maintain we might want to wait till we get into the features. It might be hella worth man [00:06:48.400 -> 00:06:50.400]: I'd be like a fast teacher [00:06:50.400 -> 00:06:52.400]: I [00:06:52.400 -> 00:07:00.140]: Even much deadly. I don't know daily. I sometimes think that maybe one of my mods are view-body me a little bit like a little slightly bit [00:07:00.140 -> 00:07:05.380]: It's the try to help me with my thinking. I was able to help me in any way or something like that [00:07:05.380 -> 00:07:10.340]: But then I have my chat though reassuring me to like no it is probably real man. It's probably real [00:07:10.340 -> 00:07:17.440]: That's not real 3k is not real. Whatever I had before the three before wherever I had the before the 3k might might be real [00:07:18.600 -> 00:07:23.860]: You think his body is not the 3k or my normal people or my normal view of account [00:07:23.860 -> 00:07:29.080]: It is [00:07:29.080 -> 00:07:31.560]: There's not getting it's end dude [00:07:31.560 -> 00:07:38.460]: Cuz listen, I'll do a giveaway and I only like a four only like a fourth or sometimes a third of the people will enter in if it's a much [00:07:38.460 -> 00:07:44.020]: Bigger giveaway. I've noticed it's more upward of the one third. If it's a much smaller giveaway [00:07:44.020 -> 00:07:46.760]: I've noticed it's more of a one fourth of the people to enter in [00:07:46.760 -> 00:08:00.760]: There's even copy all the names. Oh really? Well, I heard if you start a host or a raid, the viewer, the computer account that says there will be the broken, the way the broken account, but I don't know if that's turned out. [00:08:00.760 -> 00:08:09.760]: The 900 was real? The 900? What 900 bro? [00:08:10.760 -> 00:08:19.760]: What are you talking about? My mind's earlier? Do I did a 10K Blackjack Hand on VC game earlier today? Who goes? What do you mean, my 900 was real? [00:08:19.760 -> 00:08:28.760]: I did a $10,000 Blackjack Hand earlier today, dude. $10,000. Fat juicer. [00:08:30.760 -> 00:08:37.260]: I'm sorry. I'm high shit. I'm like, what the hell are you talking about bro? I was dude. I'm sorry, bro. I was like, wait, I'm like, what do you mean? [00:08:37.260 -> 00:08:39.760]: Damn that pussy nice [00:08:39.760 -> 00:08:41.760]: We went and got demo and stuff, so they won't sign up [00:08:41.760 -> 00:08:46.560]: Right. Yeah, that's true too. They just watch. They don't really make any count of these watch [00:08:46.560 -> 00:08:50.460]: So dude, like I said, my view can't might be legit, but like my normal one, so [00:08:50.460 -> 00:08:56.260]: Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh shit. That's nothing. Oh shit. It might be [00:08:56.760 -> 00:09:02.440]: Dude, it might be dude. Oh my god. Yo. Yo. How much is that? Oh [00:09:02.440 -> 00:09:09.680]: My god, holy fucking shit. Oh my fucking god. What the fuck does happen? [00:09:09.680 -> 00:09:12.120]: What the fuck bro [00:09:12.120 -> 00:09:15.360]: 752 dollars [00:09:15.360 -> 00:09:17.040]: We're up 300 [00:09:17.040 -> 00:09:21.440]: What the hell did I've never seen that on a slot with a 60 cent spin ever in my life? [00:09:21.720 -> 00:09:27.880]: That's a