VOD at https://mines.expert/BossmanJack/Kick/!stake !discord 2023-09-05 08_57 [e33c9-stake-discord].mp4 [00:00:00.000 -> 00:00:10.840]: Oh yeah guys. Oh cheap. Let's go. This is a 40-size band. [00:00:10.840 -> 00:00:33.420]: We were both eighteen and it felt so right, sleeping all day, staying up all night, staying up all night. [00:00:33.420 -> 00:00:41.940]: It does give it it does it does no great it can it does I'll prove it to you I'll prove it to you right here 20 feature [00:00:41.940 -> 00:00:45.140]: All right, give me the money give me the money [00:00:45.140 -> 00:00:50.180]: Three scatters only that's all right. Come on now. There we go [00:00:50.180 -> 00:00:56.660]: That's right. Take you. Let's go bro. Come on baby. Come on, man [00:01:02.580 -> 00:01:04.580]: There you go. I'll keep on in baby [00:01:04.580 -> 00:01:11.180]: Yes, sir beautiful nice little spin we'll take it we'll take it [00:01:11.180 -> 00:01:15.740]: Nice nice and some blues going tans up top [00:01:15.740 -> 00:01:19.380]: Our goals that works to tans tans tans [00:01:19.380 -> 00:01:22.700]: All right. All right 20 spins left [00:01:22.700 -> 00:01:26.020]: Come on we need some combos [00:01:26.820 -> 00:01:31.980]: Come on damn we some combos baby. There you go big greens [00:01:31.980 -> 00:01:39.260]: It pinks yeah [00:01:39.260 -> 00:01:50.260]: Look at care [00:01:52.340 -> 00:01:56.700]: Character what's your point? What are you gonna do? Oh retrigger? Oh? [00:01:56.700 -> 00:02:06.820]: Yeah, I'm fucking purples. Oh my god. I told you this I can pay I told you this I can pay holy shit balls [00:02:06.820 -> 00:02:09.460]: Did you see those purples holy crap? [00:02:09.460 -> 00:02:12.580]: Let's go. Hell. Yeah [00:02:12.580 -> 00:02:16.180]: Yeah, keep on hitting baby [00:02:19.700 -> 00:02:26.020]: $34 what's he giving hell yeah, fuck. Yeah, dude a hundred bucks in the bag [00:02:26.020 -> 00:02:29.460]: That's been a [00:02:29.460 -> 00:02:33.380]: This is a dollar space [00:02:33.380 -> 00:02:43.060]: 20 of them to be right back guys, but the chair get us in there. Oh big gold there, right? [00:02:43.060 -> 00:02:45.060]: No [00:03:08.180 -> 00:03:14.640]: You think I hit it I saw all five bucks. Oh my god. Give me it. Oh my god [00:03:14.640 -> 00:03:20.060]: No way guys. We're 100. We're 100. We're 100 [00:03:20.060 -> 00:03:23.380]: We're 100 feature. Oh my god [00:03:23.380 -> 00:03:30.220]: Come on in. Come on. Please pay me much. I'm on much. I'm on much. I'm on. Come on much. You don't do that [00:03:30.220 -> 00:03:32.940]: There you go start heading now [00:03:33.140 -> 00:03:40.400]: Go ahead now. Oh almost re triggered. Come on mochi month. There you go. Keep building up right in that area. Let's go [00:03:40.400 -> 00:03:46.060]: Come on hundred feature. Let's go mochi [00:03:46.060 -> 00:03:49.060]: please [00:03:49.060 -> 00:03:51.060]: Come on mochi [00:03:51.060 -> 00:04:00.340]: Oh lord lord have mercy on my soul. It would be a good feature guys. I need it. I need it [00:04:01.340 -> 00:04:05.420]: Come on mochi three spins left. Come on baby [00:04:05.420 -> 00:04:08.700]: Yes, come on. No, come on dude [00:04:08.700 -> 00:04:13.300]: All right. All right green's gonna hit. Come on. Keep hitting keep hitting [00:04:13.300 -> 00:04:20.900]: Oh, yeah, come on. Come on big blues. Come on big blues are gonna hit big blues are gonna hit [00:04:20.900 -> 00:04:23.540]: Yes [00:04:23.540 -> 00:04:27.560]: There's something else dude. He's friends left. Come on bro [00:04:29.340 -> 00:04:31.340]: Come on here. We go. Oh [00:04:31.340 -> 00:04:38.340]: Shit come on. Oh 22 dollars. Oh [00:04:38.340 -> 00:04:46.920]: I hurt you man. I think we dip out of this slot. What do y'all think? [00:04:57.540 -> 00:05:01.200]: We'll finish off the spin right here. That's the case. I'll finish these off [00:05:01.200 -> 00:05:05.260]: And send spins like that this one [00:05:05.260 -> 00:05:10.740]: Yeah, I probably showed you my [00:05:10.740 -> 00:05:15.300]: Well, mochi it's gonna be one good one more good one [00:05:15.300 -> 00:05:22.180]: You know you want too much you got five tries left, baby. Come on mochi, man [00:05:24.540 -> 00:05:28.180]: Hey bloodthirst maybe I don't know yet. We'll see [00:05:28.180 -> 00:05:35.540]: In that hundred could have paid man [00:05:35.540 -> 00:05:47.520]: Mom, oh gee. Oh bring it gold or go ahead. That's money back [00:05:52.620 -> 00:05:54.620]: Big blues big blues [00:05:54.620 -> 00:06:01.900]: Are we gonna need that a 110 or 100? All right, that's really even much you mind no matter what [00:06:01.900 -> 00:06:08.740]: I'm okay [00:06:08.740 -> 00:06:17.780]: Where do you buy a mochi mud oh, I don't know bro, I have to do right right now if I want to at 105 [00:06:20.620 -> 00:06:22.620]: What do you buy a mochi mud might be the move? [00:06:22.620 -> 00:06:27.780]: I've hit really hard on much you want on 40s really hard 400 bucks plus [00:06:27.780 -> 00:06:33.240]: I'm debating it. Oh [00:06:33.240 -> 00:06:45.140]: Come on come on guys, please please. Oh man fuck that's some bullshit on the hundo [00:06:49.660 -> 00:06:55.620]: You know what I'm buying a 40, bro. I'm buying a 40. I've decided to live in a 61 bucks at the very minimum [00:06:55.620 -> 00:06:58.060]: Let's get his money [00:06:58.060 -> 00:07:02.160]: Take 40 piece if we look [00:07:02.160 -> 00:07:07.340]: Oh, yeah [00:07:07.340 -> 00:07:10.380]: Come on dude [00:07:10.380 -> 00:07:15.920]: Let's go come on greens and go over 10 greens of 10. Oh, come on man [00:07:18.820 -> 00:07:20.820]: Gold or green or something dude [00:07:20.820 -> 00:07:26.100]: Come on mochi go start hitting baby [00:07:26.100 -> 00:07:31.100]: Come on we need bigger combos bro [00:07:31.100 -> 00:07:34.460]: Mochi, come on baby [00:07:34.460 -> 00:07:36.900]: Come on mochi [00:07:36.900 -> 00:07:42.860]: Retrigger retrigger. Come on retrigger, please for the boys to the boys do it retrigg. Oh [00:07:42.860 -> 00:07:46.740]: Retrigger [00:07:46.740 -> 00:07:48.740]: Oh [00:07:48.740 -> 00:07:52.460]: Come on man, what the hell [00:07:52.460 -> 00:07:59.240]: Fuck come on mochi mochi clutch it clutch it clutch it clutch it clutch it [00:07:59.240 -> 00:08:07.640]: Watch that shit somehow, please. Yes, please clutch it. Please clutch it [00:08:07.640 -> 00:08:16.000]: Once been to clutch it off once been left to clutch clutch [00:08:16.000 -> 00:08:23.080]: No fuck that's bullshit dude [00:08:23.080 -> 00:08:35.640]: Damn dude fucking motion on fuck you motion long [00:08:44.160 -> 00:08:46.160]: Lucky number seven baby lucky number seven [00:08:46.160 -> 00:08:55.700]: Yeah, all right, we're gonna do a five now we'll leave a $2 profit if I lose stay in it [00:08:55.700 -> 00:09:02.760]: Oh fuck you have four down to 70 I guess [00:09:02.760 -> 00:09:11.880]: Come on. Yeah trying to afford our way to a hundred hit that [00:09:12.320 -> 00:09:14.320]: Yeah [00:09:14.320 -> 00:09:19.840]: Yeah, buddy, let's go. Keep climbing double that just cuz yes [00:09:19.840 -> 00:09:22.520]: Yeah, buddy. Hell yeah [00:09:22.520 -> 00:09:27.480]: Holy fucking shit. No they always get that blackjack [00:09:27.480 -> 00:09:31.640]: Yeah boy [00:09:31.640 -> 00:09:34.340]: Whoo [00:09:34.340 -> 00:09:36.340]: Yep, they got I'm saying my money [00:09:36.340 -> 00:09:39.600]: They don't got this time. They had three times in a row [00:09:40.560 -> 00:09:42.940]: My turn for blackjack double that bitch in a 21 [00:09:42.940 -> 00:09:47.000]: Yeah, I should have split those aces that's all right [00:09:47.000 -> 00:09:52.780]: Hit that for the one time. Oh, that was dumb $10 amount [00:09:52.780 -> 00:09:56.500]: Yes [00:09:56.500 -> 00:09:58.340]: Yeah [00:09:58.340 -> 00:10:04.840]: Whoo, I don't know identify cuz I'm a fucking gangster. Okay, I'm a fucking gangster [00:10:04.840 -> 00:10:07.560]: Hit that [00:10:07.560 -> 00:10:10.740]: Stay in there. Yeah, buddy. Whoo. Oh [00:10:10.740 -> 00:10:15.820]: They got a blackjack what the hell [00:10:15.820 -> 00:10:25.460]: Double that no hit that hit that hit that again. Yeah, buddy. I got the 105 stairs [00:10:25.460 -> 00:10:31.820]: Stay in it. Oh, I always you can't always hit against a 10. Oh, not always [00:10:31.820 -> 00:10:35.220]: Yes [00:10:35.220 -> 00:10:37.220]: I [00:10:37.220 -> 00:10:44.340]: Get his money boys. Let's hit that. Yeah, buddy. That's what I'm talking about boys 115 in the bag [00:10:44.340 -> 00:10:48.620]: Double that double that [00:10:48.620 -> 00:10:54.260]: Oh, of course, dude. No way. There is there is [00:10:54.260 -> 00:11:00.820]: Damn it, dude. I'm not even gonna stay in that [00:11:01.540 -> 00:11:04.940]: Stand it. Come on. Yeah, buddy [00:11:04.940 -> 00:11:11.020]: Stand