first bro. That is a first. I've seen a 60 cent spin pay that much in my life and my life [00:09:27.880 -> 00:09:31.320]: Have you guys ever seen a 60 cent spin without a feature with just a base hit? [00:09:31.320 -> 00:09:35.720]: What the hell no, we're doing a feature or bonus on Jackie's been on his bitch guys are [00:09:35.720 -> 00:09:40.320]: Yeah, if you do that, that's insane the holy shit [00:09:40.320 -> 00:09:45.760]: Oh, yeah, I'm trying to make that money. I need a dude. I already with you 300 like an hour ago, so that's pretty good [00:09:45.760 -> 00:09:49.440]: All right, yeah, I agree I agree [00:09:50.240 -> 00:09:51.920]: Do now [00:09:51.920 -> 00:09:56.040]: Give me in we got into two with the enemy. It's unreal. I got into two five hundred dollars [00:09:56.040 -> 00:10:01.280]: Five hundred dollar features on here with intense bins. This one has taken hundreds from us without single one [00:10:01.280 -> 00:10:06.040]: Oh, this might be another good. No, dude. If it does it again. I swear to God, bro [00:10:06.040 -> 00:10:08.360]: If it does it again, bro. Oh [00:10:08.360 -> 00:10:12.760]: That is so cool. Wouldn't it. That's too good to be true. I guess right [00:10:12.760 -> 00:10:17.000]: Sometimes that fucking crazy shit. I all of that crazy to happen [00:10:19.240 -> 00:10:21.240]: I'm trying to get one bro. I'm trying [00:10:21.240 -> 00:10:26.100]: I gotta do I gotta move your mouse a little circle here circle here [00:10:26.100 -> 00:10:28.800]: Get a big fat face it [00:10:28.800 -> 00:10:31.840]: Oh shit, dude. Oh shit. Yo [00:10:31.840 -> 00:10:41.680]: Dude, we have some reason up the bat now like a hundred percent. Don't you guys think [00:10:41.680 -> 00:10:48.420]: We have seven hundred thirty seven dollar. I know that's just juicer on sixty bucks. I mean 80s. I mean, maybe not [00:10:48.420 -> 00:10:53.180]: 80 cent, maybe a dollar dollar bill y'all [00:10:53.180 -> 00:10:56.420]: Dollar dollar bill y'all [00:10:56.420 -> 00:11:01.720]: one dollar Hollis one dollar Holla, all right, we'll do dollars [00:11:01.720 -> 00:11:06.100]: One dollars [00:11:06.100 -> 00:11:10.980]: Yeah, even then you still have so much room that's just in and fucking make it back with base hits [00:11:10.980 -> 00:11:17.460]: It was wise, but that could have been the end of it too. You got to think of that too. It could have been the very end of the hot the hot streak [00:11:17.460 -> 00:11:19.460]: I [00:11:19.460 -> 00:11:23.220]: Never know [00:11:23.220 -> 00:11:28.900]: Hundred dollar feature to silence and feels so much better than 60, you know, I mean it does the triple digits get you going [00:11:28.900 -> 00:11:34.340]: It is use your head, but that's why you know we might get in bro. I hope so [00:11:34.340 -> 00:11:42.140]: Damn it doesn't want to give us a fucking feature dude [00:11:42.140 -> 00:11:44.140]: I [00:11:44.140 -> 00:11:52.600]: Let's go away sis, it's cool, baby [00:11:52.600 -> 00:11:56.760]: Less than one of us out of quick one dollar [00:11:56.760 -> 00:11:59.640]: Rock Vegas brothers to start the list [00:11:59.640 -> 00:12:04.740]: We're gonna go there. Well, I think we're gonna stay here. It's just do now, bro. It's gonna get us in dude. It's got two [00:12:04.740 -> 00:12:08.540]: Top of her pole it [00:12:08.540 -> 00:12:10.620]: Well, you guys don't think we're gonna get in dude [00:12:11.620 -> 00:12:13.620]: I [00:12:13.620 -> 00:12:16.280]: Maybe it won't I mean I will obviously we stayed here [00:12:16.280 -> 00:12:22.620]: I'm hungry as a motherfucker. I gotta get something to eat soon [00:12:22.620 -> 00:12:26.420]: Yeah, I think so wise. I'm not too sure. I'm not just don't like doing it. I [00:12:26.420 -> 00:12:32.620]: Guess we could do it for the bonus hunt. Maybe I'm can anybody confirm. I'm allowed to do that. I don't know I've never heard you can't [00:12:35.740 -> 00:12:40.220]: You mean just just kick or steak it allow you to I think people do a steak I think [00:12:40.220 -> 00:12:58.660]: He's been like for once yeah [00:13:02.020 -> 00:13:06.200]: Yeah, he's got drop once up use your head come on maybe even a little first one month [00:13:06.200 -> 00:13:08.620]: So do you have a sexy chip next to your name dude? [00:13:08.620 -> 00:13:11.380]: Everyone is gonna be like damn that motherfucker [00:13:11.380 -> 00:13:13.940]: He's a legend dude. He's got the chip [00:13:13.940 -> 00:13:26.000]: 650 bucks I don't have 400 bucks [00:13:26.000 -> 00:13:30.340]: You get too high of a bet with $600 [00:13:30.340 -> 00:13:38.760]: Diddy I was talking dude dude that way do you well? Nah, I don't like doing that [00:13:38.760 -> 00:13:41.020]: I don't like that shit. That's not for me, bro [00:13:41.020 -> 00:13:46.100]: Well, I'm about to make some to eat don't fucking I'm just literally just fucking stomach. Can you guys hear my stomach growling? [00:13:46.100 -> 00:13:49.440]: That was a mushroom chip [00:13:49.440 -> 00:13:53.100]: What are you talking about [00:13:53.100 -> 00:14:00.420]: Well, it's been black or a black tape boss man. That's been good rock hard. It's been rock my nipples are rock hard [00:14:00.420 -> 00:14:05.220]: I can keep it running for y'all y'all want [00:14:05.220 -> 00:14:11.820]: Yeah, all right boy, I'll be right back [00:14:11.820 -> 00:14:18.020]: You can't you see I'm chilling please don't fuck up my cheek in my jacket. Why three recently been up old-fashioned [00:14:18.020 -> 00:14:24.300]: Waste a bunch of money kind of stinks of satisfaction fell asleep a Hollywood woke up in Manhattan [00:14:24.300 -> 00:14:32.780]: Falling like I'm Jordan, but I'm fresh as Mars black men a penny for your thoughts a dollar for your dreams a price on the idea [00:14:32.780 -> 00:14:40.540]: We never can agree. They tell you what to know, but it's better to believe so why you trying to act like what you're never gonna be [00:14:40.820 -> 00:14:48.280]: Still I tell them fuck what you know I'm feeling comfortable just continue living life cuz enough from don't you [00:14:48.280 -> 00:14:51.300]: Spend your days count on every single penny [00:14:51.300 -> 00:14:54.720]: Start now cuz we coming for you anyway [00:14:54.720 -> 00:15:02.660]: Macadilly [00:15:02.660 -> 00:15:07.780]: It ain't never gonna stop cuz [00:15:07.780 -> 00:15:09.780]: I [00:15:34.020 -> 00:15:40.800]: Sometimes wake up up in the morning makeup wrap this month makeup off my bit soon as she's on it take up hours [00:15:40.800 -> 00:15:46.300]: I'm not anxious to find power shape to say but you won't hear it even if your ears was pissed with me's by dray [00:15:46.300 -> 00:15:51.260]: I mean the sun is slowly falling. We are shelly should I eventually so what's your calling? [00:15:51.260 -> 00:15:59.620]: Oh you left your phone behind identity crisis break mirrors vice hysterics the wickedness Jesus Christ is right nearest and devil say you owe 10% [00:15:59.620 -> 00:16:08.220]: So you saw I know some this soul and your hopeless my focus they're ready open on host that flook in the open up oceans that coast the line on the margins [00:16:08.220 -> 00:16:10.220]: I promise choking or soaking up game [00:16:10.220 -> 00:16:16.340]: I'm hoping you picked the second one chain the emotion of jealousy that you're holding you're telling me that you're golden [00:16:16.340 -> 00:16:23.620]: But really cubic seconia. Let me see. I'll break you down like a pound of fire whenever you're tactic somebody clever [00:16:23.620 -> 00:16:25.620]: But even if you're made whether you [00:16:25.620 -> 00:16:35.620]: [MUSIC] [00:16:35.620 -> 00:16:45.620]: [MUSIC] [00:16:45.620 -> 00:16:52.620]: [MUSIC] [00:16:52.620 -> 00:17:00.620]: [INAUDIBLE] [00:17:00.620 -> 00:17:10.620]: [MUSIC] [00:17:10.620 -> 00:17:20.620]: [INAUDIBLE] [00:17:20.620 -> 00:17:27.620]: [MUSIC] [00:17:27.620 -> 00:17:30.620]: I just happen to come back to that very fucking timing dude. [00:17:30.620 -> 00:17:31.620]: No fucking way I just happened. [00:17:31.620 -> 00:17:33.620]: Damn that pussy nice. [00:17:33.620 -> 00:17:35.620]: Why the fuck, I'm not watching Zorno dude. [00:17:35.620 -> 00:17:38.620]: I swear to God that's part of the fucking music video. [00:17:38.620 -> 00:17:39.620]: Or whatever it is. [00:17:39.620 -> 00:17:40.620]: Was it a Mac Miller song? [00:17:40.620 -> 00:17:42.620]: It was a Mac Miller song I bet you. [00:17:42.620 -> 00:17:43.620]: Yes it was. [00:17:43.620 -> 00:17:44.620]: Fight the feeling. [00:17:44.620 -> 00:17:45.620]: Look I swear to God let me show you guys. [00:17:45.620 -> 00:17:46.620]: You motherfuckers. [00:17:46.620 -> 00:17:49.620]: You motherfuckers man. [00:17:49.620 -> 00:17:50.620]: You motherfuckers. [00:17:50.620 -> 00:17:51.620]: Look. [00:17:51.620 -> 00:17:52.620]: Hold on wrong tab. [00:17:52.620 -> 00:17:54.620]: Hold on. [00:17:54.620 -> 00:17:55.620]: Copy. [00:17:55.620 -> 00:17:57.620]: And paste. [00:17:57.620 -> 00:17:58.620]: Sure. [00:17:58.620 -> 00:18:00.620]: Here it is right here. [00:18:00.620 -> 00:18:02.620]: Oh we got the fucking ads on here. [00:18:02.620 -> 00:18:03.620]: Let's fuck. [00:18:03.620 -> 00:18:04.620]: God damn. [00:18:04.620 -> 00:18:05.620]: Do we not get in? [00:18:05.620 -> 00:18:06.620]: Do we get in? [00:18:06.620 -> 00:18:07.620]: Zorno. [00:18:07.620 -> 00:18:09.620]: Did Zorno's pizza? [00:18:09.620 -> 00:18:10.620]: Love that. [00:18:10.620 -> 00:18:12.620]: No, I wasn't watching the touring. [00:18:12.620 -> 00:18:17.620]: But just see how I'll know. [00:18:17.620 -> 00:18:19.620]: No dude, hell no dude. [00:18:19.620 -> 00:18:20.620]: I got the other one anyways. [00:18:20.620 -> 00:18:21.620]: I don't use that one. [00:18:21.620 -> 00:18:23.620]: No, this can't be. [00:18:23.620 -> 00:18:25.620]: It's real quick, real quick. [00:18:25.620 -> 00:18:26.620]: Oh, I'm safe dude. [00:18:26.620 -> 00:18:27.620]: I'm safe. [00:18:27.620 -> 00:18:29.620]: Safe guys, I'm safe. [00:18:29.620 -> 00:18:30.620]: Let's go. [00:18:30.620 -> 00:18:31.620]: Oh! [00:18:31.620 -> 00:18:32.620]: Oh! [00:18:32.620 -> 00:18:33.620]: Oh! [00:18:33.620 -> 00:18:34.620]: Oh! [00:18:34.620 -> 00:18:36.620]: What the fuck was that dude? [00:18:36.620 -> 00:18:37.620]: Who did that? [00:18:37.620 -> 00:18:39.620]: What the fuck, bro? [00:18:39.620 -> 00:18:42.620]: That was weird. [00:18:42.620 -> 00:18:46.620]: Go back to No Sur or not typing that one. [00:18:46.620 -> 00:18:47.620]: Let's get onto the spin tier, guys. [00:18:47.620 -> 00:18:48.620]: Enjoy the spin tier. [00:18:48.620 -> 00:18:49.620]: Enjoy the show. [00:18:49.620 -> 00:18:52.620]: We're going to try the spin or excuse. [00:18:52.620 -> 00:18:55.620]: I'm just kidding. [00:18:55.620 -> 00:18:58.620]: Talk to us. [00:18:58.620 -> 00:19:01.620]: Can I get more? [00:19:01.620 -> 00:19:02.620]: Oh dude, yeah. [00:19:02.620 -> 00:19:03.620]: Let's do it. [00:19:03.620 -> 00:19:04.620]: Let's get one too. [00:19:04.620 -> 00:19:05.620]: Let's play in there. [00:19:05.620 -> 00:19:07.620]: There's anyone that's playing. [00:19:07.620 -> 00:19:08.620]: What's up, user heads? [00:19:08.620 -> 00:19:09.620]: You got something to say, motherfucker? [00:19:09.620 -> 00:19:10.620]: All right. [00:19:10.620 -> 00:19:11.620]: Type X then. [00:19:11.620 -> 00:19:13.620]: They better not be able to. [00:19:13.620 -> 00:19:14.620]: Aw, good guys. [00:19:14.620 -> 00:19:15.620]: Good. [00:19:15.620 -> 00:19:16.620]: Turn that motherfucker to a critic, man. [00:19:16.620 -> 00:19:19.620]: I got so much shit up on my plate. [00:19:19.620 -> 00:19:20.620]: That pog mils. [00:19:20.620 -> 00:19:21.620]: Long. [00:19:21.620 -> 00:19:22.620]: It's tobacco. [00:19:22.620 -> 00:19:23.620]: It's country. [00:19:23.620 -> 00:19:24.620]: Wait, what? [00:19:24.620 -> 00:19:27.620]: Would you read in my history? [00:19:27.620 -> 00:19:30.620]: Open that ear, nigga. [00:19:30.620 -> 00:19:31.620]: Oh, who did? [00:19:31.620 -> 00:19:32.620]: Oh, he did for real? [00:19:32.620 -> 00:19:33.620]: Oh, user head. [00:19:33.620 -> 00:19:34.620]: You really subbed, dude. [00:19:34.620 -> 00:19:36.620]: Who was the songwriter, but I can't remember. [00:19:36.620 -> 00:19:37.620]: Sorry, dude. [00:19:37.620 -> 00:19:39.620]: I'm thank you for subbing, though. [00:19:39.620 -> 00:19:40.620]: Dee? [00:19:40.620 -> 00:19:42.620]: Oh, fuck yeah, that's just up. [00:19:42.620 -> 00:19:44.620]: Hey, respect, bro. [00:19:44.620 -> 00:19:45.620]: Respect my voice. [00:19:45.620 -> 00:19:47.620]: Hell, no, I'm not a cover-ground, but, you know, [00:19:47.620 -> 00:19:48.620]: it's just different. [00:19:48.620 -> 00:19:50.620]: You got, like, 400 people watching, you know what I'm saying? [00:19:50.620 -> 