it. Yeah, buddy 119 [00:11:11.020 -> 00:11:14.740]: Yeah, buddy [00:11:14.740 -> 00:11:16.740]: Yeah, buddy 127. Oh [00:11:16.740 -> 00:11:22.820]: My god 139 holy fuck nine dollars. Let's go [00:11:26.420 -> 00:11:29.420]: Oh 30 bucks. I believe in what's this? Oh [00:11:29.420 -> 00:11:39.980]: No, wow fuck off that always happens to me when I go big [00:11:39.980 -> 00:11:45.060]: There we go get this shit back in blood [00:11:53.060 -> 00:11:55.820]: No way 18 I'm leaving if I lose [00:11:55.820 -> 00:12:00.060]: Double it yeah [00:12:00.060 -> 00:12:08.740]: Whoo, yeah, get that money 20 bucks 20 bucks [00:12:08.740 -> 00:12:12.940]: Oh [00:12:12.940 -> 00:12:14.940]: 14 14 [00:12:14.940 -> 00:12:16.540]: Stand it [00:12:16.540 -> 00:12:17.940]: Yeah, buddy [00:12:17.940 -> 00:12:22.660]: Now double that up 28 leave if you win leave if you hit that double [00:12:23.380 -> 00:12:25.380]: Oh my god, yo [00:12:25.380 -> 00:12:32.220]: Yeah boys we are back. Let's fucking go. Holy shit [00:12:32.220 -> 00:12:34.900]: Fuck yeah [00:12:34.900 -> 00:12:39.400]: Whoo. I'm outie. I'm outie. That was a climb [00:12:39.400 -> 00:12:42.780]: Holy shit. All right. I got you. I'll do that [00:12:42.780 -> 00:12:48.340]: Hell yeah [00:12:48.340 -> 00:12:51.860]: You got him right on withdrawing some of that eighty four eighty dollars eighty dollars [00:12:52.860 -> 00:12:57.980]: Oh, dude. I need to fucking charge my phone. My phone's dead. I'll put it in the vault for now [00:12:57.980 -> 00:13:08.040]: That's a nice blackjack rotor, but there's no one that can't save my ass [00:13:19.620 -> 00:13:22.360]: Yeah, that's awesome. That's not the end of the vault [00:13:22.360 -> 00:13:30.620]: Okay, where are we going? [00:13:30.620 -> 00:13:43.760]: A vending machine big spin. Yeah, we're going back to vending the big spin [00:13:44.820 -> 00:13:49.940]: We won bank on this one yesterday mochi na I'll give that one a rest [00:13:49.940 -> 00:13:54.120]: Once when he spends on vending [00:13:54.120 -> 00:14:01.140]: Go mochi go to vending no mochi go to vending. Yeah, I'm going vending. I won fat. Oh, almost first spin I got in almost [00:14:01.140 -> 00:14:03.860]: damn son [00:14:03.860 -> 00:14:08.660]: Come on F assets, let's get his money [00:14:08.660 -> 00:14:10.660]: I [00:14:10.660 -> 00:14:21.020]: Cool slot I [00:14:21.020 -> 00:14:27.440]: Like the band a lot. I'm a big fan. I want huge on it [00:14:27.440 -> 00:14:32.500]: I want 2300 on it baked on a $4.20 spin on 2300 [00:14:32.500 -> 00:14:35.140]: Nice win right there [00:14:35.140 -> 00:14:38.220]: Yep [00:14:38.500 -> 00:14:42.580]: Thanks, bro. Oh, yeah, it was dope pretty fun cool [00:14:42.580 -> 00:14:47.540]: That's right Lindsey hell yeah [00:14:47.540 -> 00:14:51.460]: Come on guys need to get in that feature [00:14:51.460 -> 00:14:55.460]: I'm the rich in the famous [00:14:56.340 -> 00:14:58.340]: Gonna play it [00:14:58.340 -> 00:15:18.340]: Really all damn trying to say yeah, it happens quick, bro. I can't have it quick. Yeah, it can [00:15:18.340 -> 00:15:23.940]: I'll tell you what man, I usually lose on that shit, but sometimes I win on it like that [00:15:23.940 -> 00:15:25.940]: I [00:15:25.940 -> 00:15:34.260]: Come on F-hases, let's go, baby [00:15:34.260 -> 00:15:47.500]: What's up spade how you doing night brother [00:15:50.860 -> 00:15:52.860]: Right drag it, sorry. Yeah, true [00:15:52.860 -> 00:16:00.180]: It was on bass when I could do that. Yeah, I could do that. I can do something like that, baby [00:16:00.180 -> 00:16:04.500]: I want to get it on a feature on here for some reason [00:16:04.500 -> 00:16:07.660]: Actually, I'm gonna increase the bet even [00:16:07.660 -> 00:16:10.780]: What a $24 worth of 240s [00:16:10.780 -> 00:16:13.840]: Which we love guys 10 to 40s [00:16:13.840 -> 00:16:17.060]: Let's get paid [00:16:17.060 -> 00:16:20.060]: Thank you so much. Oh hell yeah, dude. I appreciate you tuning in brother [00:16:20.060 -> 00:16:33.500]: It's newer. Yeah, Jack and sir. Yeah, it is in a month or two old maybe two months or so at the elite at the most I'd say [00:16:33.500 -> 00:16:41.780]: Oh [00:16:41.780 -> 00:16:44.540]: Big 240 spin boy, let him see it [00:16:46.220 -> 00:16:48.220]: Hell yeah, no, please pay [00:16:48.220 -> 00:16:50.580]: Let's go boys [00:16:50.580 -> 00:16:57.100]: Big 240 spin that's a big boy spin big boy spin building up the multis. This is the lightnings [00:16:57.100 -> 00:16:59.900]: Come on now. Keep building the multis [00:16:59.900 -> 00:17:04.020]: Let's go. Let's go. Come on baby girl. Oh [00:17:04.020 -> 00:17:07.340]: Shake me some lightning. There's some lightning baby [00:17:07.340 -> 00:17:09.940]: lightning [00:17:09.940 -> 00:17:12.260]: Lightning's baby lightning come on even some lightnings [00:17:12.820 -> 00:17:16.680]: Lightning lightning lightning lightning lightning lightning lightning lightning all we need lightnings ASAP dude [00:17:16.680 -> 00:17:22.140]: Come on. We got to be stay positive stay positive. We're getting the lightning. We're getting the lightning [00:17:22.140 -> 00:17:25.740]: Dude, we're getting the lightning. Give me some more lightning. Give me some more lightnings. Please praise [00:17:25.740 -> 00:17:31.740]: Let me get some lightnings. Oh praise. I get some lightnings guys. God damn. What is the lightnings? Come on [00:17:31.740 -> 00:17:35.420]: I'm in the lightnings [00:17:35.420 -> 00:17:37.420]: Come on jump in the lightnings [00:17:37.460 -> 00:17:43.060]: Drop in the my lightnings, please sir. Please pray. It does please. Yeah [00:17:43.060 -> 00:17:46.760]: More more lightnings [00:17:46.760 -> 00:17:49.960]: Let's go. Keep it going. Keep it going [00:17:49.960 -> 00:17:53.780]: Keep it going guys [00:17:53.780 -> 00:17:55.780]: for lightning more lightning [00:17:55.780 -> 00:18:02.100]: Lightning and all she we need some Linux. That's five bucks. I need some lightnings ASAP [00:18:03.660 -> 00:18:08.380]: Lightning's do lightning's lightning's lightning's damn nice damn nice [00:18:08.380 -> 00:18:13.280]: Fuck yeah, here's the lightning's you miss the lightning's come on now [00:18:13.280 -> 00:18:15.980]: It's a lightning's lightning's boys [00:18:15.980 -> 00:18:18.700]: It's a lightning's [00:18:18.700 -> 00:18:25.020]: It's a lightning's come on. I just can't say enough we need some lightnings, but he's a fucking lightning's oh [00:18:25.020 -> 00:18:28.940]: Oh, man, that's not bad [00:18:29.500 -> 00:18:34.340]: Not good either for a 240 spin nom. Oh my god almost got right back in [00:18:34.340 -> 00:18:38.620]: Well this fancy bus spins on [00:18:38.620 -> 00:18:44.500]: Yeah, if you run out of the lightning's you over you loose see one as many lit up as possible [00:18:44.500 -> 00:18:47.300]: I'm gonna do three more of these one [00:18:47.300 -> 00:18:52.660]: - [00:18:58.340 -> 00:19:00.340]: And three [00:19:00.340 -> 00:19:09.300]: I lied one more and then one more after that ready [00:19:09.300 -> 00:19:15.460]: Oh, thank you, babe, I appreciate that gee hell yeah, dude. Oh [00:19:15.460 -> 00:19:19.620]: I was hoping to get in by 90. I think I'm gonna leave this slide after one more spin, so [00:19:19.620 -> 00:19:23.220]: Yeah, that's my last spin right there. Yeah, I'm outie [00:19:23.220 -> 00:19:26.260]: Where we going next guys [00:19:27.100 -> 00:19:32.620]: And I got how much of the vault I forgot about the vault dude. I forgot about the motherfucking vault dude. Let's fucking go [00:19:32.620 -> 00:19:38.500]: Well, baby, all right, we'll go to the bandit. I'm gonna need some big boy spins [00:19:38.500 -> 00:19:42.220]: Big 180s [00:19:51.140 -> 00:19:56.200]: We're gonna have a draw. Oh that hundred you mean bill? All right, we're just under my adi [00:19:56.200 -> 00:20:00.560]: I did what y'all said in my adi didn't I my adi didn't I my bitch away? I [00:20:00.560 -> 00:20:10.680]: Don't know I'd have to check no my phone was dead I put it in the vault [00:20:10.680 -> 00:20:20.180]: Now I can patrol it [00:20:20.180 -> 00:20:22.180]: No, you're good, bro [00:20:22.180 -> 00:20:29.700]: You're out of 60 then we'll go with all that [00:20:29.700 -> 00:20:42.120]: Well, man, come on. Come on. Give me in there. Give me in there. Give me in there. Please please. Please. Oh [00:20:42.120 -> 00:20:56.260]: Yeah, I think that we're able a little bit not much. We got code you know a little small guy here [00:20:56.260 -> 00:21:02.340]: Two more spins get down to 60 [00:21:02.340 -> 00:21:31.340]: I'm going to fifty one on. Yep, come on, come on, come on, come on. Oh, what? Fuck off, man. This fucked up. Did it? Fuck, I'm going dry as shit. [00:21:31.340 -> 00:21:52.340]: What you saw? Oh, double rainbow. Okay. I ain't one