00:19:52.620]: It's a little different. [00:19:52.620 -> 00:19:55.620]: I definitely like my big pog milfs. [00:19:55.620 -> 00:19:56.620]: Don't get me wrong, guys. [00:19:56.620 -> 00:19:59.620]: I love me a pog, and I love me a milf. [00:19:59.620 -> 00:20:03.620]: I'm probably the best combo you can get. [00:20:03.620 -> 00:20:05.620]: Dude, yes. Thank you. [00:20:05.620 -> 00:20:07.620]: Did you have a song request or what was it? [00:20:07.620 -> 00:20:09.620]: I can't believe we haven't gone in on this bitch yet, dude. [00:20:09.620 -> 00:20:11.620]: That's kind of crazy, isn't it, guys? [00:20:11.620 -> 00:20:13.620]: Come on, dude. [00:20:13.620 -> 00:20:14.620]: That's just a little tip next to me. [00:20:14.620 -> 00:20:15.620]: Yes, sir. [00:20:15.620 -> 00:20:17.620]: Deathly's got the nice one. [00:20:17.620 -> 00:20:19.620]: Tucking six months in this bitch. [00:20:19.620 -> 00:20:21.620]: That's all right, a couple grams. [00:20:21.620 -> 00:20:22.620]: We'll get you one. [00:20:22.620 -> 00:20:23.620]: We'll get you one. [00:20:23.620 -> 00:20:24.620]: Who's got to give this up for a couple grams, guys? [00:20:24.620 -> 00:20:25.620]: Come on. [00:20:25.620 -> 00:20:27.620]: If I'm going to fuck you, a big poggy. [00:20:27.620 -> 00:20:29.620]: Pog is a bitch. [00:20:29.620 -> 00:20:31.620]: Pog is a bitch. [00:20:31.620 -> 00:20:32.620]: He in there. [00:20:32.620 -> 00:20:33.620]: Let's go, dude. [00:20:33.620 -> 00:20:36.620]: Give me three of them fucking things. [00:20:36.620 -> 00:20:39.620]: Come on, we need it, guys. [00:20:39.620 -> 00:20:40.620]: The exercise matters. [00:20:40.620 -> 00:20:41.620]: Yeah. [00:20:41.620 -> 00:20:42.620]: No, it doesn't. [00:20:42.620 -> 00:20:43.620]: It doesn't. [00:20:43.620 -> 00:20:45.620]: All you need is a knife. [00:20:45.620 -> 00:20:47.620]: No, man. [00:20:47.620 -> 00:20:49.620]: Let's change that way. [00:20:49.620 -> 00:20:50.620]: Change that way. [00:20:50.620 -> 00:20:51.620]: Change that way, man. [00:20:51.620 -> 00:20:52.620]: Let's change that way. [00:20:52.620 -> 00:20:53.620]: Let's change that way. [00:20:53.620 -> 00:20:54.620]: Let's change that way. [00:20:54.620 -> 00:20:55.620]: Shall we do that? [00:20:55.620 -> 00:21:00.620]: Get a bunch of ads to my pillars. [00:21:00.620 -> 00:21:04.620]: I can't believe we're not in yet. [00:21:04.620 -> 00:21:05.620]: We lost all our profit. [00:21:05.620 -> 00:21:06.620]: Yo, my boy, Sefi. [00:21:06.620 -> 00:21:08.620]: Yo, I forgot to get back to you too. [00:21:08.620 -> 00:21:09.620]: My bad, right? [00:21:09.620 -> 00:21:10.620]: You write me on this card? [00:21:10.620 -> 00:21:12.620]: Oh, yeah, you did. [00:21:12.620 -> 00:21:13.620]: Yo, I'll write you right now. [00:21:13.620 -> 00:21:15.620]: No, you didn't write me on that. [00:21:15.620 -> 00:21:16.620]: I'll still write you. [00:21:16.620 -> 00:21:19.620]: Oh, yeah, court matches, dude. [00:21:19.620 -> 00:21:21.620]: I used to do those, yeah. [00:21:21.620 -> 00:21:22.620]: Dude, we get some... [00:21:22.620 -> 00:21:23.620]: Dude, boys. [00:21:23.620 -> 00:21:24.620]: Who are we going to my court matches? [00:21:24.620 -> 00:21:25.620]: Anybody here? [00:21:25.620 -> 00:21:26.620]: We would get them fucking... [00:21:26.620 -> 00:21:28.620]: We would get them sigils, bro. [00:21:28.620 -> 00:21:29.620]: We'd be getting sigils, dude. [00:21:29.620 -> 00:21:31.620]: We'd be getting them. [00:21:31.620 -> 00:21:33.620]: We'd be pulling them out. [00:21:33.620 -> 00:21:35.620]: I think you're very much like gift this... [00:21:35.620 -> 00:21:36.620]: Oh, it's a couple of grand. [00:21:36.620 -> 00:21:37.620]: I didn't even notice. [00:21:37.620 -> 00:21:38.620]: Yo, thank you very much, bro. [00:21:38.620 -> 00:21:39.620]: Let's fucking go. [00:21:39.620 -> 00:21:40.620]: Thank you, Jeffrey. [00:21:40.620 -> 00:21:41.620]: You're a fucking legend. [00:21:41.620 -> 00:21:42.620]: Thank you, boss, man. [00:21:42.620 -> 00:21:43.620]: You a beast. [00:21:43.620 -> 00:21:44.620]: Dude, where is... [00:21:44.620 -> 00:21:46.620]: Where's my vape pad? [00:21:46.620 -> 00:21:48.620]: I still didn't find it from earlier today, guys. [00:21:48.620 -> 00:21:50.620]: Ah, shit, boss. [00:21:50.620 -> 00:21:58.620]: I'm feeling for a vape right now, dude. [00:21:58.620 -> 00:22:00.620]: I'm not lying. [00:22:00.620 -> 00:22:01.620]: I'm a bad or a s***. [00:22:01.620 -> 00:22:02.620]: You guys ever get like that? [00:22:02.620 -> 00:22:03.620]: Are you fiends like this? [00:22:03.620 -> 00:22:04.620]: Are you fiends like this? [00:22:04.620 -> 00:22:08.620]: All you fucking found it, bro. [00:22:08.620 -> 00:22:09.620]: All you fucking found it, bro. [00:22:09.620 -> 00:22:10.620]: All you fucking found it, bro. [00:22:10.620 -> 00:22:11.620]: All you fucking found it, bro. [00:22:11.620 -> 00:22:12.620]: I don't know. [00:22:12.620 -> 00:22:13.620]: I don't know. [00:22:13.620 -> 00:22:17.620]: I'm so wrong, my left knee has been hurting all day. [00:22:17.620 -> 00:22:25.620]: I can't believe this shit hasn't gone as in yet. [00:22:25.620 -> 00:22:27.620]: Did I miss a feature when I was going? [00:22:27.620 -> 00:22:34.620]: No one that must have had you. [00:22:34.620 -> 00:22:38.620]: Oh, yeah, Nick Racco? [00:22:38.620 -> 00:22:40.620]: I've never done that before. [00:22:40.620 -> 00:22:49.620]: I would maybe try to play if I want to. [00:22:49.620 -> 00:22:50.620]: Roll one up, bro. [00:22:50.620 -> 00:22:52.620]: You don't know if I get in trust. [00:22:52.620 -> 00:22:54.620]: Oh, no, I think it's this guy. [00:22:54.620 -> 00:22:56.620]: Actually, I don't know what's looking. [00:22:56.620 -> 00:23:00.620]: Yeah, that guy, I can figure this guy's second. [00:23:00.620 -> 00:23:05.620]: Dude, we have not gotten in the future yet. [00:23:05.620 -> 00:23:06.620]: We're doing turbos. [00:23:06.620 -> 00:23:09.620]: Honestly, guys, how many hundred spins have we done now? [00:23:09.620 -> 00:23:10.620]: You guys think? [00:23:10.620 -> 00:23:12.620]: How many hundreds of spins? [00:23:12.620 -> 00:23:15.620]: It's had to have been four or five hundred. [00:23:15.620 -> 00:23:16.620]: I'm not kidding. [00:23:16.620 -> 00:23:17.620]: Yo, this is gonna pay, guys. [00:23:17.620 -> 00:23:18.620]: It's my fucking pay, guys. [00:23:18.620 -> 00:23:19.620]: Oh, my God. [00:23:19.620 -> 