feature on this. I'm at thirty. I'm on the bandit. [00:21:52.340 -> 00:22:11.340]: Come on, the bandit. Just do it somehow. Come on, the bandit. What the fuck is this slide doing? [00:22:11.340 -> 00:22:26.340]: Yeah, they've seen one's noise. [00:22:26.340 -> 00:22:40.340]: This is 60. [00:22:40.340 -> 00:23:06.340]: Good blackjack. Yes! [00:23:06.340 -> 00:23:13.340]: I'm out. Take that money and run. All right. I just took out one of the scissors in the vault. [00:23:13.340 -> 00:23:20.340]: That was my 3 or 16. I have this much left over so... Oh, where are we going? Yeah, three-minded [00:23:20.340 -> 00:23:30.340]: lit. Watch this. Fuck it. It's one time for the one time. [00:23:30.340 -> 00:23:36.340]: Yo! Fuck yeah! All right. Two on seven. Not bad. [00:23:36.340 -> 00:23:43.060]: What if we did a 20-feet drawing, guys? This is sweeping air to spin. That's just so [00:23:43.060 -> 00:24:01.340]: doing, man. I must go buy one. Do you see fruit? Oh, no, Bill. I have to look. [00:24:01.340 -> 00:24:21.340]: Come on, sweet. Come on, baby. Come on, sweet. No, they did it. They got hacked. [00:24:21.340 -> 00:24:27.340]: Dude, I just got fucking murk, dude. Look at that bullshit. Wow, $1.72, bro. What the [00:24:27.340 -> 00:24:42.340]: fuck? What the hell, dude? Fuck you. Keep it slot. [00:24:42.340 -> 00:24:59.340]: Okay. Oh, no, Rocco. Yeah, for spin away. [00:24:59.340 -> 00:25:05.340]: Sweetheart curse. Let's go. First bit. [00:25:05.340 -> 00:25:16.780]: thank luck I'm dead lately yeah double walker hit it fucking hit dude like a [00:25:16.780 -> 00:25:22.780]: hit on the second one hit on the second one oh 15 times right here's go pay [00:25:22.780 -> 00:25:30.060]: right here right here's go pay right here do this ready ready oh yeah whoo [00:25:30.060 -> 00:25:40.940]: hell yeah let's go fuck yeah dude oh my god oh stupid son of a bitch hit yeah [00:25:40.940 -> 00:25:45.960]: that's like a no combo though nevermind it's not gonna help much at all my job [00:25:45.960 -> 00:25:51.900]: another walker ah motherfucker I love this song that's awesome come on dude [00:25:51.900 -> 00:26:01.040]: someone goes to their expander with some walkers yeah oh fucker dude teasing [00:26:01.040 -> 00:26:19.160]: now that's been oh oh he actually got one jump into the walker and jump into the [00:26:19.160 -> 00:26:27.880]: feature 39 dollars I don't know bad for a sixty cents bid when he's been by [00:26:27.880 -> 00:26:37.780]: sure sure how about a ten dollar one fuck it yolo here we go oh oh hundred [00:26:37.780 -> 00:26:42.160]: times they're gonna be a dick thing for me I'm gonna do one more of those [00:26:42.160 -> 00:26:49.140]: no one random middle right in the middle right in the middle yes dude keep it [00:26:49.140 -> 00:27:00.520]: going come on come on please come on no fuck fuck man oh it's not that bad oh shit [00:27:00.520 -> 00:27:04.240]: I didn't even lose that much really oh really I didn't really lose any I didn't [00:27:04.240 -> 00:27:08.360]: lose anything at all really I'm not another one bro [00:27:08.360 -> 00:27:14.840]: right in the middle right in the middle right in the middle oh got a 50 fucker [00:27:14.840 -> 00:27:23.480]: thank you boss all I asked with me luck right in the middle let's go hit come on [00:27:23.480 -> 00:27:29.480]: keep hitting please yes keep hitting one more time hit one more time one more [00:27:29.480 -> 00:27:43.280]: multi-stack yeah yeah yo yes yes oh my god yes yeah I love you oh my god no way [00:27:43.280 -> 00:27:53.200]: oh my god guys no way holy fucking shit dude oh my god no way dude two hundred [00:27:53.200 -> 00:28:00.840]: ninety one dollars oh my god dude oh my god huck holy shit good call my boy [00:28:00.840 -> 00:28:07.200]: holy shit that's a fucking juicer dude fuck yeah I needed that dude I fucking [00:28:07.200 -> 00:28:11.680]: needed that but drawing a bunch of that dude I'm paying out some damn getting my [00:28:11.680 -> 00:28:31.480]: debt way down 200 withdrawal 200 she won you're all must fucking go I can't [00:28:31.480 -> 00:28:37.860]: I don't know if that's legit or not I'd be crazy today so this guy is dealer [00:28:37.860 -> 00:28:44.220]: jumping right here you can be a little cool [00:28:44.220 -> 00:28:51.260]: all right guys we're going damn dude that was fucking pockets of bit [00:28:51.260 -> 00:29:21.220]: I'm gonna grab his backrope. I'm gonna go from here turn all the lights down now. I'm gonna show me the bathroom for. I'm gonna show me the bathroom here. I'm gonna be taking this way too small. I'm gonna take me away from here. I'm gonna be a little short this time. It's my old fate in the summer. [00:29:21.220 -> 00:29:24.820]: ♪ Face your hand in mine ♪ [00:29:24.820 -> 00:29:27.680]: ♪ I'll leave the world out of thee ♪ [00:29:27.680 -> 00:29:30.820]: ♪ Lord, yes, my love ♪ [00:29:30.820 -> 00:29:33.120]: ♪ Makes the sun play ♪ [00:29:33.120 -> 00:29:36.580]: ♪ I'm already my love ♪ [00:29:36.580 -> 00:29:39.240]: ♪ Where was this place of never the same ♪ [00:29:39.240 -> 00:29:41.160]: ♪ Again, after you came and went ♪ [00:29:41.160 -> 00:29:43.660]: ♪ How can you say you meant anything different ♪ [00:29:43.660 -> 00:29:47.180]: ♪ To anyone standing alone on the street with a cigarette ♪ [00:29:47.180 -> 00:29:49.740]: ♪ On the first night we met up to the past ♪ [00:29:49.740 -> 00:29:52.440]: ♪ Remember a smile and maybe tonight ♪ [00:29:52.440 -> 00:29:54.100]: ♪ I can breathe for a while ♪ [00:29:54.100 -> 00:29:56.540]: ♪ I'm not in the sea and they come falling asleep ♪ [00:29:56.540 -> 00:29:59.940]: ♪ But then all that it means is I'll always be dreaming of you ♪ [00:29:59.940 -> 00:30:03.180]: ♪ They feel the sure this time ♪ [00:30:03.180 -> 00:30:05.420]: ♪ A smile of faith in the summer ♪ [00:30:05.420 -> 00:30:08.860]: ♪ It's your hidden mind ♪ [00:30:08.860 -> 00:30:11.520]: ♪ I'll be one of one of eight ♪ [00:30:11.520 -> 00:30:14.220]: ♪ There are sure this time ♪ [00:30:14.220 -> 00:30:16.360]: ♪ A smile of faith in the summer ♪ [00:30:16.360 -> 00:30:19.020]: ♪ It's your hidden mind ♪ [00:30:19.020 -> 00:30:21.620]: ♪ I'll be one of eight ♪ [00:30:21.620 -> 00:30:24.680]: ♪ There are sure this time ♪ [00:30:24.680 -> 00:30:27.100]: ♪ A smile of faith in the summer ♪ [00:30:27.100 -> 00:30:29.820]: ♪ It's your hidden mind ♪ [00:30:29.820 -> 00:30:31.420]: ♪ There are sure this time ♪ [00:30:31.420 -> 00:30:32.920]: ♪ A smile of faith in the summer ♪ [00:30:32.920 -> 00:30:33.720]: ♪ It's your hidden mind ♪ [00:30:33.720 -> 00:30:35.720]: ♪ There are sure this time ♪ [00:30:35.720 -> 00:30:38.220]: ♪ A smile of faith in the summer ♪ [00:30:38.220 -> 00:30:40.320]: ♪ It's your hidden mind ♪ [00:30:40.320 -> 00:30:41.320]: ♪ There are sure this time ♪ [00:30:41.320 -> 00:30:43.320]: ♪ A smile of faith in the summer ♪ [00:30:43.320 -> 00:30:44.320]: ♪ It's your hidden mind ♪ [00:30:44.320 -> 00:30:46.320]: ♪ There are sure this time ♪ [00:30:46.320 -> 00:30:49.620]: ♪ This time, smile fades in the sunshine ♪ [00:30:49.620 -> 00:30:53.020]: ♪ Baby, show your pain and be in my sign ♪ [00:30:53.020 -> 00:30:55.720]: ♪ I know that these ones are hard ♪ [00:30:55.720 -> 00:31:02.720]: ♪ ♪ [00:31:02.720 -> 00:31:14.720]: ♪ ♪ [00:31:14.720 -> 00:31:22.720]: ♪ ♪ [00:31:22.720 -> 00:31:31.720]: ♪ ♪ [00:31:31.720 -> 00:31:36.720]: ♪ [00:31:36.720 -> 00:31:41.720]: ♪ [00:31:41.720 -> 00:31:46.720]: ♪ [00:31:46.720 -> 00:31:51.720]: ♪ [00:31:51.720 -> 00:31:54.720]: ♪ [00:31:54.720 -> 00:31:57.720]: ♪ [00:31:57.720 -> 00:32:00.720]: ♪ [00:32:00.720 -> 00:32:05.720]: ♪ [00:32:05.720 -> 00:32:10.720]: ♪ [00:32:10.720 -> 00:32:15.720]: ♪ [00:32:15.720 -> 00:32:20.720]: ♪ [00:32:20.720 -> 00:32:25.720]: ♪ [00:32:25.720 -> 00:32:29.720]: ♪ [00:32:29.720 -> 00:32:34.720]: ♪ [00:32:34.720 -> 00:32:39.720]: ♪ [00:32:39.720 -> 00:32:44.720]: ♪ [00:32:44.720 -> 00:32:49.720]: ♪ [00:32:49.720 -> 00:32:52.720]: ♪ [00:32:52.720 -> 00:32:55.720]: ♪ [00:32:55.720 -> 00:32:58.720]: ♪ [00:32:58.720 -> 00:33:03.720]: ♪ [00:33:03.720 -> 00:33:08.720]: ♪ [00:33:08.720 -> 00:33:13.720]: ♪ [00:33:13.720 -> 00:33:18.720]: ♪ [00:33:18.720 -> 00:33:23.720]: ♪ [00:33:23.720 -> 00:33:28.720]: ♪ [00:33:28.720 -> 00:33:33.720]: ♪ [00:33:33.720 -> 00:33:38.720]: ♪ [00:33:38.720 -> 00:33:43.720]: ♪ [00:33:43.720 -> 00:33:47.720]: ♪ [00:33:47.720 -> 00:33:52.720]: ♪ [00:33:52.720 -> 00:33:57.720]: ♪ [00:33:57.720 -> 00:34:02.720]: ♪ [00:34:02.720 -> 00:34:07.720]: ♪ [00:34:07.720 -> 00:34:12.720]: ♪ [00:34:12.720 -> 00:34:17.720]: ♪ [00:34:17.720 -> 00:34:22.720]: ♪ [00:34:22.720 -> 00:34:27.720]: ♪ [00:34:27.720 -> 00:34:32.720]: ♪ [00:34:32.720 -> 00:34:37.720]: ♪ [00:34:37.720 -> 00:34:40.720]: ♪ [00:34:40.720 -> 00:34:45.720]: ♪ [00:34:45.720 -> 