00:23:20.620]: What? [00:23:20.620 -> 00:23:27.620]: Didn't that pay? [00:23:27.620 -> 00:23:28.620]: Right? [00:23:28.620 -> 00:23:29.620]: Dude, all the gold, guys. [00:23:29.620 -> 00:23:30.620]: Oh, my God. [00:23:30.620 -> 00:23:31.620]: What did we get? [00:23:31.620 -> 00:23:32.620]: We got the bandit, guys. [00:23:32.620 -> 00:23:33.620]: We got the fourth, right? [00:23:33.620 -> 00:23:34.620]: We got this one, eh? [00:23:34.620 -> 00:23:35.620]: Yeah. [00:23:35.620 -> 00:23:36.620]: Dude. [00:23:36.620 -> 00:23:37.620]: Wow. [00:23:37.620 -> 00:23:38.620]: That's still really cool to see. [00:23:38.620 -> 00:23:39.620]: Yeah. [00:23:39.620 -> 00:23:41.620]: Oh, probably a grand plus or maybe even two. [00:23:41.620 -> 00:23:42.620]: Let's see. [00:23:42.620 -> 00:23:43.620]: Oh, yeah. [00:23:43.620 -> 00:23:46.620]: Well, maybe it's like 700, 800. [00:23:46.620 -> 00:23:47.620]: Still. [00:23:47.620 -> 00:23:49.620]: How can we do that wrong, too? [00:23:49.620 -> 00:23:52.620]: Dude, I don't fucking know, bro. [00:23:52.620 -> 00:23:54.620]: I don't even know, dude. [00:23:54.620 -> 00:23:57.620]: Where is the fucking, I've been waiting on it for a while. [00:23:57.620 -> 00:23:59.620]: And this is how it is sometimes. [00:23:59.620 -> 00:24:02.620]: You all are right about leaving. [00:24:02.620 -> 00:24:04.620]: I mean, we might get into a fat bonus, though. [00:24:04.620 -> 00:24:06.620]: I might get into a fat bonus, though. [00:24:06.620 -> 00:24:09.620]: Go get the fishing rod, boss. [00:24:09.620 -> 00:24:10.620]: No, dude. [00:24:10.620 -> 00:24:11.620]: Hey, dude. [00:24:11.620 -> 00:24:15.620]: I will get in the mood for bass every once and a while. [00:24:15.620 -> 00:24:17.620]: Let's check out 400. [00:24:17.620 -> 00:24:19.620]: We're doing a bonus hunt, dog. [00:24:19.620 -> 00:24:20.620]: We're doing a bonus hunt. [00:24:20.620 -> 00:24:21.620]: Spinning slots. [00:24:21.620 -> 00:24:22.620]: Taking it easy. [00:24:22.620 -> 00:24:25.620]: Yeah, we're doing a bonus hunt, bro. [00:24:25.620 -> 00:24:27.620]: I'll do black tape. [00:24:27.620 -> 00:24:28.620]: I'm gonna do one. [00:24:28.620 -> 00:24:31.620]: I know, holy shit. [00:24:31.620 -> 00:24:34.620]: I know it's fucking crazy. [00:24:34.620 -> 00:24:36.620]: Wow, dude. [00:24:36.620 -> 00:24:37.620]: That's fucking wild. [00:24:37.620 -> 00:24:40.620]: How many hundred spins do you guys think? [00:24:40.620 -> 00:24:50.620]: I mean, dude seriously, how many hundred spins have you guys done? [00:24:50.620 -> 00:24:51.620]: I'm sorry, I'ma stop bitching. [00:24:51.620 -> 00:24:53.620]: Still, it's like it's crazy, bro. [00:24:53.620 -> 00:24:54.620]: We've done hundreds of them. [00:24:54.620 -> 00:24:55.620]: I'm not kidding, bro. [00:24:55.620 -> 00:24:58.620]: We just somehow maintained super well. [00:24:58.620 -> 00:24:59.620]: Drop the bet. [00:24:59.620 -> 00:25:03.620]: You think so? [00:25:03.620 -> 00:25:07.620]: So we gotta hit the fucking, uh, we gotta hit the future now. [00:25:07.620 -> 00:25:10.620]: Oh, no. 300, leave it 300, yeah, maybe, yeah. [00:25:10.620 -> 00:25:13.620]: But then it's like we're even so, we're even closer to that.