00:34:50.720]: ♪ [00:34:50.720 -> 00:34:55.720]: ♪ [00:34:55.720 -> 00:34:59.720]: ♪ [00:34:59.720 -> 00:35:04.720]: ♪ [00:35:04.720 -> 00:35:08.720]: ♪ [00:35:08.720 -> 00:35:13.720]: ♪ [00:35:13.720 -> 00:35:18.720]: ♪ [00:35:18.720 -> 00:35:23.720]: ♪ [00:35:23.720 -> 00:35:28.720]: ♪ [00:35:28.720 -> 00:35:33.720]: ♪ [00:35:33.720 -> 00:35:37.720]: ♪ [00:35:37.720 -> 00:35:42.720]: ♪ [00:35:42.720 -> 00:35:47.720]: ♪ [00:35:47.720 -> 00:35:52.720]: ♪ [00:35:52.720 -> 00:35:57.720]: ♪ [00:35:57.720 -> 00:36:02.720]: ♪ [00:36:02.720 -> 00:36:07.720]: ♪ [00:36:07.720 -> 00:36:12.720]: ♪ [00:36:12.720 -> 00:36:17.720]: ♪ [00:36:17.720 -> 00:36:22.720]: ♪ [00:36:22.720 -> 00:36:27.720]: ♪ [00:36:27.720 -> 00:36:31.720]: ♪ [00:36:31.720 -> 00:36:36.720]: ♪ [00:36:36.720 -> 00:36:41.720]: ♪ [00:36:41.720 -> 00:36:46.720]: ♪ [00:36:46.720 -> 00:36:51.720]: ♪ [00:36:51.720 -> 00:36:56.720]: ♪ [00:36:56.720 -> 00:37:01.720]: ♪ [00:37:01.720 -> 00:37:06.720]: ♪ [00:37:06.720 -> 00:37:11.720]: ♪ [00:37:11.720 -> 00:37:16.720]: ♪ [00:37:16.720 -> 00:37:21.720]: ♪ [00:37:21.720 -> 00:37:24.720]: ♪ [00:37:24.720 -> 00:37:29.720]: ♪ [00:37:29.720 -> 00:37:34.720]: ♪ [00:37:34.720 -> 00:37:39.720]: ♪ [00:37:39.720 -> 00:37:44.720]: ♪ [00:37:44.720 -> 00:37:49.720]: ♪ [00:37:49.720 -> 00:37:59.720]: ♪ [00:37:59.720 -> 00:38:04.720]: ♪ [00:38:04.720 -> 00:38:09.720]: ♪ [00:38:09.720 -> 00:38:14.720]: ♪ [00:38:14.720 -> 00:38:19.720]: ♪ [00:38:19.720 -> 00:38:24.720]: ♪ [00:38:24.720 -> 00:38:29.720]: ♪ [00:38:29.720 -> 00:38:34.720]: ♪ [00:38:34.720 -> 00:38:39.720]: ♪ [00:38:39.720 -> 00:38:44.720]: ♪ [00:38:44.720 -> 00:38:49.720]: ♪ [00:38:49.720 -> 00:38:52.720]: ♪ [00:38:52.720 -> 00:38:55.720]: No way dude, what the hell? [00:38:55.720 -> 00:38:58.720]: Are you fucking kidding me dude, I just lost all that. [00:38:58.720 -> 00:39:01.720]: ♪ [00:39:01.720 -> 00:39:03.720]: No no, Sherman, you can give me your own money. [00:39:03.720 -> 00:39:06.720]: I think your money dude, shut the fuck up, fucking idiot. [00:39:06.720 -> 00:39:09.720]: I'll be right back guys, I'm coming for you. [00:39:09.720 -> 00:39:10.720]: ♪ [00:39:10.720 -> 00:39:12.720]: I know I'm not the one you thought you knew back in high school. [00:39:12.720 -> 00:39:14.720]: Never go, never show, never we had to. [00:39:14.720 -> 00:39:16.720]: I said you knew it great, don't tell us you behave. [00:39:16.720 -> 00:39:18.720]: I'm sick of always hearing that you're raped. [00:39:18.720 -> 00:39:20.720]: I don't wanna waste my time. [00:39:20.720 -> 00:39:23.720]: You can't have another casual team, you're society. [00:39:23.720 -> 00:39:25.720]: I'm never falling in line. [00:39:25.720 -> 00:39:27.720]: You can't have another victim of you. [00:39:27.720 -> 00:39:29.720]: You can't put a money in but I tell. [00:39:29.720 -> 00:39:39.720]: [MUSIC] [00:39:39.720 -> 00:39:49.720]: [MUSIC] [00:39:49.720 -> 00:39:59.720]: [MUSIC] [00:39:59.720 -> 00:40:09.720]: [MUSIC] [00:40:09.720 -> 00:40:19.720]: [MUSIC] [00:40:19.720 -> 00:40:29.720]: [MUSIC] [00:40:29.720 -> 00:40:39.720]: [MUSIC] [00:40:39.720 -> 00:40:49.720]: [MUSIC] [00:40:49.720 -> 00:40:59.720]: [MUSIC] [00:40:59.720 -> 00:41:07.720]: [MUSIC] [00:41:07.720 -> 00:41:15.720]: [MUSIC] [00:41:15.720 -> 00:41:25.720]: [MUSIC] [00:41:25.720 -> 00:41:35.720]: [MUSIC] [00:41:35.720 -> 00:41:50.720]: [MUSIC] [00:41:50.720 -> 00:42:00.720]: [MUSIC] [00:42:00.720 -> 00:42:10.720]: [MUSIC] [00:42:10.720 -> 00:42:20.720]: [MUSIC] [00:42:20.720 -> 00:42:28.720]: [MUSIC] [00:42:28.720 -> 00:42:32.720]: [MUSIC] [00:42:32.720 -> 00:42:36.720]: [MUSIC] [00:42:36.720 -> 00:42:46.720]: [MUSIC] [00:42:46.720 -> 00:42:56.720]: [MUSIC] [00:42:56.720 -> 00:43:06.720]: [MUSIC] [00:43:06.720 -> 00:43:16.720]: [MUSIC] [00:43:16.720 -> 00:43:26.720]: [MUSIC] [00:43:26.720 -> 00:43:36.720]: [MUSIC] [00:43:36.720 -> 00:43:46.720]: [MUSIC] [00:43:46.720 -> 00:43:56.720]: [MUSIC] [00:43:56.720 -> 00:44:06.720]: [MUSIC] [00:44:06.720 -> 00:44:17.720]: [MUSIC] [00:44:17.720 -> 00:44:18.720]: [MUSIC] [00:44:18.720 -> 00:44:19.720]: [MUSIC] [00:44:19.720 -> 00:44:29.720]: [MUSIC] [00:44:29.720 -> 00:44:39.720]: [MUSIC] [00:44:39.720 -> 00:44:49.720]: [MUSIC] [00:44:49.720 -> 00:44:59.720]: [MUSIC] [00:44:59.720 -> 00:45:09.720]: [MUSIC] [00:45:09.720 -> 00:45:19.720]: [MUSIC] [00:45:19.720 -> 00:45:29.720]: [MUSIC] [00:45:29.720 -> 00:45:39.720]: [MUSIC] [00:45:39.720 -> 00:45:49.720]: [MUSIC] [00:45:49.720 -> 00:45:59.720]: [MUSIC] [00:45:59.720 -> 00:46:09.720]: [MUSIC] [00:46:09.720 -> 00:46:19.720]: [MUSIC] [00:46:19.720 -> 00:46:29.720]: [MUSIC] [00:46:29.720 -> 00:46:39.720]: [MUSIC] [00:46:39.720 -> 00:46:49.720]: [MUSIC] [00:46:49.720 -> 00:46:59.720]: [MUSIC] [00:46:59.720 -> 00:47:09.720]: [MUSIC] [00:47:09.720 -> 00:47:19.720]: [MUSIC] [00:47:19.720 -> 00:47:29.720]: [MUSIC] [00:47:29.720 -> 00:47:39.720]: [MUSIC] [00:47:39.720 -> 00:47:49.720]: [MUSIC] [00:47:49.720 -> 00:47:59.720]: [MUSIC] [00:47:59.720 -> 00:48:09.720]: [MUSIC] [00:48:09.720 -> 00:48:19.720]: [MUSIC] [00:48:19.720 -> 00:48:29.720]: [MUSIC] [00:48:29.720 -> 00:48:39.720]: [MUSIC] [00:48:39.720 -> 00:48:49.720]: [MUSIC] [00:48:49.720 -> 00:48:59.720]: [MUSIC] [00:48:59.720 -> 00:49:09.720]: [MUSIC] [00:49:09.720 -> 00:49:19.720]: [MUSIC] [00:49:19.720 -> 00:49:29.720]: [MUSIC] [00:49:29.720 -> 00:49:39.720]: [MUSIC] [00:49:39.720 -> 00:49:49.720]: [MUSIC] [00:49:49.720 -> 00:49:56.720]: Well, I tripped, I fell down naked. [00:49:56.720 -> 00:50:02.960]: Well, I scratched my knees, they play. [00:50:02.960 -> 00:50:14.960]: So I'm my eyes need now more, and I came, there is no score. [00:50:14.960 -> 00:50:20.960]: I get me by the light, shut your mouth, I will try, understand, try, understand. [00:50:20.960 -> 00:50:26.960]: I'll spend your time, trust me, that's for good love, ride over me, ride over me. [00:50:26.960 -> 00:50:29.960]: Take on the home, I'll fight with a young girl. [00:50:29.960 -> 00:50:32.960]: I'm trying to deny, I'm trying to deny. [00:50:32.960 -> 00:50:35.960]: Call me a tinskine, come on, put me inside. [00:50:35.960 -> 00:50:39.960]: I'm trying to deny, I'm trying to deny. [00:50:39.960 -> 00:50:51.960]: I'm insane, it's your fault, so fly. [00:50:51.960 -> 00:50:57.960]: You're well, the fly is red, dry. [00:50:57.960 -> 00:51:03.960]: That I cut, that the court free fall. [00:51:03.960 -> 00:51:09.960]: From so high, we seem so small. [00:51:09.960 -> 00:51:12.960]: Try to get me further, I shut your father. [00:51:12.960 -> 00:51:15.960]: Try to deny, I'm insane, try to deny. [00:51:15.960 -> 00:51:19.960]: Hop in your touch, I'm free, that's what could not run. [00:51:19.960 -> 00:51:21.960]: You're a man, a man, a man. [00:51:21.960 -> 00:51:24.960]: Take on the heart and we'll fight with the young girl. [00:51:24.960 -> 00:51:27.960]: Try to deny, try to deny, try to deny. [00:51:27.960 -> 00:51:30.960]: Call me a ting gun, come up, I'm insane. [00:51:30.960 -> 00:51:34.960]: Try to deny, try to deny. [00:51:34.960 -> 00:51:41.960]: Try to deny. [00:51:41.960 -> 00:51:52.960]: I'm insane, it fits out both ways. [00:51:52.960 -> 00:51:58.960]: Try to deny, it fits out both ways. [00:51:58.960 -> 00:52:02.960]: Try to deny, it fits out both ways. [00:52:02.960 -> 00:52:19.960]: Forgive me father, I shut your father down. [00:52:19.960 -> 00:52:25.960]: Forgive me father, I shut your father down. [00:52:25.960 -> 00:52:29.960]: Try to give me father, I shut your father down. [00:52:29.960 -> 00:52:33.960]: Try to deny, it fits out both ways. [00:52:33.960 -> 00:52:36.960]: Forgive me father, I shut your father down. [00:52:36.960 -> 00:52:40.960]: Try to deny, it fits out both ways. [00:52:40.960 -> 00:52:44.960]: Forgive me father, I shut your father down. [00:52:44.960 -> 00:52:48.960]: Try to deny, it fits out both ways. [00:52:48.960 -> 00:52:51.960]: Try to deny, it fits out both ways. [00:52:51.960 -> 00:52:54.960]: Forgive me father, I shut your father down. [00:52:54.960 -> 00:52:57.960]: Try to deny, it fits out both ways. [00:52:57.960 -> 00:52:59.960]: Forgive me father, I shut your father down. [00:52:59.960 -> 00:53:02.960]: Try to deny, it fits out both ways. [00:53:02.960 -> 00:53:05.960]: Forgive me father, I shut your father down. [00:53:05.960 -> 00:53:07.960]: Try to deny, it fits out both ways. [00:53:07.960 -> 00:53:10.960]: Try to deny, it fits out both ways. [00:53:10.960 -> 00:53:20.960]: [MUSIC] [00:53:20.960 -> 00:53:30.960]: [BLANK_AUDIO] [00:53:30.960 -> 00:53:40.960]: [MUSIC] [00:53:40.960 -> 00:53:50.960]: [MUSIC] [00:53:50.960 -> 00:54:00.960]: [MUSIC] [00:54:00.960 -> 00:54:10.960]: [MUSIC] [00:54:10.960 -> 00:54:20.960]: [MUSIC] [00:54:20.960 -> 00:54:30.960]: [MUSIC] [00:54:30.960 -> 00:54:40.960]: [MUSIC] [00:54:40.960 -> 00:54:50.960]: [MUSIC] [00:54:50.960 -> 00:55:00.960]: [MUSIC] [00:55:00.960 -> 00:55:10.960]: [MUSIC] [00:55:10.960 -> 00:55:20.960]: [MUSIC] [00:55:20.960 -> 00:55:30.960]: [MUSIC] [00:55:30.960 -> 00:55:40.960]: [MUSIC] [00:55:40.960 -> 00:55:50.960]: [MUSIC] [00:55:50.960 -> 00:56:00.960]: [MUSIC] [00:56:00.960 -> 00:56:06.960]: [MUSIC] [00:56:06.960 -> 00:56:11.760]: Yo, yo, back guys. What's up, what's up, everybody? [00:56:11.760 -> 00:56:15.560]: Type something in the chat if you're still here. [00:56:15.560 -> 00:56:18.680]: Type something in the chat if you're still here with some everybody. [00:56:18.680 -> 00:56:22.640]: Put them out in the chat or something. Let's get it. [00:56:22.640 -> 00:56:25.320]: I got a depot back in, but, um. [00:56:25.320 -> 00:56:28.720]: Come on, everybody. Come on, everybody. [00:56:28.720 -> 00:56:34.920]: All right, I got to send some Bitcoin. I got to send a few Bitcoins. [00:56:34.920 -> 00:56:35.720]: Dang. [00:56:35.720 -> 00:56:39.880]: [MUSIC] [00:56:39.880 -> 00:56:41.320]: Come on, we're good with it. [00:56:41.320 -> 00:56:51.320]: [MUSIC] [00:56:51.320 -> 00:56:59.800]: We all think maybe 50 or 100. We're going to do the 15, then another 15 if I lose the first 50? [00:56:59.800 -> 00:57:00.800]: 50. [00:57:00.800 -> 00:57:05.720]: [MUSIC] [00:57:05.720 -> 00:57:07.040]: 50 is a good enough start. [00:57:07.040 -> 00:57:14.520]: [MUSIC] [00:57:14.520 -> 00:57:16.960]: I sent them 50. [00:57:16.960 -> 00:57:19.560]: Don't be a freshly shamed balsack. [00:57:19.560 -> 00:57:21.160]: Well, there you go. [00:57:21.160 -> 00:57:23.640]: I'm feeling 10 out of 10 right now. [00:57:23.640 -> 00:57:26.240]: Let's go, boss man. [00:57:26.240 -> 00:57:27.920]: All right, I'm going to send them. [00:57:27.920 -> 00:57:37.920]: [MUSIC] [00:57:37.920 -> 00:57:40.920]: There we go. [00:57:40.920 -> 00:57:46.920]: [MUSIC] [00:57:46.920 -> 00:57:50.920]: Don't want a nation to drive the new media. [00:57:50.920 -> 00:57:59.920]: [MUSIC] [00:57:59.920 -> 00:58:01.920]: >> Here we were, Graham. [00:58:01.920 -> 00:58:02.920]: Yeah. [00:58:02.920 -> 00:58:03.920]: The thing out there? [00:58:03.920 -> 00:58:04.920]: That's a thing. [00:58:04.920 -> 00:58:07.920]: [MUSIC] [00:58:07.920 -> 00:58:08.920]: All right. [00:58:08.920 -> 00:58:11.920]: [MUSIC] [00:58:11.920 -> 00:58:12.920]: What the hell, dude? [00:58:12.920 -> 00:58:21.920]: [MUSIC] [00:58:21.920 -> 00:58:23.920]: My exes is glitching. [00:58:23.920 -> 00:58:28.920]: [MUSIC] [00:58:28.920 -> 00:58:31.920]: Because I have all the money in my shit. [00:58:31.920 -> 00:58:41.920]: [MUSIC] [00:58:41.920 -> 00:58:42.920]: What the hell, dude? [00:58:42.920 -> 00:58:43.920]: Glitching. [00:58:43.920 -> 00:58:53.920]: [MUSIC] [00:58:53.920 -> 00:58:56.920]: Yeah, I still have a lot more money in my exes mouth than I should have. [00:58:56.920 -> 00:58:58.920]: It's already in, guys. [00:58:58.920 -> 00:58:59.920]: No fucking way I came through that quick. [00:58:59.920 -> 00:59:00.920]: Bitcoin. [00:59:00.920 -> 00:59:02.920]: Holy shit, let's go. [00:59:02.920 -> 00:59:04.920]: All right, where we going, guys? [00:59:04.920 -> 00:59:06.920]: Where we going, guys? [00:59:06.920 -> 00:59:11.920]: Um, good diamond cast game for a little bit. [00:59:11.920 -> 00:59:12.920]: Why not? [00:59:12.920 -> 00:59:15.920]: There's a nice, precise spin on here. [00:59:15.920 -> 00:59:17.920]: 25 set. [00:59:17.920 -> 00:59:22.920]: [MUSIC] [00:59:22.920 -> 00:59:24.920]: Back to that, yeah, that shit's fun. [00:59:24.920 -> 00:59:25.920]: Thank you, huh? [00:59:25.920 -> 00:59:28.920]: [MUSIC] [00:59:28.920 -> 00:59:30.920]: Very nice set. [00:59:30.920 -> 00:59:34.920]: [MUSIC] [00:59:34.920 -> 00:59:35.920]: Double-scatter, drop it in. [00:59:35.920 -> 00:59:37.920]: Oh, it doesn't tumble, does it? [00:59:37.920 -> 00:59:39.920]: [MUSIC] [00:59:39.920 -> 00:59:41.920]: Hell, yeah, both of us, my man. [00:59:41.920 -> 00:59:43.920]: Hell, yeah, dude. [00:59:43.920 -> 00:59:45.920]: A long time ahead, Hell, yeah, dude. [00:59:45.920 -> 00:59:47.920]: I hope I can get into it. [00:59:47.920 -> 00:59:49.920]: This would be a $60 feature. [00:59:49.920 -> 00:59:53.920]: [MUSIC] [00:59:53.920 -> 00:59:59.920]: Come on, new kind of adventure. [00:59:59.920 -> 01:00:03.920]: [MUSIC] [01:00:03.920 -> 01:00:05.920]: Oh, yeah. [01:00:05.920 -> 01:00:07.920]: [MUSIC] [01:00:07.920 -> 01:00:08.920]: It's in my multi. [01:00:08.920 -> 01:00:10.920]: [MUSIC] [01:00:10.920 -> 01:00:11.920]: Oh, is that it? [01:00:11.920 -> 01:00:12.920]: Okay. [01:00:12.920 -> 01:00:13.920]: That's fun. [01:00:13.920 -> 01:00:14.920]: That's some auto spins. [01:00:14.920 -> 01:00:15.920]: [MUSIC] [01:00:15.920 -> 01:00:16.920]: Other than bad boys. [01:00:16.920 -> 01:00:18.920]: [MUSIC] [01:00:18.920 -> 01:00:19.920]: Go guys. [01:00:19.920 -> 01:00:27.920]: [MUSIC] [01:00:27.920 -> 01:00:28.920]: Come on, damn. [01:00:28.920 -> 01:00:32.920]: You just need three scatters, right? [01:00:32.920 -> 01:00:34.920]: I don't think so, Oz. [01:00:34.920 -> 01:00:36.920]: I don't think I heard them. [01:00:36.920 -> 01:00:37.920]: Do you have any tape again? [01:00:37.920 -> 01:00:38.920]: I'm a big sloth. [01:00:38.920 -> 01:00:39.920]: I like sloths, dude. [01:00:39.920 -> 01:00:40.920]: I love sloths. [01:00:40.920 -> 01:00:41.920]: I do enjoy sloths. [01:00:41.920 -> 01:00:42.920]: I do. [01:00:42.920 -> 01:00:45.920]: When the huge onslaught doesn't hardly compares to it. [01:00:45.920 -> 01:00:59.920]: Keep going. [01:00:59.920 -> 01:01:04.920]: Keep hitting. [01:01:04.920 -> 01:01:07.920]: Big hits. [01:01:07.920 -> 01:01:08.920]: Oh, plus seven. [01:01:08.920 -> 01:01:09.920]: Nine of eight. [01:01:09.920 -> 01:01:10.920]: There we go. [01:01:10.920 -> 01:01:11.920]: Come on. [01:01:11.920 -> 01:01:12.920]: Keep hitting. [01:01:12.920 -> 01:01:15.920]: Let's take that. [01:01:15.920 -> 01:01:18.920]: Oh, hell yeah. [01:01:18.920 -> 01:01:20.920]: All right, I'll check him out, dude. [01:01:20.920 -> 01:01:23.920]: Fuck yeah. [01:01:23.920 -> 01:01:25.920]: What are they called? [01:01:25.920 -> 01:01:28.920]: I think I heard of them before. [01:01:28.920 -> 01:01:30.920]: A mini affliction. [01:01:30.920 -> 01:01:31.920]: A mini affliction. [01:01:31.920 -> 01:01:32.920]: Okay. [01:01:32.920 -> 01:01:34.920]: Did you ever make up for me working more? [01:01:34.920 -> 01:01:35.920]: Oh, really? [01:01:35.920 -> 01:01:36.920]: Oh, hell yeah, babe. [01:01:36.920 -> 01:01:38.920]: There you go. [01:01:38.920 -> 01:01:40.920]: I'll check him out. [01:01:40.920 -> 01:01:42.920]: I'll play a song after this if you guys. [01:01:42.920 -> 01:01:43.920]: Oh, look at this. [01:01:43.920 -> 01:01:44.920]: This might be good, guys. [01:01:44.920 -> 01:01:45.920]: This could be good. [01:01:45.920 -> 01:01:46.920]: Come on. [01:01:46.920 -> 01:01:48.920]: Oh, plus one. [01:01:48.920 -> 01:01:50.920]: That's some bullshit. [01:01:50.920 -> 01:01:53.920]: Oh, really? [01:01:53.920 -> 01:01:54.920]: It's hit. [01:01:54.920 -> 01:01:55.920]: That's useless. [01:01:55.920 -> 01:01:57.920]: Oh, this is still going? [01:01:57.920 -> 01:01:58.920]: Oh my gosh, guys. [01:01:58.920 -> 01:01:59.920]: This is my hit. [01:01:59.920 -> 01:02:01.920]: Come on now. [01:02:01.920 -> 01:02:03.920]: Plus eight, times eight. [01:02:03.920 -> 01:02:05.920]: Oh, that's it so far? [01:02:05.920 -> 01:02:07.920]: It's still going though, guys. [01:02:07.920 -> 01:02:08.920]: Oh, is it over yet? [01:02:08.920 -> 01:02:09.920]: No, it ain't. [01:02:09.920 -> 01:02:11.920]: It ain't over yet. [01:02:11.920 -> 01:02:13.920]: It ain't over yet. [01:02:13.920 -> 01:02:14.920]: Face it. [01:02:14.920 -> 01:02:16.920]: That was 11. [01:02:16.920 -> 01:02:17.920]: Oh, is that it? [01:02:17.920 -> 01:02:19.920]: Oh, $13! [01:02:19.920 -> 01:02:23.920]: Holy shit, I had no idea what's going on in like that. [01:02:23.920 -> 01:02:25.920]: Fuck yeah. [01:02:25.920 -> 01:02:36.920]: That's pretty dope. [01:02:36.920 -> 01:02:47.920]: I'm having a little scattered. [01:02:47.920 -> 01:02:55.920]: Whoa, $4.56. [01:02:55.920 -> 01:02:57.920]: Let's do $10 and $1. [01:02:57.920 -> 01:02:58.920]: Fuck it. [01:02:58.920 -> 01:03:00.920]: Let's get into a nice feature. [01:03:00.920 -> 01:03:01.920]: $1.00 spans. [01:03:01.920 -> 01:03:22.160]: Come on. Come on, bro. Get the scatter. Let's go. The scatter's coming, dude. Dropping them [01:03:22.160 -> 01:03:31.520]: scat packs. Dropping them scat packs. Come on. Dropping them scat. Just like that, dude. [01:03:31.520 -> 01:03:37.000]: What a teaser, dude. Should be barely lost on them dollars, though. I would maintain [01:03:37.000 -> 01:03:42.160]: it on them. Come on, see those money, guys. [01:03:42.160 -> 01:03:54.400]: Oh, that's it. Okay. I know what was going on. [01:03:54.400 -> 01:04:12.120]: Well, I'm dropping that feature some out. [01:04:12.120 -> 01:04:41.720]: Oh, I'm trying to see a double scatter, man. It's cool. I'm trying to see a double scatter. [01:04:41.720 -> 01:05:11.560]: Come on, Diamond. I mean something, baby. [01:05:11.560 -> 01:05:40.200]: No shots, dude. Really? Come on, keep hitting. Keep hitting. Damn. [01:05:40.200 -> 01:05:59.360]: Come on bro we need that feature next 10 spins or so. Oh man. Please please stop giving me [01:05:59.360 -> 01:06:05.360]: doubles. Stop. Give me a triple right here. Give me a triple. Give me in. Give me in. Please [01:06:05.360 -> 01:06:29.240]: give me in. Oh man. Ripped. Yeah, there it goes guys. All right, I'll be back. [01:06:29.240 -> 01:06:36.240]: [Music] [01:06:36.240 -> 01:06:43.240]: [Music] [01:06:43.240 -> 01:06:53.240]: [Music] [01:06:53.240 -> 01:07:13.240]: [Music] [01:07:13.240 -> 01:07:23.240]: [Music] [01:07:23.240 -> 01:07:30.240]: [Music] [01:07:30.240 -> 01:07:35.240]: [Music] [01:07:35.240 -> 01:07:50.240]: [Music] [01:07:50.240 -> 01:08:16.240]: [Music] [01:08:16.240 -> 01:08:29.240]: [Music] [01:08:29.240 -> 01:08:36.240]: [Music] [01:08:36.240 -> 01:08:56.240]: [Music] [01:08:56.240 -> 01:09:18.240]: [Music] [01:09:18.240 -> 01:09:38.240]: [Music] [01:09:38.240 -> 01:10:04.240]: [Music] [01:10:04.240 -> 01:10:26.240]: [Music] [01:10:26.240 -> 01:10:51.240]: [Music] [01:10:51.240 -> 01:11:17.240]: [Music] [01:11:17.240 -> 01:11:43.240]: [Music] [01:11:43.240 -> 01:12:09.240]: [Music] [01:12:09.240 -> 01:12:35.240]: [Music] [01:12:35.240 -> 01:12:59.240]: [Music] [01:12:59.240 -> 01:13:25.240]: [Music] [01:13:25.240 -> 01:13:35.240]: [Music] [01:13:35.240 -> 01:13:38.240]: All right, I'm back guys. [01:13:38.240 -> 01:13:40.240]: Yo yo. [01:13:40.240 -> 01:13:43.240]: What's up everybody? [01:13:43.240 -> 01:13:53.240]: Let's pop immediately to stop, I guess. [01:13:53.240 -> 01:13:56.240]: What's up snazzy? [01:13:56.240 -> 01:14:00.240]: I've got the Bitcoin pending as of just now. [01:14:00.240 -> 01:14:03.240]: Wait, wait, stop, what's up? [01:14:03.240 -> 01:14:12.240]: [Music] [01:14:12.240 -> 01:14:16.240]: Oh, dodge is your turn, right back. [01:14:16.240 -> 01:14:22.240]: Not bad. [01:14:22.240 -> 01:14:27.240]: Unlucky. [01:14:27.240 -> 01:14:31.240]: It's almost over. [01:14:31.240 -> 01:14:42.240]: Oh, that's Unlucky. [01:14:42.240 -> 01:14:43.240]: Let's go. [01:14:43.240 -> 01:14:48.240]: We're going for the $1 here. [01:14:48.240 -> 01:14:53.240]: Let's go, nice. [01:14:53.240 -> 01:15:09.240]: Wow, we're winning all the small ones, bro. [01:15:09.240 -> 01:15:16.240]: Bullshit. [01:15:16.240 -> 01:15:20.240]: Let's go for the full two here. [01:15:20.240 -> 01:15:25.240]: Let's go here. [01:15:25.240 -> 01:15:30.240]: Oh, hit that. [01:15:30.240 -> 01:15:33.240]: Oh, wow. [01:15:33.240 -> 01:15:38.240]: Mm-hmm. [01:15:38.240 -> 01:15:43.240]: [whistling] [01:15:43.240 -> 01:15:48.240]: [sings] [01:15:48.240 -> 01:15:52.240]: [sings] [01:15:52.240 -> 01:15:57.240]: What you mean? [01:15:57.240 -> 01:16:02.240]: What you mean? [01:16:02.240 -> 01:16:07.240]: [sings] [01:16:07.240 -> 01:16:12.240]: [sings] [01:16:12.240 -> 01:16:17.240]: [sings] [01:16:17.240 -> 01:16:21.240]: [sings] [01:16:21.240 -> 01:16:31.240]: [sings] [01:16:31.240 -> 01:16:35.240]: [sings] [01:16:35.240 -> 01:16:39.240]: [sings] [01:16:39.240 -> 01:16:43.240]: [sings] [01:16:43.240 -> 01:16:47.240]: [sings] [01:16:47.240 -> 01:16:52.240]: [sings] [01:16:52.240 -> 01:16:57.240]: [sings] [01:16:57.240 -> 01:17:02.240]: [sings] [01:17:02.240 -> 01:17:07.240]: [sings] [01:17:07.240 -> 01:17:12.240]: [sings] [01:17:12.240 -> 01:17:22.240]: [sings] [01:17:22.240 -> 01:17:26.240]: [sings] [01:17:26.240 -> 01:17:30.240]: [sings] [01:17:30.240 -> 01:17:34.240]: [sings] [01:17:34.240 -> 01:17:37.240]: [sings] [01:17:37.240 -> 01:17:47.240]: [sings] [01:17:47.240 -> 01:17:53.240]: [sings] [01:17:53.240 -> 01:17:57.240]: [sings] [01:17:57.240 -> 01:18:01.240]: [sings] [01:18:01.240 -> 01:18:11.240]: [sings] [01:18:11.240 -> 01:18:18.240]: [sings] [01:18:18.240 -> 01:18:21.240]: [sings] [01:18:21.240 -> 01:18:25.240]: [sings] [01:18:25.240 -> 01:18:35.240]: [sings] [01:18:35.240 -> 01:18:41.240]: [sings] [01:18:41.240 -> 01:18:45.240]: [sings] [01:18:45.240 -> 01:18:49.240]: [sings] [01:18:49.240 -> 01:18:53.240]: [sings] [01:18:53.240 -> 01:18:58.240]: (music) [01:18:58.240 -> 01:19:00.240]: No, give me a fuck! [01:19:00.240 -> 01:19:01.240]: Let's do this! [01:19:01.240 -> 01:19:05.240]: Alright, nothing's wrong. [01:19:05.240 -> 01:19:07.240]: Fucking some jackass that were in a pizza. [01:19:07.240 -> 01:19:12.240]: I'm getting my family all upset in the middle of the night. [01:19:12.240 -> 01:19:15.240]: What a fucking douchebag. Whoever did that. [01:19:15.240 -> 01:19:17.240]: What the hell? [01:19:17.240 -> 01:19:22.240]: I'm glad you found that funny C5. Not funny in the remotives. [01:19:22.240 -> 01:19:24.240]: Shut the fuck up C5. Thank you. [01:19:24.240 -> 01:19:26.240]: This lame. It's not funny at all. [01:19:26.240 -> 01:19:28.240]: Your fucking child is freaking laughing about that. [01:19:28.240 -> 01:19:30.240]: Childish. [01:19:30.240 -> 01:19:35.240]: What is this? High school? That's like middle school shit, dude. [01:19:35.240 -> 01:19:37.240]: I'm gonna order a pizza and that's someone's house. [01:19:37.240 -> 01:19:38.240]: Oh my god. [01:19:38.240 -> 01:19:51.240]: Very immature. [01:19:52.240 -> 01:19:54.240]: Oh no. [01:19:54.240 -> 01:19:56.240]: Well, at least I'm concerned. [01:19:56.240 -> 01:20:04.240]: Alright. [01:20:04.240 -> 01:20:08.240]: Come on, split thirst, please, baby. [01:20:08.240 -> 01:20:12.240]: Come on, split thirst. [01:20:12.240 -> 01:20:14.240]: Ahh. [01:20:15.240 -> 01:20:17.240]: [barking] [01:20:17.240 -> 01:20:19.240]: [barking] [01:20:19.240 -> 01:20:26.240]: Don't worry, me, I'll be nice. [01:20:26.240 -> 01:20:28.240]: [music playing] [01:20:28.240 -> 01:20:46.240]: Come on, give me a feature, please. [01:20:46.240 -> 01:20:47.240]: Please. [01:20:47.240 -> 01:20:49.240]: [music playing] [01:20:49.240 -> 01:21:00.240]: Come on, man. [01:21:00.240 -> 01:21:02.240]: Yeah! [01:21:02.240 -> 01:21:03.240]: Please pay me now. [01:21:03.240 -> 01:21:05.240]: Oh, please pay. [01:21:05.240 -> 01:21:07.240]: Please, please pay. [01:21:07.240 -> 01:21:09.240]: Please pay. [01:21:09.240 -> 01:21:10.240]: Come on, man. [01:21:10.240 -> 01:21:11.240]: Please pay. [01:21:11.240 -> 01:21:12.240]: Please pay. [01:21:12.240 -> 01:21:13.240]: Let's go. [01:21:13.240 -> 01:21:16.240]: Oh, hell yeah. [01:21:16.240 -> 01:21:19.080]: Very nice get more of them in there [01:21:19.080 -> 01:21:24.020]: Where dollars will take it take it [01:21:24.020 -> 01:21:32.960]: Come on more combos baby, there's one all right nice [01:21:32.960 -> 01:21:38.240]: Come on three spins left, let's go [01:21:38.240 -> 01:21:40.180]: vegans [01:21:40.180 -> 01:21:42.180]: Big combos big combos [01:21:42.600 -> 01:21:47.220]: That is big yellow $4.00. Let's go very nice very nice [01:21:47.220 -> 01:21:50.480]: All right, we'll take it [01:21:50.480 -> 01:21:52.480]: Sockin we'll take it. Oh, no [01:21:52.480 -> 01:21:59.480]: I finish these off [01:21:59.480 -> 01:22:04.280]: We're left no probably not bro [01:22:04.280 -> 01:22:11.360]: Oh double Fs [01:22:11.360 -> 01:22:13.360]: Oh [01:22:13.360 -> 01:22:15.360]: Oh [01:22:15.360 -> 01:22:17.360]: Oh [01:22:17.360 -> 01:22:19.360]: Oh [01:22:19.360 -> 01:22:39.800]: Fs, come on man [01:22:44.360 -> 01:22:46.360]: What'd you get today helping us? [01:22:46.360 -> 01:22:48.920]: Yeah [01:22:48.920 -> 01:22:50.920]: Let's go [01:22:50.920 -> 01:22:58.520]: Come on big heads come on big old hits big old fucking tits [01:22:58.520 -> 01:23:01.080]: They all hit some tits [01:23:01.080 -> 01:23:10.180]: Big old hits and titties big old hits and titties big old hits and titties [01:23:12.280 -> 01:23:15.040]: You guys like my remix they're pretty good or what? [01:23:15.040 -> 01:23:24.480]: Come on, bro. Give me a feature or give me something. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, whoo. Hell. Yeah boys like that [01:23:24.480 -> 01:23:27.680]: Thank you, brother. $18 right there [01:23:27.680 -> 01:23:32.200]: Last bin pop off for me [01:23:36.360 -> 01:23:42.560]: Oh, I know see five thirty dollars how much do I have now fifty five bucks? [01:23:42.560 -> 01:23:45.640]: Right back to where I started [01:23:45.640 -> 01:23:49.840]: Say this hell. Yeah boss. They're all titties [01:23:49.840 -> 01:23:55.240]: Orkeys or canators [01:23:55.240 -> 01:24:02.740]: We go to forty five and leaves two more spins. Let's go [01:24:04.040 -> 01:24:08.020]: Go let's go blood thirds right here. Oh, what'd you do? Oh? [01:24:08.020 -> 01:24:12.600]: Nice. Hey, congratulations. Help you. Sorry. I just read that. I'm sorry [01:24:12.600 -> 01:24:21.520]: Just give me a side [01:24:21.520 -> 01:24:27.000]: All right down to forty again [01:24:27.000 -> 01:24:29.000]: I [01:24:29.000 -> 01:24:41.240]: Did fortunate again, this has been paying me, dude, right for me guys [01:24:41.240 -> 01:24:48.440]: Great guys [01:24:51.080 -> 01:24:53.080]: Arguments I [01:24:53.080 -> 01:25:15.880]: Don't know my parents don't with it [01:25:15.880 -> 01:25:17.880]: I [01:25:17.880 -> 01:25:24.560]: Want a dead fortune, let's go, baby [01:25:24.560 -> 01:25:29.080]: Oh shit balls [01:25:29.080 -> 01:25:33.200]: Come on, baby [01:25:33.200 -> 01:25:40.080]: What a dead fortune come on come on on that fortune come on baby [01:25:40.080 -> 01:25:44.080]: Give me one feature one nice feature [01:25:44.640 -> 01:25:48.280]: Come on fortune come on fortune [01:25:48.280 -> 01:25:57.280]: Oh, come on, damn it, man. I'll be right there [01:25:57.280 -> 01:26:03.920]: Man [01:26:03.920 -> 01:26:10.040]: Fuck off, man. This is awful. Please last time spent. Please. Please. Let me in [01:26:12.520 -> 01:26:14.520]: Please please [01:26:14.520 -> 01:26:27.480]: Oh, we got Walker come on Walker. Let's go hit for me, baby. No. Wow. I've been left guys [01:26:27.480 -> 01:26:35.560]: Wow, oh my god [01:26:40.440 -> 01:26:44.180]: Yeah, that's gonna end my stream right there. I just lost a hundred dollars [01:26:44.180 -> 01:26:53.620]: Yeah, I'm just gonna in the stream [01:26:53.620 -> 01:27:08.680]: Wow, that's bullshit [01:27:08.680 -> 01:27:25.560]: It was a game of offline if I come up, I'll go live or something [01:27:25.560 -> 01:27:32.680]: Give me a typewriter [01:27:32.680 -> 01:27:35.680]: What's your score on there? [01:27:35.680 -> 01:27:37.680]: Oh [01:27:37.680 -> 01:28:01.840]: , I can beat that all day first child beat it [01:28:06.040 -> 01:28:10.640]: Ready here we go. Oh, no, I can't do the punctuation especially with my fucked up people [01:28:26.780 -> 01:28:35.780]: 52 38 worth a minute and 94% practice over two words a second [01:28:35.780 -> 01:28:53.100]: There's a typewriter what the fuck is that? I'll beat 98 then I'll be right back though. Give me a minute [01:28:53.100 -> 01:28:55.100]: I [01:28:55.100 -> 01:28:57.100]: I [01:28:57.100 -> 01:28:59.100]: I [01:28:59.100 -> 01:29:01.100]: I [01:29:01.100 -> 01:29:03.100]: I [01:29:03.100 -> 01:29:05.100]: I [01:29:05.100 -> 01:29:07.100]: I [01:29:07.100 -> 01:29:09.100]: I [01:29:09.100 -> 01:29:11.100]: I [01:29:11.100 -> 01:29:13.100]: I [01:29:13.100 -> 01:29:15.100]: I [01:29:15.100 -> 01:29:17.100]: I [01:29:17.100 -> 01:29:19.100]: I [01:29:19.100 -> 01:29:21.100]: I [01:29:21.100 -> 01:29:23.100]: I [01:29:23.100 -> 01:29:25.100]: I [01:29:25.100 -> 01:29:27.100]: I [01:29:27.100 -> 01:29:29.100]: I [01:29:29.100 -> 01:29:31.100]: I [01:29:31.100 -> 01:29:33.100]: I [01:29:33.100 -> 01:29:35.100]: I [01:29:35.100 -> 01:29:37.100]: I [01:29:37.100 -> 01:29:39.100]: I [01:29:39.100 -> 01:29:41.100]: I [01:29:41.100 -> 01:29:43.100]: I [01:29:43.100 -> 01:29:45.100]: I [01:29:45.100 -> 01:29:47.100]: I [01:29:47.100 -> 01:29:49.100]: I [01:29:49.100 -> 01:29:51.100]: I [01:29:51.100 -> 01:29:53.100]: I [01:29:53.100 -> 01:29:55.100]: I [01:29:55.100 -> 01:29:57.100]: I [01:29:57.100 -> 01:29:59.100]: I [01:29:59.100 -> 01:30:01.100]: I [01:30:01.100 -> 01:30:03.100]: I [01:30:03.100 -> 01:30:05.100]: I [01:30:05.100 -> 01:30:07.100]: I [01:30:07.100 -> 01:30:09.100]: I [01:30:09.100 -> 01:30:11.100]: I [01:30:11.100 -> 01:30:13.100]: I [01:30:13.100 -> 01:30:15.100]: I [01:30:15.100 -> 01:30:17.100]: I [01:30:17.100 -> 01:30:19.100]: I [01:30:19.100 -> 01:30:21.100]: I [01:30:21.100 -> 01:30:23.100]: I [01:30:23.100 -> 01:30:25.100]: I [01:30:25.100 -> 01:30:27.100]: I [01:30:27.100 -> 01:30:29.100]: I [01:30:29.100 -> 01:30:31.100]: I [01:30:31.100 -> 01:30:33.100]: I [01:30:33.100 -> 01:30:35.100]: I [01:30:35.100 -> 01:30:37.100]: I [01:30:37.100 -> 01:30:39.100]: I [01:30:39.100 -> 01:30:41.100]: I [01:30:41.100 -> 01:30:43.100]: I [01:30:43.100 -> 01:30:45.100]: I [01:30:45.100 -> 01:30:47.100]: I [01:30:47.100 -> 01:30:49.100]: I [01:30:49.100 -> 01:30:51.100]: I [01:30:51.100 -> 01:30:53.100]: I [01:30:53.100 -> 01:30:55.100]: I [01:30:55.100 -> 01:30:57.100]: I [01:30:57.100 -> 01:30:59.100]: I [01:30:59.100 -> 01:31:01.100]: I [01:31:01.100 -> 01:31:03.100]: I [01:31:03.100 -> 01:31:05.100]: I [01:31:05.100 -> 01:31:07.100]: I [01:31:07.100 -> 01:31:09.100]: I [01:31:09.100 -> 01:31:11.100]: I [01:31:11.100 -> 01:31:13.100]: I [01:31:13.100 -> 01:31:15.100]: I [01:31:15.100 -> 01:31:17.100]: I [01:31:17.100 -> 01:31:19.100]: I [01:31:19.100 -> 01:31:21.100]: I [01:31:21.100 -> 01:31:23.100]: I [01:31:23.100 -> 01:31:25.100]: I [01:31:25.100 -> 01:31:27.100]: I [01:31:27.100 -> 01:31:29.100]: I [01:31:29.100 -> 01:31:29.100]: I [01:31:29.100 -> 01:31:29.100]: I [01:31:29.100 -> 01:31:29.100]: I [01:31:29.100 -> 01:31:29.100]: I [01:31:29.100 -> 01:31:29.100]: I [01:31:29.100 -> 01:31:29.100]: I [01:31:29.100 -> 01:31:29.100]: I [01:31:29.100 -> 01:31:29.100]: I [01:31:29.100 -> 01:31:29.100]: I [01:31:29.100 -> 01:31:31.100]: I [01:31:31.100 -> 01:31:31.100]: I [01:31:31.100 -> 01:31:31.100]: I [01:31:31.100 -> 01:31:31.100]: I [01:31:31.100 -> 01:31:31.100]: I [01:31:31.100 -> 01:31:31.100]: I [01:31:31.100 -> 01:31:31.100]: I [01:31:31.100 -> 01:31:31.100]: I [01:31:31.100 -> 01:31:31.100]: I [01:31:31.100 -> 01:31:31.100]: I [01:31:31.100 -> 01:31:33.680]: (upbeat music) [01:31:33.680 -> 01:31:36.260]: (upbeat music) [01:31:36.260 -> 01:31:38.820]: (upbeat music) [01:31:38.820 -> 01:31:41.420]: (upbeat music) [01:31:41.420 -> 01:31:44.000]: (upbeat music) [01:31:44.000 -> 01:31:46.100]: (upbeat music) [01:31:46.100 -> 01:31:48.660]: (upbeat music) [01:31:48.660 -> 01:31:51.240]: (upbeat music) [01:31:51.240 -> 01:31:54.180]: (upbeat music) [01:31:54.180 -> 01:31:55.740]: (upbeat music) [01:31:55.740 -> 01:31:57.980]: ♪ It starts with one thing ♪ [01:31:57.980 -> 01:31:59.220]: ♪ I don't know why ♪ [01:31:59.220 -> 01:32:01.380]: ♪ It doesn't even matter how hard you try ♪ [01:32:01.380 -> 01:32:02.480]: ♪ Keep that in mind ♪ [01:32:02.480 -> 01:32:04.980]: ♪ The designers rhyme to explain the due time ♪ [01:32:04.980 -> 01:32:06.680]: ♪ All I know ♪ [01:32:06.680 -> 01:32:08.220]: ♪ Time is a valuable thing ♪ [01:32:08.220 -> 01:32:10.560]: ♪ Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings ♪ [01:32:10.560 -> 01:32:12.560]: ♪ Watch it count down to the end of the day ♪ [01:32:12.560 -> 01:32:14.100]: ♪ The clock takes light away ♪ [01:32:14.100 -> 01:32:15.820]: ♪ So unreal ♪ [01:32:15.820 -> 01:32:17.360]: ♪ It didn't look ever low ♪ [01:32:17.360 -> 01:32:19.640]: ♪ Watch the time go right out the window ♪ [01:32:19.640 -> 01:32:20.800]: ♪ Trying to hold on ♪ [01:32:20.800 -> 01:32:21.900]: ♪ Didn't even know ♪ [01:32:21.900 -> 01:32:24.180]: ♪ Or wasted it all just to watch you ♪ [01:32:24.180 -> 01:32:25.340]: - Throw it back guys. [01:32:25.340 -> 01:32:26.340]: ♪ Kept everything inside ♪ [01:32:26.340 -> 01:32:27.700]: ♪ I didn't even know I tried ♪ [01:32:27.700 -> 01:32:29.020]: ♪ It all fell apart ♪ [01:32:29.020 -> 01:32:29.860]: ♪ What it meant to be ♪ [01:32:29.860 -> 01:32:31.500]: - Well I'm reason. [01:32:31.500 -> 01:32:33.540]: I'm very confused because I said it's a big point [01:32:33.540 -> 01:32:37.580]: in a while ago, and someone didn't get it to clean up for me. [01:32:37.580 -> 01:32:41.460]: ♪ It doesn't even matter ♪ [01:32:41.460 -> 01:32:46.460]: ♪ I had too far to lose it all ♪ [01:32:46.460 -> 01:32:48.340]: ♪ But in the end ♪ [01:32:48.340 -> 01:32:52.020]: ♪ It doesn't even matter ♪ [01:32:52.020 -> 01:32:54.180]: ♪ One thing I don't know why ♪ [01:32:54.180 -> 01:32:56.340]: ♪ It doesn't even matter how hard you tried ♪ [01:32:56.340 -> 01:32:57.420]: ♪ Keep that in mind ♪ [01:32:57.420 -> 01:32:58.580]: - All right, I actually am going to go back down [01:32:58.580 -> 01:32:59.420]: to the next one. [01:32:59.420 -> 01:33:01.540]: ♪ Somehow I tried so hard ♪ [01:33:01.540 -> 01:33:03.500]: ♪ It's part of the way you were mocking me ♪ [01:33:03.500 -> 01:33:05.300]: - Please, I'm dead, Pim. [01:33:05.300 -> 01:33:07.860]: ♪ Remembering all the times you fought with me ♪ [01:33:07.860 -> 01:33:10.260]: ♪ I'm surprised it got so big ♪ [01:33:10.260 -> 01:33:11.740]: - Who's gonna need you to swap? [01:33:11.740 -> 01:33:12.580]: - I don't know. [01:33:12.580 -> 01:33:14.780]: ♪ You wouldn't even recognize me anymore ♪ [01:33:14.780 -> 01:33:16.700]: ♪ Not that you knew me back then ♪ [01:33:16.700 -> 01:33:18.300]: - Come on, I'm dead. [01:33:18.300 -> 01:33:19.580]: Come on, no more doubles. [01:33:19.580 -> 01:33:22.380]: ♪ You kept everything inside and even though I tried ♪ [01:33:22.380 -> 01:33:24.820]: ♪ It all fell apart, so what I meant to mean ♪ [01:33:24.820 -> 01:33:26.020]: - Come on, Dad. [01:33:26.020 -> 01:33:29.140]: ♪ You kept everything inside and even though I tried ♪ [01:33:29.140 -> 01:33:32.140]: ♪ It all fell apart, so what I meant to mean ♪ [01:33:32.140 -> 01:33:33.700]: - Oh, come on, Dad. [01:33:33.700 -> 01:33:35.020]: Oh, come on. [01:33:35.020 -> 01:33:40.980]: ♪ I had too far to lose it all ♪ [01:33:40.980 -> 01:33:41.900]: - Come on. [01:33:41.900 -> 01:33:44.980]: ♪ In the end, it doesn't even matter ♪ [01:33:44.980 -> 01:33:46.020]: - Come on, double. [01:33:46.020 -> 01:33:52.460]: ♪ I put my trust in you ♪ [01:33:52.460 -> 01:33:56.860]: ♪ You're as far as I can go ♪ [01:33:56.860 -> 01:34:01.860]: ♪ For all this, there's only one thing you should ♪ [01:34:01.860 -> 01:34:03.260]: - Come on, dude. [01:34:03.260 -> 01:34:10.260]: ♪ I've put my trust in you ♪ [01:34:10.260 -> 01:34:13.620]: ♪ Pushed as far as I can go ♪ [01:34:13.620 -> 01:34:14.860]: - Come on. [01:34:14.860 -> 01:34:15.860]: Wow. [01:34:15.860 -> 01:34:23.860]: ♪ For all this, there's only one thing you should know ♪ [01:34:23.860 -> 01:34:30.860]: ♪ I tried so hard and got so far, but in the end ♪ [01:34:30.860 -> 01:34:37.860]: ♪ It doesn't even matter, I had too far to lose it all ♪ [01:34:37.860 -> 01:34:45.860]: ♪ In the end, it doesn't even matter ♪ [01:34:45.860 -> 01:35:06.860]: ♪ [01:35:06.860 -> 01:35:11.860]: Come on, dear, please. Please, I'm dead. Please, I'm dead. [01:35:11.860 -> 01:35:14.860]: Come on, just one little fucking feature, bro. One of them. [01:35:15.860 -> 01:35:16.860]: One of them. [01:35:16.860 -> 01:35:23.860]: Oh, come on. [01:35:23.860 -> 01:35:26.860]: Come on, dude. Please hit. Please hit. Please hit. Please hit. Please hit. [01:35:26.860 -> 01:35:29.860]: Come on. Yes, come on. Please, keep hitting. [01:35:29.860 -> 01:35:31.860]: I am begging you. Drop another walker. [01:35:31.860 -> 01:35:33.860]: Come on, hit. [01:35:33.860 -> 01:35:35.860]: Hit. Come on, dude. Keep hitting. Please. [01:35:35.860 -> 01:35:38.860]: Please keep hitting. Drop another walker. [01:35:38.860 -> 01:35:41.860]: Oh, man. What the fuck? [01:35:41.860 -> 01:35:50.500]: oh my god this is so stupid oh my god why did I do that like the end of my [01:35:50.500 -> 01:36:00.660]: deep hug man they always give me a fucking double Wow fuck my life fuck my life [01:36:00.660 -> 01:36:03.920]: Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh! [01:36:03.920 -> 01:36:05.920]: Oh, this is good. [01:36:05.920 -> 01:36:08.360]: ♪ And I'm constantly burning you ♪ [01:36:08.360 -> 01:36:10.320]: ♪ Walls that we just can't back through ♪ [01:36:10.320 -> 01:36:11.920]: ♪ Until it disappears ♪ [01:36:11.920 -> 01:36:15.120]: ♪ We're telling you how to save love ♪ [01:36:15.120 -> 01:36:18.000]: ♪ And how do we get out of love ♪ [01:36:18.000 -> 01:36:19.360]: ♪ Shut down now ♪ [01:36:19.360 -> 01:36:20.720]: ♪ That's when she's set out ♪ [01:36:20.720 -> 01:36:22.100]: ♪ Don't hate you more ♪ [01:36:22.100 -> 01:36:23.560]: ♪ And I just wanna say ♪ [01:36:23.560 -> 01:36:25.720]: ♪ You are the still-sulls and laughs ♪ [01:36:25.720 -> 01:36:27.840]: ♪ And we'll say you ♪ [01:36:27.840 -> 01:36:30.000]: ♪ What were the tools to run out of love ♪ [01:36:30.000 -> 01:36:33.520]: ♪ You girl, I'm not the answer for the questions ♪ [01:36:33.520 -> 01:36:36.400]: ♪ But you still help ♪ [01:36:36.400 -> 01:36:38.400]: ♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa ♪ [01:36:38.400 -> 01:36:39.400]: ♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa ♪ [01:36:39.400 -> 01:36:42.400]: (upbeat rock music) [01:36:42.400 -> 01:36:48.800]: ♪ Let me take press on like crossing weights ♪ [01:36:48.800 -> 01:36:50.920]: ♪ But no man does it ever wait ♪ [01:36:50.920 -> 01:36:53.080]: ♪ Black memories of dying days ♪ [01:36:53.080 -> 01:36:55.440]: ♪ They're deaf and us like hurricane ♪ [01:36:55.440 -> 01:36:57.360]: ♪ Lanes and flames, we help around ♪ [01:36:57.360 -> 01:36:59.720]: ♪ Don't call fingers in your hands ♪ [01:36:59.720 -> 01:37:01.120]: ♪ Press into the flashlight ♪ [01:37:01.120 -> 01:37:03.200]: ♪ And I'll tell you what to stand ♪ [01:37:03.200 -> 01:37:05.040]: ♪ So tell me now ♪ [01:37:05.040 -> 01:37:06.380]: ♪ It's the same love ♪ [01:37:06.380 -> 01:37:09.160]: ♪ And how do we get around ♪ [01:37:09.160 -> 01:37:10.760]: ♪ So don't know ♪ [01:37:10.760 -> 01:37:11.760]: ♪ That's what she said ♪ [01:37:11.760 -> 01:37:13.400]: ♪ I don't hate you boy ♪ [01:37:13.400 -> 01:37:15.080]: ♪ I just wanna save you ♪ [01:37:15.080 -> 01:37:19.140]: ♪ Well, there's still something left to save you ♪ [01:37:19.140 -> 01:37:21.800]: ♪ Well, well, I told you I love you girl ♪ [01:37:21.800 -> 01:37:24.840]: ♪ But I'm not the answer for the questions ♪ [01:37:24.840 -> 01:37:27.720]: ♪ That you still have ♪ [01:37:27.720 -> 01:37:31.060]: ♪ Well, well, well, I know ♪ [01:37:31.060 -> 01:37:41.060]: [MUSIC] [01:37:41.060 -> 01:37:52.180]: One thousand miles away, there's nothing left to say, the summer's left, and I don't know. [01:37:52.180 -> 01:38:00.980]: We never have a choice, this world is still my choice, it takes me under, it takes me under once again. [01:38:00.980 -> 01:38:10.980]: [MUSIC] [01:38:10.980 -> 01:38:32.740]: I don't hate you. I don't hate you, no. So tell me now, to say love and how do we get out. [01:38:32.740 -> 01:38:42.740]: [MUSIC] [01:38:42.740 -> 01:38:52.740]: [MUSIC] [01:38:52.740 -> 01:39:09.740]: I don't hate you. I don't hate you. I don't hate you. I don't hate you. [01:39:09.740 -> 01:39:19.740]: [MUSIC] [01:39:19.740 -> 01:39:38.740]: [MUSIC] [01:39:38.740 -> 01:39:48.740]: [MUSIC] [01:39:48.740 -> 01:39:58.740]: [MUSIC] [01:39:58.740 -> 01:40:08.740]: [MUSIC] [01:40:08.740 -> 01:40:18.740]: [MUSIC] [01:40:18.740 -> 01:40:28.740]: [MUSIC] [01:40:28.740 -> 01:40:38.740]: [MUSIC] [01:40:38.740 -> 01:40:48.740]: [MUSIC] [01:40:48.740 -> 01:40:58.740]: [MUSIC] [01:40:58.740 -> 01:41:08.740]: [MUSIC] [01:41:08.740 -> 01:41:18.740]: [MUSIC] [01:41:18.740 -> 01:41:28.740]: [MUSIC] [01:41:28.740 -> 01:41:38.740]: [MUSIC] [01:41:38.740 -> 01:41:48.740]: [MUSIC] [01:41:48.740 -> 01:41:58.740]: [MUSIC] [01:41:58.740 -> 01:42:08.740]: [MUSIC] [01:42:08.740 -> 01:42:18.740]: [MUSIC] [01:42:18.740 -> 01:42:28.740]: [MUSIC] [01:42:28.740 -> 01:42:38.740]: [MUSIC] [01:42:38.740 -> 01:42:48.740]: [MUSIC] [01:42:48.740 -> 01:42:58.740]: [MUSIC] [01:42:58.740 -> 01:43:08.740]: [MUSIC] [01:43:08.740 -> 01:43:18.740]: [MUSIC] [01:43:18.740 -> 01:43:19.860]: >> Who cares, man? [01:43:19.860 -> 01:43:22.740]: >> He has an ice cream sandwich, well, it's cookie ice cream, he's having it. [01:43:22.740 -> 01:43:28.740]: [MUSIC] [01:43:28.740 -> 01:43:29.740]: >> We don't speak that name, yes. [01:43:29.740 -> 01:43:36.740]: [MUSIC] [01:43:36.740 -> 01:43:46.740]: >> [MUSIC] [01:43:46.740 -> 01:43:56.740]: >> [MUSIC] [01:43:56.740 -> 01:44:06.740]: >> [MUSIC] [01:44:06.740 -> 01:44:16.740]: >> [MUSIC] [01:44:16.740 -> 01:44:26.740]: >> [MUSIC] [01:44:26.740 -> 01:44:36.740]: >> [MUSIC] [01:44:36.740 -> 01:44:46.740]: >> [MUSIC] [01:44:46.740 -> 01:44:56.740]: >> [MUSIC] [01:44:56.740 -> 01:45:06.740]: >> [MUSIC] [01:45:06.740 -> 01:45:16.740]: >> [MUSIC] [01:45:16.740 -> 01:45:26.740]: >> [MUSIC] [01:45:44.740 -> 01:45:48.740]: >> Yeah, it does, Dr. Cardio, yeah. [01:45:48.740 -> 01:45:50.740]: I don't have any money for it though. [01:45:50.740 -> 01:45:54.740]: [MUSIC] [01:45:54.740 -> 01:46:04.740]: >> [MUSIC] [01:46:04.740 -> 01:46:14.740]: >> [MUSIC] [01:46:14.740 -> 01:46:33.740]: >> Dreams again? [01:46:33.740 -> 01:46:43.740]: >> [MUSIC] [01:46:43.740 -> 01:46:53.740]: [MUSIC] [01:46:53.740 -> 01:47:03.740]: [MUSIC] [01:47:03.740 -> 01:47:13.740]: [MUSIC] [01:47:13.740 -> 01:47:23.740]: [MUSIC] [01:47:23.740 -> 01:47:33.740]: [MUSIC] [01:47:33.740 -> 01:47:43.740]: >> [MUSIC] [01:47:43.740 -> 01:47:53.740]: [MUSIC] [01:47:53.740 -> 01:48:03.740]: [MUSIC] [01:48:03.740 -> 01:48:13.740]: [MUSIC] [01:48:13.740 -> 01:48:23.740]: [MUSIC] [01:48:41.740 -> 01:48:44.720]: >> I think I'm gonna get off here, guys. [01:48:44.720 -> 01:48:52.700]: [MUSIC] [01:48:52.700 -> 01:48:53.700]: All right, guys. [01:48:53.700 -> 01:49:01.700]: [MUSIC] [01:49:01.700 -> 01:49:10.580]: All right, guys, let me back, maybe later than day, I don't know. [01:49:10.580 -> 01:49:18.520]: [BLANK_AUDIO]